提交 986e181d 编写于 作者: D Denghui Dong 提交者: D-D-H

[Backport] 8235356: [TESTBUG] Disable 'producer is alive' check in JFR TestCrossProcessStreaming


Test Plan: jdk/jfr

Reviewed-by: yuleil

Issue: https://github.com/alibaba/dragonwell8/issues/112
上级 a63d4503
......@@ -152,8 +152,9 @@ public class TestCrossProcessStreaming {
// Expected that some portion of events emitted by the producer are delivered
// to the consumer while producer is still alive, at least one event for certain.
Asserts.assertLTE(1, ce.whileProducerAlive.get(),
"Too few events are delivered while producer is alive");
// Assertion below is disabled due to: JDK-8235206
// Asserts.assertLTE(1, ce.whileProducerAlive.get(),
// "Too few events are delivered while producer is alive");
private static long pid;
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