提交 cb60cdc8 编写于 作者: P Pete Batard

[localization] more grueling translation work...

上级 9339c20b
......@@ -12,6 +12,48 @@ t MSG_004 "Rufus update policy"
t MSG_005 "Do you want to allow Rufus to check for application updates online?"
t MSG_006 "Close" # Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_007 "Cancel"
t MSG_008 "Yes"
t MSG_009 "No"
t MSG_010 "Bad blocks found"
t MSG_011 "Check completed: %u bad block(s) found\n"
" %d read error(s)\n %d write error(s)\n %d corruption error(s)\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nA more detailed report can be found in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Disabled"
t MSG_014 "Daily"
t MSG_015 "Weekly"
t MSG_016 "Monthly"
t MSG_017 "Custom"
t MSG_018 "Your version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Latest version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "Default"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Default)"
t MSG_031 "%s partition scheme for BIOS computer"
t MSG_032 "%s partition scheme for UEFI computer"
t MSG_033 "%s partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Pass"
t MSG_035 "%d Passes"
t MSG_036 "ISO Image"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Abort"
t MSG_039 "Launch"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Operation cancelled by the user"
t MSG_042 "Error"
t MSG_043 "Error: %s"
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_501 "Cancelling - Please wait..."
......@@ -26,9 +68,9 @@ t MSG_506 "Missing %s file"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_508 "%d device found"
t MSG_509 "%d devices found"
t MSG_510 "DONE"
t MSG_511 "Cancelled"
t MSG_512 "FAILED"
t MSG_510 "DONE."
t MSG_511 "Cancelled."
t MSG_512 "FAILED."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_513 "Launching new application..."
t MSG_514 "Failed to launch new application"
......@@ -99,8 +141,8 @@ t IDC_ABOUT "A propos..."
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDC_START "Démarrer"
t IDC_ADVANCED_GROUP "Options avancées"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Liste les disques fixes ou non partitionés"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Options de compatibilité pour vieux BIOS"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Lister les disques fixes ou non partitionés"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Options de compatibilité avec anciens BIOS"
......@@ -124,15 +166,15 @@ t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Paramètres de mises à jour"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Tester les mises à jour:"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Tests de mise à jour"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Inclure les bétas:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Tester maintenant"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Chercher maintenant"
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Test des mises à jour - Rufus"
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Recherche de mise à jour Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Une nouvelle version est disponible. Veuillez télécharger la nouvelle version !"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Cliquez ici pour aller sur le site de Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_TXT "Notes pour cette version"
......@@ -156,6 +198,43 @@ t MSG_004 "Mises à jour"
t MSG_005 "Voulez-vous authoriser Rufus à chercher des mises à jour en ligne?"
t MSG_006 "Fermer"
t MSG_007 "Annuler"
t MSG_008 "Oui"
t MSG_009 "Non"
t MSG_010 "Blocs défectueux détectés"
t MSG_011 "Vérification complète: %u bloc(s) défectueux détecté(s)\n"
" %d erreur(s) de lecture\n %d erreur(s) d'écriture\n %d erreur(s) de corruption\n"
t MSG_012 "%s\nUn rapport plus détaillé peut être obtenu à:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Jamais"
t MSG_014 "Quotidien"
t MSG_015 "Hebdomadaire"
t MSG_016 "Mensuel"
t MSG_017 "Personalisé"
t MSG_018 "Votre version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Dernière version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_020 "octets"
t MSG_021 "Ko"
t MSG_022 "Mo"
t MSG_023 "Go"
t MSG_024 "To"
t MSG_025 "Po"
t MSG_026 "octets"
t MSG_027 "kilo-octets"
t MSG_028 "mega-octets"
t MSG_029 "Défaut"
t MSG_030 "%s (Défaut)"
t MSG_031 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur BIOS ou UEFI"
t MSG_034 "%d passe"
t MSG_035 "%d passes"
t MSG_036 "Image ISO"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Annuler"
t MSG_039 "Lancer"
t MSG_040 "Télécharger"
t MSG_041 "Operation annulée par l'utilisateur"
t MSG_042 "Erreur"
t MSG_043 "Erreur: %s"
# Status messages
t MSG_501 "Annulation - Veuillez patienter..."
......@@ -166,9 +245,9 @@ t MSG_505 "ISO utilisée: %s"
t MSG_506 "Fichier %s manquant"
t MSG_508 "%d périphérique détecté"
t MSG_509 "%d périphériques détectés"
t MSG_510 "Opération terminée"
t MSG_511 "Opération annulée"
t MSG_512 "ECHEC"
t MSG_510 "Opération terminée."
t MSG_511 "Opération annulée."
t MSG_512 "ECHEC."
t MSG_513 "Lancement de la nouvelle application..."
t MSG_514 "Echec de lancement de l'application"
t MSG_515 "%s ouvert"
......@@ -1161,9 +1161,8 @@ DWORD WINAPI FormatThread(LPVOID param)
char* guid_volume = NULL;
char *bb_msg, *guid_volume = NULL;
char drive_name[] = "?:\\";
char bb_msg[512];
char logfile[MAX_PATH], *userdir;
char wim_image[] = "?:\\sources\\install.wim";
char efi_dst[] = "?:\\efi\\boot\\bootx64.efi";
......@@ -1261,19 +1260,15 @@ DWORD WINAPI FormatThread(LPVOID param)
report.num_read_errors, report.num_write_errors, report.num_corruption_errors);
r = IDOK;
if (report.bb_count) {
safe_sprintf(bb_msg, sizeof(bb_msg), "Check completed: %u bad block%s found.\n"
" %d read errors\n %d write errors\n %d corruption errors\n",
report.bb_count, (report.bb_count==1)?"":"s",
report.num_read_errors, report.num_write_errors,
bb_msg = lmprintf(MSG_011, report.num_read_errors, report.num_write_errors,
fprintf(log_fd, "%s", bb_msg);
fprintf(log_fd, bb_msg);
fprintf(log_fd, APPLICATION_NAME " bad blocks check ended on: %04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
lt.wYear, lt.wMonth, lt.wDay, lt.wHour, lt.wMinute, lt.wSecond);
safe_sprintf(&bb_msg[strlen(bb_msg)], sizeof(bb_msg)-strlen(bb_msg)-1,
"\nA more detailed report can be found in:\n%s\n", logfile);
r = MessageBoxU(hMainDialog, bb_msg, "Bad blocks found", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_ICONWARNING);
r = MessageBoxU(hMainDialog, lmprintf(MSG_012, bb_msg, logfile),
} else {
// We didn't get any errors => delete the log file
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "rufus.h"
#include "msapi_utf8.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "localization.h"
// How often should we update the progress bar (in 2K blocks) as updating
// the progress bar for every block will bring extraction to a crawl
......@@ -76,16 +77,15 @@ static __inline char* size_to_hr(int64_t size)
int suffix = 0;
static char str_size[24];
const char* sizes[] = { "", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
double hr_size = (double)size;
while ((suffix < ARRAYSIZE(sizes)) && (hr_size >= 1024.0)) {
while ((suffix < MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES) && (hr_size >= 1024.0)) {
hr_size /= 1024.0;
if (suffix == 0) {
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), " (%d bytes)", (int)hr_size);
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), " (%d %s)", (int)hr_size, lmprintf(MSG_020));
} else {
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), " (%0.1f %s)", hr_size, sizes[suffix]);
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), " (%0.1f %s)", hr_size, lmprintf(MSG_020+suffix));
return str_size;
......@@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, BOOL scan)
LONG progress_style;
char* tmp;
char path[64];
const char* scan_text = "Scanning ISO image...";
const char* basedir[] = { "i386", "minint" };
const char* tmp_sif = ".\\txtsetup.sif~";
......@@ -433,14 +432,14 @@ BOOL ExtractISO(const char* src_iso, const char* dest_dir, BOOL scan)
// String array of all isolinux/syslinux locations
StrArrayCreate(&config_path, 8);
// Change the Window title and static text
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, scan_text);
SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, scan_text);
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, lmprintf(MSG_502));
SetWindowTextU(hISOFileName, lmprintf(MSG_502));
// Change progress style to marquee for scanning
SetWindowLong(hISOProgressBar, GWL_STYLE, progress_style | PBS_MARQUEE);
SendMessage(hISOProgressBar, PBM_SETMARQUEE, TRUE, 0);
} else {
uprintf("Extracting files...\n");
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, "Copying ISO files...");
SetWindowTextU(hISOProgressDlg, lmprintf(MSG_531));
if (total_blocks == 0) {
uprintf("Error: ISO has not been properly scanned.\n");
......@@ -89,11 +89,6 @@ struct {
const char* FileSystemLabel[FS_MAX] = { "FAT", "FAT32", "NTFS", "UDF", "exFAT" };
// Number of steps for each FS for FCC_STRUCTURE_PROGRESS
const int nb_steps[FS_MAX] = { 5, 5, 12, 1, 10 };
// Don't ask me - just following the MS "standard" here
// We hijack 256 as a "Default" for UDF, since we can't set clustersize there
static const char* ClusterSizeLabel[] = { "Default", "512 bytes", "1024 bytes","2048 bytes","4096 bytes","8192 bytes",
"16 kilobytes", "32 kilobytes", "64 kilobytes", "128 kilobytes", "256 kilobytes", "512 kilobytes",
"1024 kilobytes","2048 kilobytes","4096 kilobytes","8192 kilobytes","16 megabytes","32 megabytes" };
static const char* BiosTypeLabel[BT_MAX] = { "BIOS", "UEFI" };
static const char* PartitionTypeLabel[2] = { "MBR", "GPT" };
static BOOL existing_key = FALSE; // For LGP set/restore
......@@ -103,6 +98,7 @@ static BOOL iso_provided = FALSE;
extern BOOL force_large_fat32;
static int selection_default;
static loc_cmd* selected_locale = NULL;
char ClusterSizeLabel[MAX_CLUSTER_SIZES][64];
char msgbox[1024], msgbox_title[32];
......@@ -150,6 +146,23 @@ static float previous_end;
#define MB 1048576LL
#define GB 1073741824LL
#define TB 1099511627776LL
* Fill in the cluster size names
static void SetClusterSizeLabels(void)
unsigned int i, j, k;
safe_sprintf(ClusterSizeLabel[0], 64, lmprintf(MSG_029));
for (i=512, j=1, k=MSG_026; j<MAX_CLUSTER_SIZES; i<<=1, j++) {
if (i > 8192) {
i /= 1024;
safe_sprintf(ClusterSizeLabel[j], 64, "%d %s", i, lmprintf(k));
* Set cluster size values according to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/140365
* this call will return FALSE if we can't find a supportable FS for the drive
......@@ -159,7 +172,7 @@ static BOOL DefineClusterSizes(void)
int fs;
char tmp[64] = "";
char tmp[64] = "", *entry;
default_fs = FS_UNKNOWN;
memset(&SelectedDrive.ClusterSize, 0, sizeof(SelectedDrive.ClusterSize));
......@@ -284,11 +297,13 @@ out:
safe_strcat(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Large ");
safe_strcat(tmp, sizeof(tmp), FileSystemLabel[fs]);
if (default_fs == FS_UNKNOWN) {
safe_strcat(tmp, sizeof(tmp), " (Default)");
entry = lmprintf(MSG_030, tmp);
default_fs = fs;
} else {
entry = tmp;
ComboBox_AddStringU(hFileSystem, tmp), fs));
ComboBox_AddStringU(hFileSystem, entry), fs));
r = TRUE;
......@@ -305,7 +320,7 @@ out:
static BOOL SetClusterSizes(int FSType)
char szClustSize[64];
char* szClustSize;
int i, k, default_index = 0;
......@@ -323,10 +338,11 @@ static BOOL SetClusterSizes(int FSType)
for(i=0,j=0x100,k=0;j<0x10000000;i++,j<<=1) {
if (j & SelectedDrive.ClusterSize[FSType].Allowed) {
safe_sprintf(szClustSize, sizeof(szClustSize), "%s", ClusterSizeLabel[i]);
if (j == SelectedDrive.ClusterSize[FSType].Default) {
safe_strcat(szClustSize, sizeof(szClustSize), " (Default)");
szClustSize = lmprintf(MSG_030, ClusterSizeLabel[i]);
default_index = k;
} else {
szClustSize = ClusterSizeLabel[i];
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hClusterSize, ComboBox_AddStringU(hClusterSize, szClustSize), j));
......@@ -495,8 +511,6 @@ static void SetPartitionSchemeTooltip(void)
static BOOL PopulateProperties(int ComboIndex)
double HumanReadableSize;
char capacity[64];
static char* suffix[] = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"};
char no_label[] = STR_NO_LABEL;
int i, j, pt, bt;
......@@ -516,7 +530,7 @@ static BOOL PopulateProperties(int ComboIndex)
HumanReadableSize = (double)SelectedDrive.DiskSize;
for (i=1; i<ARRAYSIZE(suffix); i++) {
for (i=1; i<MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES; i++) {
HumanReadableSize /= 1024.0;
if (HumanReadableSize < 512.0) {
for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
......@@ -526,14 +540,14 @@ static BOOL PopulateProperties(int ComboIndex)
bt = (j==0)?BT_BIOS:BT_UEFI;
safe_sprintf(capacity, sizeof(capacity), "%s partition scheme for %s%s computer%s",
PartitionTypeLabel[pt], BiosTypeLabel[bt], (j==0)?" or UEFI":"", (j==0)?"s":"");
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hPartitionScheme, ComboBox_AddStringU(hPartitionScheme, capacity), (bt<<16)|pt));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hPartitionScheme, ComboBox_AddStringU(hPartitionScheme,
lmprintf(MSG_031+j, PartitionTypeLabel[pt])), (bt<<16)|pt));
if (i >= ARRAYSIZE(suffix))
uprintf("Could not populate partition scheme data\n");
if (SelectedDrive.PartitionType == PARTITION_STYLE_GPT) {
j = 2;
......@@ -554,10 +568,10 @@ static BOOL PopulateProperties(int ComboIndex)
// If we're beneath the tolerance, round proposed label to an integer, if not, show one decimal point
if (fabs(HumanReadableSize / ceil(HumanReadableSize) - 1.0) < PROPOSEDLABEL_TOLERANCE) {
safe_sprintf(SelectedDrive.proposed_label, sizeof(SelectedDrive.proposed_label),
"%0.0f%s", ceil(HumanReadableSize), suffix[i]);
"%0.0f%s", ceil(HumanReadableSize), lmprintf(MSG_020+i));
} else {
safe_sprintf(SelectedDrive.proposed_label, sizeof(SelectedDrive.proposed_label),
"%0.1f%s", HumanReadableSize, suffix[i]);
"%0.1f%s", HumanReadableSize, lmprintf(MSG_020+i));
// If no existing label is available and no ISO is selected, propose one according to the size (eg: "256MB", "8GB")
......@@ -1344,6 +1358,8 @@ void InitDialog(HWND hDlg)
// Detect the LCID
uprintf("LCID: 0x%04X\n", GetUserDefaultLCID());
// Prefer FreeDOS to MS-DOS
selection_default = DT_FREEDOS;
// Create the status line and initialize the taskbar icon for progress overlay
......@@ -1355,15 +1371,14 @@ void InitDialog(HWND hDlg)
SendMessage(hProgress, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, (MAX_PROGRESS<<16) & 0xFFFF0000);
// Fill up the passes
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
safe_sprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d Pass%s", i+1, (i==0)?"":"es");
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hNBPasses, tmp));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hNBPasses, lmprintf((i==0)?MSG_034:MSG_035, i+1)));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetCurSel(hNBPasses, 1));
// Fill up the DOS type dropdown
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "MS-DOS"), DT_WINME));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "FreeDOS"), DT_FREEDOS));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "ISO Image"), DT_ISO));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, lmprintf(MSG_036)), DT_ISO));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetCurSel(hBootType, selection_default));
// Fill up the MBR masqueraded disk IDs ("8 disks should be enough for anybody")
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hDiskID, ComboBox_AddStringU(hDiskID, "0x80 (default)"), 0x80));
......@@ -1675,7 +1690,7 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK MainCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPA
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "MS-DOS"), DT_WINME));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "FreeDOS"), DT_FREEDOS));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "ISO Image"), DT_ISO));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, lmprintf(MSG_036)), DT_ISO));
// If needed (advanced mode) also append a Syslinux option
if ( (bt == BT_BIOS) && (((fs == FS_FAT16) || (fs == FS_FAT32)) && (advanced_mode)) ) {
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hBootType, ComboBox_AddStringU(hBootType, "Syslinux 4"), DT_SYSLINUX_V4));
......@@ -1731,7 +1746,7 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK MainCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPA
iso_provided = FALSE; // One off thing...
} else {
iso_path = FileDialog(FALSE, NULL, "*.iso", "iso", "ISO Image");
iso_path = FileDialog(FALSE, NULL, "*.iso", "iso", lmprintf(MSG_036));
if (iso_path == NULL) {
CreateTooltip(hSelectISO, "Click to select...", -1);
......@@ -1850,12 +1865,12 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK MainCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPA
SendMessage(hProgress, PBM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)PBST_PAUSED, 0);
PrintStatus(0, FALSE, lmprintf(MSG_511));
Notification(MSG_INFO, NULL, lmprintf(MSG_511), "Operation cancelled by the user.");
Notification(MSG_INFO, NULL, lmprintf(MSG_511), lmprintf(MSG_041));
} else {
SendMessage(hProgress, PBM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)PBST_ERROR, 0);
PrintStatus(0, FALSE, lmprintf(MSG_512));
Notification(MSG_ERROR, NULL, "Error", "Error: %s", StrError(FormatStatus));
Notification(MSG_ERROR, NULL, lmprintf(MSG_042), lmprintf(MSG_043), StrError(FormatStatus));
FormatStatus = 0;
format_op_in_progress = FALSE;
......@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
#define DRIVE_INDEX_MAX 0x000000C0
#define MAX_TOOLTIPS 32
#define MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES 6 // bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
#define MAX_PROGRESS (0xFFFF-1) // leave room for 1 more for insta-progress workaround
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "msapi_utf8.h"
#include "rufus.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "localization.h"
* Globals
......@@ -179,21 +180,21 @@ char* GuidToString(const GUID* guid)
char* SizeToHumanReadable(LARGE_INTEGER size)
int suffix = 0;
static char str_size[24];
const char* sizes[] = { "", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
static char str_size[32];
double hr_size = (double)size.QuadPart;
while ((suffix < ARRAYSIZE(sizes)) && (hr_size >= 1024.0)) {
while ((suffix < MAX_SIZE_SUFFIXES) && (hr_size >= 1024.0)) {
hr_size /= 1024.0;
if (suffix == 0) {
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), "%d bytes", (int)hr_size);
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), "%d %s", (int)hr_size, lmprintf(MSG_020));
} else {
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), "%0.1f %s", hr_size, sizes[suffix]);
safe_sprintf(str_size, sizeof(str_size), "%0.1f %s", hr_size, lmprintf(MSG_020 + suffix));
return str_size;
// TODO: all of these need to be translated
const char* StrError(DWORD error_code)
if ( (!IS_ERROR(error_code)) || (SCODE_CODE(error_code) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
......@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK NotificationCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LP
// Enable/disable the buttons and set text
if (!notification_is_question) {
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDNO), "Close");
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDNO), lmprintf(MSG_006));
} else {
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDYES), SW_SHOW);
......@@ -972,10 +972,10 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK UpdateCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM l
hFrequency = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_UPDATE_FREQUENCY);
hBeta = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_INCLUDE_BETAS);
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, "Disabled"), -1));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, "Daily (Default)"), 86400));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, "Weekly"), 604800));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, "Monthly"), 2629800));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, lmprintf(MSG_013)), -1));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, lmprintf(MSG_030, lmprintf(MSG_014))), 86400));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, lmprintf(MSG_015)), 604800));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, lmprintf(MSG_016)), 2629800));
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK_NOW), (freq != 0));
EnableWindow(hBeta, (freq >= 0));
......@@ -994,12 +994,12 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK UpdateCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM l
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetCurSel(hFrequency, 3));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, "Custom"), freq));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetItemData(hFrequency, ComboBox_AddStringU(hFrequency, lmprintf(MSG_017)), freq));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetCurSel(hFrequency, 4));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hBeta, "Yes"));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hBeta, "No"));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hBeta, lmprintf(MSG_008)));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_AddStringU(hBeta, lmprintf(MSG_009)));
IGNORE_RETVAL(ComboBox_SetCurSel(hBeta, GetRegistryKeyBool(REGKEY_HKCU, REGKEY_INCLUDE_BETAS)?0:1));
hPolicy = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_POLICY);
SendMessage(hPolicy, EM_AUTOURLDETECT, 1, 0);
......@@ -1148,12 +1148,10 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK NewVersionCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
SendMessageA(hNotes, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&friggin_microsoft_unicode_amateurs, (LPARAM)update.release_notes);
SendMessage(hNotes, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);
SendMessage(hNotes, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, ENM_LINK);
safe_sprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Your version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)",
rufus_version[0], rufus_version[1], rufus_version[2], rufus_version[3]);
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_YOUR_VERSION), tmp);
safe_sprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Latest version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)",
update.version[0], update.version[1], update.version[2], update.version[3]);
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LATEST_VERSION), tmp);
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_YOUR_VERSION), lmprintf(MSG_018,
rufus_version[0], rufus_version[1], rufus_version[2], rufus_version[3]));
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LATEST_VERSION), lmprintf(MSG_019,
update.version[0], update.version[1], update.version[2], update.version[3]));
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD_URL), update.download_url);
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PROGRESS), PBM_SETRANGE, 0, (MAX_PROGRESS<<16) & 0xFFFF0000);
if (update.download_url == NULL)
......@@ -1203,7 +1201,7 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK NewVersionCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
default: // Download
for (i=(int)safe_strlen(update.download_url); (i>0)&&(update.download_url[i]!='/'); i--);
filepath = FileDialog(TRUE, app_dir, (char*)&update.download_url[i+1], "exe", "Application");
filepath = FileDialog(TRUE, app_dir, (char*)&update.download_url[i+1], "exe", lmprintf(MSG_037));
if (filepath != NULL)
DownloadFileThreaded(update.download_url, filepath, hDlg);
......@@ -1214,14 +1212,14 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK NewVersionCallback(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPAR
FormatStatus = 0;
download_status = 1;
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), "Abort");
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), lmprintf(MSG_038));
return (INT_PTR)TRUE;
if (wParam) {
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), "Launch");
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), lmprintf(MSG_039));
download_status = 2;
} else {
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), "Download");
SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DOWNLOAD), lmprintf(MSG_040));
download_status = 0;
return (INT_PTR)TRUE;
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