提交 a4e2e6c3 编写于 作者: H happyfire

- GPU Rasterizer working

上级 b5a78132
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!1 &1825649040
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
......@@ -855,7 +670,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
mesh: {fileID: 0}
DoubleSideRendering: 0
texture: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!1 &1933767904
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: ef50ff8ef83643a42a03be5b19e5196d
externalObjects: {}
......@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ namespace URasterizer
Vector4[] _tmpVector4s = new Vector4[3];
Vector3[] _tmpVector3s = new Vector3[3];
public String Name { get=>"CPU"; }
public Texture ColorTexture { get=>texture; }
public CPURasterizer(int w, int h, RenderingConfig config)
......@@ -80,14 +80,9 @@ namespace URasterizer
if(_rasterizer != _lastRasterizer){
_lastRasterizer = _rasterizer;
if(_rasterizer == _cpuRasterizer){
rawImg.texture = _cpuRasterizer.texture;
else if(_rasterizer == _gpuRasterizer){
rawImg.texture = _gpuRasterizer.texture;
_statsPanel.SetRasterizerType("GPU Driven");
rawImg.texture = _rasterizer.ColorTexture;
var r = _rasterizer;
......@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ namespace URasterizer
public interface IRasterizer
string Name { get; }
void Clear(BufferMask mask);
void Draw(RenderingObject ro, Camera camera);
Texture ColorTexture { get; }
void UpdateFrame();
FragmentShader CurrentFragmentShader { get; set; }
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ namespace URasterizer
public Mesh mesh;
public bool DoubleSideRendering;
[HideInInspector, System.NonSerialized]
public Texture2D texture;
//缓存避免在draw loop中从mesh copy
......@@ -23,7 +24,10 @@ namespace URasterizer
public ComputeBuffer VertexBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer NormalBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer OutBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer TriangleBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer VertexOutBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer RenderTriangleBuffer;
private void Start()
......@@ -47,23 +51,43 @@ namespace URasterizer
//为了能在运行时动态切换是否使用 GPU Driven Rasterizer, 这里同时把GPU使用的Compute Buffer创建出来
int vertexCnt = mesh.vertexCount;
VertexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 3*sizeof(float));
VertexBuffer.name = "VertexBuffer";
VertexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 3*sizeof(float));
NormalBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 3*sizeof(float));
NormalBuffer.name = "NormalBuffer";
NormalBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 3*sizeof(float));
//注意这儿对调了v0和v1的索引,因为原来的 0,1,2是顺时针的,对调后是 1,0,2是逆时针的
//Unity Quard模型的两个三角形索引分别是 0,3,1,3,0,2 转换后为 3,0,1,0,3,2
int idxCnt = MeshTriangles.Length;
Vector3Int[] triangles = new Vector3Int[idxCnt/3];
for(int i=0; i < triangles.Length; ++i){
triangles[i].x = MeshTriangles[i*3+1];
triangles[i].y = MeshTriangles[i*3];
triangles[i].z = MeshTriangles[i*3+2];
TriangleBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(triangles.Length, 3*sizeof(uint));
OutBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 13*sizeof(float));
OutBuffer.name = "OutBuffer";
VertexOutBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(vertexCnt, 13*sizeof(float));
RenderTriangleBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MeshTriangles.Length/3, sizeof(uint)*3, ComputeBufferType.Append);
void OnDestroy()
VertexBuffer = null;
NormalBuffer = null;
VertexOutBuffer = null;
TriangleBuffer = null;
RenderTriangleBuffer = null;
#pragma kernel VertexProcess
#pragma kernel ClearFrame
#pragma kernel TriangleSetup
#pragma kernel RasterizeTriangle
struct OutBuf
struct VertexOutBuf
float4 clipPos;
float3 worldPos;
......@@ -9,22 +12,343 @@ struct OutBuf
float3 worldNormal;
float4 ClearColor;
uint2 FrameBufferSize;
float4x4 matMVP;
float4x4 matModel;
uint currentRenderTriangle;
StructuredBuffer<float3> vertexBuffer;
StructuredBuffer<float3> normalBuffer;
RWStructuredBuffer<OutBuf> outBuffer;
RWStructuredBuffer<VertexOutBuf> vertexOutBuffer;
StructuredBuffer<uint3> triangleBuffer; // All triangles of the mesh
AppendStructuredBuffer<uint3> renderTriangleBuffer; //triangles to render
ConsumeStructuredBuffer<uint3> renderCosumeBuffer;
RWTexture2D<float4> frameColorTexture;
void ClearFrame(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
frameColorTexture[id.xy] = ClearColor;
void VertexProcess (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float4 pos = float4(vertexBuffer[id.x].x, vertexBuffer[id.x].y, -vertexBuffer[id.x].z, 1.0f);
float3 normal = float3(normalBuffer[id.x].x, normalBuffer[id.x].y, -normalBuffer[id.x].z);
outBuffer[id.x].clipPos = mul(matMVP, pos);
outBuffer[id.x].worldPos = mul(matModel, pos).xyz;
outBuffer[id.x].objectNormal = normal;
outBuffer[id.x].worldNormal = mul( (float3x3)matModel , normal);
vertexOutBuffer[id.x].clipPos = mul(matMVP, pos);
vertexOutBuffer[id.x].worldPos = mul(matModel, pos).xyz;
vertexOutBuffer[id.x].objectNormal = normal;
vertexOutBuffer[id.x].worldNormal = mul( (float3x3)matModel , normal);
bool Clipped(float4 v[3])
//Clip space使用GAMES101规范,右手坐标系,n为+1, f为-1
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
float4 vertex = v[i];
float w = vertex.w;
w = w >= 0 ? w : -w; //由于NDC中总是满足-1<=Zndc<=1, 而当 w < 0 时,-w >= Zclip = Zndc*w >= w。所以此时clip space的坐标范围是[w,-w], 为了比较时更明确,将w取正
bool inside = (vertex.x <= w && vertex.x >= -w
&& vertex.y <= w && vertex.y >= -w
&& vertex.z <= w && vertex.z >= -w);
if (inside)
//不裁剪三角形,只要有任意一点在clip space中则三角形整体保留
return false;
return true;
void TriangleSetup(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint3 tri = triangleBuffer[id.x];
int idx0 = tri.x;
int idx1 = tri.y;
int idx2 = tri.z;
float4 v[3];
v[0] = vertexOutBuffer[idx0].clipPos;
v[1] = vertexOutBuffer[idx1].clipPos;
v[2] = vertexOutBuffer[idx2].clipPos;
//Perspective division, clip space to NDC
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
v[k].x /= v[k].w;
v[k].y /= v[k].w;
v[k].z /= v[k].w;
//backface culling
float3 e01 = v[1].xyz - v[0].xyz;
float3 e02 = v[2].xyz - v[0].xyz;
float3 crossv = cross(e01, e02);
if (crossv.z < 0)
//Viewport Transform, NDC to screen space
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
float4 vec = v[k];
vec.x = 0.5f * FrameBufferSize.x * (vec.x + 1.0f);
vec.y = 0.5f * FrameBufferSize.y * (vec.y + 1.0f);
//在硬件渲染中,NDC的z值经过硬件的透视除法之后就直接写入到depth buffer了,如果要调整需要在投影矩阵中调整
//为了可视化Depth buffer,将最终的z值从[-1,1]映射到[0,1]的范围,因此最终n为1, f为0。离n越近,深度值越大。
//但是这么调整后,正好和Unity在DirectX平台的Reverse z一样,让near plane附近的z值的浮点数精度提高。
vec.z = vec.z * 0.5f + 0.5f;
v[k] = vec;
//Screen space coordinates saved in clip pos
vertexOutBuffer[idx0].clipPos = v[0];
vertexOutBuffer[idx1].clipPos = v[1];
vertexOutBuffer[idx2].clipPos = v[2];
//triangle actually rendering append to this buffer
renderTriangleBuffer.Append(uint3(idx0, idx1, idx2));
float3 ComputeBarycentric2D(float x, float y, float4 v[3])
float c1 = (x * (v[1].y - v[2].y) + (v[2].x - v[1].x) * y + v[1].x * v[2].y - v[2].x * v[1].y) / (v[0].x * (v[1].y - v[2].y) + (v[2].x - v[1].x) * v[0].y + v[1].x * v[2].y - v[2].x * v[1].y);
float c2 = (x * (v[2].y - v[0].y) + (v[0].x - v[2].x) * y + v[2].x * v[0].y - v[0].x * v[2].y) / (v[1].x * (v[2].y - v[0].y) + (v[0].x - v[2].x) * v[1].y + v[2].x * v[0].y - v[0].x * v[2].y);
float c3 = (x * (v[0].y - v[1].y) + (v[1].x - v[0].x) * y + v[0].x * v[1].y - v[1].x * v[0].y) / (v[2].x * (v[0].y - v[1].y) + (v[1].x - v[0].x) * v[2].y + v[0].x * v[1].y - v[1].x * v[0].y);
return float3(c1, c2, c3);
void RasterizeTriangle(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint3 tri = renderCosumeBuffer.Consume();// triangleBuffer[currentRenderTriangle]; //triangleBuffer
int idx0 = tri.x;
int idx1 = tri.y;
int idx2 = tri.z;
float4 v[3];
v[0] = vertexOutBuffer[idx0].clipPos;
v[1] = vertexOutBuffer[idx1].clipPos;
v[2] = vertexOutBuffer[idx2].clipPos;
//Find out the bounding box of current triangle.
float minX = v[0].x;
float maxX = minX;
float minY = v[0].y;
float maxY = minY;
for(int i=1; i<3; ++i)
float x = v[i].x;
if(x < minX)
minX = x;
} else if(x > maxX)
maxX = x;
float y = v[i].y;
if(y < minY)
minY = y;
}else if(y > maxY)
maxY = y;
int minPX = floor(minX);
minPX = minPX < 0 ? 0 : minPX;
int maxPX = ceil(maxX);
maxPX = maxPX > FrameBufferSize.x ? FrameBufferSize.x : maxPX;
int minPY = floor(minY);
minPY = minPY < 0 ? 0 : minPY;
int maxPY = ceil(maxY);
maxPY = maxPY > FrameBufferSize.y ? FrameBufferSize.y : maxPY;
if(id.x < minPX || id.x > maxPX || id.y < minPY || id.y > maxPY){
int x = id.x;
int y = id.y;
float3 c = ComputeBarycentric2D(x, y, v);
float alpha = c.x;
float beta = c.y;
float gamma = c.z;
if(alpha < 0 || beta < 0 || gamma < 0){
//透视校正插值,z为透视校正插值后的view space z值
float z = 1.0f / (alpha / v[0].w + beta / v[1].w + gamma / v[2].w);
//zp为透视校正插值后的screen space z值
float zp = (alpha * v[0].z / v[0].w + beta * v[1].z / v[1].w + gamma * v[2].z / v[2].w) * z;
//深度测试(注意我们这儿的z值越大越靠近near plane,因此大值通过测试)
//if(zp >= depth_buf[index])
//depth_buf[index] = zp;
//float3 color_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Color / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Color / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Color / v[2].w) * z;
//Vector2 uv_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Texcoord / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Texcoord / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Texcoord / v[2].w) * z;
//Vector3 normal_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Normal / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Normal / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Normal / v[2].w) * z;
//Vector3 worldPos_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.WorldPos / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.WorldPos / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.WorldPos / v[2].w) * z;
//Vector3 worldNormal_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.WorldNormal / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.WorldNormal / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.WorldNormal / v[2].w) * z;
//if (CurrentFragmentShader != null)
//FragmentShaderInputData input = new FragmentShaderInputData();
//input.Color = color_p;
//input.UV = uv_p;
//input.Texture = ro.texture;
//input.LocalNormal = normal_p;
//input.WorldPos = worldPos_p;
//input.WorldNormal = worldNormal_p;
frameColorTexture[id.xy] = float4(1,1,1,1);
// void RasterizeTriangle(Triangle t, RenderingObject ro)
// {
// ProfileManager.BeginSample("Rasterizer.RasterizeTriangle");
// var v = _tmpVector4s;
// v[0] = t.Vertex0.Position;
// v[1] = t.Vertex1.Position;
// v[2] = t.Vertex2.Position;
// //Find out the bounding box of current triangle.
// float minX = v[0].x;
// float maxX = minX;
// float minY = v[0].y;
// float maxY = minY;
// for(int i=1; i<3; ++i)
// {
// float x = v[i].x;
// if(x < minX)
// {
// minX = x;
// } else if(x > maxX)
// {
// maxX = x;
// }
// float y = v[i].y;
// if(y < minY)
// {
// minY = y;
// }else if(y > maxY)
// {
// maxY = y;
// }
// }
// int minPX = Mathf.FloorToInt(minX);
// minPX = minPX < 0 ? 0 : minPX;
// int maxPX = Mathf.CeilToInt(maxX);
// maxPX = maxPX > _width ? _width : maxPX;
// int minPY = Mathf.FloorToInt(minY);
// minPY = minPY < 0 ? 0 : minPY;
// int maxPY = Mathf.CeilToInt(maxY);
// maxPY = maxPY > _height ? _height : maxPY;
// if(_config.MSAA == MSAALevel.Disabled)
// {
// // 遍历当前三角形包围中的所有像素,判断当前像素是否在三角形中
// // 对于在三角形中的像素,使用重心坐标插值得到深度值,并使用z buffer进行深度测试和写入
// for(int y = minPY; y < maxPY; ++y)
// {
// for(int x = minPX; x < maxPX; ++x)
// {
// //if(IsInsideTriangle(x, y, t)) //-->检测是否在三角形内比使用重心坐标检测要慢,因此先计算重心坐标,再检查3个坐标是否有小于0
// {
// //计算重心坐标
// var c = ComputeBarycentric2D(x, y, t);
// float alpha = c.x;
// float beta = c.y;
// float gamma = c.z;
// if(alpha < 0 || beta < 0 || gamma < 0){
// continue;
// }
// //透视校正插值,z为透视校正插值后的view space z值
// float z = 1.0f / (alpha / v[0].w + beta / v[1].w + gamma / v[2].w);
// //zp为透视校正插值后的screen space z值
// float zp = (alpha * v[0].z / v[0].w + beta * v[1].z / v[1].w + gamma * v[2].z / v[2].w) * z;
// //深度测试(注意我们这儿的z值越大越靠近near plane,因此大值通过测试)
// int index = GetIndex(x, y);
// if(zp >= depth_buf[index])
// {
// depth_buf[index] = zp;
// //透视校正插值
// ProfileManager.BeginSample("Rasterizer.RasterizeTriangle.AttributeInterpolation");
// Color color_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Color / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Color / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Color / v[2].w) * z;
// Vector2 uv_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Texcoord / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Texcoord / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Texcoord / v[2].w) * z;
// Vector3 normal_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.Normal / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.Normal / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.Normal / v[2].w) * z;
// Vector3 worldPos_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.WorldPos / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.WorldPos / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.WorldPos / v[2].w) * z;
// Vector3 worldNormal_p = (alpha * t.Vertex0.WorldNormal / v[0].w + beta * t.Vertex1.WorldNormal / v[1].w + gamma * t.Vertex2.WorldNormal / v[2].w) * z;
// ProfileManager.EndSample();
// if (CurrentFragmentShader != null)
// {
// FragmentShaderInputData input = new FragmentShaderInputData();
// input.Color = color_p;
// input.UV = uv_p;
// input.Texture = ro.texture;
// input.LocalNormal = normal_p;
// input.WorldPos = worldPos_p;
// input.WorldNormal = worldNormal_p;
// ProfileManager.BeginSample("Rasterizer.RasterizeTriangle.FragmentShader");
// frame_buf[index] = CurrentFragmentShader(input);
// ProfileManager.EndSample();
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// ProfileManager.EndSample();
// }
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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