提交 15cc2a49 编写于 作者: E emcmanus

6602310: Extensions to Query API for JMX 2.0

6604768: IN queries require their arguments to be constants
Summary: New JMX query language and support for dotted attributes in queries.
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
上级 7a0daf2b
......@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException;
import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Util;
import com.sun.jmx.remote.util.EnvHelp;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;
* This class contains the methods for performing all the tests needed to verify
......@@ -482,4 +489,33 @@ public class Introspector {
return null;
public static Object elementFromComplex(Object complex, String element)
throws AttributeNotFoundException {
try {
if (complex.getClass().isArray() && element.equals("length")) {
return Array.getLength(complex);
} else if (complex instanceof CompositeData) {
return ((CompositeData) complex).get(element);
} else {
// Java Beans introspection
BeanInfo bi = java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(complex.getClass());
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds)
if (pd.getName().equals(element))
return pd.getReadMethod().invoke(complex);
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(
"Could not find the getter method for the property " +
element + " using the Java Beans introspector");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw EnvHelp.initCause(
new AttributeNotFoundException(e.getMessage()), e);
......@@ -104,4 +104,25 @@ class AndQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
return "(" + exp1 + ") and (" + exp2 + ")";
String toQueryString() {
// Parentheses are only added if needed to disambiguate.
return parens(exp1) + " and " + parens(exp2);
// Add parens if needed to disambiguate an expression such as
// Query.and(Query.or(a, b), c). We need to return
// (a or b) and c
// in such a case, because
// a or b and c
// would mean
// a or (b and c)
private static String parens(QueryExp exp) {
String s = Query.toString(exp);
if (exp instanceof OrQueryExp)
return "(" + s + ")";
return s;
......@@ -26,12 +26,17 @@
package javax.management;
// RI import
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
* Represents attributes used as arguments to relational constraints.
* An <CODE>AttributeValueExp</CODE> may be used anywhere a <CODE>ValueExp</CODE> is required.
* <p>Represents attributes used as arguments to relational constraints.
* Instances of this class are usually obtained using {@link Query#attr(String)
* Query.attr}.</p>
* <p>An <CODE>AttributeValueExp</CODE> may be used anywhere a
* <CODE>ValueExp</CODE> is required.
* @since 1.5
......@@ -46,6 +51,8 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
private String attr;
private transient int dotIndex;
* An <code>AttributeValueExp</code> with a null attribute.
* @deprecated An instance created with this constructor cannot be
......@@ -64,6 +71,18 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
public AttributeValueExp(String attr) {
this.attr = attr;
private void setDotIndex() {
if (attr != null)
dotIndex = attr.indexOf('.');
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
......@@ -76,7 +95,13 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
* Applies the <CODE>AttributeValueExp</CODE> on an MBean.
* <p>Applies the <CODE>AttributeValueExp</CODE> on an MBean.
* This method calls {@link #getAttribute getAttribute(name)} and wraps
* the result as a {@code ValueExp}. The value returned by
* {@code getAttribute} must be a {@code Number}, {@code String},
* or {@code Boolean}; otherwise this method throws a
* {@code BadAttributeValueExpException}, which will cause
* the containing query to be false for this {@code name}.</p>
* @param name The name of the MBean on which the <CODE>AttributeValueExp</CODE> will be applied.
......@@ -88,6 +113,7 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
* @exception BadBinaryOpValueExpException
public ValueExp apply(ObjectName name) throws BadStringOperationException, BadBinaryOpValueExpException,
BadAttributeValueExpException, InvalidApplicationException {
Object result = getAttribute(name);
......@@ -106,8 +132,9 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
* Returns the string representing its value.
public String toString() {
return attr;
return QueryParser.quoteId(attr);
......@@ -115,18 +142,38 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
* Sets the MBean server on which the query is to be performed.
* @param s The MBean server on which the query is to be performed.
* @deprecated This method has no effect. The MBean Server used to
* obtain an attribute value is {@link QueryEval#getMBeanServer()}.
/* There is no need for this method, because if a query is being
evaluted an AttributeValueExp can only appear inside a QueryExp,
and that QueryExp will itself have done setMBeanServer. */
public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer s) {
* Return the value of the given attribute in the named MBean.
* <p>Return the value of the given attribute in the named MBean.
* If the attempt to access the attribute generates an exception,
* return null.
* return null.</p>
* <p>Let <em>n</em> be the {@linkplain #getAttributeName attribute
* name}. Then this method proceeds as follows. First it calls
* {@link MBeanServer#getAttribute getAttribute(name, <em>n</em>)}. If that
* generates an {@link AttributeNotFoundException}, and if <em>n</em>
* contains at least one dot ({@code .}), then the method calls {@code
* getAttribute(name, }<em>n</em>{@code .substring(0, }<em>n</em>{@code
* .indexOf('.')))}; in other words it calls {@code getAttribute}
* with the substring of <em>n</em> before the first dot. Then it
* extracts a component from the retrieved value, as described in the <a
* href="monitor/package-summary.html#complex">documentation for the {@code
* monitor} package</a>.</p>
* <p>The MBean Server used is the one returned by {@link
* QueryEval#getMBeanServer()}.</p>
* @param name the name of the MBean whose attribute is to be returned.
......@@ -139,10 +186,34 @@ public class AttributeValueExp implements ValueExp {
MBeanServer server = QueryEval.getMBeanServer();
try {
return server.getAttribute(name, attr);
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
if (dotIndex < 0)
throw e;
String toGet = attr.substring(0, dotIndex);
Object value = server.getAttribute(name, toGet);
return extractElement(value, attr.substring(dotIndex + 1));
} catch (Exception re) {
return null;
private Object extractElement(Object value, String elementWithDots)
throws AttributeNotFoundException {
while (true) {
int dot = elementWithDots.indexOf('.');
String element = (dot < 0) ?
elementWithDots : elementWithDots.substring(0, dot);
value = Introspector.elementFromComplex(value, element);
if (dot < 0)
return value;
elementWithDots = elementWithDots.substring(dot + 1);
......@@ -109,34 +109,25 @@ class BetweenQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
ValueExp val1 = exp1.apply(name);
ValueExp val2 = exp2.apply(name);
ValueExp val3 = exp3.apply(name);
String sval1;
String sval2;
String sval3;
double dval1;
double dval2;
double dval3;
long lval1;
long lval2;
long lval3;
boolean numeric = val1 instanceof NumericValueExp;
if (numeric) {
if (((NumericValueExp)val1).isLong()) {
lval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).longValue();
lval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).longValue();
lval3 = ((NumericValueExp)val3).longValue();
long lval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).longValue();
long lval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).longValue();
long lval3 = ((NumericValueExp)val3).longValue();
return lval2 <= lval1 && lval1 <= lval3;
} else {
dval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).doubleValue();
dval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).doubleValue();
dval3 = ((NumericValueExp)val3).doubleValue();
double dval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).doubleValue();
double dval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).doubleValue();
double dval3 = ((NumericValueExp)val3).doubleValue();
return dval2 <= dval1 && dval1 <= dval3;
} else {
sval1 = ((StringValueExp)val1).toString();
sval2 = ((StringValueExp)val2).toString();
sval3 = ((StringValueExp)val3).toString();
String sval1 = ((StringValueExp)val1).getValue();
String sval2 = ((StringValueExp)val2).getValue();
String sval3 = ((StringValueExp)val3).getValue();
return sval2.compareTo(sval1) <= 0 && sval1.compareTo(sval3) <= 0;
......@@ -148,4 +139,8 @@ class BetweenQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
return "(" + exp1 + ") between (" + exp2 + ") and (" + exp3 + ")";
String toQueryString() {
return exp1 + " between " + exp2 + " and " + exp3;
......@@ -167,12 +167,74 @@ class BinaryOpValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp {
public String toString() {
try {
return exp1 + " " + opString() + " " + exp2;
return parens(exp1, true) + " " + opString() + " " + parens(exp2, false);
} catch (BadBinaryOpValueExpException ex) {
return "invalid expression";
* Add parentheses to the given subexpression if necessary to
* preserve meaning. Suppose this BinaryOpValueExp is
* Query.times(Query.plus(Query.attr("A"), Query.attr("B")), Query.attr("C")).
* Then the original toString() logic would return A + B * C.
* We check precedences in order to return (A + B) * C, which is the
* meaning of the ValueExp.
* We need to add parentheses if the unparenthesized expression would
* be parsed as a different ValueExp from the original.
* We cannot omit parentheses even when mathematically
* the result would be equivalent, because we do not know whether the
* numeric values will be integer or floating-point. Addition and
* multiplication are associative for integers but not always for
* floating-point.
* So the rule is that we omit parentheses if the ValueExp
* is (A op1 B) op2 C and the precedence of op1 is greater than or
* equal to that of op2; or if the ValueExp is A op1 (B op2 C) and
* the precedence of op2 is greater than that of op1. (There are two
* precedences: that of * and / is greater than that of + and -.)
* The case of (A op1 B) op2 (C op3 D) applies each rule in turn.
* The following examples show the rules in action. On the left,
* the original ValueExp. On the right, the string representation.
* (A + B) + C A + B + C
* (A * B) + C A * B + C
* (A + B) * C (A + B) * C
* (A * B) * C A * B * C
* A + (B + C) A + (B + C)
* A + (B * C) A + B * C
* A * (B + C) A * (B + C)
* A * (B * C) A * (B * C)
private String parens(ValueExp subexp, boolean left)
throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException {
boolean omit;
if (subexp instanceof BinaryOpValueExp) {
int subop = ((BinaryOpValueExp) subexp).op;
if (left)
omit = (precedence(subop) >= precedence(op));
omit = (precedence(subop) > precedence(op));
} else
omit = true;
if (omit)
return subexp.toString();
return "(" + subexp + ")";
private int precedence(int xop) throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException {
switch (xop) {
case Query.PLUS: case Query.MINUS: return 0;
case Query.TIMES: case Query.DIV: return 1;
throw new BadBinaryOpValueExpException(this);
private String opString() throws BadBinaryOpValueExpException {
switch (op) {
case Query.PLUS:
......@@ -188,4 +250,10 @@ class BinaryOpValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp {
throw new BadBinaryOpValueExpException(this);
public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer s) {
......@@ -108,20 +108,12 @@ class BinaryRelQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
BadAttributeValueExpException, InvalidApplicationException {
Object val1 = exp1.apply(name);
Object val2 = exp2.apply(name);
String sval1;
String sval2;
double dval1;
double dval2;
long lval1;
long lval2;
boolean bval1;
boolean bval2;
boolean numeric = val1 instanceof NumericValueExp;
boolean bool = val1 instanceof BooleanValueExp;
if (numeric) {
if (((NumericValueExp)val1).isLong()) {
lval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).longValue();
lval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).longValue();
long lval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).longValue();
long lval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).longValue();
switch (relOp) {
case Query.GT:
......@@ -136,8 +128,8 @@ class BinaryRelQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
return lval1 == lval2;
} else {
dval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).doubleValue();
dval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).doubleValue();
double dval1 = ((NumericValueExp)val1).doubleValue();
double dval2 = ((NumericValueExp)val2).doubleValue();
switch (relOp) {
case Query.GT:
......@@ -155,8 +147,8 @@ class BinaryRelQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
} else if (bool) {
bval1 = ((BooleanValueExp)val1).getValue().booleanValue();
bval2 = ((BooleanValueExp)val2).getValue().booleanValue();
boolean bval1 = ((BooleanValueExp)val1).getValue().booleanValue();
boolean bval2 = ((BooleanValueExp)val2).getValue().booleanValue();
switch (relOp) {
case Query.GT:
......@@ -172,8 +164,8 @@ class BinaryRelQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
} else {
sval1 = ((StringValueExp)val1).getValue();
sval2 = ((StringValueExp)val2).getValue();
String sval1 = ((StringValueExp)val1).getValue();
String sval2 = ((StringValueExp)val2).getValue();
switch (relOp) {
case Query.GT:
......@@ -199,6 +191,11 @@ class BinaryRelQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
return "(" + exp1 + ") " + relOpString() + " (" + exp2 + ")";
String toQueryString() {
return exp1 + " " + relOpString() + " " + exp2;
private String relOpString() {
switch (relOp) {
case Query.GT:
......@@ -84,4 +84,10 @@ class BooleanValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp {
return this;
public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer s) {
......@@ -91,21 +91,23 @@ class InQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
* @exception BadAttributeValueExpException
* @exception InvalidApplicationException
public boolean apply(ObjectName name) throws BadStringOperationException, BadBinaryOpValueExpException,
public boolean apply(ObjectName name)
throws BadStringOperationException, BadBinaryOpValueExpException,
BadAttributeValueExpException, InvalidApplicationException {
if (valueList != null) {
ValueExp v = val.apply(name);
boolean numeric = v instanceof NumericValueExp;
for (int i = 0; i < valueList.length; i++) {
for (ValueExp element : valueList) {
element = element.apply(name);
if (numeric) {
if (((NumericValueExp)valueList[i]).doubleValue() ==
((NumericValueExp)v).doubleValue()) {
if (((NumericValueExp) element).doubleValue() ==
((NumericValueExp) v).doubleValue()) {
return true;
} else {
if (((StringValueExp)valueList[i]).getValue().equals(
((StringValueExp)v).getValue())) {
if (((StringValueExp) element).getValue().equals(
((StringValueExp) v).getValue())) {
return true;
......@@ -113,7 +113,32 @@ class MatchQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
private static String likeTranslate(String s) {
return s.replace('?', '_').replace('*', '%');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int c;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i += Character.charCount(c)) {
c = s.codePointAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '\\':
i += Character.charCount(c);
if (i < s.length()) {
c = s.codePointAt(i);
case '*':
sb.append('%'); break;
case '?':
sb.append('_'); break;
case '%':
sb.append("\\%"); break;
case '_':
sb.append("\\_"); break;
sb.appendCodePoint(c); break;
return sb.toString();
......@@ -86,8 +86,14 @@ class NotQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
* Returns the string representing the object.
public String toString() {
return "not (" + exp + ")";
String toQueryString() {
return "not (" + Query.toString(exp) + ")";
......@@ -151,11 +151,18 @@ class NumericValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp {
* Returns the string representing the object
public String toString() {
if (val == null)
return "null";
if (val instanceof Long || val instanceof Integer)
return String.valueOf(val.longValue());
return Long.toString(val.longValue());
return String.valueOf(val.doubleValue());
double d = val.doubleValue();
if (Double.isInfinite(d))
return (d > 0) ? "(1.0 / 0.0)" : "(-1.0 / 0.0)";
if (Double.isNaN(d))
return "(0.0 / 0.0)";
return Double.toString(d);
......@@ -244,4 +251,10 @@ class NumericValueExp extends QueryEval implements ValueExp {
public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer s) {
......@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ import javax.management.QueryExp;
* @since 1.5
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // don't complain serialVersionUID not constant
public class ObjectName implements Comparable<ObjectName>, QueryExp {
public class ObjectName extends ToQueryString
implements Comparable<ObjectName>, QueryExp {
* A structure recording property structure and
......@@ -1779,10 +1780,16 @@ public class ObjectName implements Comparable<ObjectName>, QueryExp {
* @return a string representation of this object name.
public String toString() {
return getSerializedNameString();
String toQueryString() {
return "LIKE " + Query.value(toString());
* Compares the current object name with another object name. Two
* ObjectName instances are equal if and only if their canonical
......@@ -98,9 +98,29 @@ class OrQueryExp extends QueryEval implements QueryExp {
* Returns a string representation of this AndQueryExp
* Returns a string representation of this OrQueryExp
public String toString() {
return "(" + exp1 + ") or (" + exp2 + ")";
String toQueryString() {
return parens(exp1) + " or " + parens(exp2);
// Add parentheses to avoid possible confusion. If we have an expression
// such as Query.or(Query.and(a, b), c), then we return
// (a and b) or c
// rather than just
// a and b or c
// In fact the precedence rules are such that the parentheses are not
// strictly necessary, but omitting them would be confusing.
private static String parens(QueryExp exp) {
String s = Query.toString(exp);
if (exp instanceof AndQueryExp)
return "(" + s + ")";
return s;
......@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ package javax.management;
* This class represents indexed attributes used as arguments to relational
* constraints. An QualifiedAttributeValueExp may be used anywhere a
* ValueExp is required.
* <p>Represents attributes used as arguments to relational constraints,
* where the attribute must be in an MBean of a specified {@linkplain
* MBeanInfo#getClassName() class}. A QualifiedAttributeValueExp may be used
* anywhere a ValueExp is required.
* @serial include
* @since 1.5
......@@ -48,7 +50,9 @@ class QualifiedAttributeValueExp extends AttributeValueExp {
* Basic Constructor.
* @deprecated see {@link AttributeValueExp#AttributeValueExp()}
public QualifiedAttributeValueExp() {
......@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ class QualifiedAttributeValueExp extends AttributeValueExp {
* @exception BadAttributeValueExpException
* @exception InvalidApplicationException
public ValueExp apply(ObjectName name) throws BadStringOperationException, BadBinaryOpValueExpException,
BadAttributeValueExpException, InvalidApplicationException {
try {
......@@ -105,9 +110,11 @@ class QualifiedAttributeValueExp extends AttributeValueExp {
* Returns the string representing its value
public String toString() {
if (className != null) {
return className + "." + super.toString();
return QueryParser.quoteId(className) + "#" +
} else {
return super.toString();
......@@ -27,19 +27,346 @@ package javax.management;
* <p>Constructs query object constraints. The static methods provided
* return query expressions that may be used in listing and
* enumerating MBeans. Individual constraint construction methods
* allow only appropriate types as arguments. Composition of calls can
* construct arbitrary nestings of constraints, as the following
* example illustrates:</p>
* <p>Constructs query object constraints.</p>
* <p>The MBean Server can be queried for MBeans that meet a particular
* condition, using its {@link MBeanServer#queryNames queryNames} or
* {@link MBeanServer#queryMBeans queryMBeans} method. The {@link QueryExp}
* parameter to the method can be any implementation of the interface
* {@code QueryExp}, but it is usually best to obtain the {@code QueryExp}
* value by calling the static methods in this class. This is particularly
* true when querying a remote MBean Server: a custom implementation of the
* {@code QueryExp} interface might not be present in the remote MBean Server,
* but the methods in this class return only standard classes that are
* part of the JMX implementation.</p>
* <p>There are two ways to create {@code QueryExp} objects using the methods
* in this class. The first is to build them by chaining together calls to
* the various methods. The second is to use the Query Language described
* <a href="#ql">below</a> and produce the {@code QueryExp} by calling
* {@link #fromString Query.fromString}. The two ways are equivalent:
* every {@code QueryExp} returned by {@code fromString} can also be
* constructed by chaining method calls.</p>
* <p>As an example, suppose you wanted to find all MBeans where the {@code
* Enabled} attribute is {@code true} and the {@code Owner} attribute is {@code
* "Duke"}. Here is how you could construct the appropriate {@code QueryExp} by
* chaining together method calls:</p>
* <pre>
* QueryExp query =
* Query.and(Query.eq(Query.attr("Enabled"), Query.value(true)),
* Query.eq(Query.attr("Owner"), Query.value("Duke")));
* </pre>
* <p>Here is how you could construct the same {@code QueryExp} using the
* Query Language:</p>
* <pre>
* QueryExp exp = Query.and(Query.gt(Query.attr("age"),Query.value(5)),
* Query.match(Query.attr("name"),
* Query.value("Smith")));
* QueryExp query = Query.fromString("Enabled = true and Owner = 'Duke'");
* </pre>
* <p>The principal advantage of the method-chaining approach is that the
* compiler will check that the query makes sense. The principal advantage
* of the Query Language approach is that it is easier to write and especially
* read.</p>
* <h4 id="ql">Query Language</h4>
* <p>The query language is closely modeled on the WHERE clause of
* SQL SELECT statements. The formal specification of the language
* appears <a href="#formal-ql">below</a>, but it is probably easier to
* understand it with examples such as the following.</p>
* <dl>
* <dt>{@code Message = 'OK'}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Message} attribute whose value
* is the string {@code OK}.
* <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent < 10}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code FreeSpacePercent} attribute whose
* value is a number less than 10.
* <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent < 10 and WarningSent = false}
* <dd>Selects the same MBeans as the previous example, but they must
* also have a boolean attribute {@code WarningSent} whose value
* is false.
* <dt>{@code SpaceUsed > TotalSpace * (2.0 / 3.0)}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have {@code SpaceUsed} and {@code TotalSpace}
* attributes where the first is more than two-thirds the second.
* <dt>{@code not (FreeSpacePercent between 10 and 90)}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code FreeSpacePercent} attribute whose
* value is not between 10 and 90, inclusive.
* <dt>{@code FreeSpacePercent not between 10 and 90}
* <dd>Another way of writing the previous query.
* <dt>{@code Status in ('STOPPED', 'STARTING', 'STARTED')}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Status} attribute whose value
* is one of those three strings.
* <dt>{@code Message like 'OK: %'}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that have a {@code Message} attribute whose value
* is a string beginning with {@code "OK: "}. <b>Notice that the
* wildcard characters are SQL's ones.</b> In the query language,
* {@code %} means "any sequence of characters" and {@code _}
* means "any single character". In the rest of the JMX API, these
* correspond to {@code *} and {@code %} respectively.
* <dt>{@code instanceof 'javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster'}
* <dd>Selects MBeans that are instances of
* {@link javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster}, as reported by
* {@link javax.management.MBeanServer#isInstanceOf MBeanServer.isInstanceOf}.
* <dt>{@code like 'mydomain:*'}
* <dd>Selects MBeans whose {@link ObjectName}s have the domain {@code mydomain}.
* </dl>
* <p>The last two examples do not correspond to valid SQL syntax, but all
* the others do.</p>
* <p>The remainder of this description is a formal specification of the
* query language.</p>
* <h4 id="formal-ql">Lexical elements</h4>
* <p>Keywords such as <b>and</b>, <b>like</b>, and <b>between</b> are not
* case sensitive. You can write <b>between</b>, <b>BETWEEN</b>, or
* <b>BeTwEeN</b> with the same effect.</p>
* <p>On the other hand, attribute names <i>are</i> case sensitive. The
* attribute {@code Name} is not the same as the attribute {@code name}.</p>
* <p>To access an attribute whose name, ignoring case, is the same as one of
* the keywords {@code not}, {@code instanceof}, {@code like}, {@code true},
* or {@code false}, you can use double quotes, for example {@code "not"}.
* Double quotes can also be used to include non-identifier characters in
* the name of an attribute, for example {@code "attribute-name-with-hyphens"}.
* To include the double quote character in the attribute name, write it
* twice. {@code "foo""bar""baz"} represents the attribute called
* {@code foo"bar"baz}.
* <p>String constants are written with single quotes like {@code 'this'}. A
* single quote within a string constant must be doubled, for example
* {@code 'can''t'}.</p>
* <p>Integer constants are written as a sequence of decimal digits,
* optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. An integer constant must be
* a valid input to {@link Long#valueOf(String)}.</p>
* <p>Floating-point constants are written using the Java syntax. A
* floating-point constant must be a valid input to
* {@link Double#valueOf(String)}.</p>
* <p>A boolean constant is either {@code true} or {@code false}, ignoring
* case.</p>
* <p>Spaces cannot appear inside identifiers (unless written with double
* quotes) or keywords or multi-character tokens such as {@code <=}. Spaces can
* appear anywhere else, but are not required except to separate tokens. For
* example, the query {@code a < b and 5 = c} could also be written {@code a<b
* and 5=c}, but no further spaces can be removed.</p>
* <h4 id="grammar-ql">Grammar</h4>
* <dl>
* <dt id="query">query:
* <dd><a href="#andquery">andquery</a> [<b>OR</b> <a href="#query">query</a>]
* <dt id="andquery">andquery:
* <dd><a href="#predicate">predicate</a> [<b>AND</b> <a href="#andquery">andquery</a>]
* <dt id="predicate">predicate:
* <dd><b>(</b> <a href="#query">query</a> <b>)</b> |<br>
* <b>NOT</b> <a href="#predicate">predicate</a> |<br>
* <b>INSTANCEOF</b> <a href="#stringvalue">stringvalue</a> |<br>
* <b>LIKE</b> <a href="#objectnamepattern">objectnamepattern</a> |<br>
* <a href="#value">value</a> <a href="#predrhs">predrhs</a>
* <dt id="predrhs">predrhs:
* <dd><a href="#compare">compare</a> <a href="#value">value</a> |<br>
* [<b>NOT</b>] <b>BETWEEN</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <b>AND</b>
* <a href="#value">value</a> |<br>
* [<b>NOT</b>] <b>IN (</b> <a href="#value">value</a>
* <a href="#commavalues">commavalues</a> <b>)</b> |<br>
* [<b>NOT</b>] <b>LIKE</b> <a href="#stringvalue">stringvalue</a>
* <dt id="commavalues">commavalues:
* <dd>[ <b>,</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <a href="#commavalues">commavalues</a> ]
* <dt id="compare">compare:
* <dd><b>=</b> | <b>&lt;</b> | <b>&gt;</b> |
* <b>&lt;=</b> | <b>&gt;=</b> | <b>&lt;&gt;</b> | <b>!=</b>
* <dt id="value">value:
* <dd><a href="#factor">factor</a> [<a href="#plusorminus">plusorminus</a>
* <a href="#value">value</a>]
* <dt id="plusorminus">plusorminus:
* <dd><b>+</b> | <b>-</b>
* <dt id="factor">factor:
* <dd><a href="#term">term</a> [<a href="#timesordivide">timesordivide</a>
* <a href="#factor">factor</a>]
* <dt id="timesordivide">timesordivide:
* <dd><b>*</b> | <b>/</b>
* <dt id="term">term:
* <dd><a href="#attr">attr</a> | <a href="#literal">literal</a> |
* <b>(</b> <a href="#value">value</a> <b>)</b>
* <dt id="attr">attr:
* <dd><a href="#name">name</a> [<b>#</b> <a href="#name">name</a>]
* <dt id="name">name:
* <dd><a href="#identifier">identifier</a> [<b>.</b><a href="#name">name</a>]
* <dt id="identifier">identifier:
* <dd><i>Java-identifier</i> | <i>double-quoted-identifier</i>
* <dt id="literal">literal:
* <dd><a href="#booleanlit">booleanlit</a> | <i>longlit</i> |
* <i>doublelit</i> | <i>stringlit</i>
* <dt id="booleanlit">booleanlit:
* <dd><b>FALSE</b> | <b>TRUE</b>
* <dt id="stringvalue">stringvalue:
* <dd><i>stringlit</i>
* <dt id="objectnamepattern">objectnamepattern:
* <dd><i>stringlit</i>
* </dl>
* <h4>Semantics</h4>
* <p>The meaning of the grammar is described in the table below.
* This defines a function <i>q</i> that maps a string to a Java object
* such as a {@link QueryExp} or a {@link ValueExp}.</p>
* <table border="1" cellpadding="5">
* <tr><th>String <i>s</i></th><th><i>q(s)</th></tr>
* <tr><td><i>query1</i> <b>OR</b> <i>query2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#or Query.or}(<i>q(query1)</i>, <i>q(query2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>query1</i> <b>AND</b> <i>query2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#and Query.and}(<i>q(query1)</i>, <i>q(query2)</i>)
* <tr><td><b>(</b> <i>queryOrValue</i> <b>)</b>
* <td><i>q(queryOrValue)</i>
* <tr><td><b>NOT</b> <i>query</i>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}(<i>q(query)</i>)
* <tr><td><b>INSTANCEOF</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link Query#isInstanceOf Query.isInstanceOf}(<!--
* -->{@link Query#value(String) Query.value}(<i>q(stringLiteral)</i>))
* <tr><td><b>LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link ObjectName#ObjectName(String) new ObjectName}(<!--
* --><i>q(stringLiteral)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>=</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#lt Query.lt}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&gt;</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#gt Query.gt}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;=</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#leq Query.leq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&gt;=</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#geq Query.geq}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>&lt;&gt;</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<!--
* --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>))
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>!=</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#eq Query.eq}(<!--
* --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>))
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>BETWEEN</b> <i>value2</i> AND <i>value3</i>
* <td>{@link Query#between Query.between}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
* <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>NOT BETWEEN</b> <i>value2</i> AND <i>value3</i>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#between Query.between}(<!--
* --><i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i>))
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>IN (</b> <i>value2</i>, <i>value3</i> <b>)</b>
* <td>{@link Query#in Query.in}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
* <code>new ValueExp[] {</code>
* <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i><code>}</code>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>NOT IN (</b> <i>value2</i>, <i>value3</i> <b>)</b>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#in Query.in}(<i>q(value1)</i>,
* <code>new ValueExp[] {</code>
* <i>q(value2)</i>, <i>q(value3)</i><code>}</code>))
* <tr><td><i>value</i> <b>LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link Query#match Query.match}(<i>q(value)</i>,
* <i><a href="#translateWildcards">translateWildcards</a>(q(stringLiteral))</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value</i> <b>NOT LIKE</b> <i>stringLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link Query#not Query.not}({@link Query#match Query.match}(<i>q(value)</i>,
* <i><a href="#translateWildcards">translateWildcards</a>(q(stringLiteral))</i>))
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>+</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#plus Query.plus}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>-</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#minus Query.minus}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>*</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#times Query.times}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>value1</i> <b>/</b> <i>value2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#div Query.div}(<i>q(value1)</i>, <i>q(value2)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>name</i>
* <td>{@link Query#attr(String) Query.attr}(<i>q(name)</i>)
* <tr><td><i>name1<b>#</b>name2</i>
* <td>{@link Query#attr(String,String) Query.attr}(<i>q(name1)</i>,
* <i>q(name2)</i>)
* <tr><td><b>FALSE</b>
* <td>{@link Query#value(boolean) Query.value}(false)
* <tr><td><b>TRUE</b>
* <td>{@link Query#value(boolean) Query.value}(true)
* <tr><td><i>decimalLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link Query#value(long) Query.value}(<!--
* -->{@link Long#valueOf(String) Long.valueOf}(<i>decimalLiteral</i>))
* <tr><td><i>floatingPointLiteral</i>
* <td>{@link Query#value(double) Query.value}(<!--
* -->{@link Double#valueOf(String) Double.valueOf}(<!--
* --><i>floatingPointLiteral</i>))
* </table>
* <p id="translateWildcards">Here, <i>translateWildcards</i> is a function
* that translates from the SQL notation for wildcards, using {@code %} and
* {@code _}, to the JMX API notation, using {@code *} and {@code ?}. If the
* <b>LIKE</b> string already contains {@code *} or {@code ?}, these characters
* have their literal meanings, and will be quoted in the call to
* {@link Query#match Query.match}.</p>
* @since 1.5
public class Query extends Object {
......@@ -277,16 +604,12 @@ package javax.management;
* <p>Returns a new attribute expression.</p>
* <p>Evaluating this expression for a given
* <code>objectName</code> includes performing {@link
* MBeanServer#getAttribute MBeanServer.getAttribute(objectName,
* name)}.</p>
* <p>Returns a new attribute expression. See {@link AttributeValueExp}
* for a detailed description of the semantics of the expression.</p>
* @param name The name of the attribute.
* @return An attribute expression for the attribute named name.
* @return An attribute expression for the attribute named {@code name}.
public static AttributeValueExp attr(String name) {
return new AttributeValueExp(name);
......@@ -627,6 +950,63 @@ package javax.management;
return new InstanceOfQueryExp(classNameValue);
* <p>Return a string representation of the given query. The string
* returned by this method can be converted back into an equivalent
* query using {@link #fromString fromString}.</p>
* <p>(Two queries are equivalent if they produce the same result in
* all cases. Equivalent queries are not necessarily identical:
* for example the queries {@code Query.lt(Query.attr("A"), Query.attr("B"))}
* and {@code Query.not(Query.ge(Query.attr("A"), Query.attr("B")))} are
* equivalent but not identical.)</p>
* <p>The string returned by this method is only guaranteed to be converted
* back into an equivalent query if {@code query} was constructed, or
* could have been constructed, using the methods of this class.
* If you make a custom query {@code myQuery} by implementing
* {@link QueryExp} yourself then the result of
* {@code Query.toString(myQuery)} is unspecified.</p>
* @param query the query to convert. If it is null, the result will
* also be null.
* @return the string representation of the query, or null if the
* query is null.
* @since 1.7
public static String toString(QueryExp query) {
if (query == null)
return null;
if (query instanceof ToQueryString)
return ((ToQueryString) query).toQueryString();
return query.toString();
* <p>Produce a query from the given string. The query returned
* by this method can be converted back into a string using
* {@link #toString(QueryExp) toString}. The resultant string will
* not necessarily be equal to {@code s}.</p>
* @param s the string to convert.
* @return a {@code QueryExp} derived by parsing the string, or
* null if the string is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string is not a valid
* query string.
* @since 1.7
public static QueryExp fromString(String s) {
if (s == null)
return null;
return new QueryParser(s).parseQuery();
* Utility method to escape strings used with
* Query.{initial|any|final}SubString() methods.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import javax.management.MBeanServer;
* @since 1.5
public abstract class QueryEval implements Serializable {
public abstract class QueryEval extends ToQueryString implements Serializable {
/* Serial version */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2675899265640874796L;
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import java.io.Serializable;
* <p>Represents relational constraints that can be used in database
* query "where clauses". Instances of QueryExp are returned by the
* static methods of the {@link Query} class.</p>
* <p>Represents relational constraints similar to database query "where
* clauses". Instances of QueryExp are returned by the static methods of the
* {@link Query} class.</p>
* <p>It is possible, but not
* recommended, to create custom queries by implementing this
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import java.io.Serializable;
* QueryEval} class than to implement the interface directly, so that
* the {@link #setMBeanServer} method works correctly.
* @see MBeanServer#queryNames MBeanServer.queryNames
* @since 1.5
public interface QueryExp extends Serializable {
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public class StringValueExp implements ValueExp {
* Returns the string representing the object.
public String toString() {
return "'" + val + "'";
return "'" + val.replace("'", "''") + "'";
* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
package javax.management;
/* QueryExp classes can extend this to get non-default treatment for
* Query.toString(q). We're reluctant to change the public toString()
* methods of the classes because people might be parsing them, even
* though that's rather fragile. But Query.toString(q) has no such
* constraint so it can use the new toQueryString() method defined here.
class ToQueryString {
String toQueryString() {
return toString();
......@@ -27,13 +27,8 @@ package javax.management.monitor;
import static com.sun.jmx.defaults.JmxProperties.MONITOR_LOGGER;
import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.GetPropertyAction;
import com.sun.jmx.remote.util.EnvHelp;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
......@@ -64,7 +59,6 @@ import javax.management.NotificationBroadcasterSupport;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import static javax.management.monitor.MonitorNotification.*;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData;
* Defines the part common to all monitor MBeans.
......@@ -876,44 +870,13 @@ public abstract class Monitor
if (isComplexTypeAttribute) {
Object v = value;
for (String attr : remainingAttributes)
v = introspect(object, attr, v);
v = Introspector.elementFromComplex(v, attr);
return (Comparable<?>) v;
} else {
return (Comparable<?>) value;
Object introspect(ObjectName object,
String attribute,
Object value)
throws AttributeNotFoundException {
try {
if (value.getClass().isArray() && attribute.equals("length")) {
return Array.getLength(value);
} else if (value instanceof CompositeData) {
return ((CompositeData) value).get(attribute);
} else {
// Java Beans introspection
BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(value.getClass());
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds)
if (pd.getName().equals(attribute))
return pd.getReadMethod().invoke(value);
throw new AttributeNotFoundException(
"Could not find the getter method for the property " +
attribute + " using the Java Beans introspector");
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
} catch (AttributeNotFoundException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw EnvHelp.initCause(
new AttributeNotFoundException(e.getMessage()), e);
boolean isComparableTypeValid(ObjectName object,
String attribute,
Comparable<?> value) {
* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
* @test QueryDottedAttrTest
* @bug 6602310
* @summary Test that Query.attr can understand a.b etc.
* @author Eamonn McManus
import java.beans.ConstructorProperties;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.Query;
import javax.management.QueryExp;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.StandardMBean;
public class QueryDottedAttrTest {
public static class Complex {
private final double re, im;
@ConstructorProperties({"real", "imaginary"})
public Complex(double re, double im) {
this.re = re;
this.im = im;
public double getRe() {
return re;
public double getIm() {
return im;
public static interface Intf {
Complex getComplex();
int[] getIntArray();
String[] getStringArray();
public static class Impl implements Intf {
public Complex getComplex() {
return new Complex(1.0, 1.0);
public int[] getIntArray() {
return new int[] {1, 2, 3};
public String[] getStringArray() {
return new String[] {"one", "two", "three"};
public static interface TestMBean extends Intf {}
public static class Test extends Impl implements TestMBean {}
public static interface TestMXBean extends Intf {}
public static class TestMX extends Impl implements TestMXBean {}
public static class AttrWithDot extends StandardMBean {
public <T> AttrWithDot(Object impl, Class<T> intf) {
super(intf.cast(impl), intf, (intf == TestMXBean.class));
public Object getAttribute(String attribute)
throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException {
if (attribute.equals("Complex.re"))
return 2.0;
return super.getAttribute(attribute);
private static final boolean[] booleans = {false, true};
private static final QueryExp[] alwaysTrueQueries = {
Query.eq(Query.attr("IntArray.length"), Query.value(3)),
Query.eq(Query.attr("StringArray.length"), Query.value(3)),
Query.eq(Query.attr("Complex.im"), Query.value(1.0)),
private static final QueryExp[] alwaysFalseQueries = {
Query.eq(Query.attr("IntArray.length"), Query.value("3")),
Query.eq(Query.attr("IntArray.length"), Query.value(2)),
Query.eq(Query.attr("Complex.im"), Query.value(-1.0)),
Query.eq(Query.attr("Complex.xxx"), Query.value(0)),
private static final QueryExp[] attrWithDotTrueQueries = {
Query.eq(Query.attr("Complex.re"), Query.value(2.0)),
private static final QueryExp[] attrWithDotFalseQueries = {
Query.eq(Query.attr("Complex.re"), Query.value(1.0)),
private static String failure;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("a:b=c");
for (boolean attrWithDot : booleans) {
for (boolean mx : booleans) {
String what =
(mx ? "MXBean" : "Standard MBean") +
(attrWithDot ? " having attribute with dot in its name" : "");
System.out.println("Testing " + what);
Class<?> intf = mx ? TestMXBean.class : TestMBean.class;
Object impl = mx ? new TestMX() : new Test();
if (attrWithDot)
impl = new AttrWithDot(impl, intf);
MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer();
mbs.registerMBean(impl, name);
boolean ismx = "true".equals(
if (mx != ismx)
fail("MBean should " + (mx ? "" : "not ") + "be MXBean");
test(mbs, name, alwaysTrueQueries, true);
test(mbs, name, alwaysFalseQueries, false);
test(mbs, name, attrWithDotTrueQueries, attrWithDot);
test(mbs, name, attrWithDotFalseQueries, !attrWithDot);
if (failure != null)
throw new Exception("TEST FAILED: " + failure);
private static void test(
MBeanServer mbs, ObjectName name, QueryExp[] queries, boolean expect)
throws Exception {
for (QueryExp query : queries) {
// Serialize and deserialize the query to ensure that its
// serialization is correct
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream(bout);
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray());
ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(bin);
query = (QueryExp) oin.readObject();
Set<ObjectName> names = mbs.queryNames(null, query);
if (names.isEmpty()) {
if (expect)
fail("Query is false but should be true: " + query);
} else if (names.equals(Collections.singleton(name))) {
if (!expect)
fail("Query is true but should be false: " + query);
} else {
fail("Query returned unexpected set: " + names);
private static void fail(String msg) {
failure = msg;
System.out.println("..." + msg);
......@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
* @run main QueryExpStringTest
// This test is mostly obsolete, since we now have Query.fromString.
// The test includes its own parser, from which Query.fromString was derived.
// The parsers are not identical and the one here is no longer maintained.
import java.util.*;
import javax.management.*;
......@@ -39,6 +43,11 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
private static final ValueExp
attr = Query.attr("attr"),
qattr = Query.attr("className", "attr"),
aa = Query.attr("A"),
bb = Query.attr("B"),
cc = Query.attr("C"),
dd = Query.attr("D"),
zero = Query.value(0),
classattr = Query.classattr(),
simpleString = Query.value("simpleString"),
complexString = Query.value("a'b\\'\""),
......@@ -66,10 +75,14 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
(StringValueExp) simpleString),
initialStar = Query.initialSubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
initialPercent = Query.initialSubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
any = Query.anySubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
(StringValueExp) simpleString),
anyStar = Query.anySubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
anyPercent = Query.anySubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
ffinal = Query.finalSubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
(StringValueExp) simpleString),
finalMagic = Query.finalSubString((AttributeValueExp) attr,
......@@ -77,16 +90,20 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
in = Query.in(intValue, new ValueExp[] {intValue, floatValue}),
and = Query.and(gt, lt),
or = Query.or(gt, lt),
not = Query.not(gt);
not = Query.not(gt),
aPlusB_PlusC = Query.gt(Query.plus(Query.plus(aa, bb), cc), zero),
aPlus_BPlusC = Query.gt(Query.plus(aa, Query.plus(bb, cc)), zero);
// Commented-out tests below require change to implementation
private static final Object tests[] = {
attr, "attr",
qattr, "className.attr",
// qattr, "className.attr",
// Preceding form now appears as className#attr, an incompatible change
// which we don't mind much because nobody uses the two-arg Query.attr.
classattr, "Class",
simpleString, "'simpleString'",
// complexString, "'a\\'b\\\\\\'\"'",
complexString, "'a''b\\\''\"'",
intValue, "12345678",
integerValue, "12345678",
longValue, "12345678",
......@@ -104,16 +121,20 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
eq, "(12345678) = (2.5)",
between, "(12345678) between (2.5) and (2.5)",
match, "attr like 'simpleString'",
// initial, "attr like 'simpleString*'",
// initialStar, "attr like '\\\\**'",
// any, "attr like '*simpleString*'",
// anyStar, "attr like '*\\\\**'",
// ffinal, "attr like '*simpleString'",
// finalMagic, "attr like '*\\\\?\\\\*\\\\[\\\\\\\\'",
initial, "attr like 'simpleString%'",
initialStar, "attr like '\\*%'",
initialPercent, "attr like '\\%%'",
any, "attr like '%simpleString%'",
anyStar, "attr like '%\\*%'",
anyPercent, "attr like '%\\%%'",
ffinal, "attr like '%simpleString'",
finalMagic, "attr like '%\\?\\*\\[\\\\'",
in, "12345678 in (12345678, 2.5)",
and, "((12345678) > (2.5)) and ((12345678) < (2.5))",
or, "((12345678) > (2.5)) or ((12345678) < (2.5))",
not, "not ((12345678) > (2.5))",
aPlusB_PlusC, "(A + B + C) > (0)",
// aPlus_BPlusC, "(A + (B + C)) > (0)",
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
......@@ -185,7 +206,9 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
throw new Exception("Expected types `attr like string': " +
exp + " like " + pat);
return Query.match((AttributeValueExp) exp, (StringValueExp) pat);
StringValueExp spat = (StringValueExp) pat;
spat = Query.value(translateMatch(spat.getValue()));
return Query.match((AttributeValueExp) exp, spat);
if (skip(ss, " in (")) {
......@@ -203,6 +226,28 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
throw new Exception("Expected in or like after expression");
private static String translateMatch(String s) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // logic not correct for wide chars
char c = s.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '\\':
sb.append(c).append(s.charAt(++i)); break;
case '%':
sb.append('*'); break;
case '_':
sb.append('?'); break;
case '*':
sb.append("\\*"); break;
case '?':
sb.append("\\?"); break;
sb.append(c); break;
return sb.toString();
private static QueryExp parseQueryAfterParen(String[] ss)
throws Exception {
/* This is very ugly. We might have "(q1) and (q2)" here, or
......@@ -229,7 +274,7 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
ss[0] = start;
ValueExp lhs = parseExp(ss);
if (!skip(ss, ") "))
throw new Exception("Expected `) ' after subexpression");
throw new Exception("Expected `) ' after subexpression: " + ss[0]);
String op = scanWord(ss);
if (!skip(ss, " ("))
throw new Exception("Expected ` (' after `" + op + "'");
......@@ -258,15 +303,16 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
private static ValueExp parseExp(String[] ss) throws Exception {
final ValueExp prim = parsePrimary(ss);
ValueExp lhs = parsePrimary(ss);
while (true) {
/* Look ahead to see if we have an arithmetic operator. */
String back = ss[0];
if (!skip(ss, " "))
return prim;
return lhs;
if (ss[0].equals("") || "+-*/".indexOf(ss[0].charAt(0)) < 0) {
ss[0] = back;
return prim;
return lhs;
final String op = scanWord(ss);
......@@ -276,15 +322,16 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
throw new Exception("Unknown arithmetic operator: " + op);
if (!skip(ss, " "))
throw new Exception("Expected space after arithmetic operator");
ValueExp rhs = parseExp(ss);
ValueExp rhs = parsePrimary(ss);
switch (op.charAt(0)) {
case '+': return Query.plus(prim, rhs);
case '-': return Query.minus(prim, rhs);
case '*': return Query.times(prim, rhs);
case '/': return Query.div(prim, rhs);
case '+': lhs = Query.plus(lhs, rhs); break;
case '-': lhs = Query.minus(lhs, rhs); break;
case '*': lhs = Query.times(lhs, rhs); break;
case '/': lhs = Query.div(lhs, rhs); break;
default: throw new Exception("Can't happen: " + op.charAt(0));
private static ValueExp parsePrimary(String[] ss) throws Exception {
String s = ss[0];
......@@ -324,14 +371,19 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
private static String scanWord(String[] ss) throws Exception {
String s = ss[0];
int space = s.indexOf(' ');
if (space < 0) {
int rpar = s.indexOf(')');
if (space < 0 && rpar < 0) {
ss[0] = "";
return s;
} else {
String word = s.substring(0, space);
ss[0] = s.substring(space);
return word;
int stop;
if (space >= 0 && rpar >= 0) // string has both space and ), stop at first
stop = Math.min(space, rpar);
else // string has only one, stop at it
stop = Math.max(space, rpar);
String word = s.substring(0, stop);
ss[0] = s.substring(stop);
return word;
private static boolean matchWord(String[] ss, String word)
......@@ -381,13 +433,11 @@ public class QueryExpStringTest {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '\'') {
ss[0] = s.substring(i + 1);
if (i >= len || s.charAt(i) != '\'') {
ss[0] = s.substring(i);
return Query.value(buf.toString());
if (c == '\\') {
if (++i == len)
throw new Exception("\\ at end of string");
c = s.charAt(i);
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