at91_aic.h 2.5 KB
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 * File      : at91_aic.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2011-01-13     weety      first version

#ifndef AT91_AIC_H
#define AT91_AIC_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

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#define AIC_IRQS	32

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#define AT91_AIC_SMR(n)		(AT91_AIC + ((n) * 4))	/* Source Mode Registers 0-31 */
#define		AT91_AIC_PRIOR		(7 << 0)		/* Priority Level */
#define		AT91_AIC_SRCTYPE	(3 << 5)		/* Interrupt Source Type */
#define			AT91_AIC_SRCTYPE_LOW		(0 << 5)
#define			AT91_AIC_SRCTYPE_FALLING	(1 << 5)
#define			AT91_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH		(2 << 5)
#define			AT91_AIC_SRCTYPE_RISING		(3 << 5)

#define AT91_AIC_SVR(n)		(AT91_AIC + 0x80 + ((n) * 4))	/* Source Vector Registers 0-31 */
#define AT91_AIC_IVR		(AT91_AIC + 0x100)	/* Interrupt Vector Register */
#define AT91_AIC_FVR		(AT91_AIC + 0x104)	/* Fast Interrupt Vector Register */
#define AT91_AIC_ISR		(AT91_AIC + 0x108)	/* Interrupt Status Register */
#define		AT91_AIC_IRQID		(0x1f << 0)		/* Current Interrupt Identifier */

#define AT91_AIC_IPR		(AT91_AIC + 0x10c)	/* Interrupt Pending Register */
#define AT91_AIC_IMR		(AT91_AIC + 0x110)	/* Interrupt Mask Register */
#define AT91_AIC_CISR		(AT91_AIC + 0x114)	/* Core Interrupt Status Register */
#define		AT91_AIC_NFIQ		(1 << 0)		/* nFIQ Status */
#define		AT91_AIC_NIRQ		(1 << 1)		/* nIRQ Status */

#define AT91_AIC_IECR		(AT91_AIC + 0x120)	/* Interrupt Enable Command Register */
#define AT91_AIC_IDCR		(AT91_AIC + 0x124)	/* Interrupt Disable Command Register */
#define AT91_AIC_ICCR		(AT91_AIC + 0x128)	/* Interrupt Clear Command Register */
#define AT91_AIC_ISCR		(AT91_AIC + 0x12c)	/* Interrupt Set Command Register */
#define AT91_AIC_EOICR		(AT91_AIC + 0x130)	/* End of Interrupt Command Register */
#define AT91_AIC_SPU		(AT91_AIC + 0x134)	/* Spurious Interrupt Vector Register */
#define AT91_AIC_DCR		(AT91_AIC + 0x138)	/* Debug Control Register */
#define		AT91_AIC_DCR_PROT	(1 << 0)		/* Protection Mode */
#define		AT91_AIC_DCR_GMSK	(1 << 1)		/* General Mask */

#define AT91_AIC_FFER		(AT91_AIC + 0x140)	/* Fast Forcing Enable Register [SAM9 only] */
#define AT91_AIC_FFDR		(AT91_AIC + 0x144)	/* Fast Forcing Disable Register [SAM9 only] */
#define AT91_AIC_FFSR		(AT91_AIC + 0x148)	/* Fast Forcing Status Register [SAM9 only] */

#ifdef __cplusplus
