transop_without_reshape_fusion_pass.h 6.2 KB
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 * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "inc/graph_pass.h"

namespace ge {
/// Transform operators depth fusion
class TransOpWithoutReshapeFusionPass : public GraphPass {
  TransOpWithoutReshapeFusionPass() {}
  virtual ~TransOpWithoutReshapeFusionPass() {}

  graphStatus Run(ge::ComputeGraphPtr graph) override;

  void SetRemainNode(const vector<pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr>> &nodes_anchor);
  bool FormatContinuousCheck(const OutDataAnchorPtr &out_anchor, const InDataAnchorPtr &in_anchor);
  void RemoveNousedNodes(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph);
  void GetBeginOutDescAndEndInDesc(const int index, GeTensorDesc &out_desc, GeTensorDesc &in_desc);

  void GetFormatTransferDesc(const GeTensorDesc &out_desc, const GeTensorDesc &in_desc,
                             GeTensorDesc &format_transfer_input, GeTensorDesc &format_transfer_output);

  void GetCastOpDesc(const GeTensorDesc &out_desc, const GeTensorDesc &in_desc, GeTensorDesc &cast_input,
                     GeTensorDesc &cast_output);

  graphStatus FormatFusion(const int index, OpDescPtr &format_transfer_op, int32_t &fusion_op_count,
                           bool &fusion_continue);

  graphStatus DataTypeFusion(const int index, OpDescPtr &cast_op, int32_t &fusion_op_count);

  void GetOutDataPeerInControlAnchors(const size_t index,
                                      vector<vector<InControlAnchorPtr>> &out_data_peer_in_control_anchors);

  void GetInControlPeerOutControlAnchors(const size_t index,
                                         vector<vector<OutControlAnchorPtr>> &in_control_peer_out_control_anchors);

  void GetOutControlPeerAnchors(const size_t index,
                                vector<vector<InControlAnchorPtr>> &out_control_peer_in_control_anchors,
                                vector<vector<InDataAnchorPtr>> &out_control_peer_in_data_anchors);

  graphStatus TransOpFuse(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph);

  bool OpAccuracyAbilityCheck(const OpDescPtr &op_desc);

  graphStatus GetSubGraphsBetweenNormalNode(
      const OutDataAnchorPtr &out_anchor, vector<vector<std::pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr>>> &sub_graphs_out,
      vector<std::pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr>> &nodes_list);

  graphStatus GetSubGraphNodesInfo();

  void GetControlAnchors();

  graphStatus InsertNewTransOp(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const OpDescPtr &cast_op,
                               const OpDescPtr &format_transfer_op, const int index, const bool insert_cast_first);

  void EraseInvalidAnchorsPair();

  graphStatus RelinkNodesWhenDescNotChanged(const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &begin_anchors_pair,
                                            const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &end_anchors_pair,
                                            const int index);

  OpDescPtr GetFormatTransferOp(const GeTensorDesc &out_desc, const GeTensorDesc &in_desc);

  OpDescPtr GetCastOp(const GeTensorDesc &out_desc, const GeTensorDesc &in_desc);

  graphStatus TransOpFuseHandle(const ge::ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const int index);

  graphStatus AddTransNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const OpDescPtr &transop, NodePtr &trans_node);

  bool DescEqualCheck(ConstGeTensorDescPtr &desc_src, ConstGeTensorDescPtr &desc_dst) const;

  bool ShapeEqualCheck(const GeShape &src, const GeShape &dst) const;

  bool InsertCastFirstCheck(const GeTensorDesc &out_desc, const GeTensorDesc &in_desc) const;

  graphStatus RelinkControlEdge(const int index, const OutDataAnchorPtr &out_anchor,
                                const vector<NodePtr> &new_trans_nodes);

  graphStatus GetTransNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const OpDescPtr &cast_op, const OpDescPtr &format_transfer_op,
                           const bool insert_cast_first, std::vector<NodePtr> &new_trans_nodes);

  void UpdateOutputName(const OutDataAnchorPtr &out_anchor, const InDataAnchorPtr &old_peer_in_anchor,
                        const NodePtr &in_owner_node);
  void UpdateInputName(const OutDataAnchorPtr &old_peer_out_anchor, const InDataAnchorPtr &in_anchor,
                       const NodePtr &out_owner_node);

  graphStatus RelinkControlEdgesWhenDescNotChanged(const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &begin_anchors_pair,
                                                   const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &end_anchors_pair,
                                                   const int index);

  graphStatus RelinkSubGraphControlEdges(const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &begin_anchors_pair,
                                         const pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr> &end_anchors_pair,
                                         const int index);
  /// judge whether an operator is a transform op or not
  /// @param node
  /// @return True or False
  static bool IsTransOp(const NodePtr &node);

  static bool FusionFormatSupport(Format format);

  vector<vector<pair<OutDataAnchorPtr, InDataAnchorPtr>>> sub_graph_anchors_;
  vector<vector<NodePtr>> sub_graph_nodes_;
  vector<int> transop_num_count_;
  vector<bool> sub_graph_has_reshape_node_;
  vector<vector<OutControlAnchorPtr>> in_control_peer_out_control_anchors_;
  vector<vector<InControlAnchorPtr>> out_control_peer_in_control_anchors_;
  vector<vector<InDataAnchorPtr>> out_control_peer_in_data_anchors_;
  vector<vector<InControlAnchorPtr>> out_data_peer_in_control_anchors_;
  vector<bool> sub_graph_has_control_edge_;
  vector<bool> sub_graph_has_out_data_peer_in_control_edge_;
}  // namespace ge