提交 5978e39f 编写于 作者: L lz

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| title | authors | owning-sig | participating-sigs | status | creation-date | reviewers | approvers | stage | milestone | | title | authors | owning-sig | participating-sigs | status | creation-date | reviewers | approvers | stage | milestone |
| ------- | -------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------- | --------- | --------- | ----- | ------------- | | ------- | -------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------- | --------- | --------- | ----- | ------------- |
| MEP-MS-Lite | @zhengli  @zhiqiangzhai @chaijun | ms-lite | | provisional | 2020-08-18 | | TBD | beta | beta : "v0.7" | | MEP-mslite | @zhengli  @zhiqiangzhai @chaijun | mslite | | provisional | 2020-08-18 | | TBD | beta | beta : "v0.7" |
# MEP-MS-LITE: MindSpore Lite # MEP-MS-LITE: MindSpore Lite
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