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# OceanBase Migration Serivce LogProxy

OceanBase增量日志代理服务,是 [OMS]( 的一部分。基于 [liboblog](, 以服务的形式,提供实时增量链路接入和管理能力,方便应用接入OceanBase增量日志;能够解决网络隔离的情况下,订阅增量日志的需求;并提供多种链路接入方式:
 - Client
 - Canal
 - More...

## Quick start
### Compile
Install CMake 3.2 or above.
mkdir buildir && cd buildir && cmake .. && make

### Play with it
# run server
./logproxy -f ./conf/conf.json
# run demo client
./demo_client -h127.0.0.1 -P2983 

## Documentation
- [Compile](./docs/编译)
- [Run](./docs/运行)
- [Configuration](./docs/配置)

## Licencing
OceanBase Database is under MulanPubL - 2.0 license. You can freely copy and use the source code. When you modify or distribute the source code, please obey the MulanPubL - 2.0 license.

## Contributing
Contributions are warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated. Here are a few ways you can contribute:
- Raise us an [issue](
- Submit Pull Requests. 

## Support
In case you have any problems when using OceanBase Database, welcome reach out for help:
- [GitHub Issue](
- [Official Website](