提交 7ce092d9 编写于 作者: M mcimadamore

8016281: The SAM method should be passed to the metafactory as a MethodType not a MethodHandle

8020010: Move lambda bridge creation from metafactory and VM to compiler
Summary: JDK/metafactory component of the bridge fix and and MethodType vs. MethodHandle changes.
Reviewed-by: twisti, briangoetz, forax
Contributed-by: robert.field@oracle.com
上级 b500185e
......@@ -24,24 +24,23 @@
package java.lang.invoke;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.forPrimitiveType;
import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.forWrapperType;
import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.isWrapperType;
* Abstract implementation of a lambda metafactory which provides parameter unrolling and input validation.
* Abstract implementation of a lambda metafactory which provides parameter
* unrolling and input validation.
* @see LambdaMetafactory
/* package */ abstract class AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory {
* For context, the comments for the following fields are marked in quotes with their values, given this program:
* For context, the comments for the following fields are marked in quotes
* with their values, given this program:
* interface II<T> { Object foo(T x); }
* interface JJ<R extends Number> extends II<R> { }
* class CC { String impl(int i) { return "impl:"+i; }}
......@@ -54,9 +53,7 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
final Class<?> targetClass; // The class calling the meta-factory via invokedynamic "class X"
final MethodType invokedType; // The type of the invoked method "(CC)II"
final Class<?> samBase; // The type of the returned instance "interface JJ"
final MethodHandle samMethod; // Raw method handle for the functional interface method
final MethodHandleInfo samInfo; // Info about the SAM method handle "MethodHandleInfo[9 II.foo(Object)Object]"
final Class<?> samClass; // Interface containing the SAM method "interface II"
final String samMethodName; // Name of the SAM method "foo"
final MethodType samMethodType; // Type of the SAM method "(Object)Object"
final MethodHandle implMethod; // Raw method handle for the implementation method
final MethodHandleInfo implInfo; // Info about the implementation method handle "MethodHandleInfo[5 CC.impl(int)String]"
......@@ -67,44 +64,64 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
final MethodType instantiatedMethodType; // Instantiated erased functional interface method type "(Integer)Object"
final boolean isSerializable; // Should the returned instance be serializable
final Class<?>[] markerInterfaces; // Additional marker interfaces to be implemented
final MethodType[] additionalBridges; // Signatures of additional methods to bridge
* Meta-factory constructor.
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context with the accessibility privileges
* of the caller.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the invoked method, which includes the
* expected static type of the returned lambda object, and the static types of the captured
* arguments for the lambda. In the event that the implementation method is an instance method,
* the first argument in the invocation signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param samMethod The primary method in the functional interface to which the lambda or method reference is
* being converted, represented as a method handle.
* @param implMethod The implementation method which should be called (with suitable adaptation of argument
* types, return types, and adjustment for captured arguments) when methods of the resulting
* functional interface instance are invoked.
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional interface method after type variables
* are substituted with their instantiation from the capture site
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context
* with the accessibility privileges of the caller.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the
* invoked method, which includes the expected static
* type of the returned lambda object, and the static
* types of the captured arguments for the lambda. In
* the event that the implementation method is an
* instance method, the first argument in the invocation
* signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param samMethodName Name of the method in the functional interface to
* which the lambda or method reference is being
* converted, represented as a String.
* @param samMethodType Type of the method in the functional interface to
* which the lambda or method reference is being
* converted, represented as a MethodType.
* @param implMethod The implementation method which should be called
* (with suitable adaptation of argument types, return
* types, and adjustment for captured arguments) when
* methods of the resulting functional interface instance
* are invoked.
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional
* interface method after type variables are
* substituted with their instantiation from
* the capture site
* @param isSerializable Should the lambda be made serializable? If set,
* either the target type or one of the additional SAM
* types must extend {@code Serializable}.
* @param markerInterfaces Additional interfaces which the lambda object
* should implement.
* @param additionalBridges Method types for additional signatures to be
* bridged to the implementation method
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol invariants are violated
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol
* invariants are violated
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
MethodType invokedType,
MethodHandle samMethod,
String samMethodName,
MethodType samMethodType,
MethodHandle implMethod,
MethodType instantiatedMethodType,
int flags,
Class<?>[] markerInterfaces)
boolean isSerializable,
Class<?>[] markerInterfaces,
MethodType[] additionalBridges)
throws ReflectiveOperationException, LambdaConversionException {
this.targetClass = caller.lookupClass();
this.invokedType = invokedType;
this.samBase = invokedType.returnType();
this.samMethod = samMethod;
this.samInfo = new MethodHandleInfo(samMethod);
this.samClass = samInfo.getDeclaringClass();
this.samMethodType = samInfo.getMethodType();
this.samMethodName = samMethodName;
this.samMethodType = samMethodType;
this.implMethod = implMethod;
this.implInfo = new MethodHandleInfo(implMethod);
......@@ -118,32 +135,24 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
implKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface;
this.implDefiningClass = implInfo.getDeclaringClass();
this.implMethodType = implInfo.getMethodType();
this.instantiatedMethodType = instantiatedMethodType;
this.isSerializable = isSerializable;
this.markerInterfaces = markerInterfaces;
this.additionalBridges = additionalBridges;
if (!samClass.isInterface()) {
if (!samBase.isInterface()) {
throw new LambdaConversionException(String.format(
"Functional interface %s is not an interface",
boolean foundSerializableSupertype = Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(samBase);
for (Class<?> c : markerInterfaces) {
if (!c.isInterface()) {
throw new LambdaConversionException(String.format(
"Marker interface %s is not an interface",
foundSerializableSupertype |= Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(c);
this.isSerializable = ((flags & LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) != 0)
|| foundSerializableSupertype;
if (isSerializable && !foundSerializableSupertype) {
markerInterfaces = Arrays.copyOf(markerInterfaces, markerInterfaces.length + 1);
markerInterfaces[markerInterfaces.length-1] = Serializable.class;
this.markerInterfaces = markerInterfaces;
......@@ -153,20 +162,14 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
* functional interface
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException
abstract CallSite buildCallSite() throws ReflectiveOperationException, LambdaConversionException;
abstract CallSite buildCallSite()
throws ReflectiveOperationException, LambdaConversionException;
* Check the meta-factory arguments for errors
* @throws LambdaConversionException if there are improper conversions
void validateMetafactoryArgs() throws LambdaConversionException {
// Check target type is a subtype of class where SAM method is defined
if (!samClass.isAssignableFrom(samBase)) {
throw new LambdaConversionException(
String.format("Invalid target type %s for lambda conversion; not a subtype of functional interface %s",
samBase.getName(), samClass.getName()));
switch (implKind) {
case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface:
case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeVirtual:
......@@ -265,9 +268,9 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
* Check type adaptability
* @param fromType
* @param toType
* Check type adaptability for parameter types.
* @param fromType Type to convert from
* @param toType Type to convert to
* @param strict If true, do strict checks, else allow that fromType may be parameterized
* @return True if 'fromType' can be passed to an argument of 'toType'
......@@ -299,15 +302,14 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
} else {
// both are reference types: fromType should be a superclass of toType.
return strict? toType.isAssignableFrom(fromType) : true;
return !strict || toType.isAssignableFrom(fromType);
* Check type adaptability for return types -- special handling of void type) and parameterized fromType
* @param fromType
* @param toType
* Check type adaptability for return types --
* special handling of void type) and parameterized fromType
* @return True if 'fromType' can be converted to 'toType'
private boolean isAdaptableToAsReturn(Class<?> fromType, Class<?> toType) {
......@@ -338,89 +340,4 @@ import static sun.invoke.util.Wrapper.*;
* Find the functional interface method and corresponding abstract methods
* which should be bridged. The functional interface method and those to be
* bridged will have the same name and number of parameters. Check for
* matching default methods (non-abstract), the VM will create bridges for
* default methods; We don't have enough readily available type information
* to distinguish between where the functional interface method should be
* bridged and where the default method should be bridged; This situation is
* flagged.
class MethodAnalyzer {
private final Method[] methods = samBase.getMethods();
private Method samMethod = null;
private final List<Method> methodsToBridge = new ArrayList<>(methods.length);
private boolean conflictFoundBetweenDefaultAndBridge = false;
MethodAnalyzer() {
String samMethodName = samInfo.getName();
Class<?>[] samParamTypes = samMethodType.parameterArray();
int samParamLength = samParamTypes.length;
Class<?> samReturnType = samMethodType.returnType();
Class<?> objectClass = Object.class;
List<Method> defaultMethods = new ArrayList<>(methods.length);
for (Method m : methods) {
if (m.getName().equals(samMethodName) && m.getDeclaringClass() != objectClass) {
Class<?>[] mParamTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (mParamTypes.length == samParamLength) {
// Method matches name and parameter length -- and is not Object
if (Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) {
// Method is abstract
if (m.getReturnType().equals(samReturnType)
&& Arrays.equals(mParamTypes, samParamTypes)) {
// Exact match, this is the SAM method signature
samMethod = m;
} else if (!hasMatchingBridgeSignature(m)) {
// Record bridges, exclude methods with duplicate signatures
} else {
// Record default methods for conflict testing
for (Method dm : defaultMethods) {
if (hasMatchingBridgeSignature(dm)) {
conflictFoundBetweenDefaultAndBridge = true;
Method getSamMethod() {
return samMethod;
List<Method> getMethodsToBridge() {
return methodsToBridge;
boolean conflictFoundBetweenDefaultAndBridge() {
return conflictFoundBetweenDefaultAndBridge;
* Search the list of previously found bridge methods to determine if there is a method with the same signature
* (return and parameter types) as the specified method.
* @param m The method to match
* @return True if the method was found, False otherwise
private boolean hasMatchingBridgeSignature(Method m) {
Class<?>[] ptypes = m.getParameterTypes();
Class<?> rtype = m.getReturnType();
for (Method md : methodsToBridge) {
if (md.getReturnType().equals(rtype) && Arrays.equals(ptypes, md.getParameterTypes())) {
return true;
return false;
......@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
package java.lang.invoke;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
* <p>Bootstrap methods for converting lambda expressions and method references to functional interface objects.</p>
......@@ -44,16 +47,11 @@ package java.lang.invoke;
* <p>When parameterized types are used, the instantiated type of the functional interface method may be different
* from that in the functional interface. For example, consider
* <code>interface I&lt;T&gt; { int m(T x); }</code> if this functional interface type is used in a lambda
* <code>I&lt;Byte&gt; v = ...</code>, we need both the actual functional interface method which has the signature
* <code>(Object)int</code> and the erased instantiated type of the functional interface method (or simply
* {@code interface I<T> { int m(T x); }} if this functional interface type is used in a lambda
* {@code I<Byte>; v = ...}, we need both the actual functional interface method which has the signature
* {@code (Object)int} and the erased instantiated type of the functional interface method (or simply
* <I>instantiated method type</I>), which has signature
* <code>(Byte)int</code>.
* <p>While functional interfaces only have a single abstract method from the language perspective (concrete
* methods in Object are and default methods may be present), at the bytecode level they may actually have multiple
* methods because of the need for bridge methods. Invoking any of these methods on the lambda object will result
* in invoking the implementation method.
* {@code (Byte)int}.
* <p>The argument list of the implementation method and the argument list of the functional interface method(s)
* may differ in several ways. The implementation methods may have additional arguments to accommodate arguments
......@@ -137,108 +135,147 @@ package java.lang.invoke;
* </tr>
* </table>
* The default bootstrap ({@link #metaFactory}) represents the common cases and uses an optimized protocol.
* Alternate bootstraps (e.g., {@link #altMetaFactory}) exist to support uncommon cases such as serialization
* The default bootstrap ({@link #metafactory}) represents the common cases and uses an optimized protocol.
* Alternate bootstraps (e.g., {@link #altMetafactory}) exist to support uncommon cases such as serialization
* or additional marker superinterfaces.
public class LambdaMetafactory {
/** Flag for alternate metafactories indicating the lambda object is must to be serializable */
/** Flag for alternate metafactories indicating the lambda object is
* must to be serializable */
public static final int FLAG_SERIALIZABLE = 1 << 0;
* Flag for alternate metafactories indicating the lambda object implements other marker interfaces
* Flag for alternate metafactories indicating the lambda object implements
* other marker interfaces
* besides Serializable
public static final int FLAG_MARKERS = 1 << 1;
* Flag for alternate metafactories indicating the lambda object requires
* additional bridge methods
public static final int FLAG_BRIDGES = 1 << 2;
private static final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class<?>[0];
private static final MethodType[] EMPTY_MT_ARRAY = new MethodType[0];
* Standard meta-factory for conversion of lambda expressions or method references to functional interfaces.
* Standard meta-factory for conversion of lambda expressions or method
* references to functional interfaces.
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context with the accessibility privileges
* of the caller.
* @param invokedName Stacked automatically by VM; the name of the invoked method as it appears at the call site.
* Currently unused.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the invoked method, which includes the
* expected static type of the returned lambda object, and the static types of the captured
* arguments for the lambda. In the event that the implementation method is an instance method,
* the first argument in the invocation signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param samMethod The primary method in the functional interface to which the lambda or method reference is
* being converted, represented as a method handle.
* @param implMethod The implementation method which should be called (with suitable adaptation of argument
* types, return types, and adjustment for captured arguments) when methods of the resulting
* functional interface instance are invoked.
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional interface method after type variables
* are substituted with their instantiation from the capture site
* @return a CallSite, which, when invoked, will return an instance of the functional interface
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if the caller is not able to reconstruct one of the method handles
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol invariants are violated
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context
* with the accessibility privileges of the caller.
* @param invokedName Stacked automatically by VM; the name of the invoked
* method as it appears at the call site.
* Used as the name of the functional interface method
* to which the lambda or method reference is being
* converted.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the
* invoked method, which includes the expected static
* type of the returned lambda object, and the static
* types of the captured arguments for the lambda.
* In the event that the implementation method is an
* instance method, the first argument in the invocation
* signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param samMethodType MethodType of the method in the functional interface
* to which the lambda or method reference is being
* converted, represented as a MethodType.
* @param implMethod The implementation method which should be called
* (with suitable adaptation of argument types, return
* types, and adjustment for captured arguments) when
* methods of the resulting functional interface instance
* are invoked.
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional
* interface method after type variables
* are substituted with their instantiation
* from the capture site
* @return a CallSite, which, when invoked, will return an instance of the
* functional interface
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if the caller is not able to
* reconstruct one of the method handles
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol
* invariants are violated
public static CallSite metaFactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
public static CallSite metafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
String invokedName,
MethodType invokedType,
MethodHandle samMethod,
MethodType samMethodType,
MethodHandle implMethod,
MethodType instantiatedMethodType)
throws ReflectiveOperationException, LambdaConversionException {
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory mf;
mf = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(caller, invokedType, samMethod, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType,
mf = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(caller, invokedType,
invokedName, samMethodType,
implMethod, instantiatedMethodType,
return mf.buildCallSite();
* Alternate meta-factory for conversion of lambda expressions or method references to functional interfaces,
* which supports serialization and other uncommon options.
* Alternate meta-factory for conversion of lambda expressions or method
* references to functional interfaces, which supports serialization and
* other uncommon options.
* The declared argument list for this method is:
* CallSite altMetaFactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
* CallSite altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
* String invokedName,
* MethodType invokedType,
* Object... args)
* but it behaves as if the argument list is:
* CallSite altMetaFactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
* CallSite altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
* String invokedName,
* MethodType invokedType,
* MethodHandle samMethod
* MethodType samMethodType
* MethodHandle implMethod,
* MethodType instantiatedMethodType,
* int flags,
* int markerInterfaceCount, // IF flags has MARKERS set
* Class... markerInterfaces // IF flags has MARKERS set
* int bridgeCount, // IF flags has BRIDGES set
* MethodType... bridges // IF flags has BRIDGES set
* )
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context with the accessibility privileges
* of the caller.
* @param invokedName Stacked automatically by VM; the name of the invoked method as it appears at the call site.
* Currently unused.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the invoked method, which includes thefu
* expected static type of the returned lambda object, and the static types of the captured
* arguments for the lambda. In the event that the implementation method is an instance method,
* the first argument in the invocation signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param args argument to pass, flags, marker interface count, and marker interfaces as described above
* @return a CallSite, which, when invoked, will return an instance of the functional interface
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if the caller is not able to reconstruct one of the method handles
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol invariants are violated
* @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context
* with the accessibility privileges of the caller.
* @param invokedName Stacked automatically by VM; the name of the invoked
* method as it appears at the call site.
* Used as the name of the functional interface method
* to which the lambda or method reference is being
* converted.
* @param invokedType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the
* invoked method, which includes the expected static
* type of the returned lambda object, and the static
* types of the captured arguments for the lambda.
* In the event that the implementation method is an
* instance method, the first argument in the invocation
* signature will correspond to the receiver.
* @param args flags and optional arguments, as described above
* @return a CallSite, which, when invoked, will return an instance of the
* functional interface
* @throws ReflectiveOperationException if the caller is not able to
* reconstruct one of the method handles
* @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol
* invariants are violated
public static CallSite altMetaFactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
public static CallSite altMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
String invokedName,
MethodType invokedType,
Object... args)
throws ReflectiveOperationException, LambdaConversionException {
MethodHandle samMethod = (MethodHandle)args[0];
MethodType samMethodType = (MethodType)args[0];
MethodHandle implMethod = (MethodHandle)args[1];
MethodType instantiatedMethodType = (MethodType)args[2];
int flags = (Integer) args[3];
Class<?>[] markerInterfaces;
MethodType[] bridges;
int argIndex = 4;
if ((flags & FLAG_MARKERS) != 0) {
int markerCount = (Integer) args[argIndex++];
......@@ -248,9 +285,33 @@ public class LambdaMetafactory {
markerInterfaces = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory mf;
mf = new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(caller, invokedType, samMethod, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType,
flags, markerInterfaces);
if ((flags & FLAG_BRIDGES) != 0) {
int bridgeCount = (Integer) args[argIndex++];
bridges = new MethodType[bridgeCount];
System.arraycopy(args, argIndex, bridges, 0, bridgeCount);
argIndex += bridgeCount;
bridges = EMPTY_MT_ARRAY;
boolean foundSerializableSupertype = Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(invokedType.returnType());
for (Class<?> c : markerInterfaces)
foundSerializableSupertype |= Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(c);
boolean isSerializable = ((flags & LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) != 0)
|| foundSerializableSupertype;
if (isSerializable && !foundSerializableSupertype) {
markerInterfaces = Arrays.copyOf(markerInterfaces, markerInterfaces.length + 1);
markerInterfaces[markerInterfaces.length-1] = Serializable.class;
AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory mf
= new InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(caller, invokedType,
invokedName, samMethodType,
markerInterfaces, bridges);
return mf.buildCallSite();
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
private final String functionalInterfaceClass;
private final String functionalInterfaceMethodName;
private final String functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
private final int functionalInterfaceMethodKind;
private final String implClass;
private final String implMethodName;
private final String implMethodSignature;
......@@ -53,28 +52,32 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
private final Object[] capturedArgs;
* Create a {@code SerializedLambda} from the low-level information present at the lambda factory site.
* Create a {@code SerializedLambda} from the low-level information present
* at the lambda factory site.
* @param capturingClass The class in which the lambda expression appears
* @param functionalInterfaceMethodKind Method handle kind (see {@link MethodHandleInfo}) for the
* functional interface method handle present at the lambda factory site
* @param functionalInterfaceClass Name, in slash-delimited form, for the functional interface class present at the
* lambda factory site
* @param functionalInterfaceMethodName Name of the primary method for the functional interface present at the
* @param functionalInterfaceClass Name, in slash-delimited form, of static
* type of the returned lambda object
* @param functionalInterfaceMethodName Name of the functional interface
* method for the present at the
* lambda factory site
* @param functionalInterfaceMethodSignature Signature of the primary method for the functional interface present
* at the lambda factory site
* @param functionalInterfaceMethodSignature Signature of the functional
* interface method present at
* the lambda factory site
* @param implMethodKind Method handle kind for the implementation method
* @param implClass Name, in slash-delimited form, for the class holding the implementation method
* @param implClass Name, in slash-delimited form, for the class holding
* the implementation method
* @param implMethodName Name of the implementation method
* @param implMethodSignature Signature of the implementation method
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional interface method after type variables
* are substituted with their instantiation from the capture site
* @param capturedArgs The dynamic arguments to the lambda factory site, which represent variables captured by
* @param instantiatedMethodType The signature of the primary functional
* interface method after type variables
* are substituted with their instantiation
* from the capture site
* @param capturedArgs The dynamic arguments to the lambda factory site,
* which represent variables captured by
* the lambda
public SerializedLambda(Class<?> capturingClass,
int functionalInterfaceMethodKind,
String functionalInterfaceClass,
String functionalInterfaceMethodName,
String functionalInterfaceMethodSignature,
......@@ -85,7 +88,6 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
String instantiatedMethodType,
Object[] capturedArgs) {
this.capturingClass = capturingClass;
this.functionalInterfaceMethodKind = functionalInterfaceMethodKind;
this.functionalInterfaceClass = functionalInterfaceClass;
this.functionalInterfaceMethodName = functionalInterfaceMethodName;
this.functionalInterfaceMethodSignature = functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
......@@ -106,10 +108,10 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
* Get the name of the functional interface class to which this
* Get the name of the invoked type to which this
* lambda has been converted
* @return the name of the functional interface this lambda has
* been converted to
* @return the name of the functional interface class to which
* this lambda has been converted
public String getFunctionalInterfaceClass() {
return functionalInterfaceClass;
......@@ -134,17 +136,6 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
return functionalInterfaceMethodSignature;
* Get the method handle kind (see {@link MethodHandleInfo}) of
* the primary method for the functional interface to which this
* lambda has been converted
* @return the method handle kind of the primary method of
* functional interface
public int getFunctionalInterfaceMethodKind() {
return functionalInterfaceMethodKind;
* Get the name of the class containing the implementation
* method.
......@@ -234,11 +225,17 @@ public final class SerializedLambda implements Serializable {
public String toString() {
return String.format("SerializedLambda[capturingClass=%s, functionalInterfaceMethod=%s %s.%s:%s, " +
"implementation=%s %s.%s:%s, instantiatedMethodType=%s, numCaptured=%d]",
capturingClass, MethodHandleInfo.getReferenceKindString(functionalInterfaceMethodKind),
functionalInterfaceClass, functionalInterfaceMethodName, functionalInterfaceMethodSignature,
MethodHandleInfo.getReferenceKindString(implMethodKind), implClass, implMethodName,
implMethodSignature, instantiatedMethodType, capturedArgs.length);
String implKind=MethodHandleInfo.getReferenceKindString(implMethodKind);
return String.format("SerializedLambda[%s=%s, %s=%s.%s:%s, " +
"%s=%s %s.%s:%s, %s=%s, %s=%d]",
"capturingClass", capturingClass,
"functionalInterfaceMethod", functionalInterfaceClass,
implClass, implMethodName, implMethodSignature,
"instantiatedMethodType", instantiatedMethodType,
"numCaptured", capturedArgs.length);
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