提交 3328706a 编写于 作者: P phh

8191393: Random crashes during cfree+0x1c

Summary: Synchronize gcLogFileStream::write/rotate_log
Reviewed-by: adinn, phh, snazarki
Contributed-by: xxinliu@amazon.com
上级 c0ea5af3
......@@ -209,8 +209,9 @@ void VMOperationQueue::oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
// Implementation of VMThread stuff
bool VMThread::_should_terminate = false;
bool VMThread::_should_terminate = false;
bool VMThread::_terminated = false;
bool VMThread::_gclog_reentry = false;
Monitor* VMThread::_terminate_lock = NULL;
VMThread* VMThread::_vm_thread = NULL;
VM_Operation* VMThread::_cur_vm_operation = NULL;
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class VMThread: public NamedThread {
static bool _should_terminate;
static bool _terminated;
static bool _gclog_reentry;
static Monitor * _terminate_lock;
static PerfCounter* _perf_accumulated_vm_operation_time;
......@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ class VMThread: public NamedThread {
static void wait_for_vm_thread_exit();
static bool should_terminate() { return _should_terminate; }
static bool is_terminated() { return _terminated == true; }
static bool is_gclog_reentry() { return _gclog_reentry; }
static void set_gclog_reentry(bool reentry) { _gclog_reentry = reentry; }
// Execution of vm operation
static void execute(VM_Operation* op);
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "gc_implementation/shared/gcId.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
#include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
......@@ -794,9 +795,11 @@ gcLogFileStream::~gcLogFileStream() {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _file_name, mtInternal);
_file_name = NULL;
delete _file_lock;
gcLogFileStream::gcLogFileStream(const char* file_name) {
gcLogFileStream::gcLogFileStream(const char* file_name) : _file_lock(NULL) {
_cur_file_num = 0;
_bytes_written = 0L;
_file_name = make_log_name(file_name, NULL);
......@@ -819,6 +822,10 @@ gcLogFileStream::gcLogFileStream(const char* file_name) {
if (_file != NULL) {
_need_close = true;
if (UseGCLogFileRotation) {
_file_lock = new Mutex(Mutex::leaf, "GCLogFile");
} else {
warning("Cannot open file %s due to %s\n", _file_name, strerror(errno));
_need_close = false;
......@@ -827,21 +834,54 @@ gcLogFileStream::gcLogFileStream(const char* file_name) {
void gcLogFileStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
if (_file != NULL) {
size_t count = fwrite(s, 1, len, _file);
_bytes_written += count;
// we can't use Thread::current() here because thread may be NULL
// in early stage(ostream_init_log)
Thread* thread = ThreadLocalStorage::thread();
// avoid the mutex in the following cases
// 1) ThreadLocalStorage::thread() hasn't been initialized
// 2) _file_lock is not in use.
// 3) current() is VMThread and its reentry flag is set
if (!thread || !_file_lock || (thread->is_VM_thread()
&& ((VMThread* )thread)->is_gclog_reentry())) {
size_t count = fwrite(s, 1, len, _file);
_bytes_written += count;
else {
MutexLockerEx ml(_file_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
size_t count = fwrite(s, 1, len, _file);
_bytes_written += count;
update_position(s, len);
// rotate_log must be called from VMThread at safepoint. In case need change parameters
// rotate_log must be called from VMThread at a safepoint. In case need change parameters
// for gc log rotation from thread other than VMThread, a sub type of VM_Operation
// should be created and be submitted to VMThread's operation queue. DO NOT call this
// function directly. Currently, it is safe to rotate log at safepoint through VMThread.
// That is, no mutator threads and concurrent GC threads run parallel with VMThread to
// write to gc log file at safepoint. If in future, changes made for mutator threads or
// concurrent GC threads to run parallel with VMThread at safepoint, write and rotate_log
// must be synchronized.
// function directly. It is safe to rotate log through VMThread because
// no mutator threads run concurrently with the VMThread, and GC threads that run
// concurrently with the VMThread are synchronized in write and rotate_log via _file_lock.
// rotate_log can write log entries, so write supports reentry for it.
void gcLogFileStream::rotate_log(bool force, outputStream* out) {
#ifdef ASSERT
Thread *thread = Thread::current();
assert(thread == NULL ||
(thread->is_VM_thread() && SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()),
"Must be VMThread at safepoint");
VMThread* vmthread = VMThread::vm_thread();
// nop if _file_lock is NULL.
MutexLockerEx ml(_file_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
rotate_log_impl(force, out);
void gcLogFileStream::rotate_log_impl(bool force, outputStream* out) {
char time_msg[O_BUFLEN];
char time_str[EXTRACHARLEN];
char current_file_name[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
......@@ -851,12 +891,6 @@ void gcLogFileStream::rotate_log(bool force, outputStream* out) {
#ifdef ASSERT
Thread *thread = Thread::current();
assert(thread == NULL ||
(thread->is_VM_thread() && SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()),
"Must be VMThread at safepoint");
if (NumberOfGCLogFiles == 1) {
// rotate in same file
......@@ -235,11 +235,15 @@ class fdStream : public outputStream {
void flush() {};
class Mutex;
class gcLogFileStream : public fileStream {
const char* _file_name;
jlong _bytes_written;
uintx _cur_file_num; // current logfile rotation number, from 0 to NumberOfGCLogFiles-1
Mutex* _file_lock;
void rotate_log_impl(bool force, outputStream* out);
gcLogFileStream(const char* file_name);
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