alter session set current_schema = SYS; create user root IDENTIFIED BY root; grant all on *.* to root WITH GRANT OPTION; grant dba to root; create user test IDENTIFIED BY test; grant all on *.* to test WITH GRANT OPTION; grant dba to test; grant all privileges to test; create user admin IDENTIFIED BY admin; grant all on *.* to admin WITH GRANT OPTION; grant dba to admin; grant all privileges to admin; alter user LBACSYS account unlock; grant all on *.* to LBACSYS WITH GRANT OPTION; grant dba to LBACSYS; alter user ORAAUDITOR account unlock; grant all on *.* to ORAAUDITOR WITH GRANT OPTION; grant dba to ORAAUDITOR; alter system set "_enable_split_partition" = 'true'; grant read on directory dd to TEST; set global secure_file_priv = '';