提交 8c0104f4 编写于 作者: Q quyongxiu

add a new op mapping

add op mappings

fix pylint

fix mistake { as [

add tests

add test for eye and revise func and mappings

revise mapping and add test

fix pylint

fix pylint
上级 2f2f6a3f
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ F_MAPPING_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mappi
F_MAPPING = get_mapping_from_file(F_MAPPING_PATH)
# update to add key starts with 'nn.functional.'
NN_FUNCTIONAL_D = {"nn.functional." + k[len('F.'):]: v for k, v in F_MAPPING.items()}
# update to add key starts with 'torch.nn.functiona.l'
# update to add key starts with 'torch.nn.functional.'
TORCH_NN_FUNCTIONAL_D = {"torch.nn.functional." + k[len('F.'):]: v for k, v in F_MAPPING.items()}
"nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d": "maybe could convert to P.ReduceMean",
"F.adaptive_avg_pool2d": "maybe could convert to P.ReduceMean",
"F.dropout": "please use nn.Dropout in __init__()"
"F.dropout": "please use nn.Dropout in __init__()",
"torch.max": "try to use P.ArgMaxWithValue, notice that two values are returned by P.ArgMaxWithValue",
"torch.min": "try to use P.ArgMinWithValue, notice that two values are returned by P.ArgMinWithValue"
......@@ -99,8 +99,31 @@ def gen_explicit_map_nn_maxpool2d(params_pt, args_pt):
pad_mode = "'same'"
return {"pad_mode": pad_mode}
tensor_dot_view_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"shape": "(" + args_pt["*shape"] + ",)"}
def torch_dot_eye_gen_explicit_map(_, args_pt):
Generate explicit_map for torch.eye.
args_pt (dict): Args for APIPt.
dict, map between frames.
explicit_map = {'t': 'mindspore.int32'}
if args_pt.get('m'):
explicit_map.update({'m': args_pt.get('m')})
explicit_map.update({'m': args_pt.get('n')})
return explicit_map
tensor_dot_permute_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"input_perm": "(" + args_pt["*dIms"] + ",)"}
tensor_dot_repeat_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"multiples": "(" + args_pt["*sizes"] + ",)"}
tensor_dot_reshape_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"shape": "(" + args_pt["*shape"] + ",)"}
tensor_dot_view_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"shape": "(" + args_pt["*shape"] + ",)"}
nn_conv2d_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt: {"pad_mode": "'pad'"}
nn_batchnorm2d_gen_explicit_map = partial(gen_explicit_map_one_delta, k_ms="momentum", k_pt="momentum")
nn_batchnorm1d_gen_explicit_map = nn_batchnorm2d_gen_explicit_map
nn_dropout_gen_explicit_map = partial(gen_explicit_map_one_delta, k_ms="keep_prob", k_pt="p")
torch_dot_add_gen_explicit_map = lambda params_pt, args_pt:\
{"input_y": (args_pt['value'] + '*' + args_pt["alpha"]) if args_pt.get("alpha") else args_pt['value']}
......@@ -104,5 +104,50 @@
"input": "input"
"gen_explicit_map": null
"F.normalize": {
"ms_api": [
"axis": 0,
"epsilon": 0.0001,
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED",
"p": 2,
"dim": 1,
"eps": 1e-12
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input",
"epsilon": "eps",
"axis": "dim"
"F.sigmoid": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -216,5 +216,118 @@
"export_key": false,
"gen_explicit_map": "gen_explicit_map_nn_sequential"
"nn.BatchNorm1d": {
"ms_api": [
"num_features": "REQUIRED",
"eps": 1e-05,
"momentum": 0.9,
"affine": true,
"gamma_init": "ones",
"beta_init": "zeros",
"moving_mean_init": "zeros",
"moving_var_init": "ones",
"use_batch_statistics": true
"pt_api": [
"num_features": "REQUIRED",
"eps": 1e-05,
"momentum": 0.1,
"affine": true,
"track_running_stats": true
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"num_features": "num_features",
"eps": "eps",
"affine": "affine",
"use_batch_statistics": "track_running_stats"
"gen_explicit_map": "nn_batchnorm1d_gen_explicit_map"
"nn.LayerNorm": {
"ms_api": [
"normalized_shape": "REQUIRED",
"begin_norm_axis": -1,
"begin_params_axis": -1,
"gamma_init": "ones",
"beta_init": "zeros",
"epsilon": 1e-07
"pt_api": [
"normalized_shape": "REQUIRED",
"eps": 1e-05,
"elementwise_affine": true
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"normalized_shape": "normalized_shape",
"epsilon": "eps"
"nn.LeakyReLU": {
"ms_api": [
"alpha": 0.2
"pt_api": [
"negative_slope": 0.2,
"inplace": false
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"alpha": "negative_slope"
"nn.PReLU": {
"ms_api": [
"channel": 1,
"w": 0.25
"pt_api": [
"num_parameters": 1,
"init": 0.25
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"channel": "num_parameters",
"w": "init"
"nn.Softmax": {
"ms_api": [
"axis": -1
"pt_api": [
"dim": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"axis": "dim"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -115,5 +115,43 @@
"axis": "dim",
"input": "call_name"
".repeat": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED",
"multiples": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"*sizes": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "call_name"
"gen_explicit_map": "tensor_dot_repeat_gen_explicit_map"
".permute": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED",
"input_perm": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"*dIms": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "call_name"
"gen_explicit_map": "tensor_dot_permute_gen_explicit_map"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -41,5 +41,206 @@
"input": "tensors",
"axis": "dim"
"torch.abs": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.acos": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.cos": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.exp": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.log": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.pow": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED",
"input_y": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED",
"exponent": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input",
"input_y": "exponent"
"torch.div": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED",
"input_y": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED",
"other": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input",
"input_y": "other"
"torch.sin": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.sqrt": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED"
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"torch.add": {
"ms_api": [
"input_x": "REQUIRED",
"input_y": "REQUIRED"
"pt_api": [
"input": "REQUIRED",
"value": "REQUIRED",
"alpha": 1
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"input_x": "input"
"gen_explicit_map": "torch_dot_add_gen_explicit_map"
"torch.eye": {
"ms_api": [
"n": "REQUIRED",
"m": "REQUIRED",
"pt_api": [
"n": "REQUIRED",
"ms2pt_mapping": {
"n": "n"
"gen_explicit_map": "torch_dot_eye_gen_explicit_map"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# ============================================================================
"""Test Converter"""
from mindinsight.mindconverter.converter import Converter
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import NN_MAPPING
class TestConverter:
......@@ -82,3 +83,319 @@ class TestConverter:
result = self.converter_ins.find_right_parentheses(code, left_index)
assert_index = len(code) - 1
assert result == assert_index
# test convert_api with nn ops
def test_convert_api_nn_layernorm(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api nn.LayerNorm"""
code = """
def __init__(self, num_classes=1000):
self.features = nn.SequentialCell([
nn.LayerNorm((5, 10, 10), elementwise_affine=False),
api_name = 'nn.LayerNorm'
start = code.find(api_name)
layer_norm_info = NN_MAPPING.get(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'nn.LayerNorm'
epsilon = layer_norm_info.pt_api.params.get('eps')
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('nn.LayerNorm((5, 10, 10), elementwise_affine=False)',
'{}(normalized_shape=(5, 10, 10), epsilon={})'.format(
expected_ms_api_name, epsilon))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_nn_leaky_relu(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api nn.LeakyReLU"""
code = """
def __init__(self, num_classes=1000):
self.features = nn.SequentialCell([
nn.LayerNorm((5, 10, 10), elementwise_affine=False),
api_name = 'nn.LeakyReLU'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'nn.LeakyReLU'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('nn.LeakyReLU(0.3)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_nn_prelu(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api nn.PReLU"""
code = """
input = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
api_name = 'nn.PReLU'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'nn.PReLU'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('nn.PReLU()(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_nn_softmax(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api nn.Softmax"""
code = """
api_name = 'nn.Softmax'
expected_ms_api_name = 'nn.Softmax'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('nn.Softmax(dim=1)(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
# test convert_api with torch dot ops
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_abs(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.abs"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.abs'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Abs'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.abs(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_acos(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.acos"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.acos'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.ACos'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.acos(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_cos(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.cos"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.cos'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Cos'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.cos(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_exp(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.exp"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.exp'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Exp'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.exp(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_log(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.log"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.log'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Log'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.log(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_pow(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.pow"""
code = """
torch.pow(a, exp)
api_name = 'torch.pow'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Pow'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.pow(a, exp)',
'{}()(a, exp)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_div(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.div"""
code = """
input = torch.randn(5)
other = torch.randn(5)
torch.div(input, other)
api_name = 'torch.div'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Div'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.div(input, other)',
'{}()(input, other)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_sin(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.sin"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.sin'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Sin'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.sin(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_sqrt(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.sqrt"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.sqrt'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Sqrt'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.sqrt(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_eye_with_n(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.eye"""
code = """
api_name = 'torch.eye'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Eye'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.eye(3)',
'{}()(3, 3, mindspore.int32)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_eye_with_m(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.eye"""
code = """
torch.eye(3, 4)
api_name = 'torch.eye'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Eye'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.eye(3, 4)',
'{}()(3, 4, mindspore.int32)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_add_with_alpha_default(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.add"""
code = """
torch.add(input, value)
api_name = 'torch.add'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.TensorAdd'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.add(input, value)',
'{}()(input, value)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_torch_dot_add_with_alpha_not_default(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api torch.add"""
code = """
torch.add(input, value, 3)
api_name = 'torch.add'
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.TensorAdd'
start = code.find(api_name)
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('torch.add(input, value, 3)',
'{}()(input, value*3)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
# test convert_api with F ops
def test_convert_api_f_normalize(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api F.normalize"""
code = """
input = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
api_name = 'F.normalize'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.L2Normalize'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('F.normalize(input)',
'{}(1, 1e-12)(input)'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_f_sigmoid(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api F.sigmoid"""
code = """
input = torch.randn(2, 3, 5)
api_name = 'F.sigmoid'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Sigmoid'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('F.sigmoid(input)',
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
# test convert_api with tensor dot ops
def test_convert_api_tensor_dot_repeat(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api .repeat"""
code = """
x.repeat(4, 2)
api_name = '.repeat'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Tile'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('x.repeat(4, 2)',
'{}()(x, {})'.format(expected_ms_api_name, '(4, 2,)'))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
def test_convert_api_tensor_dot_permute(self):
"""Test convert_api function work ok when convert api .permute"""
code = """
x.permute(2, 0, 1)
api_name = '.permute'
start = code.find(api_name)
expected_ms_api_name = 'P.Transpose'
replaced_code, new_start = self.converter_ins.convert_api(code, start, api_name)
assert replaced_code == code.replace('x.permute(2, 0, 1)',
'{}()(x, (2, 0, 1,))'.format(expected_ms_api_name))
assert new_start == start + len(expected_ms_api_name)
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