未验证 提交 6804bda8 编写于 作者: C cai.zhang 提交者: GitHub

Support single quotes with string (#24386)

Signed-off-by: Ncai.zhang <cai.zhang@zilliz.com>
上级 2fdbe7f4
......@@ -84,14 +84,16 @@ FloatingConstant:
Identifier: Nondigit (Nondigit | Digit)* | '$meta';
StringLiteral: EncodingPrefix? '"' SCharSequence? '"';
StringLiteral: EncodingPrefix? ('"' DoubleSCharSequence? '"' | '\'' SingleSCharSequence? '\'');
JSONIdentifier: Identifier('[' (StringLiteral | DecimalConstant) ']')+;
fragment EncodingPrefix: 'u8' | 'u' | 'U' | 'L';
fragment SCharSequence: SChar+;
fragment DoubleSCharSequence: DoubleSChar+;
fragment SingleSCharSequence: SingleSChar+;
fragment SChar: ~["\\\r\n] | EscapeSequence | '\\\n' | '\\\r\n';
fragment DoubleSChar: ~["\\\r\n] | EscapeSequence | '\\\n' | '\\\r\n';
fragment SingleSChar: ~['\\\r\n] | EscapeSequence | '\\\n' | '\\\r\n';
fragment Nondigit: [a-zA-Z_];
fragment Digit: [0-9];
fragment BinaryConstant: '0' [bB] [0-1]+;
......@@ -125,9 +125,10 @@ func (v *ParserVisitor) VisitFloating(ctx *parser.FloatingContext) interface{} {
// VisitString translates expr to GenericValue.
func (v *ParserVisitor) VisitString(ctx *parser.StringContext) interface{} {
literal, err := strconv.Unquote(ctx.StringLiteral().GetText())
if err != nil {
return err
literal := ctx.StringLiteral().GetText()
if (strings.HasPrefix(literal, "\"") && strings.HasSuffix(literal, "\"")) ||
(strings.HasPrefix(literal, "'") && strings.HasSuffix(literal, "'")) {
literal = literal[1 : len(literal)-1]
return &ExprWithType{
dataType: schemapb.DataType_VarChar,
......@@ -418,9 +419,10 @@ func (v *ParserVisitor) VisitLike(ctx *parser.LikeContext) interface{} {
return fmt.Errorf("like operation on complicated expr is unsupported")
pattern, err := strconv.Unquote(ctx.StringLiteral().GetText())
if err != nil {
return err
pattern := ctx.StringLiteral().GetText()
if (strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "\"") && strings.HasSuffix(pattern, "\"")) ||
(strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "'") && strings.HasSuffix(pattern, "'")) {
pattern = pattern[1 : len(pattern)-1]
op, operand, err := translatePatternMatch(pattern)
......@@ -3,9 +3,12 @@ package planparserv2
import (
......@@ -32,6 +35,11 @@ func handleExpr(schema *typeutil.SchemaHelper, exprStr string) interface{} {
return errorListener.err
if parser.GetCurrentToken().GetTokenType() != antlr.TokenEOF {
log.Info("invalid expression", zap.String("expr", exprStr))
return fmt.Errorf("invalid expression: %s", exprStr)
// lexer & parser won't be used by this thread, can be put into pool.
......@@ -1148,3 +1148,62 @@ func Test_InvalidExprWithMultipleJSONField(t *testing.T) {
assert.Error(t, err)
func Test_exprWithSingleQuotes(t *testing.T) {
schema := newTestSchema()
expr := ""
var err error
expr = `'abc' < StringField < "def"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.NoError(t, err)
expr = `'ab"c' < StringField < "d'ef"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.NoError(t, err)
expr = `'ab\"c' < StringField < "d\'ef"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.NoError(t, err)
expr = `'ab\'c' < StringField < "d\"ef"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.NoError(t, err)
expr = `'abc'd' < StringField < "def"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.Error(t, err)
expr = `'abc' < StringField < "def"g"`
_, err = CreateSearchPlan(schema, expr, "FloatVectorField", &planpb.QueryInfo{
Topk: 0,
MetricType: "",
SearchParams: "",
RoundDecimal: 0,
assert.Error(t, err)
......@@ -615,6 +615,40 @@ func (s *JSONExprSuite) checkSearch(collectionName, fieldName string, dim int) {
s.doSearch(collectionName, []string{fieldName}, expr, dim, checkFunc)
log.Info("like expression run successfully")
expr = `str1 like 'abc\"def-%'`
checkFunc = func(result *milvuspb.SearchResults) {
s.Equal(1, len(result.Results.FieldsData))
s.Equal(fieldName, result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetFieldName())
s.Equal(schemapb.DataType_JSON, result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetType())
s.Equal(10, len(result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetScalars().GetJsonData().GetData()))
s.doSearch(collectionName, []string{fieldName}, expr, dim, checkFunc)
log.Info("like expression run successfully")
expr = `str1 like 'abc"def-%'`
checkFunc = func(result *milvuspb.SearchResults) {
s.Equal(0, len(result.Results.FieldsData))
s.doSearch(collectionName, []string{fieldName}, expr, dim, checkFunc)
log.Info("like expression run successfully")
expr = `str2 like 'abc\"def-%'`
checkFunc = func(result *milvuspb.SearchResults) {
s.Equal(0, len(result.Results.FieldsData))
s.doSearch(collectionName, []string{fieldName}, expr, dim, checkFunc)
log.Info("like expression run successfully")
expr = `str2 like 'abc"def-%'`
checkFunc = func(result *milvuspb.SearchResults) {
s.Equal(1, len(result.Results.FieldsData))
s.Equal(fieldName, result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetFieldName())
s.Equal(schemapb.DataType_JSON, result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetType())
s.Equal(10, len(result.Results.FieldsData[0].GetScalars().GetJsonData().GetData()))
s.doSearch(collectionName, []string{fieldName}, expr, dim, checkFunc)
log.Info("like expression run successfully")
expr = `A in []`
checkFunc = func(result *milvuspb.SearchResults) {
s.Equal(0, len(result.Results.FieldsData))
......@@ -810,6 +844,8 @@ func newJSONData(fieldName string, rowNum int) *schemapb.FieldData {
"F": i,
"G": i + 10,
"str1": `abc\"def-` + string(rune(i)),
"str2": fmt.Sprintf("abc\"def-%d", i),
if i%2 == 0 {
data = map[string]interface{}{
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