@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ Figure 2 displays the Step Trace page. The Step Trace detail will show the start
can also choose a specific step to see its step trace statistics. The graphs at the bottom of the page show how the execution time of Step Gap, Forward/Backward Propagation and
Step Tail changes according to different steps, it will help to decide whether we can optimize the performance of some stages.
*Notice:* MindSpore choose the Foward Start/Backward End Operators automatically, The names of the two operators are shown on the page. It is possible that the two operators are
not choosen as what the user expect. Users can choose the operators from the dumped execution graph, and specify the two operators manually by setting the `FP_POINT` and `BP_POINT` environment.
*Notice:* MindSpore choose the Foward Start/Backward End Operators automatically, The names of the two operators are shown on the page. Profiler do not guarantee that the two operators are
always chosen as the user's expectation. Users can choose the two operators according to the execution graph, and specify the them manually by setting the `FP_POINT` and `BP_POINT` environment variables.
For example: `export FP_POINT=fp32_vars/conv2d/conv2Dfp32_vars/BatchNorm/FusedBatchNorm_Reduce` and `export BP_POINT=loss_scale/gradients/AddN_70`.
### Operator Performance Analysis
@@ -160,3 +160,5 @@ The Profiler has the following limitations now:
* Only programs running on Ascend chip is supported.
* To limit the data size generated by the Profiler, MindInsight suggests that for large neural network, the profiled steps should better below 10.
* The parse of Timeline data is time consuming, and several step's data is usually enough for analysis. In order to speed up the data parse and UI
display, Profiler will show at most 20M data (Contain 10+ step information for large networks).