@@ -57,6 +57,16 @@ In MindSpore Lite, a model file is an `.ms` file converted using the model conve
A model is created based on memory data using the static `Import` method of the Model class. The `Model` instance returned by the function is a pointer, which is created by using `new`. If the pointer is not required, you need to release it by using `delete`.
/// \brief Static method to create a Model pointer.
/// \param[in] model_buf Define the buffer read from a model file.
/// \param[in] size Define bytes number of model buffer.
When MindSpore Lite is used for inference, sessions are the main entrance of inference. You can compile and execute graphs through sessions.
@@ -67,14 +77,66 @@ Contexts save some basic configuration parameters required by sessions to guide
MindSpore Lite supports heterogeneous inference. The preferred backend for inference is specified by `device_ctx_` in `Context` and is CPU by default. During graph compilation, operator selection and scheduling are performed based on the preferred backend.
/// \brief DeviceType defined for holding user's preferred backend.
DT_CPU,/**< CPU device type */
DT_GPU,/**< GPU device type */
DT_NPU/**< NPU device type, not supported yet */
/// \brief DeviceContext defined for holding DeviceType.
DeviceTypetype;/**< device type */
MindSpore Lite has a built-in thread pool shared by processes. During inference, `thread_num_` is used to specify the maximum number of threads in the thread pool. The default maximum number is 2. It is recommended that the maximum number be no more than 4. Otherwise, the performance may be affected.
intthread_num_=2;/**< thread number config for thread pool */
MindSpore Lite supports dynamic memory allocation and release. If `allocator` is not specified, a default `allocator` is generated during inference. You can also use the `Context` method to allow multiple `Context` to share the memory allocator.
If users create the `Context` by using `new`, it should be released by using `delete` once it's not required. Usually the `Context` is released after finishing the session creation.
/// \brief Allocator defined a memory pool for malloc memory and free memory dynamically.
/// \note List public class and interface for reference.
/// \brief Context defined for holding environment variables during runtime.
/// \brief Constructor of MindSpore Lite Context using input value for parameters.
/// \param[in] thread_num Define the work thread number during the runtime.
/// \param[in] allocator Define the allocator for malloc.
/// \param[in] device_ctx Define device information during the runtime.
Use the `Context` created in the previous step to call the static `CreateSession` method of LiteSession to create `LiteSession`. The `LiteSession` instance returned by the function is a pointer, which is created by using `new`. If the pointer is not required, you need to release it by using `delete`.
/// \brief Static method to create a LiteSession pointer.
/// \param[in] context Define the context of session to be created.
/// \return Pointer of MindSpore Lite LiteSession.
The following sample code demonstrates how to create a `Context` and how to allow two `LiteSession` to share a memory pool.
@@ -117,6 +179,20 @@ if (session == nullptr) {
When using MindSpore Lite for inference, after the session creation and graph compilation have been completed, if you need to resize the input shape, you can reset the shape of the input tensor, and then call the session's Resize() interface.
/// \brief Get input MindSpore Lite MSTensors of model.
/// \return The vector of MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
The following code demonstrates how to resize the input of MindSpore Lite:
@@ -134,6 +210,17 @@ session->Resize(inputs);
Before graph execution, call the `CompileGraph` API of the `LiteSession` to compile graphs and further parse the Model instance loaded from the file, mainly for subgraph split and operator selection and scheduling. This process takes a long time. Therefore, it is recommended that `LiteSession` achieve multiple executions with one creation and one compilation.
/// \brief Compile MindSpore Lite model.
/// \note CompileGraph should be called before RunGraph.
/// \param[in] model Define the model to be compiled.
/// \return STATUS as an error code of compiling graph, STATUS is defined in errorcode.h.
### Example
The following code demonstrates how to compile graph of MindSpore Lite:
@@ -160,12 +247,43 @@ Before graph execution, you need to copy the input data to model input tensors.
MindSpore Lite provides the following methods to obtain model input tensors.
1. Use the `GetInputsByName` method to obtain vectors of the model input tensors that are connected to the model input node based on the node name.
/// \brief Get input MindSpore Lite MSTensors of model by node name.
/// \param[in] node_name Define node name.
/// \return The vector of MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
After model input tensors are obtained, you need to enter data into the tensors. Use the `Size` method of `MSTensor` to obtain the size of the data to be entered into tensors, use the `data_type` method to obtain the data type of tensors, and use the `MutableData` method of `MSTensor` to obtain the writable pointer.
/// \brief Get byte size of data in MSTensor.
/// \return Byte size of data in MSTensor.
/// \brief Get the pointer of data in MSTensor.
/// \note The data pointer can be used to both write and read data in MSTensor.
/// \return The pointer points to data in MSTensor.
### Example
The following sample code shows how to obtain the entire graph input `MSTensor` from `LiteSession` and enter the model input data to `MSTensor`.
@@ -205,10 +323,29 @@ Note:
After a MindSpore Lite session performs graph compilation, you can use `RunGraph` of `LiteSession` for model inference.
/// \brief Run session with callback.
/// \param[in] before Define a call_back_function to be called before running each node.
/// \param[in] after Define a call_back_function to be called after running each node.
/// \note RunGraph should be called after CompileGraph.
/// \return STATUS as an error code of running graph, STATUS is defined in errorcode.h.
The built-in thread pool of MindSpore Lite supports core binding and unbinding. By calling the `BindThread` API, you can bind working threads in the thread pool to specified CPU cores for performance analysis. The core binding operation is related to the context specified when `LiteSession` is created. The core binding operation sets the affinity between a thread and CPU based on the core binding policy in the context.
/// \brief Attempt to bind or unbind threads in the thread pool to or from the specified cpu core.
/// \param[in] if_bind Define whether to bind or unbind threads.
Note that core binding is an affinity operation, which is affected by system scheduling. Therefore, successful binding to the specified CPU core cannot be ensured. After executing the code of core binding, you need to perform the unbinding operation. The following is an example:
@@ -235,6 +372,17 @@ MindSpore Lite can transfer two `KernelCallBack` function pointers to call back
- Input and output tensors before inference of the current node
- Input and output tensors after inference of the current node
/// \brief CallBackParam defines input arguments for callback function.
std::stringname_callback_param;/**< node name argument */
std::stringtype_callback_param;/**< node type argument */
/// \brief KernelCallBack defines the function pointer for callback.
The following sample code demonstrates how to use `LiteSession` to compile a graph, defines two callback functions as the before-callback pointer and after-callback pointer, transfers them to the `RunGraph` API for callback inference, and demonstrates the scenario of multiple graph executions with one graph compilation.
@@ -301,13 +449,70 @@ delete (model);
After performing inference, MindSpore Lite can obtain the model inference result.
MindSpore Lite provides the following methods to obtain the model output `MSTensor`.
1. Use the `GetOutputsByName` method to obtain vectors of the model output `MSTensor` that is connected to the model output node based on the node name.
1. Use the `GetOutputsByNodeName` method to obtain vectors of the model output `MSTensor` that is connected to the model output node based on the node name.
/// \brief Get output MindSpore Lite MSTensors of model by node name.
/// \param[in] node_name Define node name.
/// \return The vector of MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
2. Use the `GetOutputMapByNode` method to directly obtain the mapping between the names of all model output nodes and the model output `MSTensor` connected to the nodes.
/// \brief Get output MindSpore Lite MSTensors of model mapped by node name.
/// \return The map of output node name and MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
After model output tensors are obtained, you need to enter data into the tensors. Use the `Size` method of `MSTensor` to obtain the size of the data to be entered into tensors, use the `data_type` method to obtain the data type of `MSTensor`, and use the `MutableData` method of `MSTensor` to obtain the writable pointer.
/// \brief Get byte size of data in MSTensor.
/// \return Byte size of data in MSTensor.
/// \brief Get data type of the MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
/// \note TypeId is defined in mindspore/mindspore/core/ir/dtype/type_id.h. Only number types in TypeId enum are
/// suitable for MSTensor.
/// \return MindSpore Lite TypeId of the MindSpore Lite MSTensor.
/// \brief Get the pointer of data in MSTensor.
/// \note The data pointer can be used to both write and read data in MSTensor.
/// \return The pointer points to data in MSTensor.
### Example
The following sample code shows how to obtain the output `MSTensor` from `LiteSession` using the `GetOutputMapByNode` method and print the first ten data or all data records of each output `MSTensor`.