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package querycoord

import (
20 21


29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
func getCompareMapFromSlice(sliceData []int64) map[int64]struct{} {
	compareMap := make(map[int64]struct{})
	for _, data := range sliceData {
		compareMap[data] = struct{}{}

	return compareMap

38 39 40
func estimateSegmentSize(segmentLoadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) int64 {
	segmentSize := int64(0)

	vecFieldID2IndexInfo := make(map[int64]*querypb.FieldIndexInfo)
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
	for _, fieldIndexInfo := range segmentLoadInfo.IndexInfos {
		if fieldIndexInfo.EnableIndex {
			fieldID := fieldIndexInfo.FieldID
			vecFieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID] = fieldIndexInfo

	for _, fieldBinlog := range segmentLoadInfo.BinlogPaths {
		fieldID := fieldBinlog.FieldID
		if FieldIndexInfo, ok := vecFieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID]; ok {
			segmentSize += FieldIndexInfo.IndexSize
		} else {
			segmentSize += getFieldSizeFromFieldBinlog(fieldBinlog)
55 56 57

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
	// get size of state data
	for _, fieldBinlog := range segmentLoadInfo.Statslogs {
		segmentSize += getFieldSizeFromFieldBinlog(fieldBinlog)

	// get size of delete data
	for _, fieldBinlog := range segmentLoadInfo.Deltalogs {
		segmentSize += getFieldSizeFromFieldBinlog(fieldBinlog)

	return segmentSize

func getFieldSizeFromFieldBinlog(fieldBinlog *datapb.FieldBinlog) int64 {
	fieldSize := int64(0)
	for _, binlog := range fieldBinlog.Binlogs {
		fieldSize += binlog.LogSize

	return fieldSize

80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

func getDstNodeIDByTask(t task) int64 {
	var nodeID int64
	switch t.msgType() {
	case commonpb.MsgType_LoadSegments:
		loadSegment := t.(*loadSegmentTask)
		nodeID = loadSegment.DstNodeID
	case commonpb.MsgType_WatchDmChannels:
		watchDmChannel := t.(*watchDmChannelTask)
		nodeID = watchDmChannel.NodeID
	case commonpb.MsgType_WatchDeltaChannels:
		watchDeltaChannel := t.(*watchDeltaChannelTask)
		nodeID = watchDeltaChannel.NodeID
	case commonpb.MsgType_ReleaseCollection:
		releaseCollection := t.(*releaseCollectionTask)
		nodeID = releaseCollection.NodeID
	case commonpb.MsgType_ReleasePartitions:
		releasePartition := t.(*releasePartitionTask)
		nodeID = releasePartition.NodeID
	case commonpb.MsgType_ReleaseSegments:
		releaseSegment := t.(*releaseSegmentTask)
		nodeID = releaseSegment.NodeID

	return nodeID
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func syncReplicaSegments(ctx context.Context, cluster Cluster, childTasks []task) error {
	type SegmentIndex struct {
		NodeID      UniqueID
		PartitionID UniqueID
		ReplicaID   UniqueID

	type ShardLeader struct {
		ReplicaID UniqueID
		LeaderID  UniqueID

	shardSegments := make(map[string]map[SegmentIndex]typeutil.UniqueSet) // DMC -> set[Segment]
	shardLeaders := make(map[string][]*ShardLeader)                       // DMC -> leader
	for _, childTask := range childTasks {
		switch task := childTask.(type) {
		case *loadSegmentTask:
			nodeID := getDstNodeIDByTask(task)
			for _, segment := range task.Infos {
				segments, ok := shardSegments[segment.InsertChannel]
				if !ok {
					segments = make(map[SegmentIndex]typeutil.UniqueSet)

				index := SegmentIndex{
					NodeID:      nodeID,
					PartitionID: segment.PartitionID,
					ReplicaID:   task.ReplicaID,

				_, ok = segments[index]
				if !ok {
					segments[index] = make(typeutil.UniqueSet)

				shardSegments[segment.InsertChannel] = segments

		case *watchDmChannelTask:
			leaderID := getDstNodeIDByTask(task)
			leader := &ShardLeader{
				ReplicaID: task.ReplicaID,
				LeaderID:  leaderID,

			for _, dmc := range task.Infos {
				leaders, ok := shardLeaders[dmc.ChannelName]
				if !ok {
					leaders = make([]*ShardLeader, 0)

				leaders = append(leaders, leader)

				shardLeaders[dmc.ChannelName] = leaders

	for dmc, leaders := range shardLeaders {
169 170
		// invoke sync segments even no segment
		segments := shardSegments[dmc]

		for _, leader := range leaders {
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
			req := querypb.SyncReplicaSegmentsRequest{
				VchannelName:    dmc,
				ReplicaSegments: make([]*querypb.ReplicaSegmentsInfo, 0, len(segments)),

			for index, segmentSet := range segments {
				if index.ReplicaID == leader.ReplicaID {
					req.ReplicaSegments = append(req.ReplicaSegments,
							NodeId:      index.NodeID,
							PartitionId: index.PartitionID,
							SegmentIds:  segmentSet.Collect(),
			err := cluster.SyncReplicaSegments(ctx, leader.LeaderID, &req)
189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
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func removeFromSlice(origin []UniqueID, del ...UniqueID) []UniqueID {
	set := make(typeutil.UniqueSet, len(origin))

	return set.Collect()
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func getReplicaAvailableMemory(cluster Cluster, replica *milvuspb.ReplicaInfo) uint64 {
	availableMemory := uint64(0)
	nodes := getNodeInfos(cluster, replica.NodeIds)
	for _, node := range nodes {
		availableMemory += node.totalMem - node.memUsage

	return availableMemory
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229

// func getShardLeaderByNodeID(meta Meta, replicaID UniqueID, dmChannel string) (UniqueID, error) {
// 	replica, err := meta.getReplicaByID(replicaID)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		return 0, err
// 	}

// 	for _, shard := range replica.ShardReplicas {
// 		if shard.DmChannelName == dmChannel {
// 			return shard.LeaderID, nil
// 		}
// 	}

// 	return 0, fmt.Errorf("shard leader not found in replica %v and dm channel %s", replicaID, dmChannel)
// }