提交 4e072e76 编写于 作者: L lana


......@@ -242,3 +242,4 @@ fc4ac66aa657e09de5f8257c3174f240ed0cbaf7 jdk8-b117
28ca338366ff2774ac9002f9f6eaff4101a3ea3b jdk8-b118
e4499a6529e8c3e762ba86f45cdd774c92a8e7bc jdk8-b119
d31cd980e1da31fa496a359caaf1a165aeb5791a jdk8-b120
ce05e132b1370fe8a66ab9373014d12328c591c4 jdk8-b121
......@@ -402,7 +402,8 @@ ifndef OPENJDK
JAVAC_FLAGS := -cp $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes, \
SRC := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_ab/32bit, \
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/32bit))
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/32bit, \
HEADERS := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_headers))
......@@ -410,7 +411,8 @@ ifndef OPENJDK
JAVAC_FLAGS := -cp $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes, \
SRC := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_ab/legacy, \
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/legacy))
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/legacy, \
HEADERS := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_headers))
......@@ -420,7 +422,8 @@ ifndef OPENJDK
JAVAC_FLAGS := -cp $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes, \
SRC := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_ab/64bit, \
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/64bit))
BIN := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes_ab/64bit, \
HEADERS := $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc_headers))
......@@ -308,11 +308,7 @@ When a JAR file is signed multiple times, there are multiple \f3\&.SF\fR and \f3
\fINote:\fR It is also possible for a JAR file to have mixed signatures, some generated by the JDK 1\&.1 by the \f3javakey\fR command and others by \f3jarsigner\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command can be used to sign JAR files that are already signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
The following sections describe the various \f3jarsigner\fR options\&. Be aware of the following standards:
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -443,7 +439,7 @@ If this option is not specified, then \f3SHA256\fR is used\&. There must either
If the \f3-certs\fR option appears on the command line with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR options, then the output includes certificate information for each signer of the JAR file\&. This information includes the name of the type of certificate (stored in the \f3\&.DSA\fR file) that certifies the signer\&'s public key, and if the certificate is an X\&.509 certificate (an instance of the \f3java\&.security\&.cert\&.X509Certificate\fR), then the distinguished name of the signer\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&. If the signer comes from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database instead of from a keystore, then the alias name displays in brackets instead of parentheses\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&.
-certchain \fIfile\fR
......@@ -797,178 +793,6 @@ If you specify the \f3-certs\fR option with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR
If the certificate for a signer is not an X\&.509 certificate, then there is no distinguished name information\&. In that case, just the certificate type and the alias are shown\&. For example, if the certificate is a PGP certificate, and the alias is \f3bob\fR, then you would get: \f3PGP, (bob)\fR\&.
If a JAR file was signed with the JDK 1\&.1 \f3javakey\fR tool, and the signer is an alias in an identity database, then the verification output includes an \f3i\fR\&. If the JAR file was signed by both an alias in an identity database and an alias in a keystore, then both \f3k\fR and \f3i\fR appear\&.
When the \f3-certs\fR option is used, any identity database aliases are shown in brackets rather than the parentheses used for keystore aliases, for example:
\f3 jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-verify \-verbose \-certs writeFile\&.jar\fP
\f3 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST\&.MF\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 smki 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 writeFile\&.html\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane)\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Duke, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us [duke]\fP
\f3 s = signature was verified\fP
\f3 m = entry is listed in manifest\fP
\f3 k = at least one certificate was found in keystore\fP
\f3 i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope\fP
\f3 jar verified\&.\fP
\fINote:\fR The alias \f3duke\fR is in brackets to denote that it is an identity database alias, and not a keystore alias\&.
The \f3keytool\fR and \f3jarsigner\fR tools replace the \f3javakey\fR tool in JDK 1\&.1\&. These new tools provide more features than \f3javakey\fR, including the ability to protect the keystore and private keys with passwords, and the ability to verify signatures in addition to generating them\&.
The new keystore architecture replaces the identity database that \f3javakey\fR created and managed\&. There is no backward compatibility between the keystore format and the database format used by \f3javakey\fR in JDK 1\&.1\&. However, be aware of the following:
.TP 0.2i
It is possible to import the information from an identity database into a keystore through the \f3keytool -identitydb\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can sign JAR files that were signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can verify JAR files signed with \f3javakey\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command recognizes and can work with signer aliases that are from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database rather than a JDK keystore\&.
Unsigned JARs have the default privileges that are granted to all code\&.
Signed JARs have the privilege configurations based on their JDK 1\&.1\&.\fIn\fR identity and policy file status as described\&. Only trusted identities can be imported into the JDK keystore\&.
Default Privileges Granted to All Code
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 and 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Default Privileges and Policy File Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 2 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
All Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs
.TP 0.4i
If an identity or alias is mentioned in the policy file, then it must be imported into the keystore for the policy file to have any effect on privileges granted\&.
.TP 0.4i
The policy file/keystore combination has precedence over a trusted identity in the identity database\&.
.TP 0.4i
Untrusted identities are ignored in the Java platform\&.
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Performs additional checks for Java Native Interface (JNI) functions\&. Specific
Disables interpretation of Java code and compile methods on first invocation\&. By default, the JIT compiler performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. To increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency, use the \f3-Xcomp\fR flag to disable interpreted method invocations\&.
Forces compilation of methods on first invocation\&. By default, the Client VM (\f3-client\fR) performs 1,000 interpreted method invocations and the Server VM (\f3-server\fR) performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. Specifying the \f3-Xcomp\fR option disables interpreted method invocations to increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency\&.
You can also change the number of interpreted method invocations before compilation using the \f3-XX:CompileThreshold\fR option\&.
......@@ -937,11 +937,9 @@ Sets the minimum free space (in bytes) required for compilation\&. Append the le
Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the specific method of the class\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
Specifies a command to perform on a method\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
......@@ -952,12 +950,21 @@ Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the s
Note that you must specify the full class name, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&.
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. To better understand the syntax of the JVM compiler commands, refer to the description of the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option, which enables you to specify the file from which to read compiler commands\&. Notice how the syntax of the command file differs rom the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. To pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you can enclose the argument in quotation marks:
If the method is specified without the signature, the command will be applied to all methods with the specified name\&. However, you can also specify the signature of the method in the class file format\&. In this case, you should enclose the arguments in quotation marks, because otherwise the shell treats the semicolon as command end\&. For example, if you want to exclude only the \f3indexOf(String)\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
......@@ -965,10 +972,10 @@ To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate
For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
You can also use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard for class and method names\&. For example, to exclude all \f3indexOf()\fR methods in all classes from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java\&.lang\&.String::indexOf"\fP
......@@ -976,14 +983,27 @@ For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name
The following commands are available:
The commas and periods are aliases for spaces, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. You can pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR using spaces as separators by enclosing the argument in quotation marks:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
Note that after parsing the commands passed on the command line using the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options, the JIT compiler then reads commands from the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file\&. You can add commands to this file or specify a different file using the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option\&.
To add several commands, either specify the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. The following commands are available:
Set a breakpoint when debugging the JVM to stop at the beginning of compilation of the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&. As an alternative, you can use the \f3-XX:CompileOnly\fR option, which allows to specify several methods\&.
Prevent inlining of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1000,6 +1020,20 @@ Attempt to inline the specified method\&.
Exclude compilation logging (with the \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR option) for all methods except for the specified method\&. By default, logging is performed for all compiled methods\&.
This command can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method in place of the last argument (\fIoption\fR)\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
You can specify multiple compilation options, separated by commas or spaces\&.
Print generated assembler code after compilation of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1018,12 +1052,15 @@ Do not print the compile commands\&. By default, the commands that you specify w
You can suppress this by specifying the \f3-XX:CompileCommand=quiet\fR option before other \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options\&.
Sets the file from which JIT compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JIT compiler\&.
The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1031,16 +1068,25 @@ The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation
For more information about specifying the commands for the JIT compiler to perform on methods, see the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&.
Sets the file from which compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JVM compiler\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used (all three parts are separated by spaces)\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1048,14 +1094,16 @@ Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method n
To add commands to the beginning of the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file, use the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. Note how the syntax of the command file is different from the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. Although it is possible to pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you would have to enclose the string argument in quotation marks\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Although wildcards are not supported, you can specify only the class or package name to compile all methods in that class or package, as well as specify just the method to compile methods with this name in any class:
......@@ -308,11 +308,7 @@ When a JAR file is signed multiple times, there are multiple \f3\&.SF\fR and \f3
\fINote:\fR It is also possible for a JAR file to have mixed signatures, some generated by the JDK 1\&.1 by the \f3javakey\fR command and others by \f3jarsigner\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command can be used to sign JAR files that are already signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
The following sections describe the various \f3jarsigner\fR options\&. Be aware of the following standards:
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -443,7 +439,7 @@ If this option is not specified, then \f3SHA256\fR is used\&. There must either
If the \f3-certs\fR option appears on the command line with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR options, then the output includes certificate information for each signer of the JAR file\&. This information includes the name of the type of certificate (stored in the \f3\&.DSA\fR file) that certifies the signer\&'s public key, and if the certificate is an X\&.509 certificate (an instance of the \f3java\&.security\&.cert\&.X509Certificate\fR), then the distinguished name of the signer\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&. If the signer comes from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database instead of from a keystore, then the alias name displays in brackets instead of parentheses\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&.
-certchain \fIfile\fR
......@@ -797,178 +793,6 @@ If you specify the \f3-certs\fR option with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR
If the certificate for a signer is not an X\&.509 certificate, then there is no distinguished name information\&. In that case, just the certificate type and the alias are shown\&. For example, if the certificate is a PGP certificate, and the alias is \f3bob\fR, then you would get: \f3PGP, (bob)\fR\&.
If a JAR file was signed with the JDK 1\&.1 \f3javakey\fR tool, and the signer is an alias in an identity database, then the verification output includes an \f3i\fR\&. If the JAR file was signed by both an alias in an identity database and an alias in a keystore, then both \f3k\fR and \f3i\fR appear\&.
When the \f3-certs\fR option is used, any identity database aliases are shown in brackets rather than the parentheses used for keystore aliases, for example:
\f3 jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-verify \-verbose \-certs writeFile\&.jar\fP
\f3 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST\&.MF\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 smki 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 writeFile\&.html\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane)\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Duke, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us [duke]\fP
\f3 s = signature was verified\fP
\f3 m = entry is listed in manifest\fP
\f3 k = at least one certificate was found in keystore\fP
\f3 i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope\fP
\f3 jar verified\&.\fP
\fINote:\fR The alias \f3duke\fR is in brackets to denote that it is an identity database alias, and not a keystore alias\&.
The \f3keytool\fR and \f3jarsigner\fR tools replace the \f3javakey\fR tool in JDK 1\&.1\&. These new tools provide more features than \f3javakey\fR, including the ability to protect the keystore and private keys with passwords, and the ability to verify signatures in addition to generating them\&.
The new keystore architecture replaces the identity database that \f3javakey\fR created and managed\&. There is no backward compatibility between the keystore format and the database format used by \f3javakey\fR in JDK 1\&.1\&. However, be aware of the following:
.TP 0.2i
It is possible to import the information from an identity database into a keystore through the \f3keytool -identitydb\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can sign JAR files that were signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can verify JAR files signed with \f3javakey\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command recognizes and can work with signer aliases that are from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database rather than a JDK keystore\&.
Unsigned JARs have the default privileges that are granted to all code\&.
Signed JARs have the privilege configurations based on their JDK 1\&.1\&.\fIn\fR identity and policy file status as described\&. Only trusted identities can be imported into the JDK keystore\&.
Default Privileges Granted to All Code
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 and 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Default Privileges and Policy File Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 2 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
All Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs
.TP 0.4i
If an identity or alias is mentioned in the policy file, then it must be imported into the keystore for the policy file to have any effect on privileges granted\&.
.TP 0.4i
The policy file/keystore combination has precedence over a trusted identity in the identity database\&.
.TP 0.4i
Untrusted identities are ignored in the Java platform\&.
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Performs additional checks for Java Native Interface (JNI) functions\&. Specific
Disables interpretation of Java code and compile methods on first invocation\&. By default, the JIT compiler performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. To increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency, use the \f3-Xcomp\fR flag to disable interpreted method invocations\&.
Forces compilation of methods on first invocation\&. By default, the Client VM (\f3-client\fR) performs 1,000 interpreted method invocations and the Server VM (\f3-server\fR) performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. Specifying the \f3-Xcomp\fR option disables interpreted method invocations to increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency\&.
You can also change the number of interpreted method invocations before compilation using the \f3-XX:CompileThreshold\fR option\&.
......@@ -937,11 +937,9 @@ Sets the minimum free space (in bytes) required for compilation\&. Append the le
Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the specific method of the class\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
Specifies a command to perform on a method\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
......@@ -952,12 +950,21 @@ Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the s
Note that you must specify the full class name, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&.
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. To better understand the syntax of the JVM compiler commands, refer to the description of the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option, which enables you to specify the file from which to read compiler commands\&. Notice how the syntax of the command file differs rom the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. To pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you can enclose the argument in quotation marks:
If the method is specified without the signature, the command will be applied to all methods with the specified name\&. However, you can also specify the signature of the method in the class file format\&. In this case, you should enclose the arguments in quotation marks, because otherwise the shell treats the semicolon as command end\&. For example, if you want to exclude only the \f3indexOf(String)\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
......@@ -965,10 +972,10 @@ To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate
For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
You can also use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard for class and method names\&. For example, to exclude all \f3indexOf()\fR methods in all classes from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java\&.lang\&.String::indexOf"\fP
......@@ -976,14 +983,27 @@ For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name
The following commands are available:
The commas and periods are aliases for spaces, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. You can pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR using spaces as separators by enclosing the argument in quotation marks:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
Note that after parsing the commands passed on the command line using the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options, the JIT compiler then reads commands from the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file\&. You can add commands to this file or specify a different file using the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option\&.
To add several commands, either specify the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. The following commands are available:
Set a breakpoint when debugging the JVM to stop at the beginning of compilation of the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&. As an alternative, you can use the \f3-XX:CompileOnly\fR option, which allows to specify several methods\&.
Prevent inlining of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1000,6 +1020,20 @@ Attempt to inline the specified method\&.
Exclude compilation logging (with the \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR option) for all methods except for the specified method\&. By default, logging is performed for all compiled methods\&.
This command can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method in place of the last argument (\fIoption\fR)\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
You can specify multiple compilation options, separated by commas or spaces\&.
Print generated assembler code after compilation of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1018,12 +1052,15 @@ Do not print the compile commands\&. By default, the commands that you specify w
You can suppress this by specifying the \f3-XX:CompileCommand=quiet\fR option before other \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options\&.
Sets the file from which JIT compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JIT compiler\&.
The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1031,16 +1068,25 @@ The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation
For more information about specifying the commands for the JIT compiler to perform on methods, see the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&.
Sets the file from which compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JVM compiler\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used (all three parts are separated by spaces)\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1048,14 +1094,16 @@ Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method n
To add commands to the beginning of the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file, use the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. Note how the syntax of the command file is different from the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. Although it is possible to pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you would have to enclose the string argument in quotation marks\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Although wildcards are not supported, you can specify only the class or package name to compile all methods in that class or package, as well as specify just the method to compile methods with this name in any class:
......@@ -1598,6 +1598,30 @@ search:
// Turn the list of Files into a List and return
theObject = Arrays.asList(files);
// Source data is a URI list. Convert to DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor
// where possible.
} else if (isURIListFormat(format)
&& DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.equals(flavor)) {
try (ByteArrayInputStream str = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
URI uris[] = dragQueryURIs(str, format, localeTransferable);
if (uris == null) {
return null;
List<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (URI uri : uris) {
try {
files.add(new File(uri));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArg) {
// When converting from URIs to less generic files,
// common practice (Wine, SWT) seems to be to
// silently drop the URIs that aren't local files.
theObject = files;
// Target data is a String. Strip terminating NUL bytes. Decode bytes
// into characters. Search-and-replace EOLN.
} else if (String.class.equals(flavor.getRepresentationClass()) &&
......@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ public class XDataTransferer extends DataTransferer {
protected String[] dragQueryFile(byte[] bytes) {
try {
......@@ -252,8 +253,8 @@ public class XDataTransferer extends DataTransferer {
protected URI[] dragQueryURIs(InputStream stream,
byte[] bytes,
long format,
Transferable localeTransferable)
throws IOException {
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ import java.net.URI;
import java.awt.Desktop.Action;
import java.awt.peer.DesktopPeer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -43,6 +46,10 @@ import java.awt.peer.DesktopPeer;
public class XDesktopPeer implements DesktopPeer {
// supportedActions may be changed from native within an init() call
private static final List<Action> supportedActions
= new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Action.OPEN, Action.MAIL, Action.BROWSE));
private static boolean nativeLibraryLoaded = false;
private static boolean initExecuted = false;
......@@ -65,11 +72,11 @@ public class XDesktopPeer implements DesktopPeer {
static boolean isDesktopSupported() {
return nativeLibraryLoaded;
return nativeLibraryLoaded && !supportedActions.isEmpty();
public boolean isSupported(Action type) {
return type != Action.PRINT && type != Action.EDIT;
return supportedActions.contains(type);
public void open(File file) throws IOException {
......@@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ public class XWindow extends XBaseWindow implements X11ComponentPeer {
ColorModel cm = getColorModel();
int pixel = PixelConverter.instance.rgbToPixel(c.getRGB(), cm);
XlibWrapper.XSetWindowBackground(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getContentWindow(), pixel);
XlibWrapper.XClearWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getContentWindow());
finally {
......@@ -308,11 +308,7 @@ When a JAR file is signed multiple times, there are multiple \f3\&.SF\fR and \f3
\fINote:\fR It is also possible for a JAR file to have mixed signatures, some generated by the JDK 1\&.1 by the \f3javakey\fR command and others by \f3jarsigner\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command can be used to sign JAR files that are already signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
The following sections describe the various \f3jarsigner\fR options\&. Be aware of the following standards:
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -443,7 +439,7 @@ If this option is not specified, then \f3SHA256\fR is used\&. There must either
If the \f3-certs\fR option appears on the command line with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR options, then the output includes certificate information for each signer of the JAR file\&. This information includes the name of the type of certificate (stored in the \f3\&.DSA\fR file) that certifies the signer\&'s public key, and if the certificate is an X\&.509 certificate (an instance of the \f3java\&.security\&.cert\&.X509Certificate\fR), then the distinguished name of the signer\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&. If the signer comes from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database instead of from a keystore, then the alias name displays in brackets instead of parentheses\&.
The keystore is also examined\&. If no keystore value is specified on the command line, then the default keystore file (if any) is checked\&. If the public key certificate for a signer matches an entry in the keystore, then the alias name for the keystore entry for that signer is displayed in parentheses\&.
-certchain \fIfile\fR
......@@ -797,178 +793,6 @@ If you specify the \f3-certs\fR option with the \f3-verify\fR and \f3-verbose\fR
If the certificate for a signer is not an X\&.509 certificate, then there is no distinguished name information\&. In that case, just the certificate type and the alias are shown\&. For example, if the certificate is a PGP certificate, and the alias is \f3bob\fR, then you would get: \f3PGP, (bob)\fR\&.
If a JAR file was signed with the JDK 1\&.1 \f3javakey\fR tool, and the signer is an alias in an identity database, then the verification output includes an \f3i\fR\&. If the JAR file was signed by both an alias in an identity database and an alias in a keystore, then both \f3k\fR and \f3i\fR appear\&.
When the \f3-certs\fR option is used, any identity database aliases are shown in brackets rather than the parentheses used for keystore aliases, for example:
\f3 jarsigner \-keystore /working/mystore \-verify \-verbose \-certs writeFile\&.jar\fP
\f3 198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META\-INF/MANIFEST\&.MF\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META\-INF/JANE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 199 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.SF\fP
\f3 1013 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META\-INF/DUKE\&.DSA\fP
\f3 smki 2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 writeFile\&.html\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane)\fP
\f3 X\&.509, CN=Duke, OU=Java Software, O=Oracle, L=cup, S=ca, C=us [duke]\fP
\f3 s = signature was verified\fP
\f3 m = entry is listed in manifest\fP
\f3 k = at least one certificate was found in keystore\fP
\f3 i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope\fP
\f3 jar verified\&.\fP
\fINote:\fR The alias \f3duke\fR is in brackets to denote that it is an identity database alias, and not a keystore alias\&.
The \f3keytool\fR and \f3jarsigner\fR tools replace the \f3javakey\fR tool in JDK 1\&.1\&. These new tools provide more features than \f3javakey\fR, including the ability to protect the keystore and private keys with passwords, and the ability to verify signatures in addition to generating them\&.
The new keystore architecture replaces the identity database that \f3javakey\fR created and managed\&. There is no backward compatibility between the keystore format and the database format used by \f3javakey\fR in JDK 1\&.1\&. However, be aware of the following:
.TP 0.2i
It is possible to import the information from an identity database into a keystore through the \f3keytool -identitydb\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can sign JAR files that were signed with the \f3javakey\fR command\&.
.TP 0.2i
The \f3jarsigner\fR command can verify JAR files signed with \f3javakey\fR\&. The \f3jarsigner\fR command recognizes and can work with signer aliases that are from a JDK 1\&.1 identity database rather than a JDK keystore\&.
Unsigned JARs have the default privileges that are granted to all code\&.
Signed JARs have the privilege configurations based on their JDK 1\&.1\&.\fIn\fR identity and policy file status as described\&. Only trusted identities can be imported into the JDK keystore\&.
Default Privileges Granted to All Code
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: Yes/Untrusted
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 and 3 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Default Privileges and Policy File Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fINo\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 2 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
All Privileges Granted
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fIYes\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fINo\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Identity in 1\&.1 database: \fIYes/Trusted\fR
Trusted identity imported into Java keystore from 1\&.1\&. database: \fINo\fR
Policy file grants privileges to identity/alias: \fIYes\fR
See 1 in Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs\&.
Notes Regarding Privileges of Signed JARs
.TP 0.4i
If an identity or alias is mentioned in the policy file, then it must be imported into the keystore for the policy file to have any effect on privileges granted\&.
.TP 0.4i
The policy file/keystore combination has precedence over a trusted identity in the identity database\&.
.TP 0.4i
Untrusted identities are ignored in the Java platform\&.
.TP 0.2i
......@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Performs additional checks for Java Native Interface (JNI) functions\&. Specific
Disables interpretation of Java code and compile methods on first invocation\&. By default, the JIT compiler performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. To increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency, use the \f3-Xcomp\fR flag to disable interpreted method invocations\&.
Forces compilation of methods on first invocation\&. By default, the Client VM (\f3-client\fR) performs 1,000 interpreted method invocations and the Server VM (\f3-server\fR) performs 10,000 interpreted method invocations to gather information for efficient compilation\&. Specifying the \f3-Xcomp\fR option disables interpreted method invocations to increase compilation performance at the expense of efficiency\&.
You can also change the number of interpreted method invocations before compilation using the \f3-XX:CompileThreshold\fR option\&.
......@@ -937,11 +937,9 @@ Sets the minimum free space (in bytes) required for compilation\&. Append the le
Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the specific method of the class\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
Specifies a command to perform on a method\&. For example, to exclude the \f3indexOf()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
......@@ -952,12 +950,21 @@ Attaches a line to the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file with the command for the s
Note that you must specify the full class name, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&.
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. To better understand the syntax of the JVM compiler commands, refer to the description of the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option, which enables you to specify the file from which to read compiler commands\&. Notice how the syntax of the command file differs rom the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. To pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you can enclose the argument in quotation marks:
If the method is specified without the signature, the command will be applied to all methods with the specified name\&. However, you can also specify the signature of the method in the class file format\&. In this case, you should enclose the arguments in quotation marks, because otherwise the shell treats the semicolon as command end\&. For example, if you want to exclude only the \f3indexOf(String)\fR method of the \f3String\fR class from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
......@@ -965,10 +972,10 @@ To add several commands, either specify this option multiple times, or separate
For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
You can also use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard for class and method names\&. For example, to exclude all \f3indexOf()\fR methods in all classes from being compiled, use the following:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java\&.lang\&.String::indexOf"\fP
......@@ -976,14 +983,27 @@ For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name
The following commands are available:
The commas and periods are aliases for spaces, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. You can pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR using spaces as separators by enclosing the argument in quotation marks:
\f3\-XX:CompileCommand="exclude java/lang/String indexOf"\fP
Note that after parsing the commands passed on the command line using the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options, the JIT compiler then reads commands from the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file\&. You can add commands to this file or specify a different file using the \f3-XX:CompileCommandFile\fR option\&.
To add several commands, either specify the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option multiple times, or separate each argument with the newline separator (\f3\en\fR)\&. The following commands are available:
Set a breakpoint when debugging the JVM to stop at the beginning of compilation of the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&.
Exclude all methods from compilation except for the specified method\&. As an alternative, you can use the \f3-XX:CompileOnly\fR option, which allows to specify several methods\&.
Prevent inlining of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1000,6 +1020,20 @@ Attempt to inline the specified method\&.
Exclude compilation logging (with the \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR option) for all methods except for the specified method\&. By default, logging is performed for all compiled methods\&.
This command can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method in place of the last argument (\fIoption\fR)\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
You can specify multiple compilation options, separated by commas or spaces\&.
Print generated assembler code after compilation of the specified method\&.
......@@ -1018,12 +1052,15 @@ Do not print the compile commands\&. By default, the commands that you specify w
You can suppress this by specifying the \f3-XX:CompileCommand=quiet\fR option before other \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR options\&.
Sets the file from which JIT compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JIT compiler\&.
The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation option to the specified method\&. The compilation option is set at the end, after the method name\&. For example, to enable the \f3BlockLayoutByFrequency\fR option for the \f3append()\fR method of the \f3StringBuffer\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1031,16 +1068,25 @@ The optional last argument (\fIoption\fR) can be used to pass a JIT compilation
For more information about specifying the commands for the JIT compiler to perform on methods, see the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&.
Sets the file from which compiler commands are read\&. By default, the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file is used to store commands performed by the JVM compiler\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method name for which the command is used (all three parts are separated by spaces)\&. For example, this line prints assembly code for the \f3toString()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class:
Note that the full class name is specified, including all packages and subpackages separated by a slash (\f3/\fR)\&. For easier cut and paste operations, it is also possible to use the method name format produced by the \f3-XX:+PrintCompilation\fR and \f3-XX:+LogCompilation\fR options:
\f3print java/lang/String toString\fP
......@@ -1048,14 +1094,16 @@ Each line in the command file represents a command, a class name, and a method n
To add commands to the beginning of the \f3\&.hotspot_compiler\fR file, use the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. Note how the syntax of the command file is different from the syntax of the argument for the \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR option\&. The commas and periods in the argument are aliases for spaces in the command file, making it easier to pass compiler commands through a shell\&. Although it is possible to pass arguments to \f3-XX:CompileCommand\fR with the same syntax as that used in the command file, you would have to enclose the string argument in quotation marks\&.
Sets the list of methods (separated by commas) to which compilation should be restricted\&. Only the specified methods will be compiled\&. Specify each method with the full class name (including the packages and subpackages)\&. For example, to compile only the \f3length()\fR method of the \f3String\fR class and the \f3size()\fR method of the \f3List\fR class, use the following:
Although wildcards are not supported, you can specify only the class or package name to compile all methods in that class or package, as well as specify just the method to compile methods with this name in any class:
......@@ -438,10 +438,76 @@ gboolean gtk2_check_version()
#define ADD_SUPPORTED_ACTION(actionStr) \
do { \
jfieldID fld_action = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, cls_action, actionStr, "Ljava/awt/Desktop$Action;"); \
if (!(*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { \
jobject action = (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, cls_action, fld_action); \
(*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, supportedActions, mid_arrayListAdd, action); \
} else { \
(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); \
} \
} while(0);
void update_supported_actions(JNIEnv *env) {
GVfs * (*fp_g_vfs_get_default) (void);
const gchar * const * (*fp_g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes) (GVfs * vfs);
const gchar * const * schemes = NULL;
jclass cls_action = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/awt/Desktop$Action");
jclass cls_xDesktopPeer = (*env)->FindClass(env, "sun/awt/X11/XDesktopPeer");
jfieldID fld_supportedActions = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, cls_xDesktopPeer, "supportedActions", "Ljava/util/List;");
jobject supportedActions = (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, cls_xDesktopPeer, fld_supportedActions);
jclass cls_arrayList = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/util/ArrayList");
jmethodID mid_arrayListAdd = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls_arrayList, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
jmethodID mid_arrayListClear = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls_arrayList, "clear", "()V");
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, supportedActions, mid_arrayListClear);
* gtk_show_uri() documentation says:
* > you need to install gvfs to get support for uri schemes such as http://
* > or ftp://, as only local files are handled by GIO itself.
* So OPEN action was safely added here.
* However, it looks like Solaris 11 have gvfs support only for 32-bit
* applications only by default.
fp_g_vfs_get_default = dl_symbol("g_vfs_get_default");
fp_g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes = dl_symbol("g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes");
if (fp_g_vfs_get_default && fp_g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes) {
GVfs * vfs = fp_g_vfs_get_default();
schemes = vfs ? fp_g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes(vfs) : NULL;
if (schemes) {
int i = 0;
while (schemes[i]) {
if (strcmp(schemes[i], "http") == 0) {
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes\n");
#endif /* INTERNAL_BUILD */
* Functions for awt_Desktop.c
gboolean gtk2_show_uri_load() {
gboolean gtk2_show_uri_load(JNIEnv *env) {
gboolean success = FALSE;
const char *gtk_version = fp_gtk_check_version(2, 14, 0);
......@@ -464,9 +530,12 @@ gboolean gtk2_show_uri_load() {
fprintf(stderr, "dlsym(gtk_show_uri) returned NULL\n");
#endif /* INTERNAL_BUILD */
} else {
success = TRUE;
} else {
#ifdef __solaris__
success = TRUE;
return success;
......@@ -533,7 +602,10 @@ gboolean gtk2_load(JNIEnv *env)
/* GLib */
fp_glib_check_version = dl_symbol("glib_check_version");
fp_glib_check_version = dlsym(gtk2_libhandle, "glib_check_version");
if (!fp_glib_check_version) {
fp_g_free = dl_symbol("g_free");
fp_g_object_unref = dl_symbol("g_object_unref");
......@@ -709,7 +781,7 @@ gboolean gtk2_load(JNIEnv *env)
* GLib thread system
if (fp_glib_check_version(2, 20, 0) == NULL) {
if (GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 20, 0)) {
fp_g_thread_get_initialized = dl_symbol_gthread("g_thread_get_initialized");
fp_g_thread_init = dl_symbol_gthread("g_thread_init");
......@@ -827,7 +899,7 @@ gboolean gtk2_load(JNIEnv *env)
// We can use g_thread_get_initialized () but it is available only for
// GLib >= 2.20. We rely on GThreadHelper for GLib < 2.20.
gboolean is_g_thread_get_initialized = FALSE;
if (fp_glib_check_version(2, 20, 0) == NULL) {
if (GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 20, 0)) {
is_g_thread_get_initialized = fp_g_thread_get_initialized();
......@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ typedef enum
/* We define all structure pointers to be void* */
typedef void GError;
typedef void GMainContext;
typedef void GVfs;
typedef struct _GSList GSList;
struct _GSList
......@@ -647,10 +648,19 @@ const char *getStrFor(JNIEnv *env, jstring value);
* Returns :
* NULL if the GLib library is compatible with the given version, or a string
* describing the version mismatch.
* Please note that the glib_check_version() is available since 2.6,
* so you should use GLIB_CHECK_VERSION macro instead.
gchar* (*fp_glib_check_version)(guint required_major, guint required_minor,
guint required_micro);
* Returns :
* TRUE if the GLib library is compatible with the given version
#define GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(major, minor, micro) \
(fp_glib_check_version && fp_glib_check_version(major, minor, micro) == NULL)
* Check whether the gtk2 library is available and meets the minimum
* version requirement. If the library is already loaded this method has no
......@@ -680,7 +690,7 @@ gboolean gtk2_load(JNIEnv *env);
* gtk2_load, so it must be invoked only after a successful gtk2_load
* invocation
gboolean gtk2_show_uri_load();
gboolean gtk2_show_uri_load(JNIEnv *env);
* Unload the gtk2 library. If the library is already unloaded this method has
......@@ -811,7 +821,7 @@ guint (*fp_gtk_main_level)(void);
* This function is available for GLIB > 2.20, so it MUST be
* called within (fp_glib_check_version(2, 20, 0) == NULL) check.
* called within GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 20, 0) check.
gboolean (*fp_g_thread_get_initialized)(void);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_X11_XDesktopPeer_init
return JNI_TRUE;
if (gtk2_load(env) && gtk2_show_uri_load()) {
if (gtk2_load(env) && gtk2_show_uri_load(env)) {
gtk_has_been_loaded = TRUE;
return JNI_TRUE;
} else if (gnome_load()) {
......@@ -53,27 +53,18 @@ static const ADAPTER_INFO badHardware[] = {
// Intel HD
// Clarkdale (Desktop) GMA HD Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x0042, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5394), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0042, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2993), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0042, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Arrandale (Mobile) GMA HD Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x0046, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5394), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0046, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2993), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0046, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Sandy Bridge HD Graphics 3000/2000
{ 0x8086, 0x0102, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0102, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0106, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0106, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0112, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0112, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0116, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0116, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0122, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0122, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0126, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0126, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x010A, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x010A, D_VERSION(9,17,10,3223), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x0102, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x0106, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x0112, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x0116, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x0122, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x0126, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x010A, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Ivy Bridge
{ 0x8086, 0x0162, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5437), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
......@@ -170,33 +161,21 @@ static const ADAPTER_INFO badHardware[] = {
{ 0x8086, 0x2A13, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Eaglelake (Desktop) GMA 4500 Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x2E42, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E42, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E43, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E43, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E92, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E92, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E93, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E93, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E12, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E12, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E13, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E13, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E42, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E43, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E92, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E93, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E12, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E13, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Eaglelake (Desktop) GMA X4500 Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x2E32, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E32, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E33, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E33, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E22, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E22, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E32, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E33, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E22, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Eaglelake (Desktop) GMA X4500HD Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x2E23, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E23, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2E23, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// Cantiga (Mobile) GMA 4500MHD Lines
{ 0x8086, 0x2A42, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2A42, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2A43, D_VERSION(6,14,10,5420), OS_WINXP | OS_WINXP_64 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2A43, D_VERSION(8,15,10,2869), OS_VISTA | OS_WINDOWS7 },
{ 0x8086, 0x2A42, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
{ 0x8086, 0x2A43, NO_VERSION, OS_ALL },
// ATI Mobility Radeon X1600, X1400, X1450, X1300, X1350
// Reason: workaround for 6613066, 6687166
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ public class OpenByUNCPathNameTest {
System.out.println("java.awt.Desktop is not supported on this platform.");
} else {
Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
if (!desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.OPEN)) {
System.out.println("Action.OPEN is not supported on this platform.");
File file = File.createTempFile("Read Me File", ".txt");
try {
// Test opening of the file with Windows local file path.
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
* @test
* @bug 8001472
* @summary Background of the window should not depend from the paint()/update()
* @author Sergey Bylokhov
public final class BackgroundIsNotUpdated extends Window {
public BackgroundIsNotUpdated(final Frame owner) {
public void paint(final Graphics ignored) {
// Intentionally left blank
public void update(final Graphics ignored) {
// Intentionally left blank
public static void main(final String[] args) throws AWTException {
final Window window = new BackgroundIsNotUpdated(null);
window.setSize(300, 300);
final Robot robot = new Robot();
Point point = window.getLocationOnScreen();
Color color = robot.getPixelColor(point.x + window.getWidth() / 2,
point.y + window.getHeight() / 2);
if (!color.equals(Color.GREEN)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Expected: " + Color.GREEN + " , Actual: " + color);
private static void sleep() {
try {
((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).realSync();
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
* Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
public interface InterprocessMessages {
final static int EXECUTION_IS_SUCCESSFULL = 0;
final static int WRONG_FILES_NUMBER_ON_TARGET = 212;
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent;
import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener;
import java.awt.dnd.DragSource;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
class SourceFileListFrame extends Frame implements DragGestureListener {
private final static int SOURCE_POINT_SHIFT = 3;
private List list = new List(URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.VISIBLE_RAWS_IN_LIST);
private File[] files;
SourceFileListFrame() {
super("Source File List Frame");
new DragSource().createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(list,
private void extractFilesFromTheWorkingDirectory() {
files = new File(System.getProperty("java.home", "")).listFiles();
private void initList() {
for (File currFile:files) {
private void initGUI() {
this.add(new Panel().add(list));
int getNextLocationX() {
return getX()+getWidth();
int getNextLocationY() {
return getY();
int getDragSourcePointX() {
return (int)list.getLocationOnScreen().getX()+(list.getWidth()/2);
int getDragSourcePointY() {
return (int)list.getLocationOnScreen().getY()+ SOURCE_POINT_SHIFT;
int getSourceFilesNumber() {
return files.length;
public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dge) {
java.util.List<URI> uriList = Stream.of(list.getItems())
dge.startDrag(null, new URIListTransferable(uriList));
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.dnd.*;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
class TargetFileListFrame extends Frame implements DropTargetListener {
private List list = new List(URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.VISIBLE_RAWS_IN_LIST);
private int expectationTransferredFilesNumber;
TargetFileListFrame(Point location, int expectationTransferredFilesNumber) {
this.expectationTransferredFilesNumber = expectationTransferredFilesNumber;
setDropTarget(new DropTarget(list, DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY, this));
private void initGUI(Point location) {
this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
this.add(new Panel().add(list));
public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) {
if (dtde.getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList().contains(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) {
public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) {
if (dtde.getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList().contains(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) {
public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) {
if (dtde.getCurrentDataFlavorsAsList().contains(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) {
public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent dte) {}
public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) {
java.util.List<File> fileList = extractListOfFiles(dtde);
for (File file:fileList) {
if (fileList.size() != expectationTransferredFilesNumber)
System.err.println("ERROR: Expected file number:"
+ expectationTransferredFilesNumber
+ "; Received file number: "
+ fileList.size());
private java.util.List<File> extractListOfFiles(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) {
java.util.List<File> fileList = null;
try {
fileList = (java.util.List<File>)dtde.getTransferable().getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor);
} catch (UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException e) {
return fileList;
Point getDropTargetPoint() {
return new Point((int)list.getLocationOnScreen().getX()+(list.getWidth()/2),
Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
accompanied this code).
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
@bug 8029565
@summary Conversion of a URI list to File list fails
@author Petr Pchelko <petr.pchelko@oracle.com>
@library ../../regtesthelpers
@library ../../regtesthelpers/process
@build Util
@build ProcessResults ProcessCommunicator
@run applet/othervm URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.html
<title> DnD of File-List across JVM </title>
<h1>URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest<br>Bug ID: 5079469</h1>
<p> This is an AUTOMATIC test, simply wait for completion </p>
<APPLET CODE="URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.class" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
@bug 8029565
@summary Conversion of a URI list to File list fails
@author Petr Pchelko <petr.pchelko@oracle.com>
@library ../../regtesthelpers
@library ../../regtesthelpers/process
@build Util
@build ProcessResults ProcessCommunicator
@run applet/othervm URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.html
* URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest.java
* summary: DnD of File-List across JVM adds two empty items to the list
import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.Util;
import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.process.ProcessCommunicator;
import test.java.awt.regtesthelpers.process.ProcessResults;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import static java.lang.Thread.sleep;
public class URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest extends Applet {
// information related to the test in common
static int VISIBLE_RAWS_IN_LIST=15;
public void init() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
public void start() {
SourceFileListFrame sourceFrame = new SourceFileListFrame();
String [] args = new String [] {
ProcessResults processResults = ProcessCommunicator.executeChildProcess(this.getClass(), args);
private static void verifyTestResults(ProcessResults processResults) {
if ( InterprocessMessages.WRONG_FILES_NUMBER_ON_TARGET == processResults.getExitValue()) {
throw new RuntimeException("TEST IS FAILED: Target has recieved wrong number of files.");
//We cannot make an instance of the applet without the default constructor
public URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest() {
//We need in this constructor to pass frame position between JVMs
public URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest(Point targetFrameLocation,
Point dragSourcePoint,
int transferredFilesNumber) throws InterruptedException
TargetFileListFrame targetFrame = new TargetFileListFrame(targetFrameLocation, transferredFilesNumber);
final Robot robot = Util.createRobot();
Util.drag(robot, dragSourcePoint, targetFrame.getDropTargetPoint(), InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
enum InterprocessArguments {
int extract (String [] args) {
return Integer.parseInt(args[this.ordinal()]);
public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
Point dragSourcePoint = new Point(InterprocessArguments.DRAG_SOURCE_POINT_X_ARGUMENT.extract(args),
Point targetFrameLocation = new Point(InterprocessArguments.TARGET_FRAME_X_POSITION_ARGUMENT.extract(args),
int transferredFilesNumber = InterprocessArguments.FILES_IN_THE_LIST_NUMBER_ARGUMENT.extract(args);
new URIListToFileListBetweenJVMsTest(targetFrameLocation, dragSourcePoint, transferredFilesNumber);
* Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.List;
class URIListTransferable implements Transferable {
private final DataFlavor supportedFlavor;
private List<URI> list;
public URIListTransferable(List<URI> list) {
try {
this.supportedFlavor = new DataFlavor("text/uri-list;class=java.lang.String");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: could not create a DataFlavor");
this.list = list;
public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
return new DataFlavor[] { supportedFlavor };
public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) {
return supportedFlavor.equals(flavor);
public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException {
if (supportedFlavor.equals(flavor)) {
return list.stream()
(builder, uri)-> { builder.append(uri).append("\r\n"); },
throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor);
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