未验证 提交 99eece10 编写于 作者: 羽飞's avatar 羽飞 提交者: GitHub

Python test (#179)

### What problem were solved in this pull request?

Issue Number: close #169 


### What is changed and how it works?
把basic测试用例增加到github action中

### Other information
上级 5017ced9
......@@ -53,3 +53,15 @@ jobs:
shell: bash
run: sudo bash build.sh init && bash build.sh release --make -j4
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository and submodules
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: run basic test
shell: bash
run: |
sudo bash build.sh init
python3 test/case/miniob_test.py --test-cases=basic | tail -1 | grep "basic is success"
# miniob-test
使用方法参考 miniob_test.py
python3 miniob_test.py
运行 basic 测试用例
python3 miniob_test.py --test-cases=basic
> 如果要运行多个测试用例,则在 --test-cases 参数中使用 ',' 分隔写多个即可
更多运行方法和参数可以参考 miniob_test.py
"basic":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-date":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-update":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-select-meta":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-select-tables":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-aggregation-func":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-drop-table":{"necessary":true, "score":10},
"primary-insert":{"necessary":false, "score":10},
"primary-join-tables":{"necessary":false, "score":20},
"primary-null":{"necessary":false, "score":10},
"primary-unique":{"necessary":false, "score":10},
"primary-simple-sub-query":{"necessary":false, "score":10},
"primary-multi-index":{"necessary":false, "score":20},
"primary-text":{"necessary":false, "score":20},
"primary-expression":{"necessary":false, "score":20},
"primary-complex-sub-query":{"necessary":false, "score":20},
"primary-order-by":{"necessary":false, "score":10},
"primary-group-by":{"necessary":false, "score":20}
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from genericpath import exists
import os
import json
import http.client
import sys
import logging
import subprocess
......@@ -11,55 +9,46 @@ import socket
import select
import time
import shutil
#import timeout_decorator
import tempfile
from typing import List, Tuple
from enum import Enum
#import eventlet
#from timeout_decorator import TimeoutError
from optparse import OptionParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
print("cannot load optparse module")
print("cannot load argparse module")
_logger = logging.getLogger('MiniOBTest')
为OceanBase 大赛测试平台设计的自动化测试程序
获取源码 ->
编译源码 ->
获取测试用例文件 ->
启动observer ->
执行测试用例 ->
- 获取源码的方式:支持通过git获取,也可以指定源码的zip压缩包路径
- 源码路径即为脚本所在路径
- 默认结果会输出在控制台上
- 默认的工作目录,就是测试程序执行时输出的文件,在 /tmp/miniob 下。
- 编译源码:可以指定编译的cmake和make参数。也可以跳过这个步骤。
- 测试用例文件:测试用例文件都以.test结尾,当前放在test目录下,分为necessary和option(后续可以考虑删除)
- 测试用例文件:测试用例文件都以.test结尾,当前放在test目录下
- 测试结果文件:预先设置的结果文件,以.result结尾,放在result目录下
- 启动observer: 启动observer,使用unix socket,这样可以每个observer使用自己的socket文件
- 执行测试用例:测试用例文件中,每行都是一个命令。命令可以是SQL语句,也可以是预先定义的命令,比如 echo,sort等
- 评分文件:当前为 case-scores.json 文件,内容为json格式,描述每个case的分值
- 测试:使用参数直接连接已经启动的observer
TODO list
- 控制所有用例一共执行的时长
- 简化部分配置项,已知:增加测试base-dir目录,在base-dir下查找test/result/case-scores.json文件
How to use:
python3 miniob_test.py \
--test-case-dir=./test \
--test-case-scores=case-scores.json \
--test-result-dir=result \
--test-result-tmp-dir=./result_tmp \
--use-unix-socket \
--git-repo=https://github.com/oceanbase/miniob.git \
--git-branch=main \
--code-type=git \
--target-dir=./miniob \
--log=stdout \
python3 miniob_test.py
运行 basic 测试用例
python3 miniob_test.py --test-cases=basic
如果要运行多个测试用例,则在 --test-cases 参数中使用 ',' 分隔写多个即可
class TimeoutException(BaseException):
def __init__(self, value="Timed Out"):
......@@ -78,20 +67,8 @@ class GlobalConfig:
debug = False
source_code_build_path_name = "build"
def __get_source_path(target_dir: str):
return target_dir + '/miniob'
def __get_project_path(target_dir: str):
return __get_source_path(target_dir)
def __get_data_path(target_dir: str):
return target_dir + '/data'
def __get_result_path(target_dir: str):
return target_dir + '/result'
def __get_build_path(target_dir: str):
return target_dir + '/' + GlobalConfig.source_code_build_path_name
def __get_build_path(work_dir: str):
return work_dir + '/' + GlobalConfig.source_code_build_path_name
class ResultWriter:
......@@ -180,21 +157,21 @@ class MiniObServer:
raise(Exception("config file does not exists: " + config_file))
def init_server(self):
logging.info("miniob-server inited")
_logger.info("miniob-server inited")
# do nothing now
def start_server(self):
def start_server(self) -> bool:
if self.__process != None:
logging.warn("Server has already been started")
_logger.warn("Server has already been started")
return False
time_begin = time.time()
logging.debug("use '%s' as observer work path", os.getcwd())
_logger.debug("use '%s' as observer work path", os.getcwd())
observer_command = [self.__observer_path(self.__base_dir), '-f', self.__config]
if len(self.__server_socket) > 0:
......@@ -206,26 +183,26 @@ class MiniObServer:
process = subprocess.Popen(observer_command, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=self.__data_dir)
return_code = process.poll()
if return_code != None:
logging.error("Failed to start observer, exit with code %d", return_code)
_logger.error("Failed to start observer, exit with code %d", return_code)
return False
logging.info('start subprocess with pid=%d', process.pid)
_logger.info('start subprocess with pid=%d', process.pid)
#os.setpgid(process.pid, GlobalConfig.group_id)
self.__process = process
if not self.__wait_server_started(10):
time_span = time.time() - time_begin
logging.error("Failed to start server in %f seconds", time_span)
_logger.error("Failed to start server in %f seconds", time_span)
return False
time_span = time.time() - time_begin
logging.info("miniob-server started in %f seconds", time_span)
_logger.info("miniob-server started in %f seconds", time_span)
return True
def stop_server(self):
if self.__process == None:
logging.warning("Server has not been started")
_logger.warning("Server has not been started")
return True
......@@ -234,14 +211,14 @@ class MiniObServer:
return_code = self.__process.wait(10)
if return_code is None:
logging.warning("Failed to stop server: %s", self.__base_dir)
_logger.warning("Failed to stop server: %s", self.__base_dir)
return False
except Exception as ex:
logging.warning("wait server exit timedout: %s", self.__base_dir)
_logger.warning("wait server exit timedout: %s", self.__base_dir)
return False
logging.info("miniob-server exit with code %d. pid=%s", return_code, str(self.__process.pid))
_logger.info("miniob-server exit with code %d. pid=%s", return_code, str(self.__process.pid))
return True
def clean(self):
......@@ -252,7 +229,7 @@ class MiniObServer:
if GlobalConfig.debug is False:
logging.info("miniob-server cleaned")
_logger.info("miniob-server cleaned")
def __check_unix_socket_server(self):
with socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
......@@ -260,7 +237,7 @@ class MiniObServer:
if errno == 0:
return True
logging.debug("Failed to connect to server. err=%d:%s", errno, os.strerror(errno))
_logger.debug("Failed to connect to server. err=%d:%s", errno, os.strerror(errno))
return False
def __check_tcp_socket_server(self):
......@@ -269,7 +246,7 @@ class MiniObServer:
if errno == 0:
return True
logging.debug("Failed to connect to server. err=%d:%s", errno, os.strerror(errno))
_logger.debug("Failed to connect to server. err=%d:%s", errno, os.strerror(errno))
return False
def __wait_server_started(self, timeout_seconds: int):
......@@ -320,7 +297,7 @@ class MiniObClient:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
errno = s.connect_ex(('', server_port))
if errno != 0:
logging.error("Failed to connect to server with port %d. errno=%d:%s",
_logger.error("Failed to connect to server with port %d. errno=%d:%s",
server_port, errno, os.strerror(errno))
s = None
return s
......@@ -329,7 +306,7 @@ class MiniObClient:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
errno = sock.connect_ex(server_socket)
if errno != 0:
logging.error("Failed to connect to server with address '%s'. errno=%d:%s",
_logger.error("Failed to connect to server with address '%s'. errno=%d:%s",
server_socket, errno, os.strerror(errno))
sock = None
return sock
......@@ -348,13 +325,13 @@ class MiniObClient:
(_, event) = events[0]
if event & (select.POLLHUP | select.POLLERR):
msg = "Failed to receive from server. poll return POLLHUP(%s) or POLLERR(%s)" % ( str(event & select.POLLHUP), str(event & select.POLLERR))
raise Exception(msg)
data = self.__socket.recv(self.__buffer_size)
if len(data) > 0:
result_tmp = data.decode(encoding= GlobalConfig.default_encoding)
logging.debug("receive from server[size=%d]: '%s'", len(data), result_tmp)
_logger.debug("receive from server[size=%d]: '%s'", len(data), result_tmp)
if data[len(data) - 1] == 0:
result += result_tmp[0:-2]
return result.strip() + '\n'
......@@ -362,21 +339,21 @@ class MiniObClient:
result += result_tmp # TODO 返回数据量比较大的时候,python可能会hang住
# 可以考虑返回列表
logging.info("receive from server error. result len=%d", len(data))
_logger.info("receive from server error. result len=%d", len(data))
raise Exception("receive return error. the connection may be closed")
def run_sql(self, sql: str):
def run_sql(self, sql: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
data = str.encode(sql, GlobalConfig.default_encoding)
logging.debug("send command to server(size=%d) '%s'", len(data) + 1, sql)
_logger.debug("send command to server(size=%d) '%s'", len(data) + 1, sql)
result = self.__recv_response()
logging.debug("receive result from server '%s'", result)
_logger.debug("receive result from server '%s'", result)
return True, result
except Exception as ex:
logging.error("Failed to send message to server: '%s'", str(ex))
_logger.error("Failed to send message to server: '%s'", str(ex))
return False, None
def close(self):
......@@ -427,7 +404,7 @@ class CommandRunner:
client = self.__clients[name]
if client == None:
logging.error("No such client named %s", name)
_logger.error("No such client named %s", name)
return False
self.__current_client = client
......@@ -439,17 +416,17 @@ class CommandRunner:
name = name.strip()
if len(name) == 0:
logging.error("Found empty client name")
_logger.error("Found empty client name")
return False
client = self.__clients[name]
if client != None:
logging.error("Client with name %s already exists", name)
_logger.error("Client with name %s already exists", name)
return False
client = MiniObClient(self.__server_port, self.__unix_socket)
if not(client.is_valid()):
logging.error("Failed to create client with name: %s", name)
_logger.error("Failed to create client with name: %s", name)
return False
self.__clients[name] = client
......@@ -505,7 +482,7 @@ class CommandRunner:
elif 'sort' == command:
result = self.run_sort(command_arg)
logging.error("No such command %s", command)
_logger.error("No such command %s", command)
result = False
return result
......@@ -525,11 +502,13 @@ class CommandRunner:
return self.run_sql(argline)
class TestCase:
def __init__(self, is_necessary: bool, score: int):
def __init__(self):
self.__name = ''
self.__necessary = is_necessary
self.__score = score
self.__lines = []
def init_with_file(self, name, filename):
......@@ -549,18 +528,8 @@ class TestCase:
def get_name(self):
return self.__name
def is_necessary(self):
return self.__necessary
def get_score(self):
return self.__score
def result_file(self, base_dir):
subdir = ''
#if self.__necessary:
# subdir = self.NECESSARY_DIR
# subdir = self.OPTION_DIR
return base_dir + "/" + subdir + "/" + self.__name + ".result"
def tmp_result_file(self, base_dir):
......@@ -568,6 +537,9 @@ class TestCase:
return result_file + '.tmp'
class TestCaseLister:
def __init__(self, suffix = None):
if suffix != None:
......@@ -575,21 +547,7 @@ class TestCaseLister:
self.__suffix = ".test"
def list_by_test_score_file(self, test_scores, test_case_file_dir: str):
test_cases = []
test_score_infos = test_scores.get_all()
for case_name, test_score in test_score_infos.items():
test_case = TestCase(test_score.is_necessary(), test_score.score())
test_case_file = test_case_file_dir + '/' + case_name + self.__suffix
test_case.init_with_file(case_name, test_case_file)
return test_cases
def list_directory(self, base_dir : str, is_necessary: bool):
def list_directory(self, base_dir : str) -> List[TestCase]:
test_case_files = []
is_dir = os.path.isdir(base_dir)
......@@ -598,7 +556,7 @@ class TestCaseLister:
files = os.listdir(base_dir)
for filename in files:
logging.debug("find file %s", filename)
_logger.debug("find file %s", filename)
if filename.startswith('.'):
......@@ -613,14 +571,14 @@ class TestCaseLister:
for test_case_file in test_case_files:
full_path = base_dir + "/" + test_case_file
test_case_name = test_case_file[0 : -len(self.__suffix)]
test_case = TestCase(is_necessary, 0)
test_case = TestCase()
test_case.init_with_file(test_case_name, full_path)
logging.debug("got a test case file %s", str(test_case_file))
_logger.debug("got a test case file %s", str(test_case_file))
return test_cases
def list_all(self, base_dir, test_names):
def list_all(self, base_dir, test_names) -> List[TestCase]:
is_dir = os.path.isdir(base_dir)
if False == is_dir:
raise("Failed to list all test cases. " + base_dir + " is not a directory")
......@@ -631,68 +589,16 @@ class TestCaseLister:
if not(os.path.isfile(full_path)):
raise(Exception(full_path + " is not a file"))
test_case = TestCase(False, 0)
test_case = TestCase()
test_case.init_with_file(test_name, full_path)
logging.debug("got a test case %s", test_case)
_logger.debug("got a test case %s", test_case)
return test_cases
class TestScore:
def __init__(self, is_necessary: bool, score: int):
self.__necessary = is_necessary
self.__score = score
def is_necessary(self):
return self.__necessary
def score(self):
return self.__score
class TestScores:
def __init__(self):
self.__scores = {}
self.__is_valid = False
def is_valid(self):
return self.__is_valid
def init_file(self, fp):
score_infos = json.load(fp)
def init_content(self, content: str):
score_infos = json.loads(content)
def __init(self, score_info_dict: dict):
scores = {}
for name, score_info in score_info_dict.items():
scores[name] = TestScore(score_info['necessary'], score_info['score'])
self.__scores = scores
self.__is_valid = True
def is_necessary(self, name):
if name in self.__scores.keys():
return self.__scores[name].is_necessary()
return None
def acquire_score(self, name):
if name in self.__scores.keys():
return self.__scores[name].score()
return None
def get_all(self):
return self.__scores
class EvalResult:
def __init__(self):
self.__message = []
self.__necessary_score = 0
self.__option_score = 0
self.__status = -1
def clear_message(self):
self.__message = []
......@@ -702,38 +608,9 @@ class EvalResult:
def get_message(self):
return "\n".join(self.__message)
def add_necessary_score(self, score: int):
self.__necessary_score += score
def add_option_score(self, score: int):
self.__option_score += score
def clear_option_score(self):
self.__option_score = 0
def clear_score(self):
self.__option_score = 0
self.__necessary_score = 0
def get_score(self):
return self.__necessary_score + self.__option_score
def set_cost(self):
self.__status = 0
def set_no_cost(self):
self.__status = -1
def get_status(self):
return self.__status
def is_success(self):
return self.__status == 0
def to_json_string(self):
json_dict = {}
json_dict['score'] = self.get_score()
json_dict['message'] = self.get_message()
json_encoder = json.encoder.JSONEncoder()
......@@ -756,7 +633,6 @@ class TestSuite:
self.__need_start_server = True
self.__test_names = None # 如果指定测试哪些Case,就不再遍历所有的cases
self.__miniob_server = None
self.__test_case_scores = TestScores()
def set_test_names(self, tests):
self.__test_names = tests
......@@ -773,10 +649,6 @@ class TestSuite:
if not(os.path.isdir(test_result_tmp_dir)):
raise(Exception("Failed to set test result temp directory. " + test_result_tmp_dir + " is not a directory or failed to create"))
def set_test_case_scores(self, scores_path: str):
with open(scores_path) as fp:
def set_db_server_base_dir(self, db_server_base_dir):
self.__db_server_base_dir = db_server_base_dir
......@@ -808,11 +680,11 @@ class TestSuite:
line_num = len(lines1)
for i in range(line_num):
if lines1[i].upper() != lines2[i].upper():
logging.info('file1=%s, file2=%s, line1=%s, line2=%s', file1, file2, lines1[i], lines2[i])
_logger.info('file1=%s, file2=%s, line1=%s, line2=%s', file1, file2, lines1[i], lines2[i])
return False
return True
def run_case(self, test_case, timeout=20):
def run_case(self, test_case, timeout=20) -> Result:
# eventlet.monkey_patch()
#def decorator():
......@@ -826,15 +698,7 @@ class TestSuite:
except TimeoutException as ex:
return Result.timeout
# try:
# ret = decorator()
# if ret:
# return Result.true
# return Result.false
# except TimeoutError:
# return Result.timeout
def __run_case(self, test_case: TestCase):
def __run_case(self, test_case: TestCase) -> int:
result_tmp_file_name = test_case.tmp_result_file(self.__test_result_tmp_dir)
unix_socket = ''
......@@ -851,7 +715,7 @@ class TestSuite:
for command_line in test_case.command_lines():
result = command_runner.run_anything(command_line)
if result is False:
logging.error("Failed to run command %s in case %s", command_line, test_case.get_name())
_logger.error("Failed to run command %s in case %s", command_line, test_case.get_name())
return result
result_file_name = test_case.result_file(self.__test_result_base_dir)
......@@ -868,15 +732,11 @@ class TestSuite:
def __get_unix_socket_address(self):
return self.__db_data_dir + '/miniob.sock'
def __get_all_test_cases(self):
def __get_all_test_cases(self) -> List[TestCase]:
test_case_lister = TestCaseLister()
test_cases = []
if self.__test_case_scores.is_valid():
test_cases = test_case_lister.list_by_test_score_file(self.__test_case_scores, self.__test_case_base_dir)
test_cases = test_case_lister.list_directory(self.__test_case_base_dir)
test_cases = test_case_lister.list_directory(self.__test_case_base_dir)
if self.__test_names is None: # 没有指定测试哪个case
if not self.__test_names: # 没有指定测试哪个case
return test_cases
# 指定了测试case,就从中捞出来
......@@ -887,10 +747,10 @@ class TestSuite:
for test_case in test_cases:
if test_case.get_name() == case_name:
logging.debug("got case: " + case_name)
_logger.debug("got case: " + case_name)
found = True
if found == False:
logging.error("No such test case with name '%s'" % case_name)
_logger.error("No such test case with name '%s'" % case_name)
return []
return test_case_result
......@@ -900,17 +760,16 @@ class TestSuite:
# 找出所有需要测试Case
test_cases = self.__get_all_test_cases()
if test_cases is None or len(test_cases) == 0:
logging.info("Cannot find any test cases")
if not test_cases:
_logger.info("Cannot find any test cases")
return True
logging.info("Starting observer server")
_logger.info("Starting observer server")
# 测试每个Case
success_count = 0
failure_count = 0
timeout_count = 0
necessary_all_passed = True
for test_case in test_cases:
# 每个case都清理并重启一下服务端,这样可以方式某个case core之后,还能测试其它case
......@@ -919,42 +778,32 @@ class TestSuite:
result = self.__start_server_if_need(True)
if result is False:
eval_result.append_message('Failed to start server.')
return False
logging.info(test_case.get_name() + " starting ...")
_logger.info(test_case.get_name() + " starting ...")
result = self.run_case(test_case)
if result is Result.true:
logging.info("Case passed: %s", test_case.get_name())
_logger.info("Case passed: %s", test_case.get_name())
success_count += 1
if test_case.is_necessary():
eval_result.append_message("%s is success" % test_case.get_name())
if self.__test_case_scores.is_necessary(test_case.get_name()):
necessary_all_passed = False
if result is Result.false:
logging.info("Case failed: %s", test_case.get_name())
_logger.info("Case failed: %s", test_case.get_name())
failure_count += 1
eval_result.append_message("%s is error" % test_case.get_name())
logging.info("Case timeout: %s", test_case.get_name())
_logger.info("Case timeout: %s", test_case.get_name())
timeout_count += 1
eval_result.append_message("%s is timeout" % test_case.get_name())
except Exception as ex:
logging.error("Failed to run case %s", test_case.get_name())
_logger.error("Failed to run case %s", test_case.get_name())
raise ex
logging.info("All done. %d passed, %d failed, %d timeout", success_count, failure_count, timeout_count)
if necessary_all_passed is False:
_logger.info("All done. %d passed, %d failed, %d timeout", success_count, failure_count, timeout_count)
return True
......@@ -972,7 +821,7 @@ class TestSuite:
result = miniob_server.start_server()
if result is False:
logging.error("Failed to start db server")
_logger.error("Failed to start db server")
return False
......@@ -988,86 +837,53 @@ class TestSuite:
self.__miniob_server = None
def __init_options():
options_parser = OptionParser()
options_parser = ArgumentParser()
# 是否仅仅生成结果,而不对结果做校验。一般在新生成一个case时使用
options_parser.add_option('', '--report-only', action='store_true', dest='report_only', default=False,
options_parser.add_argument('--report-only', action='store_true', dest='report_only', default=False,
help='just report the result')
# 测试case文件存放的目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--test-case-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='test_case_base_dir', default='test',
help='the directory that contains the test files')
# 测试case文件存放的目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--test-case-scores', action='store', type='string', dest='test_case_scores', default='score.json',
help='a json file that records score of the test cases')
# 测试结果文件存放目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--test-result-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='test_result_base_dir', default='result',
help='the directory that contains the test result files')
# 生成的测试结果文件临时目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--test-result-tmp-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='test_result_tmp_dir', default='result/tmp',
help='the directory that contains the generated test result files')
# 当前miniob的代码目录
options_parser.add_argument('--project-dir', action='store', dest='project_dir', default='')
# 测试哪些用例。不指定就会扫描test-case-dir目录下面的所有测试用例。指定的话,就从test-case-dir目录下面按照名字找
options_parser.add_option('', '--test-cases', action='store', type='string', dest='test_cases',
options_parser.add_argument('--test-cases', action='store', dest='test_cases',
help='test cases. If none, we will iterate the test case directory. Split with \',\' if more than one')
# 测试时服务器程序基础路径,下面包含bin/observer执行主程序和etc/observer.ini配置文件
options_parser.add_option('', '--db-base-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='db_base_dir',
help='the directory of miniob database which db-base-dir/bin contains the binary executor file')
# 测试时服务器程序的数据文件存放目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--db-data-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='db_data_dir', default='miniob_data_test',
options_parser.add_argument('--work-dir', action='store', dest='work_dir', default='',
help='the directory of miniob database\'s data for test')
# 服务程序配置文件
options_parser.add_option('', '--db-config', action='store', type='string', dest='db_config',
help='the configuration of db for test. default is base_dir/etc/observer.ini')
# 服务程序端口号,客户端也使用这个端口连接服务器。目前还不具备通过配置文件解析端口配置的能力
options_parser.add_option('', '--server-port', action='store', type='int', dest='server_port', default=6789,
options_parser.add_argument('--server-port', action='store', type=int, dest='server_port', default=6789,
help='the server port. should be the same with the value in the config')
options_parser.add_option('', '--use-unix-socket', action='store_true', dest='use_unix_socket',
help='If true, server-port will be ignored and will use a random address socket.')
options_parser.add_argument('--not-use-unix-socket', action='store_true', dest='not_use_unix_socket', default=False,
help='If false, server-port will be ignored and will use a random address socket.')
# 可以手动启动服务端程序,然后添加这个选项,就不会再启动服务器程序。一般调试时使用
options_parser.add_option('', '--server-started', action='store_true', dest='server_started', default=False,
help='Whether the server is already started. If true, we will not start the server')
# 测试过程中生成的日志存放的文件。使用stdout/stderr输出到控制台
options_parser.add_option('', '--log', action='store', type='string', dest='log_file', default='miniob-test.log',
options_parser.add_argument('--log', action='store', dest='log_file', default='stdout',
help='log file. stdout=standard output and stderr=standard error')
# 是否启动调试模式。调试模式不会清理服务器的数据目录
options_parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False,
options_parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False,
help='enable debug mode')
# 测试时代码压缩文件的路径
options_parser.add_option('', '--db-code-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='db_code_dir',
help='the directory of miniob\'s code')
# 测试时代码压缩文件的解压目录
options_parser.add_option('', '--target-dir', action='store', type='string', dest='target_dir',
help='the working directory of miniob database')
# 解压的目录存在时,是否覆盖
options_parser.add_option('', '--decompress-overwrite', action='store_true', dest='decompress_overwrite', default=False,
help='whether overwrite the decompress target path if exists')
# 是否需要解压和编译代码
options_parser.add_option('', '--code-type', action='store', dest='code_type', default='compress',
help='compress/git/none. Compress: decompress the code and compile. git: git clone and compile. none: do nothing')
options_parser.add_option('', '--compile-make-args', action='store', type='string', dest='compile_make_args', default='',
options_parser.add_argument('--compile-make-args', action='store', dest='compile_make_args', default='',
help='compile args used by make')
options_parser.add_option('', '--compile-cmake-args', action='store', type='string', dest='compile_cmake_args', default='',
options_parser.add_argument('--compile-cmake-args', action='store', dest='compile_cmake_args', default='',
help='compile args used by cmake')
# 之前已经编译过,是否需要重新编译,还是直接执行make就可以了
options_parser.add_option('', '--compile-rebuild', action='store_true', default=False, dest='compile_rebuild',
options_parser.add_argument('--compile-rebuild', action='store_true', default=False, dest='compile_rebuild',
help='whether rebuild if build path exists')
options_parser.add_option('', '--git-repo', action='store', dest='git_repo',
help='the git repo in https')
options_parser.add_option('', '--git-branch', action='store', dest='git_branch', default='',
help='the git repo branch')
options_parser.add_option('', '--git-repo-prefix', action='store', dest='git_repo_prefix', default='https://github.com',
help='the git repo prefix in https')
options_parser.add_option('', '--git-user', action='store', dest='git_user', default='',
help='git user name to download source code')
options_parser.add_option('', '--git-token', action='store', dest='git_token', default='',
help='git token to download source code')
options, args = options_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
options = options_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
realpath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
current_path = os.path.dirname(realpath)
if not options.work_dir:
options.work_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/miniob'
_logger.info('use %s as work directory', options.work_dir)
if not options.project_dir:
options.project_dir = os.path.realpath(current_path + '/../..')
_logger.info('Auto detect project dir: %s', options.project_dir)
return options
def __init_log(options):
......@@ -1094,26 +910,19 @@ def __init_log(options):
logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, stream=log_stream, format=log_format, datefmt=log_date_format)
def __init_test_suite(options):
test_suite = TestSuite()
_logger.debug('init log done')
if options.db_base_dir is not None:
if options.db_data_dir is not None:
def __init_test_suite(options) -> TestSuite:
test_suite = TestSuite()
test_suite.set_test_case_base_dir(os.path.abspath(options.project_dir + '/test/case/test'))
test_suite.set_test_result_base_dir(os.path.abspath(options.project_dir + '/test/case/result'))
test_suite.set_test_result_tmp_dir(os.path.abspath(options.work_dir + '/result_output'))
if options.server_started:
if options.db_config is not None:
test_suite.set_use_unix_socket(not options.not_use_unix_socket)
test_suite.set_db_data_dir(options.work_dir + '/data')
test_suite.set_db_config(os.path.abspath(options.project_dir + '/etc/observer.ini'))
if options.test_cases is not None:
......@@ -1124,38 +933,23 @@ def __init_test_suite(options):
return test_suite
def __init_test_suite_with_source_code(options, eval_result):
os.makedirs(options.target_dir, exist_ok=True)
target_path = os.path.abspath(options.target_dir)
proj_path = __get_project_path(target_path)
build_path = __get_build_path(target_path)
if options.code_type == 'compress':
code_path = os.path.abspath(options.db_code_dir)
if not unzip(code_path, target_path, options.decompress_overwrite):
message = "decompress the code failed"
raise Exception(message)
logging.info("decompress source code done")
elif options.code_type == 'git':
result = git_clone(options.git_repo, options.git_branch, options.git_repo_prefix,
options.git_user, options.git_token, proj_path, 10, eval_result)
if not result:
return None
if not compile(proj_path, build_path, options.compile_cmake_args, options.compile_make_args, options.compile_rebuild, eval_result):
proj_path = os.path.abspath(options.project_dir)
build_path = __get_build_path(options.work_dir)
if not compile(proj_path, build_path,
message = "Failed to compile source code"
return None
logging.info("compile source code done")
_logger.info("compile source code done")
# 覆盖一些测试的路径
logging.info("some config will be override if exists")
_logger.info("some config will be override if exists")
test_suite = __init_test_suite(options)
test_suite.set_db_config(proj_path + '/etc/observer.ini')
return test_suite
def __run_shell_command(command_args):
......@@ -1164,7 +958,7 @@ def __run_shell_command(command_args):
logging.info("running command: '%s'", ' '.join(command_args))
_logger.info("running command: '%s'", ' '.join(command_args))
outputs = []
command_process = subprocess.Popen(command_args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
......@@ -1178,104 +972,6 @@ def __run_shell_command(command_args):
if return_code is not None:
return return_code, outputs
def git_pull(to_path: str, timeout:int, eval_result:EvalResult):
logging.info('running git pull in %s and will wait %d seconds', to_path, timeout)
command_args = ['git', 'pull']
process = subprocess.Popen(command_args, cwd=to_path)
return_code = process.wait(timeout=timeout)
if return_code != 0:
logging.error("Failed to pull source code from repo. return code=%d", return_code)
return False
logging.info("pull source code success")
return True
except Exception as ex:
logging.error("Failed to pull source code from repo. exception=%s", str(ex))
return False
return True
def git_clone(repo: str, branch: str, repo_prefix: str,
user_name: str, password: str,
to_path: str, timeout:int, eval_result: EvalResult):
to_path: 拉取的代码放的目录。比如 test-tmp/ob_rookie/miniob
if os.path.exists(to_path):
# 目标目录已经存在,可以尝试直接执行git pull
result = git_pull(to_path, timeout, eval_result)
if result: # 如果拉取失败,就尝试重新clone
return True
# 清理原有目录,再重新拉取
logging.info("Failed to pull source code. clean the directory and clone it. path=%s", to_path)
if not repo.startswith(repo_prefix):
error = 'git repo must be starts with ' + repo_prefix + ', but got ' + repo
return False
if user_name or password:
target_repo = repo.replace(repo_prefix, 'https://' + user_name + ':' + password + '@github.com/')
target_repo_in_log = target_repo.replace(password, '****')
target_repo = repo
target_repo_in_log = target_repo
logging.info('git clone from %s', target_repo_in_log)
command_args = ['git', 'clone', target_repo, to_path]
if len(branch) != 0:
process = subprocess.Popen(command_args)
return_code = process.wait(timeout=timeout)
if return_code != 0:
error = 'Failed to clone repo from ' + target_repo_in_log + ', return code =' + str(return_code)
return False
except Exception as ex:
error = 'failed to clone repo from ' + target_repo_in_log + '. exception=' + str(ex)
return False
return True
def unzip(source_dir: str, target_dir: str, overwrite: bool):
if not os.path.exists(source_dir):
logging.error('The source_dir %s doesn\'t exist, please provide a vaild source path.', source_dir)
return False
if os.path.isdir(target_dir) and len(os.listdir(target_dir)) != 0:
if overwrite:
logging.info("target directory will be cleaned: %s", target_dir)
logging.error('target directory is not empty: %s', target_dir)
return False
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
logging.info("decompress target directory does not exists, try to create it")
ret, outputs = __run_shell_command(["unzip", "-q", "-d", target_dir, source_dir])
if ret != 0:
logging.error("Failed to decompress the zip package. source_dir=%s, target_dir=%s",
source_dir, target_dir)
for output in outputs:
return False
logging.info("decompress the zip package success. source_dir=%s, target_dir=%s",
source_dir, target_dir)
return True
def run_cmake(work_dir: str, build_path: str, cmake_args: str):
cmake_command = ["cmake", "-B", build_path, "--log-level=WARNING"]
if isinstance(cmake_args, str):
......@@ -1288,9 +984,9 @@ def run_cmake(work_dir: str, build_path: str, cmake_args: str):
ret, outputs = __run_shell_command(cmake_command)
if ret != 0:
logging.error("Failed to run cmake command")
_logger.error("Failed to run cmake command")
for output in outputs:
return False, outputs
return True, []
......@@ -1300,18 +996,18 @@ def compile(work_dir: str, build_dir: str, cmake_args: str, make_args: str, rebu
build_dir 是编译结果的目录
if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
logging.error('The work_dir %s doesn\'t exist, please provide a vaild work path.', work_dir)
_logger.error('The work_dir %s doesn\'t exist, please provide a vaild work path.', work_dir)
return False
#now_path = os.getcwd()
build_path = build_dir
if os.path.exists(build_path) and rebuild_all:
logging.info('build directory is not empty but will be cleaned before compile: %s', build_path)
_logger.info('build directory is not empty but will be cleaned before compile: %s', build_path)
os.makedirs(build_path, exist_ok=True)
logging.info("start compiling ... build path=%s", build_path)
_logger.info("start compiling ... build path=%s", build_path)
ret, outputs = run_cmake(work_dir, build_path, cmake_args)
if ret == False:
# cmake 执行失败时,清空整个Build目录,再重新执行一次cmake命令
......@@ -1320,29 +1016,32 @@ def compile(work_dir: str, build_dir: str, cmake_args: str, make_args: str, rebu
ret, outputs = run_cmake(work_dir, build_path, cmake_args)
if ret == False:
for output in outputs:
return False
make_command = ["make", "--silent", "-C", build_path]
if isinstance(make_args, str):
args = make_args.split(';')
for arg in args:
arg = arg.strip()
if len(arg) > 0:
if not make_args:
args = make_args.split(';')
for arg in args:
arg = arg.strip()
if len(arg) > 0:
ret, outputs = __run_shell_command(make_command)
if ret != 0:
logging.error("Compile failed")
_logger.error("Compile failed")
for output in outputs:
return False
return True
def run(options):
def run(options) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
return result, reason
result: True or False
......@@ -1350,31 +1049,24 @@ def run(options):
logging.info("miniob test starting ...")
_logger.info("miniob test starting ...")
# 由于miniob-test测试程序导致的失败,才认为是失败
# 比如解压代码失败,git clone超时,目录没有权限等,对miniob-test来说都是成功的
# git clone由于权限原因失败、编译失败等,对miniob-test来说是成功的
# 比如目录没有权限等,对miniob-test来说是成功的
result = True
eval_result = EvalResult()
test_suite = None
if options.code_type == 'compress' or options.code_type == 'git':
test_suite = __init_test_suite_with_source_code(options, eval_result)
test_suite = __init_test_suite(options)
test_suite:TestSuite = __init_test_suite_with_source_code(options, eval_result)
if test_suite != None:
result = test_suite.run(eval_result)
# result = True
except Exception as ex:
result = False
return result, eval_result.to_json_string()
......@@ -1388,6 +1080,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if result is False:
exit_code = 1
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