提交 b9ab6157 编写于 作者: A asaha


......@@ -931,6 +931,8 @@ c2c4db2a42a215c98a4f027edb8bbb00dd62d9b9 jdk8u112-b14
b28d012a24cab8f4ceeee0c9d3252969757423ed jdk8u112-b15
e134dc1879b72124e478be01680b0646a2fbf585 jdk8u112-b16
87440ed4e1de7753a436f957d35555d8b4e26f1d jdk8u112-b31
ba25f5833a128b8062e597f794efda26b30f095d jdk8u112-b32
919ffdca10c2721ee0f6f233e704709174556510 jdk8u112-b33
3b0e5f01891f5ebbf67797b1aae786196f1bb4f6 jdk8u121-b00
251a2493b1857f2ff4f11eab2dfd8b2fe8ed441b jdk8u121-b01
70c4a50f576a01ec975d0a02b3642ee33db39ed8 jdk8u121-b02
......@@ -945,6 +947,8 @@ f26f6895c9dfb32dfb4c228d69b371d8ab118536 jdk8u121-b10
11f91811e4d7e5ddfaf938dcf386ec8fe5bf7b7c jdk8u121-b11
b132b08b28bf23a26329928cf6b4ffda5857f4d3 jdk8u121-b12
90f94521c3515e5f27af0ab9b31d036e88bb322a jdk8u121-b13
351bf1d4ff9a41137f91e2ec97ec59ed29a38d8b jdk8u121-b31
41daac438a2ac5a80755dc3de88b76e4ac66750a jdk8u121-b32
c0a1ba0df20fda10ddb8599e888eb56ad98b3874 jdk8u131-b00
0b85ccd6240991e1a501602ff5addec6b88ae0af jdk8u131-b01
ef90c721a4e59b01ca36f25619010a1afe9ed4d5 jdk8u131-b02
......@@ -4261,6 +4261,7 @@ void MacroAssembler::bis_zeroing(Register to, Register count, Register temp, Lab
assert(UseBlockZeroing && VM_Version::has_block_zeroing(), "only works with BIS zeroing");
Register end = count;
int cache_line_size = VM_Version::prefetch_data_size();
assert(cache_line_size > 0, "cache line size should be known for this code");
// Minimum count when BIS zeroing can be used since
// it needs membar which is expensive.
int block_zero_size = MAX2(cache_line_size*3, (int)BlockZeroingLowLimit);
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
AllocatePrefetchDistance = AllocatePrefetchStepSize;
if (AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 && !has_blk_init()) {
if (AllocatePrefetchStyle == 3 && (!has_blk_init() || cache_line_size <= 0)) {
warning("BIS instructions are not available on this CPU");
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchStyle, 1);
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(InteriorEntryAlignment, 4);
if (is_niagara_plus()) {
if (has_blk_init() && UseTLAB &&
if (has_blk_init() && (cache_line_size > 0) && UseTLAB &&
FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(AllocatePrefetchInstr)) {
// Use BIS instruction for TLAB allocation prefetch.
FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, AllocatePrefetchInstr, 1);
......@@ -1084,15 +1084,18 @@ Klass* SystemDictionary::resolve_from_stream(Symbol* class_name,
const char* pkg = "java/";
size_t pkglen = strlen(pkg);
!class_loader.is_null() &&
parsed_name != NULL &&
!strncmp((const char*)parsed_name->bytes(), pkg, strlen(pkg))) {
parsed_name->utf8_length() >= (int)pkglen &&
!strncmp((const char*)parsed_name->bytes(), pkg, pkglen)) {
// It is illegal to define classes in the "java." package from
// JVM_DefineClass or jni_DefineClass unless you're the bootclassloader
ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
char* name = parsed_name->as_C_string();
char* index = strrchr(name, '/');
assert(index != NULL, "must be");
*index = '\0'; // chop to just the package name
while ((index = strchr(name, '/')) != NULL) {
*index = '.'; // replace '/' with '.' in package name
......@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@ class JProjNode : public ProjNode {
// input in slot 0.
class PhiNode : public TypeNode {
const TypePtr* const _adr_type; // non-null only for Type::MEMORY nodes.
// The following fields are only used for data PhiNodes to indicate
// that the PhiNode represents the value of a known instance field.
int _inst_mem_id; // Instance memory id (node index of the memory Phi)
const int _inst_id; // Instance id of the memory slice.
const int _inst_index; // Alias index of the instance memory slice.
// Array elements references have the same alias_idx but different offset.
......@@ -138,11 +141,13 @@ public:
PhiNode( Node *r, const Type *t, const TypePtr* at = NULL,
const int imid = -1,
const int iid = TypeOopPtr::InstanceTop,
const int iidx = Compile::AliasIdxTop,
const int ioffs = Type::OffsetTop )
: TypeNode(t,r->req()),
......@@ -187,11 +192,14 @@ public:
virtual bool pinned() const { return in(0) != 0; }
virtual const TypePtr *adr_type() const { verify_adr_type(true); return _adr_type; }
void set_inst_mem_id(int inst_mem_id) { _inst_mem_id = inst_mem_id; }
const int inst_mem_id() const { return _inst_mem_id; }
const int inst_id() const { return _inst_id; }
const int inst_index() const { return _inst_index; }
const int inst_offset() const { return _inst_offset; }
bool is_same_inst_field(const Type* tp, int id, int index, int offset) {
bool is_same_inst_field(const Type* tp, int mem_id, int id, int index, int offset) {
return type()->basic_type() == tp->basic_type() &&
inst_mem_id() == mem_id &&
inst_id() == id &&
inst_index() == index &&
inst_offset() == offset &&
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ Node *PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi(Node *mem, BasicType ft, const Type *
for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = region->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
Node* phi = region->fast_out(k);
if (phi->is_Phi() && phi != mem &&
phi->as_Phi()->is_same_inst_field(phi_type, instance_id, alias_idx, offset)) {
phi->as_Phi()->is_same_inst_field(phi_type, (int)mem->_idx, instance_id, alias_idx, offset)) {
return phi;
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Node *PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi(Node *mem, BasicType ft, const Type *
GrowableArray <Node *> values(length, length, NULL, false);
// create a new Phi for the value
PhiNode *phi = new (C) PhiNode(mem->in(0), phi_type, NULL, instance_id, alias_idx, offset);
PhiNode *phi = new (C) PhiNode(mem->in(0), phi_type, NULL, mem->_idx, instance_id, alias_idx, offset);
value_phis->push(phi, mem->_idx);
......@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ Node *LoadNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* phi = region->fast_out(i);
if (phi->is_Phi() && phi != mem &&
phi->as_Phi()->is_same_inst_field(this_type, this_iid, this_index, this_offset)) {
phi->as_Phi()->is_same_inst_field(this_type, (int)mem->_idx, this_iid, this_index, this_offset)) {
return phi;
......@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ Node *LoadNode::split_through_phi(PhaseGVN *phase) {
this_iid = base->_idx;
PhaseIterGVN* igvn = phase->is_IterGVN();
Node* phi = new (C) PhiNode(region, this_type, NULL, this_iid, this_index, this_offset);
Node* phi = new (C) PhiNode(region, this_type, NULL, mem->_idx, this_iid, this_index, this_offset);
for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
Node* x;
Node* the_clone = NULL;
......@@ -481,6 +481,8 @@ PhaseRenumberLive::PhaseRenumberLive(PhaseGVN* gvn,
uint current_idx = 0; // The current new node ID. Incremented after every assignment.
for (uint i = 0; i < _useful.size(); i++) {
Node* n = _useful.at(i);
// Sanity check that fails if we ever decide to execute this phase after EA
assert(!n->is_Phi() || n->as_Phi()->inst_mem_id() == -1, "should not be linked to data Phi");
const Type* type = gvn->type_or_null(n);
new_type_array.map(current_idx, type);
......@@ -1378,6 +1380,18 @@ void PhaseIterGVN::subsume_node( Node *old, Node *nn ) {
i -= num_edges; // we deleted 1 or more copies of this edge
// Search for instance field data PhiNodes in the same region pointing to the old
// memory PhiNode and update their instance memory ids to point to the new node.
if (old->is_Phi() && old->as_Phi()->type()->has_memory() && old->in(0) != NULL) {
Node* region = old->in(0);
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
PhiNode* phi = region->fast_out(i)->isa_Phi();
if (phi != NULL && phi->inst_mem_id() == (int)old->_idx) {
// Smash all inputs to 'old', isolating him completely
Node *temp = new (C) Node(1);
temp->init_req(0,nn); // Add a use to nn to prevent him from dying
......@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ protected:
// If not InstanceTop or InstanceBot, indicates that this is
// a particular instance of this type which is distinct.
// This is the the node index of the allocation node creating this instance.
// This is the node index of the allocation node creating this instance.
int _instance_id;
// Extra type information profiling gave us. We propagate it the
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