未验证 提交 c30d2373 编写于 作者: R Rongfeng Fu 提交者: GitHub

update example (#73)

上级 27ce397d
## Only need to configure when remote login is required
user:# user:
# user:
# username: your username
# password: your password if need
# key_file: your ssh-key file path if need
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ user:# user:
# Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
# The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
home_path: /home/rongfeng.frf/data/obd/t1/observer
home_path: /root/observer
# The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
# data_dir: /data
# The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ oceanbase-ce:
# Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is in the setting of severs.
# if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"
# if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor's name is "eth0", please use "eth0"
devname: bond0
devname: eth0
mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
zone: zone1
......@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ obproxy:
- oceanbase-ce
listen_port: 2883 # External port. The default value is 2883.
prometheus_listen_port: 2884 # The Prometheus port. The default value is 2884.
home_path: /root/obproxy
# oceanbase root server list
# format: ip:mysql_port;ip:mysql_port. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends.
# rs_list:;;
# rs_list:
enable_cluster_checkout: false
# observer cluster name, consistent with oceanbase-ce's appname. When a depends exists, OBD gets this value from the oceanbase-ce of the depends.
# cluster_name: obcluster
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