提交 205d43c6 编写于 作者: G ggpolar

The conversion report is adjusted to make the the report more reasonable and accurate.

1. Inaccurate line number for function name.
2. Duplicate report logs.
3. The code newly inserted must be displayed in the report.
上级 dc62cd0f
......@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import ALL_MAPPING
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import NN_LIST
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import ALL_TORCH_APIS
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import ALL_2P_LIST
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import get_corresponding_ms_name
from mindinsight.mindconverter.config import get_prompt_info
from mindinsight.mindconverter.common.log import logger
from mindinsight.mindconverter.common.exceptions import NodeTypeNotSupport
from mindinsight.mindconverter.forward_call import ForwardCall
LOG_FMT_INSERT = "[Insert] '%s' is inserted to the converted file."
LOG_FMT_CONVERT = "[Convert] '%s' is converted to '%s'."
LOG_FMT_CONVERT_WITH_TIPS = "[Convert] '%s' is converted to '%s'. %s"
LOG_FMT_NOT_CONVERT = "[UnConvert] '%s' didn't convert. %s"
......@@ -54,16 +56,22 @@ class _ConvertReport:
def __init__(self, is_stub=False):
self._is_stub = is_stub
self._max_line = 0
self._log = [] # report log, type is (severity, line, col, msg)
self._log_head = []
self._log_body = [] # report log, type is (severity, line, col, msg)
def _add_log(self, severity, line, col, msg):
"""Add log."""
if self._is_stub:
if line is None and col is None:
if isinstance(line, int) and isinstance(col, int):
self._log.append((severity, line, col, msg))
self._log_body.append((severity, line, col, msg))
if self._max_line < line:
self._max_line = line
raise TypeError('The parameter type is incorrect.')
def info(self, line, col, msg):
"""Interface to add infer log"""
......@@ -73,14 +81,24 @@ class _ConvertReport:
"""Interface to add warning log"""
self._add_log(logging.WARNING, line, col, msg)
def header_msg(self, msg):
"""Interface to add header message log"""
self._add_log(logging.INFO, None, None, msg)
def get_logs(self):
"""Get convert logs"""
logs = []
# sort rule: line * self._max_line + col
self._log.sort(key=lambda log: log[1] * self._max_line + log[2])
for log_info in self._log:
self._log_body.sort(key=lambda log: log[1] * self._max_line + log[2])
for log_info in self._log_body:
log_info = "line %d:%d: %s" % (log_info[1], log_info[2], log_info[3])
if logs:
# Deduplication for logs
if logs[-1] != log_info:
return logs
......@@ -262,7 +280,8 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
new_func_name = 'construct'
if func_ast_node.name == old_func_name:
func_ast_node.name = new_func_name
self._process_log.info(func_ast_node.lineno, func_ast_node.col_offset,
real_line_number = self._get_real_line_number(func_ast_node)
self._process_log.info(real_line_number, func_ast_node.col_offset,
LOG_FMT_CONVERT % (old_func_name, new_func_name))
def _convert_api(self):
......@@ -299,6 +318,15 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
source_code = pasta.dump(node)
return source_code[pos:]
def _get_real_line_number(node):
"""Get the real line number of the node."""
line_number = node.lineno + len(node.decorator_list)
except AttributeError:
line_number = node.lineno
return line_number
def _replace_external_reference(self):
Replace external reference statements.
......@@ -349,6 +377,7 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
insert_pos += 1
# insert pos after the last one, if last one name is replaced.
replaced_with_node = names_replaced_with[src_name]
insert_pos = self._tree.body.index(replaced_with_node) + 1
except ValueError:
......@@ -359,6 +388,8 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
for insert_pos, new_node in new_import_node.items():
# Insert the node into the module
self._tree.body.insert(insert_pos + insert_cnt, new_node)
new_code = self._dump_without_prefix(new_node)
self._process_log.header_msg(LOG_FMT_INSERT % new_code.strip())
insert_cnt += 1
......@@ -445,8 +476,10 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
is_include_sub_call = self._is_include_sub_call(call_func_node)
if is_include_sub_call:
# x.y().z splits to ['x.y()', 'z']
name_attributes = call_name.rsplit('.', 1)
# x.y.z splits to ['x', 'y', 'z']
name_attributes = call_name.split('.')
# rewritten external module name
......@@ -665,7 +698,7 @@ class AstEditVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
new_node = pasta.parse(new_code).body[0].value
# find the first call name
new_api_name = new_code[:new_code.find('(')]
new_api_name = get_corresponding_ms_name(matched_api_name)
except AttributeError:
new_node = pasta.parse(new_code).body[0]
new_api_name = new_code
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ FUNC_MODULE = 'mindinsight.mindconverter.funcs'
class APIPt:
"""Base API for args parse, and API for one frame."""
def __init__(self, name: str, params: OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, name: str, params: dict):
self.name = name
self.params = OrderedDict()
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class APIPt:
Trans value to str.
value (Union[str,Number,int]): Each value for params of OrderedDict.
value (Union[str,Number,int]): The value to convert.
str, str type of value.
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class APIPt:
class APIMs(APIPt):
"""API for MindSpore"""
def __init__(self, name: str, params: OrderedDict, p_attrs=None):
def __init__(self, name: str, params: dict, p_attrs=None):
self.is_primitive = name.startswith('P.')
if self.is_primitive:
self.p_attrs = p_attrs if p_attrs else set()
......@@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ UNSUPPORTED_WARN_INFOS = {
"F.one_hot": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.OneHot.",
"torch.bmm": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.BatchMatMul.",
"torch.cumsum": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.CumSum.",
"F.relu": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.ReLU.",
"F.pad": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.Pad.",
"F.softmax": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.operations.Softmax.",
"torch.clamp": "Maybe could convert to mindspore.ops.composite.clip_by_value.",
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