未验证 提交 51404abe 编写于 作者: G Gao 提交者: GitHub

Add missing indexInfo in watchDmChannelsRequest (#24696)

Signed-off-by: Nchasingegg <chao.gao@zilliz.com>
上级 f60b8391
......@@ -396,7 +396,12 @@ func (ex *Executor) subDmChannel(task *ChannelTask, step int) error {
log.Warn("failed to get partitions of collection")
return err
metricType, err := getMetricType(ctx, task.CollectionID(), schema, ex.broker)
indexInfo, err := ex.broker.DescribeIndex(ctx, task.CollectionID())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to get index meta of collection")
return err
metricType, err := getMetricType(indexInfo, schema)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to get metric type", zap.Error(err))
return err
......@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ func (ex *Executor) subDmChannel(task *ChannelTask, step int) error {
log.Warn(msg, zap.String("channelName", action.ChannelName()))
return merr.WrapErrChannelReduplicate(action.ChannelName())
req := packSubChannelRequest(task, action, schema, loadMeta, dmChannel)
req := packSubChannelRequest(task, action, schema, loadMeta, dmChannel, indexInfo)
err = fillSubChannelRequest(ctx, req, ex.broker)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("failed to subscribe channel, failed to fill the request with segments",
......@@ -138,19 +138,21 @@ func packSubChannelRequest(
schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema,
loadMeta *querypb.LoadMetaInfo,
channel *meta.DmChannel,
indexInfo []*indexpb.IndexInfo,
) *querypb.WatchDmChannelsRequest {
return &querypb.WatchDmChannelsRequest{
Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(
NodeID: action.Node(),
CollectionID: task.CollectionID(),
Infos: []*datapb.VchannelInfo{channel.VchannelInfo},
Schema: schema, // assign it for compatibility of rolling upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.3
LoadMeta: loadMeta, // assign it for compatibility of rolling upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.3
ReplicaID: task.ReplicaID(),
Version: time.Now().UnixNano(),
NodeID: action.Node(),
CollectionID: task.CollectionID(),
Infos: []*datapb.VchannelInfo{channel.VchannelInfo},
Schema: schema, // assign it for compatibility of rolling upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.3
LoadMeta: loadMeta, // assign it for compatibility of rolling upgrade from 2.2.x to 2.3
ReplicaID: task.ReplicaID(),
Version: time.Now().UnixNano(),
IndexInfoList: indexInfo,
......@@ -201,11 +203,7 @@ func getShardLeader(replicaMgr *meta.ReplicaManager, distMgr *meta.DistributionM
return distMgr.GetShardLeader(replica, channel)
func getMetricType(ctx context.Context, collection int64, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, broker meta.Broker) (string, error) {
indexInfos, err := broker.DescribeIndex(ctx, collection)
if err != nil {
return "", err
func getMetricType(indexInfos []*indexpb.IndexInfo, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) (string, error) {
vecField, err := typeutil.GetVectorFieldSchema(schema)
if err != nil {
return "", err
......@@ -17,22 +17,17 @@
package task
import (
func Test_getMetricType(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
collection := int64(1)
schema := &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: "TestGetMetricType",
......@@ -50,50 +45,35 @@ func Test_getMetricType(t *testing.T) {
indexInfo2 := &indexpb.IndexInfo{
CollectionID: collection,
FieldID: 100,
t.Run("test normal", func(t *testing.T) {
broker := meta.NewMockBroker(t)
broker.EXPECT().DescribeIndex(mock.Anything, collection).
Return([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, nil)
metricType, err := getMetricType(ctx, collection, schema, broker)
metricType, err := getMetricType([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, schema)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "L2", metricType)
t.Run("test describe index failed", func(t *testing.T) {
broker := meta.NewMockBroker(t)
broker.EXPECT().DescribeIndex(mock.Anything, collection).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("mock err"))
_, err := getMetricType(ctx, collection, schema, broker)
assert.Error(t, err)
t.Run("test get vec field failed", func(t *testing.T) {
broker := meta.NewMockBroker(t)
broker.EXPECT().DescribeIndex(mock.Anything, collection).
Return([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, nil)
_, err := getMetricType(ctx, collection, &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
_, err := getMetricType([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: "TestGetMetricType",
}, broker)
assert.Error(t, err)
t.Run("test field id mismatch", func(t *testing.T) {
broker := meta.NewMockBroker(t)
broker.EXPECT().DescribeIndex(mock.Anything, collection).
Return([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, nil)
_, err := getMetricType(ctx, collection, &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
_, err := getMetricType([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo}, &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: "TestGetMetricType",
Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
{FieldID: -1, Name: "vec", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector},
}, broker)
assert.Error(t, err)
t.Run("test no metric type", func(t *testing.T) {
broker := meta.NewMockBroker(t)
broker.EXPECT().DescribeIndex(mock.Anything, collection).
CollectionID: collection,
FieldID: 100,
}}, nil)
_, err := getMetricType(ctx, collection, schema, broker)
_, err := getMetricType([]*indexpb.IndexInfo{indexInfo2}, schema)
assert.Error(t, err)
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