proxy.ts 5.7 KB
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import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { isPromise } from "./util";

// tslint:disable no-any

 * Allow using a proxy like it's returned synchronously. This only works because
 * all proxy methods return promises.
const unpromisify = <T extends ServerProxy>(proxyPromise: Promise<T>): T => {
	return new Proxy({}, {
		get: (target: any, name: string): any => {
			if (typeof target[name] === "undefined") {
				target[name] = async (...args: any[]): Promise<any> => {
					const proxy = await proxyPromise;

					return proxy ? (proxy as any)[name](...args) : undefined;

			return target[name];

 * Client-side emitter that just forwards proxy events to its own emitter.
 * It also turns a promisified proxy into a non-promisified proxy so we don't
 * need a bunch of `then` calls everywhere.
export abstract class ClientProxy<T extends ServerProxy> extends EventEmitter {
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	private _proxy: T | undefined;
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	 * You can specify not to bind events in order to avoid emitting twice for
	 * duplex streams.
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	public constructor(
		proxyPromise: Promise<T> | T,
		private readonly bindEvents: boolean = true,
	) {
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		if (this.bindEvents) {
			this.on("disconnected", (error) => {
				try {
					this.emit("error", error);
				} catch (error) {
					// If nothing is listening, EventEmitter will throw an error.

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	 * Remove an event listener.
	public off(event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void): this {
		// Fill it here because the fill we're using to provide EventEmitter for the
		// browser doesn't appear to include `off`.
		this.removeListener(event, cb);

		return this;

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	protected get proxy(): T {
		if (!this._proxy) {
			throw new Error("not initialized");

		return this._proxy;

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	 * Initialize the proxy by unpromisifying if necessary and binding to its
	 * events.
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	protected initialize(proxyPromise: Promise<T> | T): void {
		this._proxy = isPromise(proxyPromise) ? unpromisify(proxyPromise) : proxyPromise;
		if (this.bindEvents) {
			this.catch(this.proxy.onEvent((event, ...args): void => {
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				this.emit(event, ...args);
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	 * Perform necessary cleanup on disconnect (or reconnect).
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	protected abstract handleDisconnect(): void;
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	 * Emit an error event if the promise errors.
	protected catch(promise?: Promise<any>): this {
		if (promise) {
			promise.catch((e) => this.emit("error", e));

		return this;
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 * Proxy to the actual instance on the server. Every method must only accept
 * serializable arguments and must return promises with serializable values. If
 * a proxy itself has proxies on creation (like how ChildProcess has stdin),
 * then it should return all of those at once, otherwise you will miss events
 * from those child proxies and fail to dispose them properly.
export interface ServerProxy {
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	 * Dispose the proxy.
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	dispose(): Promise<void>;

	 * This is used instead of an event to force it to be implemented since there
	 * would be no guarantee the implementation would remember to emit the event.
	onDone(cb: () => void): Promise<void>;

	 * Listen to all possible events. On the client, this is to reduce boilerplate
	 * that would just be a bunch of error-prone forwarding of each individual
	 * event from the proxy to its own emitter. It also fixes a timing issue
	 * because we just always send all events from the server, so we never miss
	 * any due to listening too late.
	// tslint:disable-next-line no-any
	onEvent(cb: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void): Promise<void>;

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 * Supported top-level module proxies.
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export enum Module {
	Fs = "fs",
	ChildProcess = "child_process",
	Net = "net",
	Spdlog = "spdlog",
	NodePty = "node-pty",
	Trash = "trash",
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interface BatchItem<T, A> {
	args: A;
	resolve: (t: T) => void;
	reject: (e: Error) => void;

 * Batch remote calls.
export abstract class Batch<T, A> {
	private idleTimeout: number | NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
	private maxTimeout: number | NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
	private batch = <BatchItem<T, A>[]>[];

	public constructor(
		 * Flush after reaching this amount of time.
		private readonly maxTime: number = 1000,
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		 * Flush after reaching this count.
		private readonly maxCount: number = 100,
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		 * Flush after not receiving more requests for this amount of time.
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		 * This is pretty low by default so essentially we just end up batching
		 * requests that are all made at the same time.
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		private readonly idleTime: number = 1,
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	) {}

	public add = (args: A): Promise<T> => {
		return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => {
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			if (this.batch.length >= this.maxCount) {
			} else {
				clearTimeout(this.idleTimeout as any);
				this.idleTimeout = setTimeout(this.flush, this.idleTime);
				if (typeof this.maxTimeout === "undefined") {
					this.maxTimeout = setTimeout(this.flush, this.maxTime);

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	 * Perform remote call for a batch.
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	protected abstract remoteCall(batch: A[]): Promise<(T | Error)[]>;

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	 * Flush out the current batch.
	private readonly flush = (): void => {
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		clearTimeout(this.idleTimeout as any);
		clearTimeout(this.maxTimeout as any);
		this.maxTimeout = undefined;

		const batch = this.batch;
		this.batch = [];

		this.remoteCall( => q.args)).then((results) => {
			batch.forEach((item, i) => {
				const result = results[i];
				if (result && result instanceof Error) {
				} else {
		}).catch((error) => batch.forEach((item) => item.reject(error)));