提交 8447db7f 编写于 作者: M mullan

8004234: Downgrade normative references to ${java.home}/lib/security/krb5.conf

Reviewed-by: alanb, weijun
上级 80d662b2
......@@ -43,10 +43,15 @@ questions.
You can provide the name of your default realm and Key Distribution
Center (KDC) host for that realm using the system properties
java.security.krb5.realm and java.security.krb5.kdc. Alternatively, you
can provide an MIT style configuration file called krb5.conf in
<java-home>/lib/security. If you place this file elsewhere, you can
indicate that location via the system property java.security.krb5.conf.<p>
{@code java.security.krb5.realm} and {@code java.security.krb5.kdc}.
Both properties must be set.
Alternatively, the {@code java.security.krb5.conf} system property can
be set to the location of an MIT style {@code krb5.conf} configuration
file. If none of these system properties are set, the {@code krb5.conf}
file is searched for in an implementation-specific manner. Typically,
an implementation will first look for a {@code krb5.conf} file in
{@code <java-home>/lib/security} and failing that, in an OS-specific
<h2>Package Specification</h2>
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