* Provide performance analyse tool for the input data pipeline.
* Provide timeline analyse tool, which can show the detail of the streams/tasks.
* Provide a tool to visualize the step trace information, which can be used to analyse the general performance of the neural network in each phase.
* Provide profiling guides for the users to find the performance bottlenecks quickly.
* CPU summary operations support for CPU summary data.
* Over threshold warn support in scalar training dashboard.
* Provide more user-friendly callback function for visualization
* Provide unified callback `SummaryCollector` to log most commonly visualization event.
* Discard the original visualization callback `SummaryStep`, `TrainLineage` and `EvalLineage`.
*`SummaryRecord` provide new API `add_value` to collect data into cache for summary persistence.
*`SummaryRecord` provide new API `set_mode` to distinguish summary persistence mode at different stages.
* MindConverter supports conversion of more operators and networks, and improves its ease of use.
## Bugfixes
* Fix FileNotFound exception by adding robust check for summary watcher ([!281](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindinsight/pulls/281)).
* UI fix operator table sort jump problem ([!283](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindinsight/pulls/283)).
* Dataset serializer return schema json str when schema type is 'mindspore.dataset.engine.Schema' ([!2185](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/pulls/2185)).