提交 737b3fd7 编写于 作者: R roland

8046542: [I.finalize() calls from methods compiled by C1 do not cause IllegalAccessError on Sparc

Summary: call to Object.finalize() sometimes allowed by compilers on array type
Reviewed-by: iveresov, vlivanov
上级 422d50fc
......@@ -1993,7 +1993,13 @@ void GraphBuilder::invoke(Bytecodes::Code code) {
if (!UseInlineCaches && is_loaded && code == Bytecodes::_invokevirtual
&& !target->can_be_statically_bound()) {
// Find a vtable index if one is available
vtable_index = target->resolve_vtable_index(calling_klass, callee_holder);
// For arrays, callee_holder is Object. Resolving the call with
// Object would allow an illegal call to finalize() on an
// array. We use holder instead: illegal calls to finalize() won't
// be compiled as vtable calls (IC call resolution will catch the
// illegal call) and the few legal calls on array types won't be
// either.
vtable_index = target->resolve_vtable_index(calling_klass, holder);
......@@ -837,8 +837,11 @@ CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod*
Node* receiver_node = kit.argument(0);
const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type = gvn.type(receiver_node)->isa_oopptr();
// call_does_dispatch and vtable_index are out-parameters. They might be changed.
target = C->optimize_virtual_call(caller, jvms->bci(), klass, target, receiver_type,
// optimize_virtual_call() takes 2 different holder
// arguments for a corner case that doesn't apply here (see
// Parse::do_call())
target = C->optimize_virtual_call(caller, jvms->bci(), klass, klass,
target, receiver_type, is_virtual,
call_does_dispatch, vtable_index); // out-parameters
// We lack profiling at this call but type speculation may
// provide us with a type
......@@ -854,8 +854,8 @@ class Compile : public Phase {
// Helper functions to identify inlining potential at call-site
ciMethod* optimize_virtual_call(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciInstanceKlass* klass,
ciMethod* callee, const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type,
bool is_virtual,
ciKlass* holder, ciMethod* callee,
const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type, bool is_virtual,
bool &call_does_dispatch, int &vtable_index);
ciMethod* optimize_inlining(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciInstanceKlass* klass,
ciMethod* callee, const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type);
......@@ -460,8 +460,14 @@ void Parse::do_call() {
Node* receiver_node = stack(sp() - nargs);
const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type = _gvn.type(receiver_node)->isa_oopptr();
// call_does_dispatch and vtable_index are out-parameters. They might be changed.
callee = C->optimize_virtual_call(method(), bci(), klass, orig_callee, receiver_type,
// For arrays, klass below is Object. When vtable calls are used,
// resolving the call with Object would allow an illegal call to
// finalize() on an array. We use holder instead: illegal calls to
// finalize() won't be compiled as vtable calls (IC call
// resolution will catch the illegal call) and the few legal calls
// on array types won't be either.
callee = C->optimize_virtual_call(method(), bci(), klass, holder, orig_callee,
receiver_type, is_virtual,
call_does_dispatch, vtable_index); // out-parameters
speculative_receiver_type = receiver_type != NULL ? receiver_type->speculative_type() : NULL;
......@@ -937,8 +943,8 @@ void Parse::count_compiled_calls(bool at_method_entry, bool is_inline) {
ciMethod* Compile::optimize_virtual_call(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciInstanceKlass* klass,
ciMethod* callee, const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type,
bool is_virtual,
ciKlass* holder, ciMethod* callee,
const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type, bool is_virtual,
bool& call_does_dispatch, int& vtable_index) {
// Set default values for out-parameters.
call_does_dispatch = true;
......@@ -953,7 +959,7 @@ ciMethod* Compile::optimize_virtual_call(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciInstanceKl
call_does_dispatch = false;
} else if (!UseInlineCaches && is_virtual && callee->is_loaded()) {
// We can make a vtable call at this site
vtable_index = callee->resolve_vtable_index(caller->holder(), klass);
vtable_index = callee->resolve_vtable_index(caller->holder(), holder);
return callee;
......@@ -976,8 +982,10 @@ ciMethod* Compile::optimize_inlining(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciInstanceKlass*
ciInstanceKlass* actual_receiver = klass;
if (receiver_type != NULL) {
// Array methods are all inherited from Object, and are monomorphic.
// finalize() call on array is not allowed.
if (receiver_type->isa_aryptr() &&
callee->holder() == env()->Object_klass()) {
callee->holder() == env()->Object_klass() &&
callee->name() != ciSymbol::finalize_method_name()) {
return callee;
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