未验证 提交 b6effd73 编写于 作者: Y yihao.dai 提交者: GitHub

Disable deny writing when the growing segment size exceeds the watermark (#26163)

Signed-off-by: Nbigsheeper <yihao.dai@zilliz.com>
上级 54c0e640
......@@ -582,10 +582,11 @@ quotaAndLimits:
queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel: 0.85 # (0, 1], memoryLowWaterLevel in QueryNodes
queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel: 0.95 # (0, 1], memoryHighWaterLevel in QueryNodes
# 1. No action will be taken if the ratio of growing segments size is less than the low water level.
# 2. The DML rate will be reduced if the ratio of growing segments size is greater than the low water level and less than the high water level.
# 3. All DML requests will be rejected if the ratio of growing segments size is greater than the high water level.
# No action will be taken if the growing segments size is less than the low watermark.
# When the growing segments size exceeds the low watermark, the dml rate will be reduced,
# but the rate will not be lower than `minRateRatio * dmlRate`.
enabled: false
minRateRatio: 0.5
lowWaterLevel: 0.2
highWaterLevel: 0.4
......@@ -658,24 +658,19 @@ func (q *QuotaCenter) getGrowingSegmentsSizeFactor() map[int64]float64 {
if cur <= low {
if cur >= high {
log.RatedWarn(10, "QuotaCenter: QueryNode growing segments size to high water level",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.QueryNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Int64s("collections", metric.Effect.CollectionIDs),
zap.Int64("segmentsSize", metric.GrowingSegmentsSize),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("highWaterLevel", high))
updateCollectionFactor(0, metric.Effect.CollectionIDs)
factor := (high - cur) / (high - low)
if factor < Params.QuotaConfig.GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio.GetAsFloat() {
factor = Params.QuotaConfig.GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio.GetAsFloat()
updateCollectionFactor(factor, metric.Effect.CollectionIDs)
log.RatedWarn(10, "QuotaCenter: QueryNode growing segments size to low water level, limit writing rate",
log.RatedWarn(10, "QuotaCenter: QueryNode growing segments size exceeds watermark, limit writing rate",
zap.String("Node", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", typeutil.QueryNodeRole, nodeID)),
zap.Int64s("collections", metric.Effect.CollectionIDs),
zap.Int64("segmentsSize", metric.GrowingSegmentsSize),
zap.Uint64("TotalMem", metric.Hms.Memory),
zap.Float64("lowWaterLevel", low))
zap.Float64("highWatermark", high),
zap.Float64("lowWatermark", low),
zap.Float64("factor", factor))
return collectionFactor
......@@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ func TestQuotaCenter(t *testing.T) {
meta := mockrootcoord.NewIMetaTable(t)
meta.EXPECT().GetCollectionByID(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, merr.ErrCollectionNotFound).Maybe()
quotaCenter := NewQuotaCenter(pcm, qc, &dataCoordMockForQuota{}, core.tsoAllocator, meta)
defaultRatio := Params.QuotaConfig.GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio.GetAsFloat()
tests := []struct {
low float64
high float64
......@@ -449,15 +450,15 @@ func TestQuotaCenter(t *testing.T) {
{0.8, 0.9, 80, 100, 1},
{0.8, 0.9, 82, 100, 0.8},
{0.8, 0.9, 85, 100, 0.5},
{0.8, 0.9, 88, 100, 0.2},
{0.8, 0.9, 90, 100, 0},
{0.8, 0.9, 88, 100, defaultRatio},
{0.8, 0.9, 90, 100, defaultRatio},
{0.85, 0.95, 25, 100, 1},
{0.85, 0.95, 85, 100, 1},
{0.85, 0.95, 87, 100, 0.8},
{0.85, 0.95, 90, 100, 0.5},
{0.85, 0.95, 93, 100, 0.2},
{0.85, 0.95, 95, 100, 0},
{0.85, 0.95, 93, 100, defaultRatio},
{0.85, 0.95, 95, 100, defaultRatio},
quotaCenter.writableCollections = append(quotaCenter.writableCollections, 1, 2, 3)
......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ type quotaConfig struct {
QueryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
QueryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
GrowingSegmentsSizeProtectionEnabled ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
GrowingSegmentsSizeLowWaterLevel ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
GrowingSegmentsSizeHighWaterLevel ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
DiskProtectionEnabled ParamItem `refreshable:"true"`
......@@ -1014,13 +1015,29 @@ When memory usage < memoryLowWaterLevel, no action.`,
Key: "quotaAndLimits.limitWriting.growingSegmentsSizeProtection.enabled",
Version: "2.2.9",
DefaultValue: "false",
Doc: `1. No action will be taken if the ratio of growing segments size is less than the low water level.
2. The DML rate will be reduced if the ratio of growing segments size is greater than the low water level and less than the high water level.
3. All DML requests will be rejected if the ratio of growing segments size is greater than the high water level.`,
Doc: `No action will be taken if the growing segments size is less than the low watermark.
When the growing segments size exceeds the low watermark, the dml rate will be reduced,
but the rate will not be lower than minRateRatio * dmlRate.`,
Export: true,
defaultGrowingSegSizeMinRateRatio := "0.5"
p.GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio = ParamItem{
Key: "quotaAndLimits.limitWriting.growingSegmentsSizeProtection.minRateRatio",
Version: "2.3.0",
DefaultValue: defaultGrowingSegSizeMinRateRatio,
Formatter: func(v string) string {
level := getAsFloat(v)
if level <= 0 || level > 1 {
return defaultGrowingSegSizeMinRateRatio
return v
Export: true,
defaultGrowingSegSizeLowWaterLevel := "0.2"
p.GrowingSegmentsSizeLowWaterLevel = ParamItem{
Key: "quotaAndLimits.limitWriting.growingSegmentsSizeProtection.lowWaterLevel",
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ func TestQuotaParam(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, defaultLowWaterLevel, qc.QueryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel.GetAsFloat())
assert.Equal(t, defaultHighWaterLevel, qc.QueryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel.GetAsFloat())
assert.Equal(t, false, qc.GrowingSegmentsSizeProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool())
assert.Equal(t, 0.5, qc.GrowingSegmentsSizeMinRateRatio.GetAsFloat())
assert.Equal(t, 0.2, qc.GrowingSegmentsSizeLowWaterLevel.GetAsFloat())
assert.Equal(t, 0.4, qc.GrowingSegmentsSizeHighWaterLevel.GetAsFloat())
assert.Equal(t, true, qc.DiskProtectionEnabled.GetAsBool())
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