提交 fa7c6955 编写于 作者: J jmasa


......@@ -262,38 +262,17 @@ CollectionSetChooser::sortMarkedHeapRegions() {
for (int i = 0; i < _numMarkedRegions; i++) {
assert(_markedRegions.at(i) != NULL, "Should be true by sorting!");
if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo > 0) {
if (i == 0) gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Sorted marked regions:");
if (i < G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo ||
(_numMarkedRegions-i) < G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
HeapRegion* hr = _markedRegions.at(i);
size_t u = hr->used();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" Region %d: %d used, %d max live, %5.2f%%.",
i, u, hr->max_live_bytes(),
if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure cl(gclog_or_tty, "Post-Sorting");
for (int i = 0; i < _numMarkedRegions; ++i) {
HeapRegion* r = _markedRegions.at(i);
if (G1PolicyVerbose > 1)
assert(verify(), "should now be sorted");
printHeapRegion(HeapRegion *hr) {
if (hr->isHumongous())
gclog_or_tty->print("H: ");
if (hr->in_collection_set())
gclog_or_tty->print("CS: ");
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Region " PTR_FORMAT " (%s%s) "
"Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "K, garbage: " SIZE_FORMAT "K.",
hr, hr->is_young() ? "Y " : " ",
hr->is_marked()? "M1" : "M0",
hr->bottom(), hr->end(),
hr->used()/K, hr->garbage_bytes()/K);
CollectionSetChooser::addMarkedHeapRegion(HeapRegion* hr) {
......@@ -351,27 +330,9 @@ CollectionSetChooser::clearMarkedHeapRegions(){
CollectionSetChooser::updateAfterFullCollection() {
G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
CollectionSetChooser::printSortedHeapRegions() {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Printing %d Heap Regions sorted by amount of known garbage",
DEBUG_ONLY(int marked_count = 0;)
for (int i = 0; i < _markedRegions.length(); i++) {
HeapRegion* r = _markedRegions.at(i);
if (r != NULL) {
assert(marked_count == _numMarkedRegions, "must be");
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Done sorted heap region print");
void CollectionSetChooser::removeRegion(HeapRegion *hr) {
int si = hr->sort_index();
assert(si == -1 || hr->is_marked(), "Sort index not valid.");
......@@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ public:
void printSortedHeapRegions();
void sortMarkedHeapRegions();
void fillCache();
bool addRegionToCache(void);
......@@ -31,23 +31,31 @@
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSeq.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/space.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"
// Possible sizes for the card counts cache: odd primes that roughly double in size.
// (See jvmtiTagMap.cpp).
int ConcurrentG1Refine::_cc_cache_sizes[] = {
16381, 32771, 76831, 150001, 307261,
614563, 1228891, 2457733, 4915219, 9830479,
19660831, 39321619, 78643219, 157286461, -1
#define MAX_SIZE ((size_t) -1)
size_t ConcurrentG1Refine::_cc_cache_sizes[] = {
16381, 32771, 76831, 150001, 307261,
614563, 1228891, 2457733, 4915219, 9830479,
19660831, 39321619, 78643219, 157286461, MAX_SIZE
ConcurrentG1Refine::ConcurrentG1Refine() :
_card_counts(NULL), _card_epochs(NULL),
_n_card_counts(0), _max_n_card_counts(0),
_n_card_counts(0), _max_cards(0), _max_n_card_counts(0),
_cache_size_index(0), _expand_card_counts(false),
_def_use_cache(false), _use_cache(false),
// We initialize the epochs of the array to 0. By initializing
// _n_periods to 1 and not 0 we automatically invalidate all the
// entries on the array. Otherwise we might accidentally think that
// we claimed a card that was in fact never set (see CR7033292).
_threads(NULL), _n_threads(0)
......@@ -98,27 +106,44 @@ int ConcurrentG1Refine::thread_num() {
void ConcurrentG1Refine::init() {
if (G1ConcRSLogCacheSize > 0) {
_g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
_max_n_card_counts =
(unsigned) (_g1h->max_capacity() >> CardTableModRefBS::card_shift);
size_t max_card_num = ((size_t)1 << (sizeof(unsigned)*BitsPerByte-1)) - 1;
guarantee(_max_n_card_counts < max_card_num, "card_num representation");
_max_cards = _g1h->max_capacity() >> CardTableModRefBS::card_shift;
_max_n_card_counts = _max_cards * G1MaxHotCardCountSizePercent / 100;
int desired = _max_n_card_counts / InitialCacheFraction;
for (_cache_size_index = 0;
_cc_cache_sizes[_cache_size_index] >= 0; _cache_size_index++) {
if (_cc_cache_sizes[_cache_size_index] >= desired) break;
size_t max_card_num = ((size_t)1 << (sizeof(unsigned)*BitsPerByte-1)) - 1;
guarantee(_max_cards < max_card_num, "card_num representation");
// We need _n_card_counts to be less than _max_n_card_counts here
// so that the expansion call (below) actually allocates the
// _counts and _epochs arrays.
assert(_n_card_counts == 0, "pre-condition");
assert(_max_n_card_counts > 0, "pre-condition");
// Find the index into cache size array that is of a size that's
// large enough to hold desired_sz.
size_t desired_sz = _max_cards / InitialCacheFraction;
int desired_sz_index = 0;
while (_cc_cache_sizes[desired_sz_index] < desired_sz) {
desired_sz_index += 1;
assert(desired_sz_index < MAX_CC_CACHE_INDEX, "invariant");
assert(desired_sz_index < MAX_CC_CACHE_INDEX, "invariant");
// If the desired_sz value is between two sizes then
// _cc_cache_sizes[desired_sz_index-1] < desired_sz <= _cc_cache_sizes[desired_sz_index]
// we will start with the lower size in the optimistic expectation that
// we will not need to expand up. Note desired_sz_index could also be 0.
if (desired_sz_index > 0 &&
_cc_cache_sizes[desired_sz_index] > desired_sz) {
desired_sz_index -= 1;
_cache_size_index = MAX2(0, (_cache_size_index - 1));
int initial_size = _cc_cache_sizes[_cache_size_index];
if (initial_size < 0) initial_size = _max_n_card_counts;
// Make sure we don't go bigger than we will ever need
_n_card_counts = MIN2((unsigned) initial_size, _max_n_card_counts);
_card_counts = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardCountCacheEntry, _n_card_counts);
_card_epochs = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardEpochCacheEntry, _n_card_counts);
if (!expand_card_count_cache(desired_sz_index)) {
// Allocation was unsuccessful - exit
vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for card count cache");
assert(_n_card_counts > 0, "post-condition");
assert(_cache_size_index == desired_sz_index, "post-condition");
_n_card_counts * sizeof(CardCountCacheEntry));
......@@ -163,10 +188,13 @@ void ConcurrentG1Refine::reinitialize_threads() {
ConcurrentG1Refine::~ConcurrentG1Refine() {
if (G1ConcRSLogCacheSize > 0) {
// Please see the comment in allocate_card_count_cache
// for why we call os::malloc() and os::free() directly.
assert(_card_counts != NULL, "Logic");
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardCountCacheEntry, _card_counts);
assert(_card_epochs != NULL, "Logic");
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardEpochCacheEntry, _card_epochs);
assert(_hot_cache != NULL, "Logic");
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(jbyte*, _hot_cache);
......@@ -382,29 +410,93 @@ void ConcurrentG1Refine::clean_up_cache(int worker_i,
void ConcurrentG1Refine::expand_card_count_cache() {
// The arrays used to hold the card counts and the epochs must have
// a 1:1 correspondence. Hence they are allocated and freed together
// Returns true if the allocations of both the counts and epochs
// were successful; false otherwise.
bool ConcurrentG1Refine::allocate_card_count_cache(size_t n,
CardCountCacheEntry** counts,
CardEpochCacheEntry** epochs) {
// We call the allocation/free routines directly for the counts
// and epochs arrays. The NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY/FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY
// macros call AllocateHeap and FreeHeap respectively.
// AllocateHeap will call vm_exit_out_of_memory in the event
// of an allocation failure and abort the JVM. With the
// _counts/epochs arrays we only need to abort the JVM if the
// initial allocation of these arrays fails.
// Additionally AllocateHeap/FreeHeap do some tracing of
// allocate/free calls so calling one without calling the
// other can cause inconsistencies in the tracing. So we
// call neither.
assert(*counts == NULL, "out param");
assert(*epochs == NULL, "out param");
size_t counts_size = n * sizeof(CardCountCacheEntry);
size_t epochs_size = n * sizeof(CardEpochCacheEntry);
*counts = (CardCountCacheEntry*) os::malloc(counts_size);
if (*counts == NULL) {
// allocation was unsuccessful
return false;
*epochs = (CardEpochCacheEntry*) os::malloc(epochs_size);
if (*epochs == NULL) {
// allocation was unsuccessful - free counts array
assert(*counts != NULL, "must be");
*counts = NULL;
return false;
// We successfully allocated both counts and epochs
return true;
// Returns true if the card counts/epochs cache was
// successfully expanded; false otherwise.
bool ConcurrentG1Refine::expand_card_count_cache(int cache_size_idx) {
// Can we expand the card count and epoch tables?
if (_n_card_counts < _max_n_card_counts) {
int new_idx = _cache_size_index+1;
int new_size = _cc_cache_sizes[new_idx];
if (new_size < 0) new_size = _max_n_card_counts;
assert(cache_size_idx >= 0 && cache_size_idx < MAX_CC_CACHE_INDEX, "oob");
size_t cache_size = _cc_cache_sizes[cache_size_idx];
// Make sure we don't go bigger than we will ever need
new_size = MIN2((unsigned) new_size, _max_n_card_counts);
// Expand the card count and card epoch tables
if (new_size > (int)_n_card_counts) {
// We can just free and allocate a new array as we're
// not interested in preserving the contents
assert(_card_counts != NULL, "Logic!");
assert(_card_epochs != NULL, "Logic!");
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardCountCacheEntry, _card_counts);
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardEpochCacheEntry, _card_epochs);
_n_card_counts = new_size;
_card_counts = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardCountCacheEntry, _n_card_counts);
_card_epochs = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(CardEpochCacheEntry, _n_card_counts);
_cache_size_index = new_idx;
cache_size = MIN2(cache_size, _max_n_card_counts);
// Should we expand the card count and card epoch tables?
if (cache_size > _n_card_counts) {
// We have been asked to allocate new, larger, arrays for
// the card counts and the epochs. Attempt the allocation
// of both before we free the existing arrays in case
// the allocation is unsuccessful...
CardCountCacheEntry* counts = NULL;
CardEpochCacheEntry* epochs = NULL;
if (allocate_card_count_cache(cache_size, &counts, &epochs)) {
// Allocation was successful.
// We can just free the old arrays; we're
// not interested in preserving the contents
if (_card_counts != NULL) os::free(_card_counts);
if (_card_epochs != NULL) os::free(_card_epochs);
// Cache the size of the arrays and the index that got us there.
_n_card_counts = cache_size;
_cache_size_index = cache_size_idx;
_card_counts = counts;
_card_epochs = epochs;
// We successfully allocated/expanded the caches.
return true;
// We did not successfully expand the caches.
return false;
void ConcurrentG1Refine::clear_and_record_card_counts() {
......@@ -415,10 +507,16 @@ void ConcurrentG1Refine::clear_and_record_card_counts() {
if (_expand_card_counts) {
int new_idx = _cache_size_index + 1;
if (expand_card_count_cache(new_idx)) {
// Allocation was successful and _n_card_counts has
// been updated to the new size. We only need to clear
// the epochs so we don't read a bogus epoch value
// when inserting a card into the hot card cache.
Copy::fill_to_bytes(&_card_epochs[0], _n_card_counts * sizeof(CardEpochCacheEntry));
_expand_card_counts = false;
// Only need to clear the epochs.
Copy::fill_to_bytes(&_card_epochs[0], _n_card_counts * sizeof(CardEpochCacheEntry));
int this_epoch = (int) _n_periods;
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class ConcurrentG1Refine: public CHeapObj {
} CardEpochCacheEntry;
julong make_epoch_entry(unsigned int card_num, unsigned int epoch) {
assert(0 <= card_num && card_num < _max_n_card_counts, "Bounds");
assert(0 <= card_num && card_num < _max_cards, "Bounds");
assert(0 <= epoch && epoch <= _n_periods, "must be");
return ((julong) card_num << card_num_shift) | epoch;
......@@ -117,15 +117,24 @@ class ConcurrentG1Refine: public CHeapObj {
CardEpochCacheEntry* _card_epochs;
// The current number of buckets in the card count cache
unsigned _n_card_counts;
size_t _n_card_counts;
// The max number of buckets required for the number of
// cards for the entire reserved heap
unsigned _max_n_card_counts;
// The number of cards for the entire reserved heap
size_t _max_cards;
// The max number of buckets for the card counts and epochs caches.
// This is the maximum that the counts and epochs will grow to.
// It is specified as a fraction or percentage of _max_cards using
// G1MaxHotCardCountSizePercent.
size_t _max_n_card_counts;
// Possible sizes of the cache: odd primes that roughly double in size.
// (See jvmtiTagMap.cpp).
static int _cc_cache_sizes[];
enum {
MAX_CC_CACHE_INDEX = 15 // maximum index into the cache size array.
static size_t _cc_cache_sizes[MAX_CC_CACHE_INDEX];
// The index in _cc_cache_sizes corresponding to the size of
// _card_counts.
......@@ -147,11 +156,22 @@ class ConcurrentG1Refine: public CHeapObj {
CardTableModRefBS* _ct_bs;
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
// Expands the array that holds the card counts to the next size up
void expand_card_count_cache();
// Helper routine for expand_card_count_cache().
// The arrays used to hold the card counts and the epochs must have
// a 1:1 correspondence. Hence they are allocated and freed together.
// Returns true if the allocations of both the counts and epochs
// were successful; false otherwise.
bool allocate_card_count_cache(size_t n,
CardCountCacheEntry** counts,
CardEpochCacheEntry** epochs);
// Expands the arrays that hold the card counts and epochs
// to the cache size at index. Returns true if the expansion/
// allocation was successful; false otherwise.
bool expand_card_count_cache(int index);
// hash a given key (index of card_ptr) with the specified size
static unsigned int hash(size_t key, int size) {
static unsigned int hash(size_t key, size_t size) {
return (unsigned int) key % size;
......@@ -1204,7 +1204,6 @@ void ConcurrentMark::checkpointRootsFinal(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
class CalcLiveObjectsClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
......@@ -1726,6 +1725,11 @@ void ConcurrentMark::cleanup() {
_total_counting_time += this_final_counting_time;
if (G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo) {
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure cl(gclog_or_tty, "Post-Marking");
// Install newly created mark bitMap as "prev".
......@@ -3199,8 +3203,12 @@ public:
CMTask* task)
: _g1h(g1h), _cm(cm), _task(task)
_ref_processor = g1h->ref_processor();
assert(_ref_processor != NULL, "should not be NULL");
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "should be initialized to NULL");
if (G1UseConcMarkReferenceProcessing) {
_ref_processor = g1h->ref_processor();
assert(_ref_processor != NULL, "should not be NULL");
......@@ -4423,3 +4431,175 @@ CMTask::CMTask(int task_id,
// These are formatting macros that are used below to ensure
// consistent formatting. The *_H_* versions are used to format the
// header for a particular value and they should be kept consistent
// with the corresponding macro. Also note that most of the macros add
// the necessary white space (as a prefix) which makes them a bit
// easier to compose.
// All the output lines are prefixed with this string to be able to
// identify them easily in a large log file.
#define G1PPRL_LINE_PREFIX "###"
#ifdef _LP64
#define G1PPRL_ADDR_BASE_H_FORMAT " %37s"
#else // _LP64
#define G1PPRL_ADDR_BASE_H_FORMAT " %21s"
#endif // _LP64
// For per-region info
#define G1PPRL_TYPE_FORMAT " %-4s"
#define G1PPRL_TYPE_H_FORMAT " %4s"
#define G1PPRL_BYTE_H_FORMAT " %9s"
#define G1PPRL_DOUBLE_FORMAT " %14.1f"
#define G1PPRL_DOUBLE_H_FORMAT " %14s"
// For summary info
#define G1PPRL_SUM_BYTE_FORMAT(tag) " "tag": "SIZE_FORMAT
#define G1PPRL_SUM_MB_FORMAT(tag) " "tag": %1.2f MB"
#define G1PPRL_SUM_MB_PERC_FORMAT(tag) G1PPRL_SUM_MB_FORMAT(tag)" / %1.2f %%"
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure(outputStream* out, const char* phase_name)
: _out(out),
_total_used_bytes(0), _total_capacity_bytes(0),
_total_prev_live_bytes(0), _total_next_live_bytes(0),
_hum_used_bytes(0), _hum_capacity_bytes(0),
_hum_prev_live_bytes(0), _hum_next_live_bytes(0) {
G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
MemRegion g1_committed = g1h->g1_committed();
MemRegion g1_reserved = g1h->g1_reserved();
double now = os::elapsedTime();
// Print the header of the output.
_out->print_cr(G1PPRL_LINE_PREFIX" PHASE %s @ %1.3f", phase_name, now);
_out->print_cr(G1PPRL_LINE_PREFIX" HEAP"
g1_committed.start(), g1_committed.end(),
g1_reserved.start(), g1_reserved.end(),
"type", "address-range",
"used", "prev-live", "next-live", "gc-eff");
// It takes as a parameter a reference to one of the _hum_* fields, it
// deduces the corresponding value for a region in a humongous region
// series (either the region size, or what's left if the _hum_* field
// is < the region size), and updates the _hum_* field accordingly.
size_t G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure::get_hum_bytes(size_t* hum_bytes) {
size_t bytes = 0;
// The > 0 check is to deal with the prev and next live bytes which
// could be 0.
if (*hum_bytes > 0) {
bytes = MIN2((size_t) HeapRegion::GrainBytes, *hum_bytes);
*hum_bytes -= bytes;
return bytes;
// It deduces the values for a region in a humongous region series
// from the _hum_* fields and updates those accordingly. It assumes
// that that _hum_* fields have already been set up from the "starts
// humongous" region and we visit the regions in address order.
void G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure::get_hum_bytes(size_t* used_bytes,
size_t* capacity_bytes,
size_t* prev_live_bytes,
size_t* next_live_bytes) {
assert(_hum_used_bytes > 0 && _hum_capacity_bytes > 0, "pre-condition");
*used_bytes = get_hum_bytes(&_hum_used_bytes);
*capacity_bytes = get_hum_bytes(&_hum_capacity_bytes);
*prev_live_bytes = get_hum_bytes(&_hum_prev_live_bytes);
*next_live_bytes = get_hum_bytes(&_hum_next_live_bytes);
bool G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure::doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r) {
const char* type = "";
HeapWord* bottom = r->bottom();
HeapWord* end = r->end();
size_t capacity_bytes = r->capacity();
size_t used_bytes = r->used();
size_t prev_live_bytes = r->live_bytes();
size_t next_live_bytes = r->next_live_bytes();
double gc_eff = r->gc_efficiency();
if (r->used() == 0) {
type = "FREE";
} else if (r->is_survivor()) {
type = "SURV";
} else if (r->is_young()) {
type = "EDEN";
} else if (r->startsHumongous()) {
type = "HUMS";
assert(_hum_used_bytes == 0 && _hum_capacity_bytes == 0 &&
_hum_prev_live_bytes == 0 && _hum_next_live_bytes == 0,
"they should have been zeroed after the last time we used them");
// Set up the _hum_* fields.
_hum_capacity_bytes = capacity_bytes;
_hum_used_bytes = used_bytes;
_hum_prev_live_bytes = prev_live_bytes;
_hum_next_live_bytes = next_live_bytes;
get_hum_bytes(&used_bytes, &capacity_bytes,
&prev_live_bytes, &next_live_bytes);
end = bottom + HeapRegion::GrainWords;
} else if (r->continuesHumongous()) {
type = "HUMC";
get_hum_bytes(&used_bytes, &capacity_bytes,
&prev_live_bytes, &next_live_bytes);
assert(end == bottom + HeapRegion::GrainWords, "invariant");
} else {
type = "OLD";
_total_used_bytes += used_bytes;
_total_capacity_bytes += capacity_bytes;
_total_prev_live_bytes += prev_live_bytes;
_total_next_live_bytes += next_live_bytes;
// Print a line for this particular region.
type, bottom, end,
used_bytes, prev_live_bytes, next_live_bytes, gc_eff);
return false;
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure::~G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure() {
// Print the footer of the output.
perc(_total_used_bytes, _total_capacity_bytes),
perc(_total_prev_live_bytes, _total_capacity_bytes),
perc(_total_next_live_bytes, _total_capacity_bytes));
......@@ -1149,4 +1149,54 @@ public:
#endif // _MARKING_STATS_
// Class that's used to to print out per-region liveness
// information. It's currently used at the end of marking and also
// after we sort the old regions at the end of the cleanup operation.
class G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
outputStream* _out;
// Accumulators for these values.
size_t _total_used_bytes;
size_t _total_capacity_bytes;
size_t _total_prev_live_bytes;
size_t _total_next_live_bytes;
// These are set up when we come across a "stars humongous" region
// (as this is where most of this information is stored, not in the
// subsequent "continues humongous" regions). After that, for every
// region in a given humongous region series we deduce the right
// values for it by simply subtracting the appropriate amount from
// these fields. All these values should reach 0 after we've visited
// the last region in the series.
size_t _hum_used_bytes;
size_t _hum_capacity_bytes;
size_t _hum_prev_live_bytes;
size_t _hum_next_live_bytes;
static double perc(size_t val, size_t total) {
if (total == 0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return 100.0 * ((double) val / (double) total);
static double bytes_to_mb(size_t val) {
return (double) val / (double) M;
// See the .cpp file.
size_t get_hum_bytes(size_t* hum_bytes);
void get_hum_bytes(size_t* used_bytes, size_t* capacity_bytes,
size_t* prev_live_bytes, size_t* next_live_bytes);
// The header and footer are printed in the constructor and
// destructor respectively.
G1PrintRegionLivenessInfoClosure(outputStream* out, const char* phase_name);
virtual bool doHeapRegion(HeapRegion* r);
* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"
G1CollectedHeap* G1AllocRegion::_g1h = NULL;
HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::_dummy_region = NULL;
void G1AllocRegion::setup(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, HeapRegion* dummy_region) {
assert(_dummy_region == NULL, "should be set once");
assert(dummy_region != NULL, "pre-condition");
assert(dummy_region->free() == 0, "pre-condition");
// Make sure that any allocation attempt on this region will fail
// and will not trigger any asserts.
assert(allocate(dummy_region, 1, false) == NULL, "should fail");
assert(par_allocate(dummy_region, 1, false) == NULL, "should fail");
assert(allocate(dummy_region, 1, true) == NULL, "should fail");
assert(par_allocate(dummy_region, 1, true) == NULL, "should fail");
_g1h = g1h;
_dummy_region = dummy_region;
void G1AllocRegion::fill_up_remaining_space(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
bool bot_updates) {
assert(alloc_region != NULL && alloc_region != _dummy_region,
// Other threads might still be trying to allocate using a CAS out
// of the region we are trying to retire, as they can do so without
// holding the lock. So, we first have to make sure that noone else
// can allocate out of it by doing a maximal allocation. Even if our
// CAS attempt fails a few times, we'll succeed sooner or later
// given that failed CAS attempts mean that the region is getting
// closed to being full.
size_t free_word_size = alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize;
// This is the minimum free chunk we can turn into a dummy
// object. If the free space falls below this, then noone can
// allocate in this region anyway (all allocation requests will be
// of a size larger than this) so we won't have to perform the dummy
// allocation.
size_t min_word_size_to_fill = CollectedHeap::min_fill_size();
while (free_word_size >= min_word_size_to_fill) {
HeapWord* dummy = par_allocate(alloc_region, free_word_size, bot_updates);
if (dummy != NULL) {
// If the allocation was successful we should fill in the space.
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(dummy, free_word_size);
free_word_size = alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize;
// It's also possible that someone else beats us to the
// allocation and they fill up the region. In that case, we can
// just get out of the loop.
assert(alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize < min_word_size_to_fill,
void G1AllocRegion::retire(bool fill_up) {
assert(_alloc_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "not initialized properly"));
HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
if (alloc_region != _dummy_region) {
// We never have to check whether the active region is empty or not,
// and potentially free it if it is, given that it's guaranteed that
// it will never be empty.
ar_ext_msg(this, "the alloc region should never be empty"));
if (fill_up) {
fill_up_remaining_space(alloc_region, _bot_updates);
assert(alloc_region->used() >= _used_bytes_before,
ar_ext_msg(this, "invariant"));
size_t allocated_bytes = alloc_region->used() - _used_bytes_before;
retire_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes);
_used_bytes_before = 0;
_alloc_region = _dummy_region;
HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::new_alloc_region_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
bool force) {
assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
assert(_used_bytes_before == 0, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
trace("attempting region allocation");
HeapRegion* new_alloc_region = allocate_new_region(word_size, force);
if (new_alloc_region != NULL) {
// Need to do this before the allocation
_used_bytes_before = new_alloc_region->used();
HeapWord* result = allocate(new_alloc_region, word_size, _bot_updates);
assert(result != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "the allocation should succeeded"));
// Note that we first perform the allocation and then we store the
// region in _alloc_region. This is the reason why an active region
// can never be empty.
_alloc_region = new_alloc_region;
trace("region allocation successful");
return result;
} else {
trace("region allocation failed");
return NULL;
void G1AllocRegion::fill_in_ext_msg(ar_ext_msg* msg, const char* message) {
msg->append("[%s] %s b: %s r: "PTR_FORMAT" u: "SIZE_FORMAT,
_name, message, BOOL_TO_STR(_bot_updates),
_alloc_region, _used_bytes_before);
void G1AllocRegion::init() {
assert(_alloc_region == NULL && _used_bytes_before == 0,
ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
assert(_dummy_region != NULL, "should have been set");
_alloc_region = _dummy_region;
HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::release() {
HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
retire(false /* fill_up */);
assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region, "post-condition of retire()");
_alloc_region = NULL;
return (alloc_region == _dummy_region) ? NULL : alloc_region;
void G1AllocRegion::trace(const char* str, size_t word_size, HeapWord* result) {
// All the calls to trace that set either just the size or the size
// and the result are considered part of level 2 tracing and are
// skipped during level 1 tracing.
if ((word_size == 0 && result == NULL) || (G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING > 1)) {
const size_t buffer_length = 128;
char hr_buffer[buffer_length];
char rest_buffer[buffer_length];
HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
if (alloc_region == NULL) {
jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length, "NULL");
} else if (alloc_region == _dummy_region) {
jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length, "DUMMY");
} else {
jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length,
if (result != NULL) {
jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, SIZE_FORMAT" "PTR_FORMAT,
word_size, result);
} else if (word_size != 0) {
jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, SIZE_FORMAT, word_size);
} else {
jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, "");
} else {
jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, "");
tty->print_cr("[%s] %s : %s %s", _name, hr_buffer, str, rest_buffer);
G1AllocRegion::G1AllocRegion(const char* name,
bool bot_updates)
: _name(name), _bot_updates(bot_updates),
_alloc_region(NULL), _used_bytes_before(0) { }
* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
class G1CollectedHeap;
// 0 -> no tracing, 1 -> basic tracing, 2 -> basic + allocation tracing
class ar_ext_msg;
// A class that holds a region that is active in satisfying allocation
// requests, potentially issued in parallel. When the active region is
// full it will be retired it replaced with a new one. The
// implementation assumes that fast-path allocations will be lock-free
// and a lock will need to be taken when the active region needs to be
// replaced.
class G1AllocRegion VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
friend class ar_ext_msg;
// The active allocating region we are currently allocating out
// of. The invariant is that if this object is initialized (i.e.,
// init() has been called and release() has not) then _alloc_region
// is either an active allocating region or the dummy region (i.e.,
// it can never be NULL) and this object can be used to satisfy
// allocation requests. If this object is not initialized
// (i.e. init() has not been called or release() has been called)
// then _alloc_region is NULL and this object should not be used to
// satisfy allocation requests (it was done this way to force the
// correct use of init() and release()).
HeapRegion* _alloc_region;
// When we set up a new active region we save its used bytes in this
// field so that, when we retire it, we can calculate how much space
// we allocated in it.
size_t _used_bytes_before;
// Specifies whether the allocate calls will do BOT updates or not.
bool _bot_updates;
// Useful for debugging and tracing.
const char* _name;
// A dummy region (i.e., it's been allocated specially for this
// purpose and it is not part of the heap) that is full (i.e., top()
// == end()). When we don't have a valid active region we make
// _alloc_region point to this. This allows us to skip checking
// whether the _alloc_region is NULL or not.
static HeapRegion* _dummy_region;
// Some of the methods below take a bot_updates parameter. Its value
// should be the same as the _bot_updates field. The idea is that
// the parameter will be a constant for a particular alloc region
// and, given that these methods will be hopefully inlined, the
// compiler should compile out the test.
// Perform a non-MT-safe allocation out of the given region.
static inline HeapWord* allocate(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates);
// Perform a MT-safe allocation out of the given region.
static inline HeapWord* par_allocate(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates);
// Ensure that the region passed as a parameter has been filled up
// so that noone else can allocate out of it any more.
static void fill_up_remaining_space(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
bool bot_updates);
// Retire the active allocating region. If fill_up is true then make
// sure that the region is full before we retire it so that noone
// else can allocate out of it.
void retire(bool fill_up);
// Allocate a new active region and use it to perform a word_size
// allocation. The force parameter will be passed on to
// G1CollectedHeap::allocate_new_alloc_region() and tells it to try
// to allocate a new region even if the max has been reached.
HeapWord* new_alloc_region_and_allocate(size_t word_size, bool force);
void fill_in_ext_msg(ar_ext_msg* msg, const char* message);
// For convenience as subclasses use it.
static G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
virtual HeapRegion* allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, bool force) = 0;
virtual void retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t allocated_bytes) = 0;
G1AllocRegion(const char* name, bool bot_updates);
static void setup(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, HeapRegion* dummy_region);
HeapRegion* get() const {
// Make sure that the dummy region does not escape this class.
return (_alloc_region == _dummy_region) ? NULL : _alloc_region;
// The following two are the building blocks for the allocation method.
// First-level allocation: Should be called without holding a
// lock. It will try to allocate lock-free out of the active region,
// or return NULL if it was unable to.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation(size_t word_size, bool bot_updates);
// Second-level allocation: Should be called while holding a
// lock. It will try to first allocate lock-free out of the active
// region or, if it's unable to, it will try to replace the active
// alloc region with a new one. We require that the caller takes the
// appropriate lock before calling this so that it is easier to make
// it conform to its locking protocol.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation_locked(size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates);
// Should be called to allocate a new region even if the max of this
// type of regions has been reached. Should only be called if other
// allocation attempts have failed and we are not holding a valid
// active region.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation_force(size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates);
// Should be called before we start using this object.
void init();
// Should be called when we want to release the active region which
// is returned after it's been retired.
HeapRegion* release();
void trace(const char* str, size_t word_size = 0, HeapWord* result = NULL);
void trace(const char* str, size_t word_size = 0, HeapWord* result = NULL) { }
class ar_ext_msg : public err_msg {
ar_ext_msg(G1AllocRegion* alloc_region, const char *message) : err_msg("") {
alloc_region->fill_in_ext_msg(this, message);
* Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.hpp"
inline HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::allocate(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates) {
assert(alloc_region != NULL, err_msg("pre-condition"));
if (!bot_updates) {
return alloc_region->allocate_no_bot_updates(word_size);
} else {
return alloc_region->allocate(word_size);
inline HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::par_allocate(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates) {
assert(alloc_region != NULL, err_msg("pre-condition"));
assert(!alloc_region->is_empty(), err_msg("pre-condition"));
if (!bot_updates) {
return alloc_region->par_allocate_no_bot_updates(word_size);
} else {
return alloc_region->par_allocate(word_size);
inline HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::attempt_allocation(size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates) {
assert(bot_updates == _bot_updates, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
assert(alloc_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "not initialized properly"));
HeapWord* result = par_allocate(alloc_region, word_size, bot_updates);
if (result != NULL) {
trace("alloc", word_size, result);
return result;
trace("alloc failed", word_size);
return NULL;
inline HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::attempt_allocation_locked(size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates) {
// First we have to tedo the allocation, assuming we're holding the
// appropriate lock, in case another thread changed the region while
// we were waiting to get the lock.
HeapWord* result = attempt_allocation(word_size, bot_updates);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
retire(true /* fill_up */);
result = new_alloc_region_and_allocate(word_size, false /* force */);
if (result != NULL) {
trace("alloc locked (second attempt)", word_size, result);
return result;
trace("alloc locked failed", word_size);
return NULL;
inline HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::attempt_allocation_force(size_t word_size,
bool bot_updates) {
assert(bot_updates == _bot_updates, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
assert(_alloc_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "not initialized properly"));
trace("forcing alloc");
HeapWord* result = new_alloc_region_and_allocate(word_size, true /* force */);
if (result != NULL) {
trace("alloc forced", word_size, result);
return result;
trace("alloc forced failed", word_size);
return NULL;
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1RemSet.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSets.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/parNew/parGCAllocBuffer.hpp"
......@@ -128,6 +129,15 @@ public:
void print();
class MutatorAllocRegion : public G1AllocRegion {
virtual HeapRegion* allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, bool force);
virtual void retire_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, size_t allocated_bytes);
: G1AllocRegion("Mutator Alloc Region", false /* bot_updates */) { }
class RefineCardTableEntryClosure;
class G1CollectedHeap : public SharedHeap {
friend class VM_G1CollectForAllocation;
......@@ -135,6 +145,7 @@ class G1CollectedHeap : public SharedHeap {
friend class VM_G1CollectFull;
friend class VM_G1IncCollectionPause;
friend class VMStructs;
friend class MutatorAllocRegion;
// Closures used in implementation.
friend class G1ParCopyHelper;
......@@ -197,12 +208,15 @@ private:
// The sequence of all heap regions in the heap.
HeapRegionSeq* _hrs;
// The region from which normal-sized objects are currently being
// allocated. May be NULL.
HeapRegion* _cur_alloc_region;
// Alloc region used to satisfy mutator allocation requests.
MutatorAllocRegion _mutator_alloc_region;
// It resets the mutator alloc region before new allocations can take place.
void init_mutator_alloc_region();
// It releases the mutator alloc region.
void release_mutator_alloc_region();
// Postcondition: cur_alloc_region == NULL.
void abandon_cur_alloc_region();
void abandon_gc_alloc_regions();
// The to-space memory regions into which objects are being copied during
......@@ -360,27 +374,21 @@ protected:
G1CollectorPolicy* _g1_policy;
// This is the second level of trying to allocate a new region. If
// new_region_work didn't find a region in the free_list, this call
// will check whether there's anything available in the
// secondary_free_list and/or wait for more regions to appear in that
// list, if _free_regions_coming is set.
// new_region() didn't find a region on the free_list, this call will
// check whether there's anything available on the
// secondary_free_list and/or wait for more regions to appear on
// that list, if _free_regions_coming is set.
HeapRegion* new_region_try_secondary_free_list();
// Try to allocate a single non-humongous HeapRegion sufficient for
// an allocation of the given word_size. If do_expand is true,
// attempt to expand the heap if necessary to satisfy the allocation
// request.
HeapRegion* new_region_work(size_t word_size, bool do_expand);
HeapRegion* new_region(size_t word_size, bool do_expand);
// Try to allocate a new region to be used for allocation by a
// mutator thread. Attempt to expand the heap if no region is
// Try to allocate a new region to be used for allocation by
// a GC thread. It will try to expand the heap if no region is
// available.
HeapRegion* new_alloc_region(size_t word_size) {
return new_region_work(word_size, false /* do_expand */);
// Try to allocate a new region to be used for allocation by a GC
// thread. Attempt to expand the heap if no region is available.
HeapRegion* new_gc_alloc_region(int purpose, size_t word_size);
// Attempt to satisfy a humongous allocation request of the given
......@@ -415,10 +423,6 @@ protected:
// * All non-TLAB allocation requests should go to mem_allocate()
// and mem_allocate() should never be called with is_tlab == true.
// * If the GC locker is active we currently stall until we can
// allocate a new young region. This will be changed in the
// near future (see CR 6994056).
// * If either call cannot satisfy the allocation request using the
// current allocating region, they will try to get a new one. If
// this fails, they will attempt to do an evacuation pause and
......@@ -441,122 +445,38 @@ protected:
bool is_tlab, /* expected to be false */
bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded);
// The following methods, allocate_from_cur_allocation_region(),
// attempt_allocation(), attempt_allocation_locked(),
// replace_cur_alloc_region_and_allocate(),
// attempt_allocation_slow(), and attempt_allocation_humongous()
// have very awkward pre- and post-conditions with respect to
// locking:
// If they are called outside a safepoint they assume the caller
// holds the Heap_lock when it calls them. However, on exit they
// will release the Heap_lock if they return a non-NULL result, but
// keep holding the Heap_lock if they return a NULL result. The
// reason for this is that we need to dirty the cards that span
// allocated blocks on young regions to avoid having to take the
// slow path of the write barrier (for performance reasons we don't
// update RSets for references whose source is a young region, so we
// don't need to look at dirty cards on young regions). But, doing
// this card dirtying while holding the Heap_lock can be a
// scalability bottleneck, especially given that some allocation
// requests might be of non-trivial size (and the larger the region
// size is, the fewer allocations requests will be considered
// humongous, as the humongous size limit is a fraction of the
// region size). So, when one of these calls succeeds in allocating
// a block it does the card dirtying after it releases the Heap_lock
// which is why it will return without holding it.
// The above assymetry is the reason why locking / unlocking is done
// explicitly (i.e., with Heap_lock->lock() and
// Heap_lock->unlocked()) instead of using MutexLocker and
// MutexUnlocker objects. The latter would ensure that the lock is
// unlocked / re-locked at every possible exit out of the basic
// block. However, we only want that action to happen in selected
// places.
// Further, if the above methods are called during a safepoint, then
// naturally there's no assumption about the Heap_lock being held or
// there's no attempt to unlock it. The parameter at_safepoint
// indicates whether the call is made during a safepoint or not (as
// an optimization, to avoid reading the global flag with
// SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()).
// The methods share these parameters:
// * word_size : the size of the allocation request in words
// * at_safepoint : whether the call is done at a safepoint; this
// also determines whether a GC is permitted
// (at_safepoint == false) or not (at_safepoint == true)
// * do_dirtying : whether the method should dirty the allocated
// block before returning
// They all return either the address of the block, if they
// successfully manage to allocate it, or NULL.
// It tries to satisfy an allocation request out of the current
// alloc region, which is passed as a parameter. It assumes that the
// caller has checked that the current alloc region is not NULL.
// Given that the caller has to check the current alloc region for
// at least NULL, it might as well pass it as the first parameter so
// that the method doesn't have to read it from the
// _cur_alloc_region field again. It is called from both
// attempt_allocation() and attempt_allocation_locked() and the
// with_heap_lock parameter indicates whether the caller was holding
// the heap lock when it called it or not.
inline HeapWord* allocate_from_cur_alloc_region(HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool with_heap_lock);
// First-level of allocation slow path: it attempts to allocate out
// of the current alloc region in a lock-free manner using a CAS. If
// that fails it takes the Heap_lock and calls
// attempt_allocation_locked() for the second-level slow path.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation(size_t word_size);
// Second-level of allocation slow path: while holding the Heap_lock
// it tries to allocate out of the current alloc region and, if that
// fails, tries to allocate out of a new current alloc region.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation_locked(size_t word_size);
// It assumes that the current alloc region has been retired and
// tries to allocate a new one. If it's successful, it performs the
// allocation out of the new current alloc region and updates
// _cur_alloc_region. Normally, it would try to allocate a new
// region if the young gen is not full, unless can_expand is true in
// which case it would always try to allocate a new region.
HeapWord* replace_cur_alloc_region_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
bool at_safepoint,
bool do_dirtying,
bool can_expand);
// Third-level of allocation slow path: when we are unable to
// allocate a new current alloc region to satisfy an allocation
// request (i.e., when attempt_allocation_locked() fails). It will
// try to do an evacuation pause, which might stall due to the GC
// locker, and retry the allocation attempt when appropriate.
HeapWord* attempt_allocation_slow(size_t word_size);
// The method that tries to satisfy a humongous allocation
// request. If it cannot satisfy it it will try to do an evacuation
// pause to perhaps reclaim enough space to be able to satisfy the
// allocation request afterwards.
// The following three methods take a gc_count_before_ret
// parameter which is used to return the GC count if the method
// returns NULL. Given that we are required to read the GC count
// while holding the Heap_lock, and these paths will take the
// Heap_lock at some point, it's easier to get them to read the GC
// count while holding the Heap_lock before they return NULL instead
// of the caller (namely: mem_allocate()) having to also take the
// Heap_lock just to read the GC count.
// First-level mutator allocation attempt: try to allocate out of
// the mutator alloc region without taking the Heap_lock. This
// should only be used for non-humongous allocations.
inline HeapWord* attempt_allocation(size_t word_size,
unsigned int* gc_count_before_ret);
// Second-level mutator allocation attempt: take the Heap_lock and
// retry the allocation attempt, potentially scheduling a GC
// pause. This should only be used for non-humongous allocations.
HeapWord* attempt_allocation_slow(size_t word_size,
unsigned int* gc_count_before_ret);
// Takes the Heap_lock and attempts a humongous allocation. It can
// potentially schedule a GC pause.
HeapWord* attempt_allocation_humongous(size_t word_size,
bool at_safepoint);
// It does the common work when we are retiring the current alloc region.
inline void retire_cur_alloc_region_common(HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region);
// It retires the current alloc region, which is passed as a
// parameter (since, typically, the caller is already holding on to
// it). It sets _cur_alloc_region to NULL.
void retire_cur_alloc_region(HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region);
unsigned int* gc_count_before_ret);
// It attempts to do an allocation immediately before or after an
// evacuation pause and can only be called by the VM thread. It has
// slightly different assumptions that the ones before (i.e.,
// assumes that the current alloc region has been retired).
// Allocation attempt that should be called during safepoints (e.g.,
// at the end of a successful GC). expect_null_mutator_alloc_region
// specifies whether the mutator alloc region is expected to be NULL
// or not.
HeapWord* attempt_allocation_at_safepoint(size_t word_size,
bool expect_null_cur_alloc_region);
bool expect_null_mutator_alloc_region);
// It dirties the cards that cover the block so that so that the post
// write barrier never queues anything when updating objects on this
......@@ -583,6 +503,12 @@ protected:
// GC pause.
void retire_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region, bool par);
// These two methods are the "callbacks" from the G1AllocRegion class.
HeapRegion* new_mutator_alloc_region(size_t word_size, bool force);
void retire_mutator_alloc_region(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
size_t allocated_bytes);
// - if explicit_gc is true, the GC is for a System.gc() or a heap
// inspection request and should collect the entire heap
// - if clear_all_soft_refs is true, all soft references should be
......@@ -1027,6 +953,9 @@ public:
// The number of regions available for "regular" expansion.
size_t expansion_regions() { return _expansion_regions; }
void verify_dirty_young_list(HeapRegion* head) PRODUCT_RETURN;
void verify_dirty_young_regions() PRODUCT_RETURN;
// verify_region_sets() performs verification over the region
// lists. It will be compiled in the product code to be used when
// necessary (i.e., during heap verification).
......@@ -1061,7 +990,7 @@ public:
void append_secondary_free_list() {
void append_secondary_free_list_if_not_empty_with_lock() {
......@@ -1128,7 +1057,13 @@ public:
return _g1_reserved.contains(p);
// Returns a MemRegion that corresponds to the space that has been
// Returns a MemRegion that corresponds to the space that has been
// reserved for the heap
MemRegion g1_reserved() {
return _g1_reserved;
// Returns a MemRegion that corresponds to the space that has been
// committed in the heap
MemRegion g1_committed() {
return _g1_committed;
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "gc_implementation/g1/concurrentMark.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectorPolicy.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegionSeq.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/taskqueue.hpp"
......@@ -59,131 +60,23 @@ inline bool G1CollectedHeap::obj_in_cs(oop obj) {
return r != NULL && r->in_collection_set();
// See the comment in the .hpp file about the locking protocol and
// assumptions of this method (and other related ones).
inline HeapWord*
G1CollectedHeap::allocate_from_cur_alloc_region(HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region,
size_t word_size,
bool with_heap_lock) {
assert(with_heap_lock == Heap_lock->owned_by_self(),
"with_heap_lock and Heap_lock->owned_by_self() should be a tautology");
assert(cur_alloc_region != NULL, "pre-condition of the method");
"we only support young current alloc regions");
assert(!isHumongous(word_size), "allocate_from_cur_alloc_region() "
"should not be used for humongous allocations");
assert(!cur_alloc_region->isHumongous(), "Catch a regression of this bug.");
err_msg("region ["PTR_FORMAT","PTR_FORMAT"] should not be empty",
cur_alloc_region->bottom(), cur_alloc_region->end()));
HeapWord* result = cur_alloc_region->par_allocate_no_bot_updates(word_size);
if (result != NULL) {
assert(is_in(result), "result should be in the heap");
if (with_heap_lock) {
// Do the dirtying after we release the Heap_lock.
dirty_young_block(result, word_size);
return result;
if (with_heap_lock) {
} else {
return NULL;
// See the comment in the .hpp file about the locking protocol and
// assumptions of this method (and other related ones).
inline HeapWord*
G1CollectedHeap::attempt_allocation(size_t word_size) {
G1CollectedHeap::attempt_allocation(size_t word_size,
unsigned int* gc_count_before_ret) {
assert(!isHumongous(word_size), "attempt_allocation() should not be called "
"for humongous allocation requests");
HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region = _cur_alloc_region;
if (cur_alloc_region != NULL) {
HeapWord* result = allocate_from_cur_alloc_region(cur_alloc_region,
false /* with_heap_lock */);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
// Our attempt to allocate lock-free failed as the current
// allocation region is either NULL or full. So, we'll now take the
// Heap_lock and retry.
HeapWord* result = attempt_allocation_locked(word_size);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
return NULL;
inline void
G1CollectedHeap::retire_cur_alloc_region_common(HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region) {
assert_heap_locked_or_at_safepoint(true /* should_be_vm_thread */);
assert(cur_alloc_region != NULL && cur_alloc_region == _cur_alloc_region,
"pre-condition of the call");
"we only support young current alloc regions");
// The region is guaranteed to be young
_summary_bytes_used += cur_alloc_region->used();
_cur_alloc_region = NULL;
assert(!isHumongous(word_size), "attempt_allocation() should not "
"be called for humongous allocation requests");
inline HeapWord*
G1CollectedHeap::attempt_allocation_locked(size_t word_size) {
assert(!isHumongous(word_size), "attempt_allocation_locked() "
"should not be called for humongous allocation requests");
// First, reread the current alloc region and retry the allocation
// in case somebody replaced it while we were waiting to get the
// Heap_lock.
HeapRegion* cur_alloc_region = _cur_alloc_region;
if (cur_alloc_region != NULL) {
HeapWord* result = allocate_from_cur_alloc_region(
cur_alloc_region, word_size,
true /* with_heap_lock */);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
// We failed to allocate out of the current alloc region, so let's
// retire it before getting a new one.
HeapWord* result = _mutator_alloc_region.attempt_allocation(word_size,
false /* bot_updates */);
if (result == NULL) {
result = attempt_allocation_slow(word_size, gc_count_before_ret);
// Try to get a new region and allocate out of it
HeapWord* result = replace_cur_alloc_region_and_allocate(word_size,
false, /* at_safepoint */
true, /* do_dirtying */
false /* can_expand */);
if (result != NULL) {
return result;
dirty_young_block(result, word_size);
return NULL;
return result;
// It dirties the cards that cover the block so that so that the post
......@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicy() :
_par_last_termination_times_ms = new double[_parallel_gc_threads];
_par_last_termination_attempts = new double[_parallel_gc_threads];
_par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms = new double[_parallel_gc_threads];
_par_last_gc_worker_times_ms = new double[_parallel_gc_threads];
// start conservatively
_expensive_region_limit_ms = 0.5 * (double) MaxGCPauseMillis;
......@@ -911,6 +912,7 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec,
_par_last_termination_times_ms[i] = -1234.0;
_par_last_termination_attempts[i] = -1234.0;
_par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms[i] = -1234.0;
_par_last_gc_worker_times_ms[i] = -1234.0;
......@@ -1063,8 +1065,7 @@ T sum_of(T* sum_arr, int start, int n, int N) {
void G1CollectorPolicy::print_par_stats(int level,
const char* str,
double* data,
bool summary) {
double* data) {
double min = data[0], max = data[0];
double total = 0.0;
LineBuffer buf(level);
......@@ -1078,20 +1079,15 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::print_par_stats(int level,
total += val;
buf.append(" %3.1lf", val);
if (summary) {
double avg = total / (double) ParallelGCThreads;
buf.append(" ");
buf.append("Avg: %5.1lf, Min: %5.1lf, Max: %5.1lf",
avg, min, max);
double avg = total / (double) ParallelGCThreads;
buf.append_and_print_cr(" Avg: %5.1lf, Min: %5.1lf, Max: %5.1lf, Diff: %5.1lf]",
avg, min, max, max - min);
void G1CollectorPolicy::print_par_sizes(int level,
const char* str,
double* data,
bool summary) {
double* data) {
double min = data[0], max = data[0];
double total = 0.0;
LineBuffer buf(level);
......@@ -1105,14 +1101,10 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::print_par_sizes(int level,
total += val;
buf.append(" %d", (int) val);
if (summary) {
double avg = total / (double) ParallelGCThreads;
buf.append(" ");
buf.append("Sum: %d, Avg: %d, Min: %d, Max: %d",
(int)total, (int)avg, (int)min, (int)max);
double avg = total / (double) ParallelGCThreads;
buf.append_and_print_cr(" Sum: %d, Avg: %d, Min: %d, Max: %d, Diff: %d]",
(int)total, (int)avg, (int)min, (int)max, (int)max - (int)min);
void G1CollectorPolicy::print_stats (int level,
......@@ -1421,22 +1413,22 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() {
if (parallel) {
print_stats(1, "Parallel Time", _cur_collection_par_time_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker Start Time",
_par_last_gc_worker_start_times_ms, false);
print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker Start Time", _par_last_gc_worker_start_times_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "Update RS", _par_last_update_rs_times_ms);
print_par_sizes(3, "Processed Buffers",
_par_last_update_rs_processed_buffers, true);
print_par_stats(2, "Ext Root Scanning",
print_par_stats(2, "Mark Stack Scanning",
print_par_sizes(3, "Processed Buffers", _par_last_update_rs_processed_buffers);
print_par_stats(2, "Ext Root Scanning", _par_last_ext_root_scan_times_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "Mark Stack Scanning", _par_last_mark_stack_scan_times_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "Scan RS", _par_last_scan_rs_times_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "Object Copy", _par_last_obj_copy_times_ms);
print_par_stats(2, "Termination", _par_last_termination_times_ms);
print_par_sizes(3, "Termination Attempts",
_par_last_termination_attempts, true);
print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker End Time",
_par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms, false);
print_par_sizes(3, "Termination Attempts", _par_last_termination_attempts);
print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker End Time", _par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms);
for (int i = 0; i < _parallel_gc_threads; i++) {
_par_last_gc_worker_times_ms[i] = _par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms[i] - _par_last_gc_worker_start_times_ms[i];
print_par_stats(2, "GC Worker Times", _par_last_gc_worker_times_ms);
print_stats(2, "Other", parallel_other_time);
print_stats(1, "Clear CT", _cur_clear_ct_time_ms);
} else {
......@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ protected:
double* _par_last_termination_times_ms;
double* _par_last_termination_attempts;
double* _par_last_gc_worker_end_times_ms;
double* _par_last_gc_worker_times_ms;
// indicates that we are in young GC mode
bool _in_young_gc_mode;
......@@ -569,11 +570,8 @@ protected:
void print_stats(int level, const char* str, double value);
void print_stats(int level, const char* str, int value);
void print_par_stats(int level, const char* str, double* data) {
print_par_stats(level, str, data, true);
void print_par_stats(int level, const char* str, double* data, bool summary);
void print_par_sizes(int level, const char* str, double* data, bool summary);
void print_par_stats(int level, const char* str, double* data);
void print_par_sizes(int level, const char* str, double* data);
void check_other_times(int level,
NumberSeq* other_times_ms,
......@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@
"The number of discovered reference objects to process before " \
"draining concurrent marking work queues.") \
experimental(bool, G1UseConcMarkReferenceProcessing, false, \
"If true, enable reference discovery during concurrent " \
"marking and reference processing at the end of remark " \
"(unsafe).") \
develop(bool, G1SATBBarrierPrintNullPreVals, false, \
"If true, count frac of ptr writes with null pre-vals.") \
......@@ -138,9 +143,9 @@
develop(bool, G1RSCountHisto, false, \
"If true, print a histogram of RS occupancies after each pause") \
develop(intx, G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo, 0, \
"When > 0, print the occupancies of the <n> best and worst" \
"regions.") \
product(bool, G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo, false, \
"Prints the liveness information for all regions in the heap " \
"at the end of a marking cycle.") \
develop(bool, G1PrintParCleanupStats, false, \
"When true, print extra stats about parallel cleanup.") \
......@@ -193,6 +198,10 @@
develop(intx, G1ConcRSHotCardLimit, 4, \
"The threshold that defines (>=) a hot card.") \
develop(intx, G1MaxHotCardCountSizePercent, 25, \
"The maximum size of the hot card count cache as a " \
"percentage of the number of cards for the maximum heap.") \
develop(bool, G1PrintOopAppls, false, \
"When true, print applications of closures to external locs.") \
......@@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ void HeapRegion::hr_clear(bool par, bool clear_space) {
if (!par) {
// If this is parallel, this will be done later.
......@@ -923,11 +924,11 @@ void G1OffsetTableContigSpace::set_saved_mark() {
_gc_time_stamp = curr_gc_time_stamp;
// The following fence is to force a flush of the writes above, but
// is strictly not needed because when an allocating worker thread
// calls set_saved_mark() it does so under the ParGCRareEvent_lock;
// when the lock is released, the write will be flushed.
// OrderAccess::fence();
// No need to do another barrier to flush the writes above. If
// this is called in parallel with other threads trying to
// allocate into the region, the caller should call this while
// holding a lock and when the lock is released the writes will be
// flushed.
......@@ -149,6 +149,13 @@ class G1OffsetTableContigSpace: public ContiguousSpace {
G1BlockOffsetArrayContigSpace _offsets;
Mutex _par_alloc_lock;
volatile unsigned _gc_time_stamp;
// When we need to retire an allocation region, while other threads
// are also concurrently trying to allocate into it, we typically
// allocate a dummy object at the end of the region to ensure that
// no more allocations can take place in it. However, sometimes we
// want to know where the end of the last "real" object we allocated
// into the region was and this is what this keeps track.
HeapWord* _pre_dummy_top;
// Constructor. If "is_zeroed" is true, the MemRegion "mr" may be
......@@ -163,6 +170,17 @@ class G1OffsetTableContigSpace: public ContiguousSpace {
virtual void set_saved_mark();
void reset_gc_time_stamp() { _gc_time_stamp = 0; }
// See the comment above in the declaration of _pre_dummy_top for an
// explanation of what it is.
void set_pre_dummy_top(HeapWord* pre_dummy_top) {
assert(is_in(pre_dummy_top) && pre_dummy_top <= top(), "pre-condition");
_pre_dummy_top = pre_dummy_top;
HeapWord* pre_dummy_top() {
return (_pre_dummy_top == NULL) ? top() : _pre_dummy_top;
void reset_pre_dummy_top() { _pre_dummy_top = NULL; }
virtual void initialize(MemRegion mr, bool clear_space, bool mangle_space);
virtual void clear(bool mangle_space);
......@@ -380,13 +398,16 @@ class HeapRegion: public G1OffsetTableContigSpace {
// The number of bytes marked live in the region in the last marking phase.
size_t marked_bytes() { return _prev_marked_bytes; }
size_t live_bytes() {
return (top() - prev_top_at_mark_start()) * HeapWordSize + marked_bytes();
// The number of bytes counted in the next marking.
size_t next_marked_bytes() { return _next_marked_bytes; }
// The number of bytes live wrt the next marking.
size_t next_live_bytes() {
return (top() - next_top_at_mark_start())
* HeapWordSize
+ next_marked_bytes();
(top() - next_top_at_mark_start()) * HeapWordSize + next_marked_bytes();
// A lower bound on the amount of garbage bytes in the region.
......@@ -38,15 +38,8 @@ inline HeapWord* G1OffsetTableContigSpace::allocate(size_t size) {
// this is used for larger LAB allocations only.
inline HeapWord* G1OffsetTableContigSpace::par_allocate(size_t size) {
MutexLocker x(&_par_alloc_lock);
// This ought to be just "allocate", because of the lock above, but that
// ContiguousSpace::allocate asserts that either the allocating thread
// holds the heap lock or it is the VM thread and we're at a safepoint.
// The best I (dld) could figure was to put a field in ContiguousSpace
// meaning "locking at safepoint taken care of", and set/reset that
// here. But this will do for now, especially in light of the comment
// above. Perhaps in the future some lock-free manner of keeping the
// coordination.
HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::par_allocate(size);
// Given that we take the lock no need to use par_allocate() here.
HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::allocate(size);
if (res != NULL) {
_offsets.alloc_block(res, size);
......@@ -261,6 +261,45 @@ void HeapRegionLinkedList::fill_in_ext_msg_extra(hrs_ext_msg* msg) {
msg->append(" hd: "PTR_FORMAT" tl: "PTR_FORMAT, head(), tail());
void HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_head(HeapRegionLinkedList* from_list) {
if (from_list->is_empty()) return;
#ifdef ASSERT
HeapRegionLinkedListIterator iter(from_list);
while (iter.more_available()) {
HeapRegion* hr = iter.get_next();
// In set_containing_set() we check that we either set the value
// from NULL to non-NULL or vice versa to catch bugs. So, we have
// to NULL it first before setting it to the value.
#endif // ASSERT
if (_head != NULL) {
assert(length() > 0 && _tail != NULL, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant"));
} else {
assert(length() == 0 && _head == NULL, hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant"));
_tail = from_list->_tail;
_head = from_list->_head;
_length += from_list->length();
_region_num += from_list->region_num();
_total_used_bytes += from_list->total_used_bytes();
void HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_tail(HeapRegionLinkedList* from_list) {
......@@ -277,6 +277,10 @@ protected:
// It adds hr to the list as the new head. The region should not be
// a member of another set.
inline void add_as_head(HeapRegion* hr);
// It adds hr to the list as the new tail. The region should not be
// a member of another set.
inline void add_as_tail(HeapRegion* hr);
......@@ -288,6 +292,11 @@ public:
// Convenience method.
inline HeapRegion* remove_head_or_null();
// It moves the regions from from_list to this list and empties
// from_list. The new regions will appear in the same order as they
// were in from_list and be linked in the beginning of this list.
void add_as_head(HeapRegionLinkedList* from_list);
// It moves the regions from from_list to this list and empties
// from_list. The new regions will appear in the same order as they
// were in from_list and be linked in the end of this list.
......@@ -110,6 +110,23 @@ inline void HeapRegionSet::remove_with_proxy(HeapRegion* hr,
//////////////////// HeapRegionLinkedList ////////////////////
inline void HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_head(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert((length() == 0 && _head == NULL && _tail == NULL) ||
(length() > 0 && _head != NULL && _tail != NULL),
hrs_ext_msg(this, "invariant"));
// add_internal() will verify the region.
// Now link the region.
if (_head != NULL) {
} else {
_tail = hr;
_head = hr;
inline void HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_tail(HeapRegion* hr) {
assert((length() == 0 && _head == NULL && _tail == NULL) ||
......@@ -382,6 +382,11 @@ public:
return (addr_for(pcard) == p);
HeapWord* align_to_card_boundary(HeapWord* p) {
jbyte* pcard = byte_for(p + card_size_in_words - 1);
return addr_for(pcard);
// The kinds of precision a CardTableModRefBS may offer.
enum PrecisionStyle {
......@@ -318,17 +318,28 @@ private:
template <class T> void do_oop_work(T* p) {
HeapWord* jp = (HeapWord*)p;
if (jp >= _begin && jp < _end) {
oop obj = oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop(p);
guarantee(obj == NULL ||
(HeapWord*)p < _boundary ||
(HeapWord*)obj >= _boundary,
"pointer on clean card crosses boundary");
assert(jp >= _begin && jp < _end,
err_msg("Error: jp " PTR_FORMAT " should be within "
"[_begin, _end) = [" PTR_FORMAT "," PTR_FORMAT ")",
_begin, _end));
oop obj = oopDesc::load_decode_heap_oop(p);
guarantee(obj == NULL || (HeapWord*)obj >= _boundary,
err_msg("pointer " PTR_FORMAT " at " PTR_FORMAT " on "
"clean card crosses boundary" PTR_FORMAT,
(HeapWord*)obj, jp, _boundary));
VerifyCleanCardClosure(HeapWord* b, HeapWord* begin, HeapWord* end) :
_boundary(b), _begin(begin), _end(end) {}
_boundary(b), _begin(begin), _end(end) {
assert(b <= begin,
err_msg("Error: boundary " PTR_FORMAT " should be at or below begin " PTR_FORMAT,
b, begin));
assert(begin <= end,
err_msg("Error: begin " PTR_FORMAT " should be strictly below end " PTR_FORMAT,
begin, end));
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { VerifyCleanCardClosure::do_oop_work(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { VerifyCleanCardClosure::do_oop_work(p); }
......@@ -392,13 +403,14 @@ void CardTableRS::verify_space(Space* s, HeapWord* gen_boundary) {
// Now traverse objects until end.
HeapWord* cur = start_block;
VerifyCleanCardClosure verify_blk(gen_boundary, begin, end);
while (cur < end) {
if (s->block_is_obj(cur) && s->obj_is_alive(cur)) {
if (begin < end) {
MemRegion mr(begin, end);
VerifyCleanCardClosure verify_blk(gen_boundary, begin, end);
for (HeapWord* cur = start_block; cur < end; cur += s->block_size(cur)) {
if (s->block_is_obj(cur) && s->obj_is_alive(cur)) {
oop(cur)->oop_iterate(&verify_blk, mr);
cur += s->block_size(cur);
cur_entry = first_dirty;
} else {
......@@ -818,9 +818,14 @@ size_t ContiguousSpace::block_size(const HeapWord* p) const {
// This version requires locking.
inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate_impl(size_t size,
HeapWord* const end_value) {
// In G1 there are places where a GC worker can allocates into a
// region using this serial allocation code without being prone to a
// race with other GC workers (we ensure that no other GC worker can
// access the same region at the same time). So the assert below is
// too strong in the case of G1.
assert(Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||
(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() &&
(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread() || UseG1GC)),
"not locked");
HeapWord* obj = top();
if (pointer_delta(end_value, obj) >= size) {
......@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ int constantPoolKlass::oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr)
oop* addr;
addr = cp->tags_addr();
if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
addr = cp->cache_addr();
if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
addr = cp->operands_addr();
if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
addr = cp->pool_holder_addr();
if (mr.contains(addr)) blk->do_oop(addr);
return size;
......@@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
experimental(intx, WorkStealingSleepMillis, 1, \
"Sleep time when sleep is used for yields") \
experimental(uintx, WorkStealingYieldsBeforeSleep, 1000, \
experimental(uintx, WorkStealingYieldsBeforeSleep, 5000, \
"Number of yields before a sleep is done during workstealing") \
experimental(uintx, WorkStealingHardSpins, 4096, \
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