#!/bin/sh# unbz64wrap - the receiving side of a bzip2 | base64 stream# Andreas Dilger <adilger@clusterfs.com> Jan 2002# Sadly, mimencode does not appear to have good "begin" and "end" markers# like uuencode does, and it is picky about getting the right start/end of# the base64 stream, so we handle this explicitly here.PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/freeware/binif mimencode -u < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 ;thenSHOW=while read LINE;do case$LINEinbegin-base64*)SHOW=YES ;;====)SHOW=;;*)["$SHOW"]&&echo"$LINE";;esacdone | mimencode -u | bunzip2exit$?elsecat - | uudecode -o /dev/stdout | bunzip2exit$?fi