Users can view hardware resources such as Ascend AI processor, CPU, memory, etc., so as to allocate appropriate resources for training.
Just [Start MindInsight](, and click "Hardware Resources" in the navigation bar to view it.
## Ascend AI Processor Board
The Ascend AI processor board is used to view the current information of each NPU chip.

Figure 1: Hardware resources Ascend AI processor board
Figure 1 is a table, each row shows the information of each NPU chip at a certain time. The metrics in each column are as follows:
-**Name**: The name of the chip.
-**ID**: The chip ID, from `0` to `7`.
-**Available**: Whether the chip is available.
-**Health**: The chip health status.
-**IP Address**: The chip IP address.
-**HBM-Usage(MB)**: The chip used HBM memory.
-**Power(W)**: The chip power.
-**Temp(°C)**: The chip temperature.
> The result of whether the chip is available is for reference only.
## CPU Board
The CPU board is used to view the current system CPU total and the information of each core.

Figure 2: Hardware resources CPU board
The two-dimensional table in Figure 2 shows the percentage of CPU utilization for each core; the following two rows show the detailed metrics of *CPU-total* and *CPU-selected*.
-**user**: Time spent by normal processes executing in user mode.
-**system**: Time spent by processes executing in kernel mode
-**idle**: Time spent doing nothing.
-**nice**: Time spent by niced (prioritized) processes executing in user mode.
-**iowait**: Time spent waiting for I/O to complete.
-**irq**: Time spent for servicing hardware interrupts.
-**softirq**: Time spent for servicing software interrupts.
-**steal**: Time spent by other operating systems running in a virtualized environment.
-**guest**: Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel.
-**guest_nice**: Time spent running a niced guest.
-**interrupt**: Time spent for servicing hardware interrupts.
-**dpc**: Time spent servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs).
> The CPU metrics displayed by different systems may be different.
## Memory Board
The memory board is used to view the current system memory information.

Figure 3: Hardware resources memory board
Figure 3 shows a pie chart showing used memory and available memory. Other memory types are classified into *others*.