About this version

Item Description
Release time 2021-9-05
Release number V3.2.3.5
Commit number 6dc6c664

New features

  • Added the parameter location_expire_period_time to set the active expiration time of the location cache. The value range is [0s, 30d], the default is 0


  • show proxyroute supports printing location cache expiration time
  • Distinguish between business requests and internal, full-time requests, and business request parameter control
  • When the business request is enabled_cached_server = true, the Partition is not random

Bug fixes

  • Fix core issue when obproxy::omt::ObResourceUnitTableProcessor::inc_conn
  • Fix the problem that the route cannot be routed when establishing a connection with a cluster id
  • Fix the timestamp accuracy modification caused the old version ofthe observer to be inaccurate routing
  • Fix the Sharding scenario, the select table name of the sub-database and sub-table is case-sensitive, resulting in an error report
  • Fix the Sharding scenario, the select of sub-database and sub-table will be intercepted and unsupported syntax problem
  • Fixed an issue where a single SQL was sent multiple times, causing the SQL to take more than 40ms
  • Fix the rslist method, specify to start obproxy, in the server failure scenario, more than 3 times, the connection fails to be established
  • Fixed the issue that if the cluster scheduled task fails more than 10 times, the blacklist will be invalid
  • Fixed the problem that OBProxy still thinks the connection is successful when the server hangs up
  • Fixed the problem that the cluster scheduled task failed more than times, causing it to remain in the blacklist
  • Fix the problem that COM_CHANGE_USER will be disconnected


A proxy server for OceanBase Database.

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发行版本 4



贡献者 14



  • C++ 72.9 %
  • C 25.4 %
  • Objective-C 0.6 %
  • Yacc 0.4 %
  • Lex 0.3 %