startup_stm32g030xx.s 8.6 KB
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  * @file      startup_stm32g030xx.s
  * @author    MCD Application Team
  * @brief     STM32G030xx devices vector table for Atollic TrueSTUDIO toolchain.
  *            This module performs:
  *                - Set the initial SP
  *                - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
  *                - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
  *                - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
  *                  calls main()).
  *            After Reset the Cortex-M0+ processor is in Thread mode,
  *            priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
  * @attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics. 
  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the 
  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

  .syntax unified
  .cpu cortex-m0
  .fpu softvfp

.global g_pfnVectors
.global Default_Handler

/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
defined in linker script */
.word _sidata
/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
.word _sdata
/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
.word _edata
/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
.word _sbss
/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
.word _ebss

  .section .text.Reset_Handler
  .weak Reset_Handler
  .type Reset_Handler, %function
  ldr   r0, =_estack
  mov   sp, r0          /* set stack pointer */

/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
  movs r1, #0
  b LoopCopyDataInit

  ldr r3, =_sidata
  ldr r3, [r3, r1]
  str r3, [r0, r1]
  adds r1, r1, #4

  ldr r0, =_sdata
  ldr r3, =_edata
  adds r2, r0, r1
  cmp r2, r3
  bcc CopyDataInit
  ldr r2, =_sbss
  b LoopFillZerobss
/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
  movs r3, #0
  str  r3, [r2]
  adds r2, r2, #4

  ldr r3, = _ebss
  cmp r2, r3
  bcc FillZerobss

/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
  bl  SystemInit
/* Call static constructors */
  bl __libc_init_array
/* Call the application's entry point.*/
  bl main

    b LoopForever

.size Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler

 * @brief  This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
 *         unexpected interrupt.  This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
 *         the system state for examination by a debugger.
 * @param  None
 * @retval : None
    .section .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
  b Infinite_Loop
  .size Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M0.  Note that the proper constructs
* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
* 0x0000.0000.
   .section .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
  .type g_pfnVectors, %object
  .size g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors

  .word  _estack
  .word  Reset_Handler
  .word  NMI_Handler
  .word  HardFault_Handler
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  SVC_Handler
  .word  0
  .word  0
  .word  PendSV_Handler
  .word  SysTick_Handler
  .word  WWDG_IRQHandler                   /* Window WatchDog              */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  RTC_TAMP_IRQHandler               /* RTC through the EXTI line    */
  .word  FLASH_IRQHandler                  /* FLASH                        */
  .word  RCC_IRQHandler                    /* RCC                          */
  .word  EXTI0_1_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 0 and 1            */
  .word  EXTI2_3_IRQHandler                /* EXTI Line 2 and 3            */
  .word  EXTI4_15_IRQHandler               /* EXTI Line 4 to 15            */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler          /* DMA1 Channel 1               */
  .word  DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler        /* DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 */
  .word  DMA1_Ch4_5_DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler /* DMA1 Channel 4 to Channel 5, DMAMUX1 overrun */
  .word  ADC1_IRQHandler                   /* ADC1                         */
  .word  TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler    /* TIM1 Break, Update, Trigger and Commutation */
  .word  TIM1_CC_IRQHandler                /* TIM1 Capture Compare         */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  TIM3_IRQHandler                   /* TIM3                         */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  TIM14_IRQHandler                  /* TIM14                        */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */
  .word  TIM16_IRQHandler                  /* TIM16                        */
  .word  TIM17_IRQHandler                  /* TIM17                        */
  .word  I2C1_IRQHandler                   /* I2C1                         */
  .word  I2C2_IRQHandler                   /* I2C2                         */
  .word  SPI1_IRQHandler                   /* SPI1                         */
  .word  SPI2_IRQHandler                   /* SPI2                         */
  .word  USART1_IRQHandler                 /* USART1                       */
  .word  USART2_IRQHandler                 /* USART2                       */
  .word  0                                 /* reserved                     */

* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
* this definition.

  .weak      NMI_Handler
  .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler

  .weak      HardFault_Handler
  .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler

  .weak      SVC_Handler
  .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler

  .weak      PendSV_Handler
  .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler

  .weak      SysTick_Handler
  .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler

  .weak      WWDG_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      RTC_TAMP_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set RTC_TAMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      FLASH_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      RCC_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      EXTI0_1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set EXTI0_1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      EXTI2_3_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set EXTI2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      EXTI4_15_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set EXTI4_15_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      DMA1_Ch4_7_DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set DMA1_Ch4_7_DMAMUX1_OVR_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      ADC1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM1_CC_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM1_CC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM3_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM14_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM14_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM16_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM16_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      TIM17_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set TIM17_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      I2C1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set I2C1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      I2C2_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set I2C2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      SPI1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      SPI2_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      USART1_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

  .weak      USART2_IRQHandler
  .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler

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