ciMethod.hpp 10.7 KB
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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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19 20 21
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#include "ci/ciFlags.hpp"
#include "ci/ciInstanceKlass.hpp"
#include "ci/ciObject.hpp"
#include "ci/ciSignature.hpp"
#include "compiler/methodLiveness.hpp"
#include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
#include "utilities/bitMap.hpp"

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class ciMethodBlocks;
class MethodLiveness;
class BitMap;
class Arena;
class BCEscapeAnalyzer;

// ciMethod
// This class represents a methodOop in the HotSpot virtual
// machine.
class ciMethod : public ciObject {
  friend class CompileBroker;
  friend class ciEnv;
  friend class ciExceptionHandlerStream;
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  friend class ciBytecodeStream;
  friend class ciMethodHandle;
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  // General method information.
  ciFlags          _flags;
  ciSymbol*        _name;
  ciInstanceKlass* _holder;
  ciSignature*     _signature;
  ciMethodData*    _method_data;
  ciMethodBlocks*   _method_blocks;

  // Code attributes.
  int _code_size;
  int _max_stack;
  int _max_locals;
  vmIntrinsics::ID _intrinsic_id;
  int _handler_count;
  int _interpreter_invocation_count;
  int _interpreter_throwout_count;

  bool _uses_monitors;
  bool _balanced_monitors;
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  bool _is_c1_compilable;
  bool _is_c2_compilable;
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  bool _can_be_statically_bound;

  // Lazy fields, filled in on demand
  address              _code;
  ciExceptionHandler** _exception_handlers;

  // Optional liveness analyzer.
  MethodLiveness* _liveness;
#if defined(COMPILER2) || defined(SHARK)
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  ciTypeFlow*         _flow;
  BCEscapeAnalyzer*   _bcea;
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  ciMethod(methodHandle h_m);
  ciMethod(ciInstanceKlass* holder, ciSymbol* name, ciSymbol* signature);

  methodOop get_methodOop() const {
    methodOop m = (methodOop)get_oop();
    assert(m != NULL, "illegal use of unloaded method");
    return m;

  oop loader() const                             { return _holder->loader(); }

  const char* type_string()                      { return "ciMethod"; }

  void print_impl(outputStream* st);

  void load_code();

  void check_is_loaded() const                   { assert(is_loaded(), "not loaded"); }

  bool ensure_method_data(methodHandle h_m);
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  void code_at_put(int bci, Bytecodes::Code code) {
    assert(0 <= bci && bci < code_size(), "valid bci");
    address bcp = _code + bci;
    *bcp = code;

  // Basic method information.
  ciFlags flags() const                          { check_is_loaded(); return _flags; }
  ciSymbol* name() const                         { return _name; }
  ciInstanceKlass* holder() const                { return _holder; }
  ciMethodData* method_data();
  ciMethodData* method_data_or_null();
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  // Signature information.
  ciSignature* signature() const                 { return _signature; }
  ciType*      return_type() const               { return _signature->return_type(); }
  int          arg_size_no_receiver() const      { return _signature->size(); }
  int          arg_size() const                  { return _signature->size() + (_flags.is_static() ? 0 : 1); }

  // Method code and related information.
  address code()                                 { if (_code == NULL) load_code(); return _code; }
  int code_size() const                          { check_is_loaded(); return _code_size; }
  int max_stack() const                          { check_is_loaded(); return _max_stack; }
  int max_locals() const                         { check_is_loaded(); return _max_locals; }
  vmIntrinsics::ID intrinsic_id() const          { check_is_loaded(); return _intrinsic_id; }
  bool has_exception_handlers() const            { check_is_loaded(); return _handler_count > 0; }
  int exception_table_length() const             { check_is_loaded(); return _handler_count; }
  int interpreter_invocation_count() const       { check_is_loaded(); return _interpreter_invocation_count; }
  int interpreter_throwout_count() const         { check_is_loaded(); return _interpreter_throwout_count; }

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  int comp_level();

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  Bytecodes::Code java_code_at_bci(int bci) {
    address bcp = code() + bci;
    return Bytecodes::java_code_at(bcp);
  BCEscapeAnalyzer  *get_bcea();
  ciMethodBlocks    *get_method_blocks();

  bool    has_linenumber_table() const;          // length unknown until decompression
  u_char* compressed_linenumber_table() const;   // not preserved by gc

  int line_number_from_bci(int bci) const;

  // Runtime information.
  int           vtable_index();
159 160 161
#ifdef SHARK
  int           itable_index();
#endif // SHARK
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  address       native_entry();
  address       interpreter_entry();

  // Analysis and profiling.
  // Usage note: liveness_at_bci and init_vars should be wrapped in ResourceMarks.
  bool          uses_monitors() const            { return _uses_monitors; } // this one should go away, it has a misleading name
  bool          has_monitor_bytecodes() const    { return _uses_monitors; }
  bool          has_balanced_monitors();

172 173 174 175 176 177
  // Returns a bitmap indicating which locals are required to be
  // maintained as live for deopt.  raw_liveness_at_bci is always the
  // direct output of the liveness computation while liveness_at_bci
  // may mark all locals as live to improve support for debugging Java
  // code by maintaining the state of as many locals as possible.
  MethodLivenessResult raw_liveness_at_bci(int bci);
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  MethodLivenessResult liveness_at_bci(int bci);

  // Get the interpreters viewpoint on oop liveness.  MethodLiveness is
  // conservative in the sense that it may consider locals to be live which
  // cannot be live, like in the case where a local could contain an oop or
  // a primitive along different paths.  In that case the local must be
  // dead when those paths merge. Since the interpreter's viewpoint is
  // used when gc'ing an interpreter frame we need to use its viewpoint
  // during OSR when loading the locals.

  BitMap  live_local_oops_at_bci(int bci);

#ifdef COMPILER1
  const BitMap  bci_block_start();

  ciTypeFlow*   get_flow_analysis();
  ciTypeFlow*   get_osr_flow_analysis(int osr_bci);  // alternate entry point
  ciCallProfile call_profile_at_bci(int bci);
  int           interpreter_call_site_count(int bci);

  // Given a certain calling environment, find the monomorphic target
  // for the call.  Return NULL if the call is not monomorphic in
  // its calling environment.
  ciMethod* find_monomorphic_target(ciInstanceKlass* caller,
                                    ciInstanceKlass* callee_holder,
                                    ciInstanceKlass* actual_receiver);

  // Given a known receiver klass, find the target for the call.
  // Return NULL if the call has no target or is abstract.
  ciMethod* resolve_invoke(ciKlass* caller, ciKlass* exact_receiver);

  // Find the proper vtable index to invoke this method.
  int resolve_vtable_index(ciKlass* caller, ciKlass* receiver);

  // Compilation directives
  bool will_link(ciKlass* accessing_klass,
                 ciKlass* declared_method_holder,
                 Bytecodes::Code bc);
  bool should_exclude();
  bool should_inline();
  bool should_not_inline();
  bool should_print_assembly();
  bool break_at_execute();
  bool has_option(const char *option);
  bool can_be_compiled();
  bool can_be_osr_compiled(int entry_bci);
  void set_not_compilable();
  bool has_compiled_code();
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  int  instructions_size(int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
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  void log_nmethod_identity(xmlStream* log);
  bool is_not_reached(int bci);
  bool was_executed_more_than(int times);
  bool has_unloaded_classes_in_signature();
  bool is_klass_loaded(int refinfo_index, bool must_be_resolved) const;
  bool check_call(int refinfo_index, bool is_static) const;
  bool ensure_method_data();  // make sure it exists in the VM also
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  int scale_count(int count, float prof_factor = 1.);  // make MDO count commensurate with IIC
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  // JSR 292 support
  bool is_method_handle_invoke()  const;
  bool is_method_handle_adapter() const;
  ciInstance* method_handle_type();
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  // What kind of ciObject is this?
  bool is_method()                               { return true; }

  // Java access flags
  bool is_public      () const                   { return flags().is_public(); }
  bool is_private     () const                   { return flags().is_private(); }
  bool is_protected   () const                   { return flags().is_protected(); }
  bool is_static      () const                   { return flags().is_static(); }
  bool is_final       () const                   { return flags().is_final(); }
  bool is_synchronized() const                   { return flags().is_synchronized(); }
  bool is_native      () const                   { return flags().is_native(); }
  bool is_interface   () const                   { return flags().is_interface(); }
  bool is_abstract    () const                   { return flags().is_abstract(); }
  bool is_strict      () const                   { return flags().is_strict(); }

  // Other flags
  bool is_empty_method() const;
  bool is_vanilla_constructor() const;
  bool is_final_method() const                   { return is_final() || holder()->is_final(); }
  bool has_loops      () const;
  bool has_jsrs       () const;
  bool is_accessor    () const;
  bool is_initializer () const;
  bool can_be_statically_bound() const           { return _can_be_statically_bound; }

  // Print the bytecodes of this method.
  void print_codes_on(outputStream* st);
  void print_codes() {
  void print_codes_on(int from, int to, outputStream* st);

  // Print the name of this method in various incarnations.
  void print_name(outputStream* st = tty);
  void print_short_name(outputStream* st = tty);
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  methodOop get_method_handle_target() {
    klassOop receiver_limit_oop = NULL;
    int flags = 0;
    return MethodHandles::decode_method(get_oop(), receiver_limit_oop, flags);
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