iommu/iova: Optimise the padding calculation
The mask for calculating the padding size doesn't change, so there's no need to recalculate it every loop iteration. Furthermore, Once we've done that, it becomes clear that we don't actually need to calculate a padding size at all - by flipping the arithmetic around, we can just combine the upper limit, size, and mask directly to check against the lower limit. For an arm64 build, this alone knocks 20% off the object code size of the entire alloc_iova() function! Signed-off-by: NZhen Lei <> Tested-by: NArd Biesheuvel <> Tested-by: NZhen Lei <> Tested-by: NNate Watterson <> [rm: simplified more of the arithmetic, rewrote commit message] Signed-off-by: NRobin Murphy <> Signed-off-by: NJoerg Roedel <>
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