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 * @test
 * @bug 6659990
 * @summary test the immutability of the Date fields in KerberosTicket class.

import java.util.Date;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;

public class KerberosTixDateTest {

    // Serialized KerberosTicket from JDK6 (encoded in BASE64)
    // Note: the KerberosTicket object is created using the same values as
    // the KerberosTicket 't' in main(). Deserialization should succeed
    // and the deserialized object should equal to 't'.
    static String serializedKerberosTix =
"rO0ABXNyACtqYXZheC5zZWN1cml0eS5hdXRoLmtlcmJlcm9zLktlcmJlcm9zVGlja2V0ZqGBbXB3" +
"w7sCAApbAAxhc24xRW5jb2Rpbmd0AAJbQkwACGF1dGhUaW1ldAAQTGphdmEvdXRpbC9EYXRlO0wA" +
"BmNsaWVudHQAMExqYXZheC9zZWN1cml0eS9hdXRoL2tlcmJlcm9zL0tlcmJlcm9zUHJpbmNpcGFs" +
"S2V5dAAmTGphdmF4L3NlY3VyaXR5L2F1dGgva2VyYmVyb3MvS2V5SW1wbDtMAAlzdGFydFRpbWVx" +
"dBkDAAB4cHcIAAAAAAC8YU54c3IALmphdmF4LnNlY3VyaXR5LmF1dGgua2VyYmVyb3MuS2VyYmVy" +
"b3NQcmluY2lwYWyZp31dDx4zKQMAAHhwdXEAfgAIAAAAEzARoAMCAQGhCjAIGwZjbGllbnR1cQB+" +

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        byte[] asn1Bytes = "asn1".getBytes();
        KerberosPrincipal client = new KerberosPrincipal("client");
        KerberosPrincipal server = new KerberosPrincipal("server");
        byte[] keyBytes = "sessionKey".getBytes();
        long originalTime = 12345678L;
        Date inDate = new Date(originalTime);
        boolean[] flags = new boolean[9];
        flags[8] = true; // renewable
        KerberosTicket t = new KerberosTicket(asn1Bytes, client, server,
                keyBytes, 1 /*keyType*/, flags, inDate /*authTime*/,
                inDate /*startTime*/, inDate /*endTime*/,
                inDate /*renewTill*/, null /*clientAddresses*/);
        inDate.setTime(0); // for testing the constructor

        testDateImmutability(t, originalTime);
        testS11nCompatibility(t); // S11n: Serialization

    private static void checkTime(KerberosTicket kt, long timeValue) {
        if (kt.getAuthTime().getTime() != timeValue) {
            throw new RuntimeException("authTime check fails!");
        if (kt.getStartTime().getTime() != timeValue) {
            throw new RuntimeException("startTime check fails!");
        if (kt.getEndTime().getTime() != timeValue) {
            throw new RuntimeException("endTime check fails!");
        if (kt.getRenewTill().getTime() != timeValue) {
            throw new RuntimeException("renewTill check fails!");

    private static void testDateImmutability(KerberosTicket t, long origTime)
        throws Exception {
        // test the constructor
        System.out.println("Testing constructor...");
        checkTime(t, origTime);

        // test the getAuth/Start/EndTime() & getRenewTill() methods
        System.out.println("Testing getAuth/Start/EndTime() & getRenewTill()...");
        checkTime(t, origTime);

        System.out.println("DateImmutability Test Passed");

    private static void checkEqualsAndHashCode(byte[] bytes, KerberosTicket t)
        throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        KerberosTicket deserializedTicket = (KerberosTicket)
                (new ObjectInputStream(bais).readObject());
        if (!deserializedTicket.equals(t)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("equals() check fails!");
        if (deserializedTicket.hashCode() != t.hashCode()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("hashCode() check fails!");

    private static void testS11nCompatibility(KerberosTicket t)
        throws Exception {

        System.out.println("Testing against KerberosTicket from JDK6...");
        byte[] serializedBytes =
            new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(serializedKerberosTix);
        checkEqualsAndHashCode(serializedBytes, t);

        System.out.println("Testing against KerberosTicket from current rel...");
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        new ObjectOutputStream(baos).writeObject(t);
        checkEqualsAndHashCode(baos.toByteArray(), t);

        System.out.println("S11nCompatibility Test Passed");