提交 bf1d2e05 编写于 作者: F Florent Vilmart

Different implementation

上级 928727af
......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
// Roles are not accessible without the master key, so they are not intended
// for use by clients. We can manually test them using the master key.
const RestQuery = require("../lib/RestQuery");
const Auth = require("../lib/Auth").Auth;
const Config = require("../lib/Config");
describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
it('Do a bunch of basic role testing', done => {
xit('Do a bunch of basic role testing', done => {
let user;
let role;
......@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
// role needs to follow acl
const ACL = new Parse.ACL()
ACL.setRoleReadAccess(name, true)
const role = new Parse.Role(name, ACL);
if (user) {
const users = role.relation('users');
......@@ -80,12 +82,89 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
// Create an ACL for the target Role
// ACL should give the role 'Read' access to it self.
const createSelfAcl = function(roleName){
const createSelfAcl = function(roleName, withPublic = false) {
const acl = new Parse.ACL()
acl.setRoleReadAccess(roleName, true)
return acl
xit("should not recursively load the same role multiple times", (done) => {
const rootRole = "RootRole";
const roleNames = ["FooRole", "BarRole", "BazRole"];
const allRoles = [rootRole].concat(roleNames);
const roleObjs = {};
const createAllRoles = function(user) {
const promises = allRoles.map(function(roleName) {
return createRole(roleName, null, user)
.then(function(roleObj) {
roleObjs[roleName] = roleObj;
return roleObj;
return Promise.all(promises);
const restExecute = spyOn(RestQuery.prototype, "execute").and.callThrough();
let user,
createTestUser().then((newUser) => {
user = newUser;
return createAllRoles(user);
}).then ((roles) => {
const rootRoleObj = roleObjs[rootRole];
roles.forEach(function(role, i) {
// Add all roles to the RootRole
if (role.id !== rootRoleObj.id) {
// Add all "roleNames" roles to the previous role
if (i > 0) {
role.relation("roles").add(roles[i - 1]);
// create some additional duplicate relations between children roles
const FooRole = roles.find(function(role) {
return role.get("name") === "FooRole"
const BarRole = roles.find(function(role) {
return role.get("name") === "BarRole"
const BazRole = roles.find(function(role) {
return role.get("name") === "BazRole"
BarRole.relation("roles").add([FooRole, BazRole]);
BazRole.relation("roles").add([BarRole, FooRole]);
return Parse.Object.saveAll(roles, { useMasterKey: true });
}).then(() => {
auth = new Auth({config: Config.get("test"), user: user});
const authRoles = auth.getAuthRoles();
getAllRolesSpy = spyOn(authRoles, "_findAndBuildRolesForRolesRecursivelyOntoMap").and.callThrough();
return authRoles.findRoles();
}).then ((roles) => {
allRoles.forEach(function(name) {
expect(roles.indexOf("role:" + name)).not.toBe(-1);
// 1 query for the direct roles (parent roles).
// 1 query for each role after that, including the parent role.
// 1 call for each role.
// last call is not computed.
function testLoadRoles(config, done) {
const rolesNames = ["FooRole", "BarRole", "BazRole"];
const roleIds = {};
......@@ -162,7 +241,7 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
it("Should properly resolve roles", (done) => {
xit("Should properly resolve roles", (done) => {
const admin = new Parse.Role("Admin", createSelfAcl("Admin"));
const moderator = new Parse.Role("Moderator", createSelfAcl("Moderator"));
const superModerator = new Parse.Role("SuperModerator",createSelfAcl("SuperModerator"));
......@@ -505,13 +584,13 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
it('Roles should follow ACL properly', (done) => {
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1")
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1", true)
const r1 = new Parse.Role("r1", r1ACL);
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2")
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2", true)
const r2 = new Parse.Role("r2", r2ACL);
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3")
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3", true)
const r3 = new Parse.Role("r3", r3ACL);
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4")
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4", true)
const r4 = new Parse.Role("r4", r4ACL);
let user1;
let user2;
......@@ -615,21 +694,21 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
* R5 -> R6 -> R3
* R7 -> R8 -> R3
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1")
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1", true)
const r1 = new Parse.Role("r1", r1ACL);
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2")
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2", true)
const r2 = new Parse.Role("r2", r2ACL);
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3")
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3", true)
const r3 = new Parse.Role("r3", r3ACL);
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4")
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4", true)
const r4 = new Parse.Role("r4", r4ACL);
const r5ACL = createSelfAcl("r5")
const r5ACL = createSelfAcl("r5", true)
const r5 = new Parse.Role("r5", r5ACL);
const r6ACL = createSelfAcl("r6")
const r6ACL = createSelfAcl("r6", true)
const r6 = new Parse.Role("r6", r6ACL);
const r7ACL = createSelfAcl("r7")
const r7ACL = createSelfAcl("r7", true)
const r7 = new Parse.Role("r7", r7ACL);
const r8ACL = createSelfAcl("r8")
const r8ACL = createSelfAcl("r8", true)
const r8 = new Parse.Role("r8", r8ACL);
let user;
Parse.Object.saveAll([r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8], {useMasterKey: true})
......@@ -696,13 +775,13 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
* R1 -> R2 -> R3 -> R4 -> R3
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1")
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1", true)
const r1 = new Parse.Role("r1", r1ACL);
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2")
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2", true)
const r2 = new Parse.Role("r2", r2ACL);
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3")
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3", true)
const r3 = new Parse.Role("r3", r3ACL);
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4")
const r4ACL = createSelfAcl("r4", true)
const r4 = new Parse.Role("r4", r4ACL);
let user;
Parse.Object.saveAll([r1, r2, r3, r4], {useMasterKey: true})
......@@ -737,11 +816,11 @@ describe('Parse Role testing', () => {
it('Roles security for objects should follow ACL properly', (done) => {
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1")
const r1ACL = createSelfAcl("r1", true)
const r1 = new Parse.Role("r1", r1ACL);
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2")
const r2ACL = createSelfAcl("r2", true)
const r2 = new Parse.Role("r2", r2ACL);
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3")
const r3ACL = createSelfAcl("r3", true)
const r3 = new Parse.Role("r3", r3ACL);
let user;
Parse.Object.saveAll([r1, r2, r3], {useMasterKey: true})
......@@ -1305,6 +1305,7 @@ describe('schemas', () => {
const roleAcl = new Parse.ACL()
roleAcl.setRoleReadAccess("admin", true)
const role = new Parse.Role('admin', roleAcl);
......@@ -1475,6 +1476,7 @@ describe('schemas', () => {
const roleAcl = new Parse.ACL()
roleAcl.setRoleReadAccess("admin", true)
const role = new Parse.Role('admin', roleAcl);
......@@ -1721,6 +1723,7 @@ describe('schemas', () => {
const roleAcl = new Parse.ACL();
roleAcl.setRoleReadAccess("admin", true);
const role = new Parse.Role('admin', roleAcl);
const cryptoUtils = require('./cryptoUtils');
const RestQuery = require('./RestQuery');
const Parse = require('parse/node');
import { AuthRoles } from "./AuthRoles";
// An Auth object tells you who is requesting something and whether
// the master key was used.
......@@ -19,11 +18,6 @@ function Auth({ config, cacheController = undefined, isMaster = false, isReadOnl
this.userRoles = [];
this.fetchedRoles = false;
this.rolePromise = null;
// return the auth role validator
this.getAuthRoles = () => {
return new AuthRoles(master(this.config), this.user.id);
// Whether this auth could possibly modify the given user id.
......@@ -134,7 +128,7 @@ Auth.prototype.getUserRoles = function() {
return this.rolePromise;
Auth.prototype.getRolesForUser = function() {
Auth.prototype.getRolesForUser = async function() {
if (this.config) {
const restWhere = {
'users': {
......@@ -143,10 +137,14 @@ Auth.prototype.getRolesForUser = function() {
objectId: this.user.id
const query = new RestQuery(this.config, master(this.config), '_Role', restWhere, {});
return query.execute().then(({ results }) => results);
this.fetchedRoles = true;
this.userRoles = [];
const query = new RestQuery(this.config, this, '_Role', restWhere, {});
return await query.execute().then(({ results }) => results);
// TODO: add tests for this use case
return new Parse.Query(Parse.Role)
.equalTo('users', this.user)
.find({ useMasterKey: true })
......@@ -182,10 +180,7 @@ Auth.prototype._loadRoles = async function() {
}, {ids: [], names: []});
// run the recursive finding
const roleNames = await this._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds(rolesMap.ids, rolesMap.names);
this.userRoles = roleNames.map((r) => {
return 'role:' + r;
await this._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds(rolesMap.ids, rolesMap.names);
this.fetchedRoles = true;
this.rolePromise = null;
......@@ -212,6 +207,7 @@ Auth.prototype.getRolesByIds = function(ins) {
// Build an OR query across all parentRoles
if (!this.config) {
// TODO: add proper tests
return new Parse.Query(Parse.Role)
.containedIn('roles', ins.map((id) => {
const role = new Parse.Object(Parse.Role);
......@@ -222,13 +218,16 @@ Auth.prototype.getRolesByIds = function(ins) {
.then((results) => results.map((obj) => obj.toJSON()));
return new RestQuery(this.config, master(this.config), '_Role', restWhere, {})
return new RestQuery(this.config, this, '_Role', restWhere, {})
.then(({ results }) => results);
// Given a list of roleIds, find all the parent roles, returns a promise with all names
Auth.prototype._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds = function(roleIDs, names = [], queriedRoles = {}) {
Auth.prototype._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds = async function(roleIDs, names = [], queriedRoles = {}) {
this.userRoles = [... new Set(this.userRoles.concat(names.map((r) => {
return 'role:' + r;
const ins = roleIDs.filter((roleID) => {
const wasQueried = queriedRoles[roleID] !== true;
queriedRoles[roleID] = true;
......@@ -237,27 +236,28 @@ Auth.prototype._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds = function(roleIDs, names = [], queri
// all roles are accounted for, return the names
if (ins.length == 0) {
return Promise.resolve([...new Set(names)]);
return this.getRolesByIds(ins).then((results) => {
// Nothing found
if (!results.length) {
return Promise.resolve(names);
// Map the results with all Ids and names
const resultMap = results.reduce((memo, role) => {
return memo;
}, {ids: [], names: []});
// store the new found names
names = names.concat(resultMap.names);
// find the next ones, circular roles will be cut
return this._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds(resultMap.ids, names, queriedRoles)
}).then((names) => {
return Promise.resolve([...new Set(names)])
const results = await this.getRolesByIds(ins);
// Nothing found
if (!results.length) {
// Map the results with all Ids and names
const resultMap = results.reduce((memo, role) => {
return memo;
}, {ids: [], names: []});
// store the new found names
names = names.concat(resultMap.names);
this.userRoles = [... new Set(this.userRoles.concat(names.map((r) => {
return 'role:' + r;
// find the next ones, circular roles will be cut
await this._getAllRolesNamesForRoleIds(resultMap.ids, names, queriedRoles)
const createSession = function(config, {
import _ from "lodash";
const Auth = require("./Auth").Auth;
const RestQuery = require('./RestQuery');
const Parse = require('parse/node');
interface RoleChildParentMapItem {name: String, objectId: String, ACL: Object, parents: Set, result: OppResult}
interface RoleChildParentMap { objectId: RoleChildParentMapItem }
// Operation results for role
const OppResult = Object.freeze({
rejected: 0, // role rejected (no path to role was found valid)
accepted: 1, // role accepted (at least one path to role was valid)
processing: 2 // role is being validated (this prevents circular roles)
* Builds the role info object to be used.
* @param {String} name the name of the role
* @param {String} objectId the role id
* @param {Set} parents the available paths for this role. (Parent Roles)
* @param {OppResult} oppResult the role acl computation result
const RoleInfo = (name, objectId, ACL, parents: Set, oppResult = null) => ({
export class AuthRoles {
* @param {Auth} masterAuth the Auth object performing the request
* @param {String} userId the id of the user performing the request
constructor(masterAuth: Auth, user: Parse.User){
this.masterAuth = masterAuth;
this.user = user;
this.userId = user.id;
// final list of accessible role names
this.accessibleRoleNames = new Set();
// Contains a relation between the role blocking and the roles that are blocked.
// This will speedup things when we re-accept a previously rejected role.
this.blockingRoles = { string: Set };
* Returns a promise that resolves with all 'accessibleRoleNames'.
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
return this.findDirectRoles()
.then((roles) => this.findRolesOfRoles(roles))
.then((roleMap) => this.computeAccess(roleMap))
.then(() => Promise.resolve(Array.from(this.accessibleRoleNames)));
* Resolves with a promise once all direct roles are fetched.
* Direct roles are roles the user is in the 'users' relation.
* @returns {Promise<Array>} Array of Role objects fetched from db.
findDirectRoles(): Promise<Array> {
var restWhere = { 'users': { __type: 'Pointer', className: '_User', objectId: this.userId } };
return _performQuery(restWhere, this.masterAuth);
* Given a list of roles, find all the parent roles.
* @param {Array} roles array of role objects fetched from db
* @returns {Promise<RoleChildParentMap>} RoleChildParentMap
findRolesOfRoles(roles): Promise<RoleChildParentMap>{
const map: RoleChildParentMap = {};
const ids: Set = new Set();
// map the current roles we have
_.forEach(roles, role => {
const roleId = role.objectId;
map[roleId] = RoleInfo(role.name, role.objectId, role.ACL, new Set());
// the iterator we will use to loop through the ids from set
const idsIterator = ids[Symbol.iterator]();
return this._findAndBuildRolesForRolesRecursivelyOntoMap(idsIterator, ids, map, this.masterAuth);
* Iterates over each branch to resolve each role's accessibility.
* Branch will be looped through from inside out, and each
* node ACL will be validated for accessibility
* ex: Roles are fetched in this order:
* Admins -> Collaborators -> Members
* Iteration will occure in the opposite order:
* Admins <- Collaborators <- Members
* @param {RoleChildParentMap} map our role map
* @returns {Promise<void>}
computeAccess(map: RoleChildParentMap): Promise<void>{
return new Promise((resolve) => {
_.forEach(map, (role) => {
const roleResult: OppResult = this.computeAccessOnRole(role, map);
// do a bunch of stuff only when role is accepted.
if(roleResult === OppResult.accepted){
// add to role name set.
this.accessibleRoleNames.add("role:" + role.name);
// solve previous role blames if any available.
this.solveRoleRejectionBlamesIfAny(role, map);
* Determins the role's accessibility status.
* Both Statements should be true:
* 1 - At least one path to role is accessible by this user
* 2 - Role ACl is accesible by this user
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} role the role to compute on
* @param {RoleChildParentMap} rolesMap our role map
* @returns {OppResult}
computeAccessOnRole(role: RoleChildParentMapItem, rolesMap: RoleChildParentMap): OppResult{
const acl = role.ACL;
// Dont bother checking if the ACL
// is empty or corrupt
if(acl === {} || !acl){
return OppResult.rejected;
// assume role is rejected
var result = OppResult.rejected;
if(role.result === OppResult.processing){
// This role(path) is currently being processed.
// This mean that we stubled upon a circular path.
// So we reject the role for now.
// ex: R3* <- R2 <- R3* <- R1
result = OppResult.rejected;
}else if(role.result === OppResult.rejected){
result = OppResult.rejected;
}else if(role.result === OppResult.accepted){
result = OppResult.accepted;
// mark processing
role.result = OppResult.processing;
// Paths are computed following 'or' logic
// only one path to a role is sufficient to accept the role.
// If no parents, the role is directly accessible, we just need
// to check its ACL.
var parentPathsResult = OppResult.accepted;
if(role.parents.size > 0){
// check the paths that leads to this role using our Map.
parentPathsResult = this.isAnyPathToRoleValid(role, rolesMap);
// if the parent's path is accepted or there
// is no parent path. Lets check the role's ACL.
if(parentPathsResult === OppResult.accepted){
if(this.isRoleAclAccessible(role) === true){
result = OppResult.accepted;
result = OppResult.rejected;
result = parentPathsResult;
role.result = result;
return result;
* Determins if any of the role's paths (parents) is a valid path.
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} role the role to compute on
* @param {RoleChildParentMap} rolesMap our role map
* @returns {OppResult} (Accepted | Rejected)
isAnyPathToRoleValid(role: RoleChildParentMapItem, rolesMap: RoleChildParentMap): OppResult{
const parentIds: Set = role.parents;
const iterator = parentIds[Symbol.iterator]();
const size = parentIds.size;
// compute each path individually, and brake as soon
// as we have a good one.
for (let index = 0; index < size; index++) {
const parentId = iterator.next().value;
const parentRole = rolesMap[parentId];
// compute access on current parent path node like for any
// other role normally.
const pathResult = this.computeAccessOnRole(parentRole, rolesMap);
if(pathResult === OppResult.accepted){
// path accepted, skip all other paths and return.
// any previous rejection that were issued will be dealt with later.
return OppResult.accepted;
// Mark our 'role' as rejected by 'parentRole'
this.blameRoleForRejection(role, parentRole);
return OppResult.rejected;
* A role is accessible when any of the following statements is valid:
* 1- Role is publicly accessible
* 2- User is explicitly given access to the role
* 3- Role has access to itself
* 4- Role is accessible from other roles we have
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} role the role to check.
* @returns {Boolean} accessible or not
isRoleAclAccessible(role): boolean{
const acl = role.ACL;
// (1)
if(_isAclAccessibleFromRoleName(acl, "*")){
return true;
// (2)
if(_isAclAccessibleFromRoleName(acl, this.userId)){
return true;
// (3)
if(_isAclAccessibleFromRoleName(acl, `role:${role.name}`)){
return true;
// (4)
if(_isAclAccessibleFromRoleNames(acl, this.accessibleRoleNames)){
return true;
return false;
* Adds relationship between the role that is blocking another role.
* Usually Parent is blocking Child.
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} roleThatWasRejected the role that was just rejected
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} roleThatCausedTheRejection the role that caused this rejection
blameRoleForRejection(roleThatWasRejected, roleThatCausedTheRejection): void{
const roleThatCausedTheRejectionId = roleThatCausedTheRejection.objectId;
const roleThatWasRejectedId = roleThatWasRejected.objectId;
// other rejections from same role ?
const otherRejections: Set = this.blockingRoles[roleThatCausedTheRejectionId];
this.blockingRoles[roleThatCausedTheRejectionId] = new Set([roleThatWasRejectedId]);
* This will iterate over all roles that the 'roleThatWasSolved' is blocking and accept them if possible.
* @param {RoleChildParentMapItem} roleThatWasSolved previous role that was blocked and may be blocking other roles too.
solveRoleRejectionBlamesIfAny(roleThatWasSolved: RoleChildParentMapItem, map: RoleChildParentMap): void{
const roleThatWasSolvedId = roleThatWasSolved.objectId;
// Get previous rejections if any
const previousRejections: Set = this.blockingRoles[roleThatWasSolvedId];
// loop throught the roles and retry their access
previousRejections.forEach((roleId) => {
const role: RoleChildParentMapItem = map[roleId];
// is he still blocked ?
if(role && role.result !== OppResult.accepted){
// is his acl accessible now ?
// accept role
role.result = OppResult.accepted;
// do the same fo that role
this.solveRoleRejectionBlamesIfAny(role, map);
* Given a set of role Ids, will recursively find all parent roles.
* @param {Iterator} idsIterator what is used to iterate over 'ids'
* @param {Set} ids the set of role ids to iteratre on
* @param {RoleChildParentMap} currentMapState our role map
* @param {Auth} masterAuth
* @returns {Promise}
_findAndBuildRolesForRolesRecursivelyOntoMap(idsIterator, ids: Set, currentMapState: RoleChildParentMap, masterAuth: Auth): Promise{
// get the next id to operate on
const parentRoleId = idsIterator.next().value;
// no next id on iteration, we are done !
return Promise.resolve(currentMapState);
// build query and find Roles
const restWhere = { 'roles': { __type: 'Pointer', className: '_Role', objectId: parentRoleId } };
return _performQuery(restWhere, masterAuth)
.then((roles) => {
// map roles linking them to parent
_.forEach(roles, role => {
const childRoleId = role.objectId;
// add to set to use it later on.
// circular roles are cut since 'Set' will not add it.
// So no role will be fetched twice.
// add to role map
const roleMap: RoleChildParentMapItem = currentMapState[childRoleId];
// we already have a parent for this role
// lets add another one
// new role
currentMapState[childRoleId] = RoleInfo(role.name, childRoleId, role.ACL, new Set([parentRoleId]));
// find the next ones
return this._findAndBuildRolesForRolesRecursivelyOntoMap(idsIterator, ids, currentMapState, masterAuth);
* A helper method to return and execute the appropriate query.
* @param {Object} restWhere query constraints
* @param {Auth} masterAuth the master auth we will be using
const _performQuery = (restWhere = {}, masterAuth: Auth): RestQuery => {
return new RestQuery(masterAuth.config, masterAuth, '_Role', restWhere, {})
.then(response => response.results);
const query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
_.forEach(restWhere, (value, key) => {
query.equalTo(key, Parse.Object.fromJSON({
className: value.className,
objectId: value.objectId
// failsafe for devs just to prevent fetching the wrong roles
if(key !== 'users' && key !== 'roles'){
throw 'Unsupported AuthRole query key: ' + key;
return query.find({ useMasterKey: true })
.then((results) => results.map((obj) => obj.toJSON()))
* Checks if ACL grants access from a Set of roles.
* Only one role is sufficient.
* @param {Object} acl the acl to check
* @param {Set} roleNames the role names to compute accessibility on 'acl'
* @returns {Boolean}
const _isAclAccessibleFromRoleNames = (acl, roleNames: Set): Boolean => {
var isNotAccessible = true;
_.every(acl, (value, key) => {
// match name from ACL Key
// brake when found
isNotAccessible = !(_isReadableAcl(value));
return isNotAccessible;
return !(isNotAccessible);
* Checks if ACL grants access for a specific role name.
* @param {Object} acl the acl to check
* @param {String} roleName the role name to compute accessibility on 'acl'
* @returns {Boolean}
const _isAclAccessibleFromRoleName = (acl, roleName): Boolean => {
const statement = acl[roleName];
return _isReadableAcl(statement);
return false;
* Checks if acl statement is readable.
* "read" is true
* @returns {Boolean}
const _isReadableAcl = (statement): Boolean => statement.read === true;
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