[SoC2020] Support upgrading the existing D-Bus daemon without reboot
[SoC2020] Support upgrading the existing D-Bus daemon without reboot
Created by: josephhz
项目名称/Project Title
D-Bus: 支持热升级 Support upgrading the existing D-Bus daemon without reboot
项目描述/Project Description
D-Bus 是一个用于进程间通信的轻量级的消息总线系统,其官网链接:https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/ D-Bus 除了应用于桌面环境,现在也应用于服务器环境中。服务器作为信息时代的基石,需要 7*24 小时不间断运行,D-Bus 作为 systemd 的一个服务,也需要能够长期稳定运行。但是目前 D-Bus 不支持热升级,即升级 D-Bus 软件包之后,需要重启服务器。社区在这方面也有一些讨论: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=805449 本项目计划添加对 D-Bus 热升级的支持。
D-Bus is a lightweight message bus system for inter-process communication, and its official website link: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/ D-Bus is used not only in the desktop environment, but also in the server environment. As the cornerstone of the information age, the server needs 7 * 24 hours of uninterrupted operation. As a service of systemd, D-Bus also needs to be able to run stably for a long time. However, after upgrading the D-Bus software package, we need to restart the server. The community also has some discussions: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=805449 This project plans to support upgrading the existing D-Bus daemon without reboot.
预期成果/Expected Outcomes
D-Bus支持热升级之后,修复 D-Bus 的 CVE 漏洞或者 BUG 后,不用重启系统,有助于 Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 成为运行时间最长、最稳定的系统。
After supporting the upgrade of the existing dbus daemon without reboot, we can fix some D-Bus cve vulnerabilities or bugs online, which will help Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 become the longest running and most stable system.
需要的技能/Required Skills
- 熟悉 C/C++ 语言编程
- D-Bus 的背景知识
- Familiar with C
- D-Bus related background knowledge
Created by: RonnieGandhi
Hello sir,
I am Ronnie Gandhi, a Computer Science undergraduate student from IIT Roorkee enrolled in my pre-final year.
I am interested in working on this project. I had the chance to learn DBus(IPC) and its associated fundamentals and Linux in general as an academic curriculum. Also, I have been using C/C++ for 3 years now, my GSoC'19 also was purely C/C++ based.
A brief introduction about me, I have interned at Microsoft, Hyderabad in 2019 and I am currently interning there(remotely) as well in 2020 also I have done GSoC2019 under CGAL. I am really enthusiastic about contributing to the open-source community.
Created by: fwensen
Hello sir, I am a sophomore from BUPT. I did many course projects/exercise with C/C++. But not familiar with operating system and new to open source. I have a strong desire to join in ASoC, so could you guide me to go further, or just advise me to learn more things and prepare for the next year?
me too....
Created by: josephhz
Hi, for participating in this project, please follow the description and timeline in #8, which can also be found on our official website. You need submit a proposal once clicking 'Apply Now' on the official website.
Created by: w-simon
Hello sir, I am a sophomore from BUPT. I did many course projects/exercise with C/C++. But not familiar with operating system and new to open source. I have a strong desire to join in ASoC, so could you guide me to go further, or just advise me to learn more things and prepare for the next year?
me too.... Hi, for participating in this project, please follow the description and timeline in #8, which can also be found on our official website. You need submit a proposal once clicking 'Apply Now' on the official website.