提交 a299c2e7 编写于 作者: T tonyp

7088680: G1: Cleanup in the G1CollectorPolicy class

Summary: Removed unused fields and methods, removed the G1CollectoryPolicy_BestRegionsFirst class and folded its functionality into the G1CollectorPolicy class.
Reviewed-by: ysr, brutisso, jcoomes
上级 90017957
......@@ -1816,9 +1816,7 @@ void ConcurrentMark::cleanup() {
// this will also free any regions totally full of garbage objects,
// and sort the regions.
// Statistics.
double end = os::elapsedTime();
......@@ -2011,8 +2011,6 @@ jint G1CollectedHeap::initialize() {
// Perform any initialization actions delegated to the policy.
_refine_cte_cl =
new RefineCardTableEntryClosure(ConcurrentG1RefineThread::sts(),
......@@ -3960,9 +3958,6 @@ void G1CollectedHeap::remove_self_forwarding_pointers() {
// _next_top_at_mark_start == top, _next_marked_bytes == 0
// _next_marked_bytes == next_marked_bytes.
// Now make sure the region has the right index in the sorted array.
cur = cur->next_in_collection_set();
......@@ -225,16 +225,12 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicy() :
_recent_CS_bytes_surviving(new TruncatedSeq(NumPrevPausesForHeuristics)),
_all_full_gc_times_ms(new NumberSeq()),
// G1PausesBtwnConcMark defaults to -1
// so the hack is to do the cast QQQ FIXME
......@@ -440,6 +436,7 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicy() :
_reserve_regions = 0;
_collectionSetChooser = new CollectionSetChooser();
// Increment "i", mod "len"
......@@ -921,6 +918,7 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_full_collection_end() {
// Reset survivors SurvRateGroup.
void G1CollectorPolicy::record_stop_world_start() {
......@@ -1029,39 +1027,7 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_start() {
_mark_cleanup_start_sec = os::elapsedTime();
G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes) {
record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work1(freed_bytes, max_live_bytes);
record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work1(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes) {
if (_n_marks < 2) {
// The important thing about this is that it includes "os::elapsedTime".
void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work2() {
double end_time_sec = os::elapsedTime();
double elapsed_time_ms = (end_time_sec - _mark_cleanup_start_sec)*1000.0;
_cur_mark_stop_world_time_ms += elapsed_time_ms;
_prev_collection_pause_end_ms += elapsed_time_ms;
_mmu_tracker->add_pause(_mark_cleanup_start_sec, end_time_sec, true);
_n_pauses_at_mark_end = _n_pauses;
G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_completed() {
void G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_completed() {
_should_revert_to_full_young_gcs = false;
_last_full_young_gc = true;
_in_marking_window = false;
......@@ -1501,11 +1467,9 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() {
for (int i = 0; i < _aux_num; ++i)
if (_cur_aux_times_set[i])
if (_cur_aux_times_set[i]) {
// Reset marks-between-pauses counter.
_n_marks_since_last_pause = 0;
// Update the efficiency-since-mark vars.
double proc_ms = elapsed_ms * (double) _parallel_gc_threads;
......@@ -1729,6 +1693,8 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() {
double update_rs_time_goal_ms = _mmu_tracker->max_gc_time() * MILLIUNITS * G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent / 100.0;
adjust_concurrent_refinement(update_rs_time, update_rs_processed_buffers, update_rs_time_goal_ms);
assert(assertMarkedBytesDataOK(), "Marked regions not OK at pause end.");
#define EXT_SIZE_FORMAT "%d%s"
......@@ -2156,10 +2122,6 @@ size_t G1CollectorPolicy::expansion_amount() {
void G1CollectorPolicy::note_start_of_mark_thread() {
_mark_thread_startup_sec = os::elapsedTime();
class CountCSClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
G1CollectorPolicy* _g1_policy;
......@@ -2446,7 +2408,7 @@ public:
bool G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst::assertMarkedBytesDataOK() {
bool G1CollectorPolicy::assertMarkedBytesDataOK() {
HRSortIndexIsOKClosure cl(_collectionSetChooser);
return true;
......@@ -2532,12 +2494,6 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::decide_on_conc_mark_initiation() {
record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec, size_t start_used) {
G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_start(start_time_sec, start_used);
class KnownGarbageClosure: public HeapRegionClosure {
CollectionSetChooser* _hrSorted;
......@@ -2645,20 +2601,20 @@ public:
record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes) {
double start;
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) start = os::elapsedTime();
record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work1(freed_bytes, max_live_bytes);
G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end() {
double start_sec;
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
start_sec = os::elapsedTime();
double clear_marked_end;
double clear_marked_end_sec;
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
clear_marked_end = os::elapsedTime();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" clear marked regions + work1: %8.3f ms.",
(clear_marked_end - start)*1000.0);
clear_marked_end_sec = os::elapsedTime();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" clear marked regions: %8.3f ms.",
(clear_marked_end_sec - start_sec) * 1000.0);
if (G1CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads()) {
const size_t OverpartitionFactor = 4;
const size_t MinWorkUnit = 8;
......@@ -2677,27 +2633,25 @@ record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end(size_t freed_bytes,
KnownGarbageClosure knownGarbagecl(_collectionSetChooser);
double known_garbage_end;
double known_garbage_end_sec;
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
known_garbage_end = os::elapsedTime();
known_garbage_end_sec = os::elapsedTime();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" compute known garbage: %8.3f ms.",
(known_garbage_end - clear_marked_end)*1000.0);
(known_garbage_end_sec - clear_marked_end_sec) * 1000.0);
double sort_end;
double end_sec = os::elapsedTime();
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
sort_end = os::elapsedTime();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" sorting: %8.3f ms.",
(sort_end - known_garbage_end)*1000.0);
(end_sec - known_garbage_end_sec) * 1000.0);
double work2_end;
if (G1PrintParCleanupStats) {
work2_end = os::elapsedTime();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr(" work2: %8.3f ms.",
(work2_end - sort_end)*1000.0);
double elapsed_time_ms = (end_sec - _mark_cleanup_start_sec) * 1000.0;
_cur_mark_stop_world_time_ms += elapsed_time_ms;
_prev_collection_pause_end_ms += elapsed_time_ms;
_mmu_tracker->add_pause(_mark_cleanup_start_sec, end_sec, true);
// Add the heap region at the head of the non-incremental collection set
......@@ -2912,9 +2866,7 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::print_collection_set(HeapRegion* list_head, outputStream
#endif // !PRODUCT
double target_pause_time_ms) {
void G1CollectorPolicy::choose_collection_set(double target_pause_time_ms) {
// Set this here - in case we're not doing young collections.
double non_young_start_time_sec = os::elapsedTime();
......@@ -3115,14 +3067,3 @@ G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst::choose_collection_set(
_recorded_non_young_cset_choice_time_ms =
(non_young_end_time_sec - non_young_start_time_sec) * 1000.0;
void G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst::record_full_collection_end() {
void G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst::
record_collection_pause_end() {
assert(assertMarkedBytesDataOK(), "Marked regions not OK at pause end.");
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
class G1CollectorPolicy: public CollectorPolicy {
// The number of pauses during the execution.
long _n_pauses;
......@@ -106,10 +106,7 @@ protected:
virtual size_t default_init_heap_size() {
// Pick some reasonable default.
return 8*M;
CollectionSetChooser* _collectionSetChooser;
double _cur_collection_start_sec;
size_t _cur_collection_pause_used_at_start_bytes;
......@@ -316,7 +313,6 @@ private:
double update_rs_processed_buffers,
double goal_ms);
double _pause_time_target_ms;
double _recorded_young_cset_choice_time_ms;
double _recorded_non_young_cset_choice_time_ms;
......@@ -554,7 +550,7 @@ public:
return _short_lived_surv_rate_group->accum_surv_rate_pred(age);
void print_stats(int level, const char* str, double value);
void print_stats(int level, const char* str, int value);
......@@ -588,10 +584,6 @@ protected:
// Statistics kept per GC stoppage, pause or full.
TruncatedSeq* _recent_prev_end_times_for_all_gcs_sec;
// We track markings.
int _num_markings;
double _mark_thread_startup_sec; // Time at startup of marking thread
// Add a new GC of the given duration and end time to the record.
void update_recent_gc_times(double end_time_sec, double elapsed_ms);
......@@ -664,12 +656,6 @@ protected:
// young list/collection set).
size_t _inc_cset_predicted_bytes_to_copy;
// Info about marking.
int _n_marks; // Sticky at 2, so we know when we've done at least 2.
// The number of collection pauses at the end of the last mark.
size_t _n_pauses_at_mark_end;
// Stash a pointer to the g1 heap.
G1CollectedHeap* _g1;
......@@ -737,8 +723,6 @@ protected:
// Number of pauses between concurrent marking.
size_t _pauses_btwn_concurrent_mark;
size_t _n_marks_since_last_pause;
// At the end of a pause we check the heap occupancy and we decide
// whether we will start a marking cycle during the next pause. If
// we decide that we want to do that, we will set this parameter to
......@@ -810,6 +794,11 @@ protected:
bool predict_will_fit(size_t young_length, double base_time_ms,
size_t base_free_regions, double target_pause_time_ms);
// Count the number of bytes used in the CS.
void count_CS_bytes_used();
void update_young_list_size_using_newratio(size_t number_of_heap_regions);
......@@ -836,22 +825,9 @@ public:
// This should be called after the heap is resized.
void record_new_heap_size(size_t new_number_of_regions);
// Count the number of bytes used in the CS.
void count_CS_bytes_used();
// Together these do the base cleanup-recording work. Subclasses might
// want to put something between them.
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work1(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes);
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end_work2();
void update_young_list_size_using_newratio(size_t number_of_heap_regions);
virtual void init();
void init();
// Create jstat counters for the policy.
virtual void initialize_gc_policy_counters();
......@@ -876,10 +852,9 @@ public:
// start time, where the given number of bytes were used at the start.
// This may involve changing the desired size of a collection set.
virtual void record_stop_world_start();
void record_stop_world_start();
virtual void record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec,
size_t start_used);
void record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec, size_t start_used);
// Must currently be called while the world is stopped.
void record_concurrent_mark_init_end(double
......@@ -887,23 +862,22 @@ public:
void record_mark_closure_time(double mark_closure_time_ms);
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_remark_start();
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_remark_end();
void record_concurrent_mark_remark_start();
void record_concurrent_mark_remark_end();
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_start();
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes);
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_completed();
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_start();
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end();
void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_completed();
virtual void record_concurrent_pause();
virtual void record_concurrent_pause_end();
void record_concurrent_pause();
void record_concurrent_pause_end();
virtual void record_collection_pause_end();
void record_collection_pause_end();
void print_heap_transition();
// Record the fact that a full collection occurred.
virtual void record_full_collection_start();
virtual void record_full_collection_end();
void record_full_collection_start();
void record_full_collection_end();
void record_gc_worker_start_time(int worker_i, double ms) {
_par_last_gc_worker_start_times_ms[worker_i] = ms;
......@@ -1022,7 +996,7 @@ public:
// Choose a new collection set. Marks the chosen regions as being
// "in_collection_set", and links them together. The head and number of
// the collection set are available via access methods.
virtual void choose_collection_set(double target_pause_time_ms) = 0;
void choose_collection_set(double target_pause_time_ms);
// The head of the list (via "next_in_collection_set()") representing the
// current collection set.
......@@ -1107,19 +1081,12 @@ public:
// If an expansion would be appropriate, because recent GC overhead had
// exceeded the desired limit, return an amount to expand by.
virtual size_t expansion_amount();
// note start of mark thread
void note_start_of_mark_thread();
// The marked bytes of the "r" has changed; reclassify it's desirability
// for marking. Also asserts that "r" is eligible for a CS.
virtual void note_change_in_marked_bytes(HeapRegion* r) = 0;
size_t expansion_amount();
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Check any appropriate marked bytes info, asserting false if
// something's wrong, else returning "true".
virtual bool assertMarkedBytesDataOK() = 0;
bool assertMarkedBytesDataOK();
// Print tracing information.
......@@ -1182,10 +1149,10 @@ public:
return ret;
// Survivor regions policy.
// Current tenuring threshold, set to 0 if the collector reaches the
// maximum amount of suvivors regions.
......@@ -1265,51 +1232,6 @@ public:
// This encapsulates a particular strategy for a g1 Collector.
// Start a concurrent mark when our heap size is n bytes
// greater then our heap size was at the last concurrent
// mark. Where n is a function of the CMSTriggerRatio
// and the MinHeapFreeRatio.
// Start a g1 collection pause when we have allocated the
// average number of bytes currently being freed in
// a collection, but only if it is at least one region
// full
// Resize Heap based on desired
// allocation space, where desired allocation space is
// a function of survival rate and desired future to size.
// Choose collection set by first picking all older regions
// which have a survival rate which beats our projected young
// survival rate. Then fill out the number of needed regions
// with young regions.
class G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst: public G1CollectorPolicy {
CollectionSetChooser* _collectionSetChooser;
virtual void choose_collection_set(double target_pause_time_ms);
virtual void record_collection_pause_start(double start_time_sec,
size_t start_used);
virtual void record_concurrent_mark_cleanup_end(size_t freed_bytes,
size_t max_live_bytes);
virtual void record_full_collection_end();
G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst() {
_collectionSetChooser = new CollectionSetChooser();
void record_collection_pause_end();
// This is not needed any more, after the CSet choosing code was
// changed to use the pause prediction work. But let's leave the
// hook in just in case.
void note_change_in_marked_bytes(HeapRegion* r) { }
#ifndef PRODUCT
bool assertMarkedBytesDataOK();
// This should move to some place more general...
// If we have "n" measurements, and we've kept track of their "sum" and the
......@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ jint Universe::initialize_heap() {
} else if (UseG1GC) {
#ifndef SERIALGC
G1CollectorPolicy* g1p = new G1CollectorPolicy_BestRegionsFirst();
G1CollectorPolicy* g1p = new G1CollectorPolicy();
G1CollectedHeap* g1h = new G1CollectedHeap(g1p);
Universe::_collectedHeap = g1h;
#else // SERIALGC
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