# MindSpore Data Special Interest Group (SIG)This is the working repo for the Data special interest group (SIG). This repo contains all the artifacts, materials, meeting notes and proposals regarding **dataset - data processing** and **mindrecord - data format** in MindSpore. Feedbacks and contributions are welcome.1.**Data Processing**: You can understand it as a Dataset, which is mainly responsible for reading the user's data into a Dataset, then performing related data enhancement operations (such as: resize, onehot, rotate, shuffle, batch ...), and finally provide the Dataset to the training process.2.**Data Format**: It can conveniently normalize the user's training data to a unified format (MindRecord). The specific operation steps are as follows: The user can easily convert the training data into MindRecrod data by defining the training data schema and calling the Python API interface. The format is then read into a Dataset through MindDataset and provided to the training process.# SIG Leads* Liu Cunwei (Huawei)# Logistics* SIG leads will drive the meeting.