handles.hpp 13.7 KB
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19 20 21
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#include "oops/klass.hpp"

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// In order to preserve oops during garbage collection, they should be
// allocated and passed around via Handles within the VM. A handle is
// simply an extra indirection allocated in a thread local handle area.
// A handle is a ValueObj, so it can be passed around as a value, can
// be used as a parameter w/o using &-passing, and can be returned as a
// return value.
// oop parameters and return types should be Handles whenever feasible.
// Handles are declared in a straight-forward manner, e.g.
//   oop obj = ...;
//   Handle h1(obj);              // allocate new handle
//   Handle h2(thread, obj);      // faster allocation when current thread is known
//   Handle h3;                   // declare handle only, no allocation occurs
//   ...
//   h3 = h1;                     // make h3 refer to same indirection as h1
//   oop obj2 = h2();             // get handle value
//   h1->print();                 // invoking operation on oop
// Handles are specialized for different oop types to provide extra type
// information and avoid unnecessary casting. For each oop type xxxOop
// there is a corresponding handle called xxxHandle, e.g.
//   oop           Handle
//   Method*       methodHandle
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//   instanceOop   instanceHandle

// Base class for all handles. Provides overloading of frequently
// used operators for ease of use.

  oop* _handle;

  oop     obj() const                            { return _handle == NULL ? (oop)NULL : *_handle; }
  oop     non_null_obj() const                   { assert(_handle != NULL, "resolving NULL handle"); return *_handle; }

  // Constructors
  Handle()                                       { _handle = NULL; }
  Handle(oop obj);
  Handle(Thread* thread, oop obj);

  // General access
  oop     operator () () const                   { return obj(); }
  oop     operator -> () const                   { return non_null_obj(); }
  bool    operator == (oop o) const              { return obj() == o; }
  bool    operator == (const Handle& h) const          { return obj() == h.obj(); }

  // Null checks
  bool    is_null() const                        { return _handle == NULL; }
  bool    not_null() const                       { return _handle != NULL; }

  // Debugging
  void    print()                                { obj()->print(); }

  // Direct interface, use very sparingly.
  // Used by JavaCalls to quickly convert handles and to create handles static data structures.
  // Constructor takes a dummy argument to prevent unintentional type conversion in C++.
  Handle(oop *handle, bool dummy)                { _handle = handle; }

  // Raw handle access. Allows easy duplication of Handles. This can be very unsafe
  // since duplicates is only valid as long as original handle is alive.
  oop* raw_value()                               { return _handle; }
  static oop raw_resolve(oop *handle)            { return handle == NULL ? (oop)NULL : *handle; }

// Specific Handles for different oop types
#define DEF_HANDLE(type, is_a)                   \
  class type##Handle: public Handle {            \
   protected:                                    \
    type##Oop    obj() const                     { return (type##Oop)Handle::obj(); } \
    type##Oop    non_null_obj() const            { return (type##Oop)Handle::non_null_obj(); } \
   public:                                       \
    /* Constructors */                           \
    type##Handle ()                              : Handle()                 {} \
    type##Handle (type##Oop obj) : Handle((oop)obj) {                         \
      assert(is_null() || ((oop)obj)->is_a(),                                 \
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             "illegal type");                                                 \
    }                                                                         \
    type##Handle (Thread* thread, type##Oop obj) : Handle(thread, (oop)obj) { \
      assert(is_null() || ((oop)obj)->is_a(), "illegal type");                \
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    }                                                                         \
    /* Operators for ease of use */              \
    type##Oop    operator () () const            { return obj(); } \
    type##Oop    operator -> () const            { return non_null_obj(); } \

DEF_HANDLE(instance         , is_instance         )
DEF_HANDLE(array            , is_array            )
DEF_HANDLE(objArray         , is_objArray         )
DEF_HANDLE(typeArray        , is_typeArray        )


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// Metadata Handles.  Unlike oop Handles these are needed to prevent metadata
// from being reclaimed by RedefineClasses.

// Specific Handles for different oop types
#define DEF_METADATA_HANDLE(name, type)          \
  class name##Handle;                            \
  class name##Handle {                           \
    type*     _value;                            \
    Thread*   _thread;                           \
   protected:                                    \
    type*        obj() const                     { return _value; } \
    type*        non_null_obj() const            { assert(_value != NULL, "resolving NULL _value"); return _value; } \
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   public:                                       \
    /* Constructors */                           \
148 149 150 151 152 153
    name##Handle () : _value(NULL), _thread(NULL) {}   \
    name##Handle (type* obj);                    \
    name##Handle (Thread* thread, type* obj);    \
    name##Handle (const name##Handle &h);        \
    name##Handle& operator=(const name##Handle &s); \
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    /* Destructor */                             \
    ~name##Handle ();                            \
    void remove();                               \
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    /* Operators for ease of use */              \
    type*        operator () () const            { return obj(); } \
    type*        operator -> () const            { return non_null_obj(); } \
    bool    operator == (type* o) const          { return obj() == o; } \
    bool    operator == (const name##Handle& h) const  { return obj() == h.obj(); } \
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    /* Null checks */                            \
    bool    is_null() const                      { return _value == NULL; } \
    bool    not_null() const                     { return _value != NULL; } \
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DEF_METADATA_HANDLE(constantPool, ConstantPool)

// Writing this class explicitly, since DEF_METADATA_HANDLE(klass) doesn't
// provide the necessary Klass* <-> Klass* conversions. This Klass
// could be removed when we don't have the Klass* typedef anymore.
class KlassHandle {
  Klass* _value;
   Klass* obj() const          { return _value; }
   Klass* non_null_obj() const { assert(_value != NULL, "resolving NULL _value"); return _value; }

   KlassHandle()                                 : _value(NULL) {}
   KlassHandle(const Klass* obj)                 : _value(const_cast<Klass *>(obj)) {};
   KlassHandle(Thread* thread, const Klass* obj) : _value(const_cast<Klass *>(obj)) {};

   Klass* operator () () const { return obj(); }
   Klass* operator -> () const { return non_null_obj(); }

   bool operator == (Klass* o) const             { return obj() == o; }
   bool operator == (const KlassHandle& h) const { return obj() == h.obj(); }

    bool is_null() const  { return _value == NULL; }
    bool not_null() const { return _value != NULL; }

class instanceKlassHandle : public KlassHandle {
  /* Constructors */
  instanceKlassHandle () : KlassHandle() {}
  instanceKlassHandle (const Klass* k) : KlassHandle(k) {
    assert(k == NULL || k->oop_is_instance(),
205 206 207
           "illegal type");
  instanceKlassHandle (Thread* thread, const Klass* k) : KlassHandle(thread, k) {
    assert(k == NULL || k->oop_is_instance(),
209 210 211 212 213 214
           "illegal type");
  /* Access to klass part */
  InstanceKlass*       operator () () const { return (InstanceKlass*)obj(); }
  InstanceKlass*       operator -> () const { return (InstanceKlass*)obj(); }
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// Thread local handle area
class HandleArea: public Arena {
  friend class HandleMark;
  friend class NoHandleMark;
  friend class ResetNoHandleMark;
#ifdef ASSERT
  int _handle_mark_nesting;
  int _no_handle_mark_nesting;
  HandleArea* _prev;          // link to outer (older) area
  // Constructor
  HandleArea(HandleArea* prev) : Arena(Chunk::tiny_size) {
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    debug_only(_handle_mark_nesting    = 0);
    debug_only(_no_handle_mark_nesting = 0);
    _prev = prev;

  // Handle allocation
  oop* real_allocate_handle(oop obj) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    oop* handle = (oop*) (UseMallocOnly ? internal_malloc_4(oopSize) : Amalloc_4(oopSize));
    oop* handle = (oop*) Amalloc_4(oopSize);
    *handle = obj;
    return handle;
#ifdef ASSERT
  oop* allocate_handle(oop obj);
  oop* allocate_handle(oop obj) { return real_allocate_handle(obj); }

  // Garbage collection support
  void oops_do(OopClosure* f);

  // Number of handles in use
  size_t used() const     { return Arena::used() / oopSize; }

  debug_only(bool no_handle_mark_active() { return _no_handle_mark_nesting > 0; })

// Handles are allocated in a (growable) thread local handle area. Deallocation
// is managed using a HandleMark. It should normally not be necessary to use
// HandleMarks manually.
// A HandleMark constructor will record the current handle area top, and the
// desctructor will reset the top, destroying all handles allocated in between.
// The following code will therefore NOT work:
//   Handle h;
//   {
//     HandleMark hm;
//     h = Handle(obj);
//   }
//   h()->print();       // WRONG, h destroyed by HandleMark destructor.
// If h has to be preserved, it can be converted to an oop or a local JNI handle
// across the HandleMark boundary.

// The base class of HandleMark should have been StackObj but we also heap allocate
// a HandleMark when a thread is created. The operator new is for this special case.
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class HandleMark {
  Thread *_thread;              // thread that owns this mark
  HandleArea *_area;            // saved handle area
  Chunk *_chunk;                // saved arena chunk
  char *_hwm, *_max;            // saved arena info
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  size_t _size_in_bytes;        // size of handle area
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  // Link to previous active HandleMark in thread
  HandleMark* _previous_handle_mark;

  void initialize(Thread* thread);                // common code for constructors
  void set_previous_handle_mark(HandleMark* mark) { _previous_handle_mark = mark; }
  HandleMark* previous_handle_mark() const        { return _previous_handle_mark; }

  size_t size_in_bytes() const { return _size_in_bytes; }
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  HandleMark();                            // see handles_inline.hpp
  HandleMark(Thread* thread)                      { initialize(thread); }

  // Functions used by HandleMarkCleaner
  // called in the constructor of HandleMarkCleaner
  void push();
  // called in the destructor of HandleMarkCleaner
  void pop_and_restore();
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  // overloaded operators
  void* operator new(size_t size);
  void* operator new [](size_t size);
  void operator delete(void* p);
  void operator delete[](void* p);
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// A NoHandleMark stack object will verify that no handles are allocated
// in its scope. Enabled in debug mode only.

class NoHandleMark: public StackObj {
#ifdef ASSERT
  NoHandleMark()  {}
  ~NoHandleMark() {}

class ResetNoHandleMark: public StackObj {
  int _no_handle_mark_nesting;
#ifdef ASSERT
  ResetNoHandleMark()  {}
  ~ResetNoHandleMark() {}
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