g1AllocRegion.cpp 8.7 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1AllocRegion.inline.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.inline.hpp"

G1CollectedHeap* G1AllocRegion::_g1h = NULL;
HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::_dummy_region = NULL;

void G1AllocRegion::setup(G1CollectedHeap* g1h, HeapRegion* dummy_region) {
  assert(_dummy_region == NULL, "should be set once");
  assert(dummy_region != NULL, "pre-condition");
  assert(dummy_region->free() == 0, "pre-condition");

  // Make sure that any allocation attempt on this region will fail
  // and will not trigger any asserts.
  assert(allocate(dummy_region, 1, false) == NULL, "should fail");
  assert(par_allocate(dummy_region, 1, false) == NULL, "should fail");
  assert(allocate(dummy_region, 1, true) == NULL, "should fail");
  assert(par_allocate(dummy_region, 1, true) == NULL, "should fail");

  _g1h = g1h;
  _dummy_region = dummy_region;

void G1AllocRegion::fill_up_remaining_space(HeapRegion* alloc_region,
                                            bool bot_updates) {
  assert(alloc_region != NULL && alloc_region != _dummy_region,

  // Other threads might still be trying to allocate using a CAS out
  // of the region we are trying to retire, as they can do so without
  // holding the lock. So, we first have to make sure that noone else
  // can allocate out of it by doing a maximal allocation. Even if our
  // CAS attempt fails a few times, we'll succeed sooner or later
  // given that failed CAS attempts mean that the region is getting
  // closed to being full.
  size_t free_word_size = alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize;

  // This is the minimum free chunk we can turn into a dummy
  // object. If the free space falls below this, then noone can
  // allocate in this region anyway (all allocation requests will be
  // of a size larger than this) so we won't have to perform the dummy
  // allocation.
  size_t min_word_size_to_fill = CollectedHeap::min_fill_size();

  while (free_word_size >= min_word_size_to_fill) {
    HeapWord* dummy = par_allocate(alloc_region, free_word_size, bot_updates);
    if (dummy != NULL) {
      // If the allocation was successful we should fill in the space.
      CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(dummy, free_word_size);

    free_word_size = alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize;
    // It's also possible that someone else beats us to the
    // allocation and they fill up the region. In that case, we can
    // just get out of the loop.
  assert(alloc_region->free() / HeapWordSize < min_word_size_to_fill,

void G1AllocRegion::retire(bool fill_up) {
  assert(_alloc_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "not initialized properly"));

  HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
  if (alloc_region != _dummy_region) {
    // We never have to check whether the active region is empty or not,
    // and potentially free it if it is, given that it's guaranteed that
    // it will never be empty.
           ar_ext_msg(this, "the alloc region should never be empty"));

    if (fill_up) {
      fill_up_remaining_space(alloc_region, _bot_updates);

    assert(alloc_region->used() >= _used_bytes_before,
           ar_ext_msg(this, "invariant"));
    size_t allocated_bytes = alloc_region->used() - _used_bytes_before;
    retire_region(alloc_region, allocated_bytes);
    _used_bytes_before = 0;
    _alloc_region = _dummy_region;

HeapWord* G1AllocRegion::new_alloc_region_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
                                                       bool force) {
  assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
  assert(_used_bytes_before == 0, ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));

  trace("attempting region allocation");
  HeapRegion* new_alloc_region = allocate_new_region(word_size, force);
  if (new_alloc_region != NULL) {
    // Need to do this before the allocation
    _used_bytes_before = new_alloc_region->used();
    HeapWord* result = allocate(new_alloc_region, word_size, _bot_updates);
    assert(result != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "the allocation should succeeded"));

    // Note that we first perform the allocation and then we store the
    // region in _alloc_region. This is the reason why an active region
    // can never be empty.
    _alloc_region = new_alloc_region;
    _count += 1;
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
    trace("region allocation successful");
    return result;
  } else {
    trace("region allocation failed");
    return NULL;

void G1AllocRegion::fill_in_ext_msg(ar_ext_msg* msg, const char* message) {
143 144
  msg->append("[%s] %s c: "SIZE_FORMAT" b: %s r: "PTR_FORMAT" u: "SIZE_FORMAT,
              _name, message, _count, BOOL_TO_STR(_bot_updates),
145 146 147 148 149 150 151
              _alloc_region, _used_bytes_before);

void G1AllocRegion::init() {
  assert(_alloc_region == NULL && _used_bytes_before == 0,
         ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
  assert(_dummy_region != NULL, ar_ext_msg(this, "should have been set"));
  _alloc_region = _dummy_region;
  _count = 0;
155 156 157

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void G1AllocRegion::set(HeapRegion* alloc_region) {
  // We explicitly check that the region is not empty to make sure we
  // maintain the "the alloc region cannot be empty" invariant.
  assert(alloc_region != NULL && !alloc_region->is_empty(),
         ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));
  assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region &&
         _used_bytes_before == 0 && _count == 0,
         ar_ext_msg(this, "pre-condition"));

  _used_bytes_before = alloc_region->used();
  _alloc_region = alloc_region;
  _count += 1;

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HeapRegion* G1AllocRegion::release() {
  HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
  retire(false /* fill_up */);
178 179
  assert(_alloc_region == _dummy_region,
         ar_ext_msg(this, "post-condition of retire()"));
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
  _alloc_region = NULL;
  return (alloc_region == _dummy_region) ? NULL : alloc_region;

void G1AllocRegion::trace(const char* str, size_t word_size, HeapWord* result) {
  // All the calls to trace that set either just the size or the size
  // and the result are considered part of level 2 tracing and are
  // skipped during level 1 tracing.
  if ((word_size == 0 && result == NULL) || (G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING > 1)) {
    const size_t buffer_length = 128;
    char hr_buffer[buffer_length];
    char rest_buffer[buffer_length];

    HeapRegion* alloc_region = _alloc_region;
    if (alloc_region == NULL) {
      jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length, "NULL");
    } else if (alloc_region == _dummy_region) {
      jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length, "DUMMY");
    } else {
      jio_snprintf(hr_buffer, buffer_length,
                   HR_FORMAT, HR_FORMAT_PARAMS(alloc_region));

    if (G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING > 1) {
      if (result != NULL) {
        jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, SIZE_FORMAT" "PTR_FORMAT,
                     word_size, result);
      } else if (word_size != 0) {
        jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, SIZE_FORMAT, word_size);
      } else {
        jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, "");
    } else {
      jio_snprintf(rest_buffer, buffer_length, "");

218 219
    tty->print_cr("[%s] "SIZE_FORMAT" %s : %s %s",
                  _name, _count, hr_buffer, str, rest_buffer);
220 221 222 223 224 225 226

G1AllocRegion::G1AllocRegion(const char* name,
                             bool bot_updates)
  : _name(name), _bot_updates(bot_updates),
    _alloc_region(NULL), _count(0), _used_bytes_before(0) { }