提交 37c987f3 编写于 作者: Z zmajo

8055286: Extend CompileCommand=option to handle numeric parameters

Summary: Changed CompileCommand=option to handle "extended" parameters: Klass::method,type,flag,value. Types supported are bool, intx, and uintx.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
上级 650e1a07
......@@ -167,44 +167,113 @@ bool MethodMatcher::match(Symbol* candidate, Symbol* match, Mode match_mode) {
enum OptionType {
class MethodOptionMatcher: public MethodMatcher {
const char * option;
MethodOptionMatcher(Symbol* class_name, Mode class_mode,
Symbol* method_name, Mode method_mode,
Symbol* signature, const char * opt, MethodMatcher* next):
MethodMatcher(class_name, class_mode, method_name, method_mode, signature, next) {
option = opt;
/* Methods to map real type names to OptionType */
template<typename T>
static OptionType get_type_for() {
return UnknownType;
template<> OptionType get_type_for<intx>() {
return IntxType;
template<> OptionType get_type_for<uintx>() {
return UintxType;
template<> OptionType get_type_for<bool>() {
return BoolType;
template <typename T>
class TypedMethodOptionMatcher : public MethodMatcher {
const char* _option;
OptionType _type;
const T _value;
TypedMethodOptionMatcher(Symbol* class_name, Mode class_mode,
Symbol* method_name, Mode method_mode,
Symbol* signature, const char* opt,
const T value, MethodMatcher* next) :
MethodMatcher(class_name, class_mode, method_name, method_mode, signature, next),
_type(get_type_for<T>()), _value(value) {
_option = strdup(opt);
bool match(methodHandle method, const char* opt) {
MethodOptionMatcher* current = this;
~TypedMethodOptionMatcher() {
TypedMethodOptionMatcher* match(methodHandle method, const char* opt) {
TypedMethodOptionMatcher* current = this;
while (current != NULL) {
current = (MethodOptionMatcher*)current->find(method);
current = (TypedMethodOptionMatcher*)current->find(method);
if (current == NULL) {
return false;
return NULL;
if (strcmp(current->option, opt) == 0) {
return true;
if (strcmp(current->_option, opt) == 0) {
return current;
current = current->next();
return false;
return NULL;
MethodOptionMatcher* next() {
return (MethodOptionMatcher*)_next;
TypedMethodOptionMatcher* next() {
return (TypedMethodOptionMatcher*)_next;
virtual void print() {
OptionType get_type(void) {
return _type;
T value() { return _value; }
void print() {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print(" %s", option);
tty->print(" %s", _option);
tty->print(" <unknown option type>");
void TypedMethodOptionMatcher<intx>::print() {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print(" %s", _option);
tty->print(" " INTX_FORMAT, _value);
void TypedMethodOptionMatcher<uintx>::print() {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print(" %s", _option);
tty->print(" " UINTX_FORMAT, _value);
void TypedMethodOptionMatcher<bool>::print() {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print(" %s", _option);
tty->print(" %s", _value ? "true" : "false");
// this must parallel the command_names below
enum OracleCommand {
......@@ -259,23 +328,45 @@ static MethodMatcher* add_predicate(OracleCommand command,
return lists[command];
template<typename T>
static MethodMatcher* add_option_string(Symbol* class_name, MethodMatcher::Mode c_mode,
Symbol* method_name, MethodMatcher::Mode m_mode,
Symbol* signature,
const char* option) {
lists[OptionCommand] = new MethodOptionMatcher(class_name, c_mode, method_name, m_mode,
signature, option, lists[OptionCommand]);
const char* option,
T value) {
lists[OptionCommand] = new TypedMethodOptionMatcher<T>(class_name, c_mode, method_name, m_mode,
signature, option, value, lists[OptionCommand]);
return lists[OptionCommand];
template<typename T>
static bool get_option_value(methodHandle method, const char* option, T& value) {
TypedMethodOptionMatcher<T>* m;
if (lists[OptionCommand] != NULL
&& (m = ((TypedMethodOptionMatcher<T>*)lists[OptionCommand])->match(method, option)) != NULL
&& m->get_type() == get_type_for<T>()) {
value = m->value();
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool CompilerOracle::has_option_string(methodHandle method, const char* option) {
return lists[OptionCommand] != NULL &&
((MethodOptionMatcher*)lists[OptionCommand])->match(method, option);
bool value = false;
get_option_value(method, option, value);
return value;
template<typename T>
bool CompilerOracle::has_option_value(methodHandle method, const char* option, T& value) {
return get_option_value(method, option, value);
// Explicit instantiation for all OptionTypes supported.
template bool CompilerOracle::has_option_value<intx>(methodHandle method, const char* option, intx& value);
template bool CompilerOracle::has_option_value<uintx>(methodHandle method, const char* option, uintx& value);
template bool CompilerOracle::has_option_value<bool>(methodHandle method, const char* option, bool& value);
bool CompilerOracle::should_exclude(methodHandle method, bool& quietly) {
quietly = true;
......@@ -433,6 +524,61 @@ static bool scan_line(const char * line,
// Scan next flag and value in line, return MethodMatcher object on success, NULL on failure.
// On failure, error_msg contains description for the first error.
// For future extensions: set error_msg on first error.
static MethodMatcher* scan_flag_and_value(const char* type, const char* line, int& total_bytes_read,
Symbol* c_name, MethodMatcher::Mode c_match,
Symbol* m_name, MethodMatcher::Mode m_match,
Symbol* signature,
char* errorbuf, const int buf_size) {
total_bytes_read = 0;
int bytes_read = 0;
char flag[256];
// Read flag name.
if (sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]%255[a-zA-Z0-9]%n", flag, &bytes_read) == 1) {
line += bytes_read;
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
// Read value.
if (strcmp(type, "intx") == 0) {
intx value;
if (sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]" INTX_FORMAT "%n", &value, &bytes_read) == 1) {
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
return add_option_string(c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature, flag, value);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, buf_size, " Value cannot be read for flag %s of type %s ", flag, type);
} else if (strcmp(type, "uintx") == 0) {
uintx value;
if (sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]" UINTX_FORMAT "%n", &value, &bytes_read) == 1) {
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
return add_option_string(c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature, flag, value);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, buf_size, " Value cannot be read for flag %s of type %s", flag, type);
} else if (strcmp(type, "bool") == 0) {
char value[256];
if (sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]%255[a-zA-Z]%n", value, &bytes_read) == 1) {
if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) {
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
return add_option_string(c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature, flag, true);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, buf_size, " Value cannot be read for flag %s of type %s", flag, type);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf), " Value cannot be read for flag %s of type %s", flag, type);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf), " Type %s not supported ", type);
} else {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf), " Flag name for type %s should be alphanumeric ", type);
return NULL;
void CompilerOracle::parse_from_line(char* line) {
if (line[0] == '\0') return;
if (line[0] == '#') return;
......@@ -462,8 +608,10 @@ void CompilerOracle::parse_from_line(char* line) {
int bytes_read;
OracleCommand command = parse_command_name(line, &bytes_read);
line += bytes_read;
ResourceMark rm;
if (command == UnknownCommand) {
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print_cr("CompilerOracle: unrecognized line");
tty->print_cr(" \"%s\"", original_line);
......@@ -485,7 +633,7 @@ void CompilerOracle::parse_from_line(char* line) {
char method_name[256];
char sig[1024];
char errorbuf[1024];
const char* error_msg = NULL;
const char* error_msg = NULL; // description of first error that appears
MethodMatcher* match = NULL;
if (scan_line(line, class_name, &c_match, method_name, &m_match, &bytes_read, error_msg)) {
......@@ -504,43 +652,78 @@ void CompilerOracle::parse_from_line(char* line) {
if (command == OptionCommand) {
// Look for trailing options to support
// ciMethod::has_option("string") to control features in the
// compiler. Multiple options may follow the method name.
char option[256];
// Look for trailing options.
// Two types of trailing options are
// supported:
// (1) CompileCommand=option,Klass::method,flag
// (2) CompileCommand=option,Klass::method,type,flag,value
// Type (1) is used to support ciMethod::has_option("someflag")
// (i.e., to check if a flag "someflag" is enabled for a method).
// Type (2) is used to support options with a value. Values can have the
// the following types: intx, uintx, bool, ccstr, and ccstrlist. Currently,
// values of type intx, uintx, and bool are supported.
// For future extensions: extend scan_flag_and_value()
char option[256]; // stores flag for Type (1) and type of Type (2)
while (sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]%255[a-zA-Z0-9]%n", option, &bytes_read) == 1) {
if (match != NULL && !_quiet) {
// Print out the last match added
ttyLocker ttyl;
tty->print("CompilerOracle: %s ", command_names[command]);
match = add_option_string(c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature, strdup(option));
line += bytes_read;
if (strcmp(option, "intx") == 0
|| strcmp(option, "uintx") == 0
|| strcmp(option, "bool") == 0
|| strcmp(option, "ccstr") == 0
|| strcmp(option, "ccstrlist") == 0
) {
// Type (2) option: parse flag name and value.
match = scan_flag_and_value(option, line, bytes_read,
c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature,
errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf));
if (match == NULL) {
error_msg = errorbuf;
line += bytes_read;
} else {
// Type (1) option
match = add_option_string(c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature, option, true);
} // while(
} else {
bytes_read = 0;
sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]%n", &bytes_read);
if (line[bytes_read] != '\0') {
jio_snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf), " Unrecognized text after command: %s", line);
error_msg = errorbuf;
} else {
match = add_predicate(command, c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature);
match = add_predicate(command, c_name, c_match, m_name, m_match, signature);
if (match != NULL) {
if (!_quiet) {
ResourceMark rm;
tty->print("CompilerOracle: %s ", command_names[command]);
} else {
ttyLocker ttyl;
if (error_msg != NULL) {
// an error has happened
tty->print_cr("CompilerOracle: unrecognized line");
tty->print_cr(" \"%s\"", original_line);
if (error_msg != NULL) {
tty->print_cr("%s", error_msg);
} else {
// check for remaining characters
bytes_read = 0;
sscanf(line, "%*[ \t]%n", &bytes_read);
if (line[bytes_read] != '\0') {
tty->print_cr("CompilerOracle: unrecognized line");
tty->print_cr(" \"%s\"", original_line);
tty->print_cr(" Unrecognized text %s after command ", line);
} else if (match != NULL && !_quiet) {
tty->print("CompilerOracle: %s ", command_names[command]);
......@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ class CompilerOracle : AllStatic {
// Check to see if this method has option set for it
static bool has_option_string(methodHandle method, const char * option);
// Check if method has option and value set. If yes, overwrite value and return true,
// otherwise leave value unchanged and return false.
template<typename T>
static bool has_option_value(methodHandle method, const char* option, T& value);
// Reads from string instead of file
static void parse_from_string(const char* command_string, void (*parser)(char*));
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