提交 f2a47cb7 编写于 作者: D dcubed

8019835: Strings interned in different threads equal but does not ==

Summary: Add -XX:+VerifyStringTableAtExit option and code to verify StringTable invariants.
Reviewed-by: rdurbin, sspitsyn, coleenp
上级 23e0d420
......@@ -438,6 +438,29 @@ bool java_lang_String::equals(oop java_string, jchar* chars, int len) {
return true;
bool java_lang_String::equals(oop str1, oop str2) {
assert(str1->klass() == SystemDictionary::String_klass(),
"must be java String");
assert(str2->klass() == SystemDictionary::String_klass(),
"must be java String");
typeArrayOop value1 = java_lang_String::value(str1);
int offset1 = java_lang_String::offset(str1);
int length1 = java_lang_String::length(str1);
typeArrayOop value2 = java_lang_String::value(str2);
int offset2 = java_lang_String::offset(str2);
int length2 = java_lang_String::length(str2);
if (length1 != length2) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length1; i++) {
if (value1->char_at(i + offset1) != value2->char_at(i + offset2)) {
return false;
return true;
void java_lang_String::print(Handle java_string, outputStream* st) {
oop obj = java_string();
assert(obj->klass() == SystemDictionary::String_klass(), "must be java_string");
......@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ class java_lang_String : AllStatic {
static unsigned int hash_string(oop java_string);
static bool equals(oop java_string, jchar* chars, int len);
static bool equals(oop str1, oop str2);
// Conversion between '.' and '/' formats
static Handle externalize_classname(Handle java_string, TRAPS) { return char_converter(java_string, '/', '.', THREAD); }
......@@ -807,6 +807,8 @@ void StringTable::possibly_parallel_oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
// This verification is part of Universe::verify() and needs to be quick.
// See StringTable::verify_and_compare() below for exhaustive verification.
void StringTable::verify() {
for (int i = 0; i < the_table()->table_size(); ++i) {
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* p = the_table()->bucket(i);
......@@ -825,6 +827,162 @@ void StringTable::dump(outputStream* st) {
the_table()->dump_table(st, "StringTable");
StringTable::VerifyRetTypes StringTable::compare_entries(
int bkt1, int e_cnt1,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr1,
int bkt2, int e_cnt2,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr2) {
// These entries are sanity checked by verify_and_compare_entries()
// before this function is called.
oop str1 = e_ptr1->literal();
oop str2 = e_ptr2->literal();
if (str1 == str2) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: identical oop values (0x" PTR_FORMAT ") "
"in entry @ bucket[%d][%d] and entry @ bucket[%d][%d]",
str1, bkt1, e_cnt1, bkt2, e_cnt2);
return _verify_fail_continue;
if (java_lang_String::equals(str1, str2)) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: identical String values in entry @ "
"bucket[%d][%d] and entry @ bucket[%d][%d]",
bkt1, e_cnt1, bkt2, e_cnt2);
return _verify_fail_continue;
return _verify_pass;
StringTable::VerifyRetTypes StringTable::verify_entry(int bkt, int e_cnt,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr,
StringTable::VerifyMesgModes mesg_mode) {
VerifyRetTypes ret = _verify_pass; // be optimistic
oop str = e_ptr->literal();
if (str == NULL) {
if (mesg_mode == _verify_with_mesgs) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: NULL oop value in entry @ bucket[%d][%d]", bkt,
// NULL oop means no more verifications are possible
return _verify_fail_done;
if (str->klass() != SystemDictionary::String_klass()) {
if (mesg_mode == _verify_with_mesgs) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: oop is not a String in entry @ bucket[%d][%d]",
bkt, e_cnt);
// not a String means no more verifications are possible
return _verify_fail_done;
unsigned int h = java_lang_String::hash_string(str);
if (e_ptr->hash() != h) {
if (mesg_mode == _verify_with_mesgs) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: broken hash value in entry @ bucket[%d][%d], "
"bkt_hash=%d, str_hash=%d", bkt, e_cnt, e_ptr->hash(), h);
ret = _verify_fail_continue;
if (the_table()->hash_to_index(h) != bkt) {
if (mesg_mode == _verify_with_mesgs) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: wrong index value for entry @ bucket[%d][%d], "
"str_hash=%d, hash_to_index=%d", bkt, e_cnt, h,
ret = _verify_fail_continue;
return ret;
// See StringTable::verify() above for the quick verification that is
// part of Universe::verify(). This verification is exhaustive and
// reports on every issue that is found. StringTable::verify() only
// reports on the first issue that is found.
// StringTable::verify_entry() checks:
// - oop value != NULL (same as verify())
// - oop value is a String
// - hash(String) == hash in entry (same as verify())
// - index for hash == index of entry (same as verify())
// StringTable::compare_entries() checks:
// - oops are unique across all entries
// - String values are unique across all entries
int StringTable::verify_and_compare_entries() {
assert(StringTable_lock->is_locked(), "sanity check");
int fail_cnt = 0;
// first, verify all the entries individually:
for (int bkt = 0; bkt < the_table()->table_size(); bkt++) {
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr = the_table()->bucket(bkt);
for (int e_cnt = 0; e_ptr != NULL; e_ptr = e_ptr->next(), e_cnt++) {
VerifyRetTypes ret = verify_entry(bkt, e_cnt, e_ptr, _verify_with_mesgs);
if (ret != _verify_pass) {
// Optimization: if the above check did not find any failures, then
// the comparison loop below does not need to call verify_entry()
// before calling compare_entries(). If there were failures, then we
// have to call verify_entry() to see if the entry can be passed to
// compare_entries() safely. When we call verify_entry() in the loop
// below, we do so quietly to void duplicate messages and we don't
// increment fail_cnt because the failures have already been counted.
bool need_entry_verify = (fail_cnt != 0);
// second, verify all entries relative to each other:
for (int bkt1 = 0; bkt1 < the_table()->table_size(); bkt1++) {
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr1 = the_table()->bucket(bkt1);
for (int e_cnt1 = 0; e_ptr1 != NULL; e_ptr1 = e_ptr1->next(), e_cnt1++) {
if (need_entry_verify) {
VerifyRetTypes ret = verify_entry(bkt1, e_cnt1, e_ptr1,
if (ret == _verify_fail_done) {
// cannot use the current entry to compare against other entries
for (int bkt2 = bkt1; bkt2 < the_table()->table_size(); bkt2++) {
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr2 = the_table()->bucket(bkt2);
int e_cnt2;
for (e_cnt2 = 0; e_ptr2 != NULL; e_ptr2 = e_ptr2->next(), e_cnt2++) {
if (bkt1 == bkt2 && e_cnt2 <= e_cnt1) {
// skip the entries up to and including the one that
// we're comparing against
if (need_entry_verify) {
VerifyRetTypes ret = verify_entry(bkt2, e_cnt2, e_ptr2,
if (ret == _verify_fail_done) {
// cannot compare against this entry
// compare two entries, report and count any failures:
if (compare_entries(bkt1, e_cnt1, e_ptr1, bkt2, e_cnt2, e_ptr2)
!= _verify_pass) {
return fail_cnt;
// Create a new table and using alternate hash code, populate the new table
// with the existing strings. Set flag to use the alternate hash code afterwards.
......@@ -311,6 +311,26 @@ public:
static void verify();
static void dump(outputStream* st);
enum VerifyMesgModes {
_verify_quietly = 0,
_verify_with_mesgs = 1
enum VerifyRetTypes {
_verify_pass = 0,
_verify_fail_continue = 1,
_verify_fail_done = 2
static VerifyRetTypes compare_entries(int bkt1, int e_cnt1,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr1,
int bkt2, int e_cnt2,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr2);
static VerifyRetTypes verify_entry(int bkt, int e_cnt,
HashtableEntry<oop, mtSymbol>* e_ptr,
VerifyMesgModes mesg_mode);
static int verify_and_compare_entries();
// Sharing
static void copy_buckets(char** top, char*end) {
the_table()->Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>::copy_buckets(top, end);
......@@ -2525,6 +2525,9 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
product(bool, PrintStringTableStatistics, false, \
"print statistics about the StringTable and SymbolTable") \
diagnostic(bool, VerifyStringTableAtExit, false, \
"verify StringTable contents at exit") \
notproduct(bool, PrintSymbolTableSizeHistogram, false, \
"print histogram of the symbol table") \
......@@ -544,6 +544,19 @@ void before_exit(JavaThread * thread) {
// it will run into trouble when system destroys static variables.
if (VerifyStringTableAtExit) {
int fail_cnt = 0;
MutexLocker ml(StringTable_lock);
fail_cnt = StringTable::verify_and_compare_entries();
if (fail_cnt != 0) {
tty->print_cr("ERROR: fail_cnt=%d", fail_cnt);
guarantee(fail_cnt == 0, "unexpected StringTable verification failures");
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