未验证 提交 6f85b49a 编写于 作者: X XuanYang-cn 提交者: GitHub

Add more compaction test cases (#15715)

Test merge compaction with 2 segments with the same PK and only 1
valid deletion.

This test can varify the compaction behavior of DataNode for the
dup PK in different segment cases.
Signed-off-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>
上级 c4bd9425
......@@ -640,6 +640,87 @@ func TestCompactorInterfaceMethods(t *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(4), updates.GetNumRows())
t.Run("Test typeII compact 2 segments with the same pk", func(t *testing.T) {
// Test merge compactions, two segments with the same pk, one deletion pk=1
// The merged segment 19530 should only contain 2 rows and both pk=2
// Both pk = 1 rows of the two segments are compacted.
var collID, partID, segID1, segID2 UniqueID = 1, 10, 200, 201
alloc := NewAllocatorFactory(1)
rc := &RootCoordFactory{}
dc := &DataCoordFactory{}
mockfm := &mockFlushManager{}
mockKv := memkv.NewMemoryKV()
mockbIO := &binlogIO{mockKv, alloc}
replica, err := newReplica(context.TODO(), rc, collID)
require.NoError(t, err)
replica.addFlushedSegmentWithPKs(segID1, collID, partID, "channelname", 2, []UniqueID{1})
replica.addFlushedSegmentWithPKs(segID2, collID, partID, "channelname", 2, []UniqueID{1})
require.True(t, replica.hasSegment(segID1, true))
require.True(t, replica.hasSegment(segID2, true))
meta := NewMetaFactory().GetCollectionMeta(collID, "test_compact_coll_name")
// the same pk for segmentI and segmentII
iData1 := genInsertDataWithPKs([2]int64{1, 2})
iData2 := genInsertDataWithPKs([2]int64{1, 2})
dData1 := &DeleteData{
Pks: []UniqueID{1},
Tss: []Timestamp{20000},
RowCount: 1,
// empty dData2
dData2 := &DeleteData{
Pks: []UniqueID{},
Tss: []Timestamp{},
RowCount: 0,
cpaths1, err := mockbIO.upload(context.TODO(), segID1, partID, []*InsertData{iData1}, dData1, meta)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 11, len(cpaths1.inPaths))
cpaths2, err := mockbIO.upload(context.TODO(), segID2, partID, []*InsertData{iData2}, dData2, meta)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 11, len(cpaths2.inPaths))
plan := &datapb.CompactionPlan{
PlanID: 20080,
SegmentBinlogs: []*datapb.CompactionSegmentBinlogs{
SegmentID: segID1,
FieldBinlogs: cpaths1.inPaths,
Field2StatslogPaths: cpaths1.statsPaths,
Deltalogs: cpaths1.deltaInfo,
SegmentID: segID2,
FieldBinlogs: cpaths2.inPaths,
Field2StatslogPaths: cpaths2.statsPaths,
Deltalogs: cpaths2.deltaInfo,
StartTime: 0,
TimeoutInSeconds: 1,
Type: datapb.CompactionType_MergeCompaction,
Timetravel: 40000,
Channel: "channelname",
alloc.random = false // generated ID = 19530
task := newCompactionTask(context.TODO(), mockbIO, mockbIO, replica, mockfm, alloc, dc, plan)
err = task.compact()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.False(t, replica.hasSegment(segID1, true))
assert.False(t, replica.hasSegment(segID2, true))
assert.True(t, replica.hasSegment(19530, true))
updates, err := replica.getSegmentStatisticsUpdates(19530)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), updates.GetNumRows())
type mockFlushManager struct {
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