提交 59dfd2f3 编写于 作者: Z zhenghuanhuan

security meeting 2020-07-03 for discussing the July iteration features.

上级 34808b28
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# Meeting notes
* [Thursday June 04, 2020](./meetings/001-20200604.md)
* [Friday July 03, 2020](./meetings/002-20200703.md)
# Friday July 3, 2020 at 10:30am GMT+8
## Agenda
- support `adaptive norm clip` policy in differential privacy training process
- support exponential decline policy in differential privacy mechanisms
- support zCDP monitor mode
- research: adversarial sample generation methods and defense methods of object detection model
## Conference links
- https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/537501909?pwd=SWpyTE14QWxwNE9nam5vaSsrQUxxZz09
- Conference ID:537 501 909
- Password:7777777
- Please install Zoom before the meeting.
## Attendees
* Wang Ze (Huawei)
* Lv Zhangcheng (Huawei)
* Liu Liu (Huawei)
* Liu Zhidan (Huawei)
* Yang Yuan (Huawei)
* Zheng Huanhuan (Huawei)
* Jin Xiulang (Huawei)
* Li Peng (Huawei)
* Li Yanjun (Huawei), etc
## Notes
* Participants: Wang Ze, Liu Liu, Liu Zhidan, Yang Yuan, Zheng Huanhuan, Jin Xiulang, Li Peng, Li Yanjun, etc.
* The meeting video can be found:
*Post link after meeting*.
## Action items
* None.
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