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add proto file (#5)

上级 b007629c
syntax = "proto3";
package oceanbase.logproxy;
option java_package = "com.oceanbase.clogproxy.common.packet.protocol";
option java_outer_classname = "LogProxyProto";
// error response
message ErrorResponse {
// error code
int32 code = 1;
// error message
string message = 2;
// request body for handshake
message ClientHandshakeRequest {
// log type. 0 for OceanBase
int32 log_type = 1;
// client ip
string ip = 2;
// client id
string id = 3;
// protocol version
string version = 4;
// whether enable monitor or not
bool enable_monitor = 5;
// generated configuration string
string configuration = 6;
// response body for handshake
message ClientHandshakeResponse {
// status code. 0 for success
int32 code = 1;
// log proxy ip
string ip = 2;
// log proxy version
string version = 3;
// log proxy status
message RuntimeStatus {
// log proxy ip
string ip = 1;
// log proxy port
int32 port = 2;
// number of stream for log transmission
int32 stream_count = 3;
// number of worker processes
int32 worker_count = 4;
// record data
message RecordData {
// compress type. 0 for no compress
int32 compress_type = 1;
// length of raw data
int32 raw_len = 2;
// original length of data
int32 compressed_len = 3;
// record count
int32 count = 4;
// bytes array of records
bytes records = 100;
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || exit
protoc --java_out=common/src/main/java common/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/clogproxy/common/packet/protocol/logproxy.proto
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