addresses, and an extended set of 10 bit addresses. The sets of addressesdo not intersect: the 7 bit address 0x10 is not the same as the 10 bitaddress 0x10 (though a single device could respond to both of them). Youselect a 10 bit address by adding an extra byte after the addressbyte:
becomes S 11110 Addr10 Rd/WrS is the start bit, Rd/Wr the read/write bit, and if you count the numberof bits, you will see the there are 8 after the S bit for 7 bit addresses,and 16 after the S bit for 10 bit addresses.
several places in the code that will cause SEVERE PROBLEMS with 10 bitaddresses, even though there is some basic handling and hooks. Also,almost no supported adapter handles the 10 bit addresses correctly.As soon as a real 10 bit address device is spotted 'in the wild', wecan and will add proper support. Right now, 10 bit address devicesare defined by the I2C protocol, but we have never seen a single devicewhich supports them.