The sym53c500_cs driver originated as an add-on to David Hinds' pcmcia-cspackage, and was written by Tom Corner ( A rewrite waslong overdue, and the current version addresses the following concerns: (1) extensive kernel changes between 2.4 and 2.6. (2) deprecated PCMCIA support outside the kernel.All the USE_BIOS code has been ripped out. It was never used, and couldnot have worked anyway. The USE_DMA code is likewise gone. Many thanksto YOKOTA Hiroshi (nsp_cs driver) and David Hinds (qlogic_cs driver) forthe code fragments I shamelessly adapted for this work. Thanks also toChristoph Hellwig for his patient tutelage while I stumbled about.The Symbios Logic 53c500 chip was used in the "newer" (circa 1997) versionof the New Media Bus Toaster PCMCIA SCSI controller. Presumably there areother products using this chip, but I've never laid eyes (much less hands)on one.Through the years, there have been a number of downloads of the pcmcia-csversion of this driver, and I guess it worked for those users. It workedfor Tom Corner, and it works for me. Your mileage will probably vary.--Bob Tracy (