udpecho.c 1.1 KB
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#include <lwip/api.h>

#define UDP_ECHO_PORT   7

void udpecho_entry(void *parameter)
	static struct netconn *conn;
	static struct netbuf *buf;
	static struct ip_addr *addr;
	static unsigned short port;

	conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_UDP);
	netconn_bind(conn, NULL, 7);

        /* received data to buffer */
		buf = netconn_recv(conn);

		addr = netbuf_fromaddr(buf);
		port = netbuf_fromport(buf);

        /* send the data to buffer */
		netconn_connect(conn, addr, port);
		netconn_send(conn, buf);

        /* release buffer */

#include <finsh.h>
static rt_thread_t echo_tid = RT_NULL;
void udpecho(rt_uint32_t startup)
	if (startup && echo_tid == RT_NULL)
		echo_tid = rt_thread_create("uecho",
									udpecho_entry, RT_NULL,
									512, 30, 5);
		if (echo_tid != RT_NULL)
		if (echo_tid != RT_NULL)
			rt_thread_delete(echo_tid); /* delete thread */
		echo_tid = RT_NULL;
FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(udpecho, startup or stop UDP echo server);