seda_config.h 6.6 KB
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// Created by Longda on 2010


// Include Files
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "common/seda/thread_pool.h"
#include "common/seda/seda_defs.h"

namespace common {

// keywords of sedaconfig
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 *  A class to configure seda stages
 *  Each application uses an xml file to define the stages that make up the
 *  application, the threadpool that the stages use, and the parameters that
 *  are passed to configure each individual stage.  The SedaConfig class
 *  consumes this xml file, parses it, and instantiates the indicated
 *  configuration.  It also then provides access to individual stages_ and
 *  threadpools within the configuration. The parameters passed to each
 *  stage consists of the global attributes defined for all the seda stages_
 *  in the seda instance as well as the attributes defined for that specific
 *  stage. The attributes defined for each stage will override the global
 *  attributes in case of duplicate attributes

class SedaConfig {

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  typedef enum { SUCCESS = 0, INITFAIL, PARSEFAIL } status_t;

  static SedaConfig *&get_instance();

   * Destructor
   * @post configuration is deleted

   * Set the file holding the configuration
   * @pre  filename is a null-terminated string, or \c NULL
   * @post config filename is initialized, config string is empty
  void set_cfg_filename(const char *filename);

   * Set the string holding the configuration
   * @pre  config_str is a null-terminated string, or \c NULL
   * @post config string is initialized, config filename is empty
  void set_cfg_string(const char *config_str);

   * Parse config file or string
   * parse the seda config file or string and build an in-memory
   * representation of the config.  Also, update global properties object
   * with global seda properties from the config.
   * @post config file or string is parsed and global seda properties
   *       are added to global properties object
   * @returns SUCCESS if parsing succeeds
   *          PARSEFAIL if parsing fails
  status_t parse();

   * instantiate the parsed configuration
   * Use the parsed configuration to instantiate the thread pools
   * and stages_ specificed, but do not start it running.
   * @pre  configuration has been successfully parsed
   * @post upon SUCCESS, thread pools and stages_ are created,
   *        ready to be started.
  status_t instantiate_cfg();

   * start the parsed, instantiated configuration
   * @pre   configuration parsed and instantiated
   * @post  if SUCCESS, the SEDA pipleine is now running.
  status_t start();

   * Complete Initialization of the mThreadPools and stages_
   * Use the parsed config to initialize the required mThreadPools and
   * stages_, and start them running.  If the config has not yet been
   * parsed then try to parse it first.  The init function combines
   * parse(), instantiate() and start()
   * @pre empty mThreadPools and stages_
   * @post if returns SUCCESS then
   *          mThreadPools and stages_ created/initialized and running
   * @post if returns INITFAIL or PARSEFAIL then
   *          mThreadPools and stage list are empty
  status_t init();

   * Clean-up the threadpool and stages_
   * @post all stages_ disconnected and deleted, all mThreadPools deleted
  void cleanup();

   * get the desired stage given a string
   * @param[in] stagename   take in the stage name and convert it to a Stage
   * @pre
   * @return a reference to the Stage
  Stage *get_stage(const char *stagename);

   * get the desired threadpool a string
   * @param[in] index   take in the index for threadpool
   * @pre
   * @return a reference to the ThreadPool
  Threadpool &get_thread_pool(const int index);

   * Get a list of all stage names
   * @param[in/out] names   names of all stages_
  void get_stage_names(std::vector<std::string> &names) const;

   * Query the number of queued events at each stage.
   * @param[in/out] stats   number of events enqueued at each
   *   stage.
  void get_stage_queue_status(std::vector<int> &stats) const;

  std::map<std::string, Stage *>::iterator begin();
  std::map<std::string, Stage *>::iterator end();

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  // Constructor

   * instantiate the mThreadPools and stages_
   * Instantiate the mThreadPools and stages_ defined in the configuration
   * @pre  cfg_ptr is not NULL
   * @post returns SUCCESS ==> all mThreadPools and stages_ are created
   *       returns INITFAIL ==> mThreadPools and stages_ are deleted
  status_t instantiate();

  status_t init_thread_pool();

  std::string get_thread_pool(std::string &stage_name);

  status_t init_stages();
  status_t gen_next_stages();

   * delete all mThreadPools and stages_
   * @pre  all existing stages_ are disconnected
   * @post all mThreadPools and stages_ are deleted
  void clear_config();

   * init event history setting
   * Setting max_event_hops, event_history_flag
  void init_event_history();

  SedaConfig &operator=(const SedaConfig &cevtout);

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  static SedaConfig *instance_;

  // In old logic, SedaConfig will parse seda configure file
  // but here, only one configure file
  std::string cfg_file_;
  std::string cfg_str_;

  std::map<std::string, Threadpool *> thread_pools_;
  std::map<std::string, Stage *> stages_;
  std::vector<std::string> stage_names_;

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inline std::map<std::string, Stage *>::iterator SedaConfig::begin()
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  return stages_.begin();

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inline std::map<std::string, Stage *>::iterator SedaConfig::end()
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  return stages_.end();

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inline Stage *SedaConfig::get_stage(const char *stagename)
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  if (stagename) {
    std::string sname(stagename);
    return stages_[stagename];
  return NULL;

// Global seda config object
SedaConfig *&get_seda_config();

bool &get_event_history_flag();
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uint32_t &get_max_event_hops();
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}  // namespace common